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What would Nocture and Jake think if HG considers Sidestep as family and starts treating them as such?

It would depend a lot on the Sidestep. In general, Nocturne would be a lot more suspicious. She would focus on what Sidestep gets out of the deal, and while she wouldn't want to rain on HG's parade, she would keep her eyes open for any backstabbing. Jake would be more supportive, partly because he also misses his family a lot, and understands the urge to overlook a lot of things because of those ties.

What are the odds we'll get the option to flirt with more of our hero opponents while in the villain armor—whether out of actual interest or just to mess with them? :D Even if most of them wouldn't actually reciprocate, I'd love to see how they and their teammates would react to the flirting or to the media's take on it. (I feel like Steel in particular is *long* overdue to have his picture on the fridge.)

I mean writing villain flirting is fun, so I foresee more of it in the future. But, the different characters would respond a lot different to it. Argent and Ortega thiks it's fun and would play into it, but it would be a lot more confusing to Herald and especially Steel. I need to write them to figure out how things would go, but oh boy, it sure would be funny. Nobody goes out of their way to flirt with Marshal Steel...

Mortum speculates that the government considered restarting the LD Rangers team with all new members after Heartbreak, which got me wondering. In canon, the Rangers have come up with a grand total of two recruits in the eight years since Heartbreak, and they seem to still be struggling to find any more. Would it have been any more feasible to build a new team from scratch, or would they likely have had just as much trouble finding candidates?

I will be very quiet about this due to spoilers, but there are two things to consider: Were the standards raised after the HB incident and the rather blatant disaster? Is there some particular reason it might be useful to keep the LD Rangers on the verge of under strength?

On that note, do the Guardians require similarly strict background checks for members, or are they more flexible? Would the Guardians' founding members have been eligible to join the Rangers if they'd wanted to?

They are a LOT more flexible, in essence, as long as the Mayor can talk the LD council into putting their weight behind the candidate, anything goes. Blaze might have been Rangers material, Zephyr would have run too many red flags and would need someone really wanting them there. Locus would have been a candidate but would not have got the invitation, and Porphyry would not be a good fit with taking orders.

How does Vera actually feel about pigeons? Was she a fan of them before getting boosted? Did gaining pigeon powers make her like them more, or has it had the opposite effect? I guess what I'm saying is, would trying to bond over a shared love of pigeons be a good idea or a very bad one?

Vera's dad raised pigeons as a hobby, so she grew up around them and loved them. He raised both fancy pigeons and homing pigeons, and Vera had her own members of the flock that she took care of. She still love pigeons, and pigeon time is still the main hangout opportunity with her dad. So yes, a shard love of pigeons would be a good bonding opportunity.

Did Valentine's Day become kind of a… loaded holiday after the Heartbreak incident, for either Los Diablos in general or those personally affected? Would you advise that our MC's suitors save their romantic plans for another date?

Yeah. Valentine's Day is not a big thing in Los Diablos anymore. It was always a commercial holiday from the start, and being associated with a traumatizing terrorist attack is not good economics. So yeah, definitely pick another date.

Just how top secret are the details of Ortega's mods? Like, obviously they can't go around sharing the blueprints, but do doctors need a security clearance to see their x-rays or perform surgery on them? Can they go through airport security? Was it technically a security breach if, say, a tech-savvy Sidestep knew enough to jury-rig a fix when their mods malfunctioned?

Yes, the doctors are specialists and do need security clearances for anything but the smallest procedures. X.rays are classified, and if emergency medical procedures are needed elsewhere, it is dealt with after the fact by writing contracts and NDA's and driving home the consequences of revealing military secrets. Sidestep couldn't easily find info of Ortega's upgraded mods for that reason. Ortega just waves their Ranger clearance on airports. And yes, Sidestep was guilty of so many security breaches if they were tech savvy. Not that Ortega cared (or talked about it).

