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Alright, I realized that while I have talked a bit about it on the discord, it's better to have it collected here too. I am now officially a full time writer, though I also have to preface that I am starting that with travels and vacation. This is the first summer we have felt comfortable traveling both due to economic, pandemic and health issues, and so we have had quite a filled schedule. Thanks to my severance pay from work, we can finally afford to visit family in the US, and catch up on things like belated 90th birthday for my partner's grandmother, and a wedding.

So, June was spent visiting parents (who live far away in sweden), having friends from the UK over and traveling with them (so fun and exhausting), and in a week or so we are leaving for the US for a month. Will be traveling there too. So, not much writing has been done, but lots of planning and taking of notes, which is the part you don't see but will hopefully help me later.

I will be back in Sweden towards the end of august, and thus you can assume that proper writing will start September 1st since I think jetlag will kick my ass. Not to mention the fact that I am on the autistic spectrum and an introvert, so all this interacting and hanging out with people is more work for me than work. Can't wait to be left alone with my writing.

When it comes to the first demo, I have settled for having a limited character creator and having each ending path have their own first chapter demo as I write them. That way you will be able to see what I am doing earlier than if I would wait until every first chapter was done. I have around 55 000 words written already on the first one (guilty ending, stuck at the rangers) but it needs to be filled out with choices and variables. I picked this one to start with because it's one of the more complicated ones, some of the rest nearly writes themselves and requires no code considerations. And you'll get some impostor information early ;)

Thank you so much for your patience, and I am so utterly grateful for your support. This is going to be a wild ride!


Salomé Kandráčová

Really happy to hear you and your partner can travel together after so long! You deserve it! Take your time and enjoy! 💖


Enjoy yourself and take any breaks needed!