…On a related note, does FH's world have a history of government employees leaking classified mod specs to win gaming arguments? Or maybe arguments about hero power levels, if online gaming isn't a thing? (For context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Thunder#Classified_documents_leak)

Oh I read about that and chuckled. I would say things like that has happened, there might not be discords here, but there are forums. This is one of the reason the Free Western Territories is so distrusted in the east. Without the national emergency rules still in place over there, the west is considered far too lax with providing freedom to it's citizens.

I have a quick question about what the "trans" flag for nonbinary characters actually means. I initially assumed the "Do you consider yourself trans?" question was just asking if your character identified as trans, but that doesn't seem to be the case. As best I can tell from playing with it set, it seems like the flag measures whether your character transitioned with the goal of passing as a cis man/woman. Is that right, or am I misunderstanding? (To be clear, this isn't, like, a complaint about your not reading my mind or not accounting for every possible manifestation of trans identity! I'm just trying to figure out which option works best for my nb trans woman character who doesn't bother trying to pass, haha.)

The 'trans' flag is a classic example of what I call "function creep". Originally, this was a flag that only was about whether your character saw themself as trans (in the classic sense), just as you thought. However, during playtesting and editing, many of the scenes originally written just for "classical" trans characters were also applicable to characters identifying in the "trans nb" spectrum (where I also belong). So, it has now become more of an all-purpose flag used for many gender related scenes and talks. It does not correspond directly to any specific identity, and in retrospect perhaps I should have remained it something vaguer. However, it is important to remember that the code, and the terms I use there, are mainly for my own ease of coding, and thus they are named things that are easy for me to remember. The fact that people can code-dive and look at things is wonderful and I encourage it, but please remember that any names that are not seen in the stat screen are not meant to be seen/understood/reflect on the character/reader. Often old names linger because I didn't want to risk a change introducing errors, and it was already something I was used to writing. For example, the "villainy" stat is currently shown as "Ruthlessness/Empathy" in the game while it originally was Villainy/Empathy, but I didn't bother going back to change the stat.

I started out coding Rebirth with a very fundamental/basic view of what I could do with choicescript. Thus the "sexualexperience" variable, and the basic way I used trans/nb as well as the ace, aro and everything else. I thought I could only do one thing, but as I learned more about writing interactive fiction, and how to use the code, I started to dislike that approach as it put characters into very restrictive boxes. So, in Retribution I moved on to more adaptive tags, and less descriptive states of mind. Thus you have a "hrny" tag that can be switched on and off to cover if you want descriptions of your character feeling sexual desire at this point in the game, rather than having to put your character in an "Ace" or "Demi" box. The "genderquestion" and "trans" flags are equally vague, and used more for the code than putting a label on someone. 

Trying to code a more fluid character/relationship/identity feeling is complicated as hell, Retribution is not perfect, and I might rework some things again for Revelations as I learn and grow. Change is fun!

Was Sidestep always so insulting and aggressive to Ortega or is that new? Either way is Ortega at all bothered by it? 

1) The degree will vary depending on the Sidestep, but there was always a degree of abrasiveness/claws there. But, here is the thing, I think this was not really intended as very rude or aggressive, or taken as such by Ortega. I had to go back and think, and I now realize that how these interactions and dialogues are read depends a lot on where you come from. I am Swedish working class, the way Sidestep and Ortega talks and snipes is pretty much considered friendship-building and a sign of respect where I come from. That's how people talked at work (honestly, a lot worse), yes, even to the bosses (at least the ones that started out on the floor). I realize that if one comes from a more polite society/surroundings it might sound a lot more awful than the intent was. That being said, both Sidestep and Ortega came from circumstances were insults were part of daily life. Sidestep grew up watching handlers talk, and Ortega had a background in extreme sports. Both places where posturing and aggression was seen as a way to assert yourself, and where politeness might be seen as weakness. 

I think some Sidesteps might have mellowed, and some might have grown harsher to try to distance themselves. It depends a bit depending on what dialogue tree you walk down. But in either case, Ortega chooses to take harsh words as just words, which has very little to do with any real emotions behind them. Of course, this might also blind Ortega to the truth, that some Sidesteps truly are DONE with Ortega.

Did the Rangers know feral hobo Sidestep, or were they already tamed by the time they all met? 

I will leave that to headcanon, but I think Ortega at least had a taste of early Sidestep before they learned how to fit in a little bit more.

Did Void know their power could be used against them like that? Was Sidestep's control of Void's power unique?

Void had no idea, and if they had suspected, Sidestep would have had a bullet in the head at the first opportunity. But that's the problem with great power, you grow lazy. And I am not sure I would call it unique, but certainly uncommon enough. And, above all, control without being awed/enamored/subdued. And THAT was unique.

Do some cuckoos work deep in-cover for some of their missions? Do they have missions that last longer, even months? If so, does the farm only give these kind of mission for trusted re-genes or do they have some other way of making sure they won't betray the mission or try to escape? 

In general, deep in-cover missions are avoided. A day or two, yes, maybe a week, but no more. It is considered too dangerous, and they would risk losing the cuckoo. A longer mission would have to be of utmost importance to be approved, and surrounded with all possible safeguards.

Did HG siblings have stuff they liked to do together? 

Yeah, especially the older ones who were closer in age. I can imagine some sports, probably basketball because that can be done easily on city streets. Things like street racing, or maybe music. 

How often does HG have to re-thread someone who is difficult to keep hold of? And how often they would have to re-thread someone who is easier to keep hold of? 

For an easy one, where the thread is close to what the victim already feels/wants, and they are not prone to asking questions maybe once a year or two. For a hard one, where the thread goes against what they want, and their mind is hostile/strong, it might be once a week. 

Do re-genes have any kind of jokes? What kind? More in nihilistic side or do they vary?

Of course! A sense of humor is a very human thing, not that they show it to anybody else. I imagine they have much of the same jokes as normal people do, making fun of scientists/handlers, and the absurdity of their situation. Probably dark, slightly nihilistic, and very hidden in codes.

Do re-genes have some kind of rules among them, that if broken it might be viewed as betrayal? Like let's say, killing a fellow re-gene on purpose?

Yes, they have. Their lives are surrounded by rules, and one of the ways to take back power is to make their own. So yes, Re-Genes can become outcast among their own. Funny how they often don't last long in the field...

And how are newborn re-genes taken in by others? How do they learn their language? 

The same way humans do, by spending time with others once they are decanted. They are in a state of "heightened learning" at that time, as the brain is trying to process and integrate with the AI-chip memories. They learn fast, much like small children. It is in the Farm's interest to mix/integrate newly decanted Re-Genes with older ones, they have noticed that produces better/more stable stock, though they are not sure exactly why. Some theorize bioresonance between AI-chips, it's amazing what ideas people will subscribe to in order to avoid seeing their subjects as human as they are.

Where did Sidestep come up with "side of angels" sentence? Is it just Sidestep being poetic or do the villains just call heroes side that?

Though I do not deal much with religion in the books, it still exists. I can see that term used in the media, or a fancy title on a book about heroic sacrifice. Sidestep's magpie mind picked it up somewhere.

How is Nocturne's mother doing? Is she happy? Does she know Nocturne is in Los Diablos? 

She still lives in Chicago, and knows Nocturne has moved to Los Diablos, but they don't speak much. Nocturne pays for her stay in a home though, so there's that.

Is there a possibility of some Sidestep missing having other re-genes around them? 

Yeah, I can imagine that. Sidestep's feelings about other (non-SD Re-Genes) will be talked about at some point.

Does Regina's goals align with the farm's goals?

What kind of organization only has one goal? Let alone is in agreement on how to reach it? 

What is mob boss crew up to if Sidestep has different villain career? 

Think Pelayo and Ward might still run with the Wolf Pack. Nehal's a driver for some other criminal, and ZaZa's always got offers for his services.

What does Vera and Sky-Raider like to do in their free time? 

Still working on figuring out that.

What was the reason Ortega's and Special Directives past teamup?

Big threat. Probably stolen military equipment involved. Haven't decided the details yet.

How is Flipside doing? Are they still following what's going on in the superhero world?

Probably a little bit, but she's a bit busy with real life things at the moment.

Can Sidestep lose their villain base?

Let's put it this way: Some Sidesteps might have to downgrade to the tunnel base...

If Sidestep was rescued by one of the rangers is it still possible to break the ties with the Rangers/the rescuer?


In previous QnA you said HG would have found it impossible to ignore first time escpae Sidestep if they had seen their face. Would HG had actually done anything or just had someone to keep eye on them?

Oh HG would have done something. 100%.

Did HG take the boost drug at the same time as their older brother? What was their older brother's reason for taking the boost drug?

Yeah, they all took it together (not the baby sibling). And the reason was power and desperation. They were in a position where they either had to accept that they might have to flee and abandon everything they worked for, or take a risk and maybe get powers to fight back against a superior force. They (and some of their closest lieutenants) choose to do the latter. Enough of them survived that it worked. And yeah, that was an event that was quite unlikely (and probably one reason the youngest sibling was marked for pickup).

One of the things that I adore about your books, that really gripped me from the beginning is how clear it is that Sidestep is an unreliable narrator, especially when it comes to their perception of themself. And with various paths in book two doubling down on that (including the one where Mortum states it outright) I have to ask if this is a theme you enjoy exploring as much as I enjoy reading it? :D do you have any plans to make step confront their flawed perspective? beyond the plates currently in the air?

Oh I love an unreliable narrator, because so many people are that in real life as well. Not to mention the fact that it makes the reader feel clever and involved once they start noticing the different layers of the text. I have seen so many people have various "oh. wait. OH SHIT." moments when they finally realize that Sidestep is not to be trusted. I live for that. And it makes going back to reread everything so much more fun. Seriously, half the time I write for my own amusement when it comes to these things. And yes, there are plans for Sidestep to realize things, that's the best part.

We know that for a telepath most sidesteps seem weirdly oblivious to the astounding volume of people in their proximity with a crush on them. Are their any more hearts in their past they might have crushed under the bootheel of obviousness or self loathing? 

Oh yes. So many people confuse their own self-loathing with some sort of objective opinion that the world should share. Sidestep is one of them, with the added drawback of being able to truly push people away with mpre than words. It's sad, but understandable.

If they were not constantly emitting a 'dont look at me' aura would Ortega also know the frustration of swooning serving staff oogling their companion at every establishment they patronize? My Ace self revels in the soapy drama of it all. The farm sure does seem to make them pretty, or is the mysterious stranger shtick just really working overtime for them? 

What is pretty? What is charisma? What is attraction? This can vary for all the Sidesteps. Some really, truly do look good, with the scars only adding to the look. Some might be charismatic, in that I-don't-care way that truly confident people have. Some might go deep into that brooding loner n a corner that attracts so many people because it is so tempting to project yourself on a mystery. How much of this is created/built/innate in Sidestep will vary. Some might have been trained this way by the Farm, while others were taught to suppress personality and be blind and unnoticeable, and might take this path as revenge. 

I'll keep it short and simple. How have ya been doing, Malin? Hope the process has been smooth and fun!

Well, thank you! I am doing a lot better now. Finally have no day job to go to (though still paperwork to go through transitioning to self-employment I'll deal with this week). I am taking a week or so off from working now, in order to transition my brain into this new life. Or, well, I really do need that one week to fix up the garden and clean the house, because so much here has just been neglected due to work and I've got guests from abroad coming over in a few weeks. I'm trying to wean myself off too much online life, it is so easy to let the hours go while randomly browsing twitter or youtube. Sitting here answering questions is the first time I've booted up the computer in a while. Have done a lot of thinking, and really looking forward to be able to sit down and write and knowing there is nothing else I should be doing, and that I can continue the next day if I want to. Summer is all about transitioning into the writing life.

I have a very important question. Could the pain gate help with eating very spicy food?

Probably if you go up to the Carolina Reaper level, then it could do something.

What do Chen's protein shakes taste like? Vanilla chalk? Chocolate dirt? And has the other rangers ever drank it (ex. like on accident/a dare/hangover cure/no more food in the fridge)?

Oh don't get me started on protein shakes. Ugh. So. Ugh. I think Chen is partial to Chocolate dirt, it smells a lot better, and that does a lot. He has probably experimented with making his own too, at home. Whey protein is not that hard to get. But at work sometimes you just need something quick and safe. I think Ortega has probably stole one or two, and been blamed for the times when Argent just needed a quick boost. She would never admit to that. Daniel tried once and was like "why?". He would never touch it again.

Chen makes a shelf just for Sidestep in their fridge at the Ranger's HQ. How exactly did that work in terms of keeping the snacks in there? Especially for a Sidestep that hardly ever visits? Does Chen chuck out the expired food if Step never shows up lol? Do the other rangers ever take food from that shelf? (Betting Angie hehe)

You don't things that expire, but let's face it, Angie doesn't let things to go waste even if she never lets anybody know what she does wit it. She's clearing the fridge, don't question her methods.

What do the Rangers think of a step who suddenly starts buying and wearing expensive/high fashion clothes?

Ortega knows why (but is wrong). Chen will suspect crime, even if he doesn't suspect Sidestep is the villain. Argent legitimately doesn't give a damn. If pressed, she would say it is probably to annoy Ortega. Daniel is just happy that Sidestep is in a better position in life now than before.

What does Ortega think of a known telepath villain who names themselves heartbreak?

Depends on the suspicion label. In both cases, they suspect it is to mess with them personally.

There were a couple of really cool asks in the past couple of Q&As about villains painting their armor regene colours/reclaiming their regene identity, there's also likely going to a few intentional/unintentional villain identity reveals in book 3 as mentioned as well, so it got me wondering, Would there be villain regene reveals without necessarily revealing your identity? Similar to the auction scene with argent but more public?

That's a good idea, that might happen!

There's been some answers regarding argents technopath abilities, specifically in regards to be able to see sidesteps AI chip and the inner workings of the villain's armor. Could she still see the AI Chip through the armor? Or would it just blend in?

It would just blend in, and even if she focused and knew it was there, she would most likely think it was for amor interface purposes.

There's been a couple of couple of answers that have hinted at this possibility of this before as well as few scenes related to gates in retribution, but let's say, hypothetically sidestep has the possibility of becoming another heartbreak. Would that be more of a bad end, game over scenerio? Or something we'd have to live with the consequences of?

It could be both.

Only asking this because my steam randomly decided to update rebirth with a 900KB update and i couldn't find any posts about it, but will there be a patreon post once the new rebirth update is finished?

The Steam version of the game was lagging behind all the others in older updates, it sounds like CoG finally realized and fixed that! Nice! But I will of course make a patreon post about it!

As a recaptured escapee, was step used as an example to the other regenes about what happens if you try to escape/misbehave?

Oh yes, you bet that happened.

What would a stat of 100 in force of mind look like ability-wise?

The most powerful telepath alive, but it is all in how you use it.

Why does Owl like Argent?

Argent is a Carolina Reaper cupcake, how can she not like that?

What does Owl think of Herald and Steel?

Herald is a nice boy who will get himself killed. Steel is competent and knows what he's doing. She respects his sacrifices.

Do all the rangers have their own office?


If Sidestep had been successfully mindwiped by the core, would they have been used for active duty again?

Possibly, yes. Might still be considered too dangerous, though.

Will we be locked out of a romance with Daniel if we're revealed as the villain?

No, what would be the fun in that?

Why does Vera hate Herald? Is the feeling of being nemesises mutual between them?

It is not mutual, Herald has no idea. It is a combination of powers and what she would call his "holier than though" persona. 

What do Nocturne's instincts tell her about Argent/Steel/Herald?

Argent is dangerous but she's not sure how dangerous, and thus she is best avoided. Steel is a known player, the best Marshal in a while. Herald might be useful in the future, but right now best left alone.

Can you see there being an option for a voluntary re-gene reveal with all of the rangers at once?

Maybe. It doesn't feel in character now, but circumstances might change.

In the Void story you posted here, we saw what might be considered the 'AI-side' of Sidestep. Is this the case? And if it is, is it something we can catch glimpses of in the future books?

Exactly what was seen you have to decide for yourself. I won't say exactly what it was. 

More interactions with villain fans?

Is planned!

Could there have been Farm scientists who were fans of Sidestep? How might they feel when it's discovered that the vigilante is a run-away re-gene?

Oh that would have been a SCANDAL, and for some it probably threw their whole world view out of order. This should not be possible, but since it is... what does that say about what they are doing to Re-Genes?

In the case of trans Sidesteps, are any of the ROs curious about what it means to be a transgender re-gene? I can imagine Mortum being especially interested.

I don't think any of them have specifically connected that to being a re-gene, but I imagine that Mortum will be the one to ask about it. Doesn't have the same kind of decorum.

If Sidestep’s conscious is stuck in Ace’s body. With high individuality stat can Ace comeback? If so will Sidestep and Ace merge into one conscious with both memories? Sorta like metamorphosis like in Cyberpunk 2077. 

I don't know the reference, but you will have to wait and see! There will be many possible outcomes.

Hi! First off I'm incredibly appreciative of the ace/aro options, and doubly so of the secondary select of if "your character feels sexual attraction to people" for the demi option. Going through the Ortega romance apartment scene trying both the "demi/no sexual attraction to people" and "asexual" options I noticed there didn’t seem to be unique text when selecting your character to be ace that I came across.

The "sexualexperience" tag I talked about above is defunct these days. So no, it won't trigger anything, mainly because I have discovered that people mean a lot of different things with labels, and using the wrong one tends to take people out more than not mentioning it at all. So yeah, it's not used for anything thee days, it has been replaced by a number of new flags instead (the "hrny" is one of them).

What are the intended effects of the romance selects, and are there plans to incorporate them into the text more in future romance scenes? For example ace people who don't identify as demi may still have sex with their partners as a form of intimacy even if there's no sexual attraction, but it feels like the current ace route doesn't acknowledge that, or acknowledge your sexuality if you choose not to have sex.

I honestly have to see how things go as I write things. There are a lot of things you don't talk about your first night together, that might come up later in a relationship. I tried to make things feel as organic as I could in the moment, instead of trying to fit everything in. There is a longer talk about ace/aro and what that might mean about love and sex with various partners. I don't see that a something that can be handled in a simple tag or a line, it's worth a conversation. I am learning a lot about that side of the spectrum as I write, since I am not on it, but a lot of my playtesters are. It's complicated and multifaceted, and will not be forgotten. That I can promise.

For Sidesteps who got their legs broken, would getting their pain gate implant fixed be something to consider in the near future? they think about how it was 'taken away' in the hospital scene, and it seems practical to get it fixed given the business they're in.

That is an interesting thought. I think the issue here is that 1) this tech is very classified and not available to the public, 2) requires risky spinal surgery, and 3) the place it usually goes is badly damaged from the fall, it's not just an easy mod operation.

For more secretive Sidesteps, will there be opportunities for a strategic/insincere regene reveal to placate other characters that Sidestep knows are very suspicious of them being up to no good?

Sounds like a good plan.

Does Ortega actually care about fashion, like wears specific brands cause it's their favorite, wearing what's "in style" or do they just like to wear expensive and pretty clothing?

It is the latter. Argent is the one that actually cares about fashion. Ortega cares about clothes, and what they say about them.

Does the Void blood stay within the person who ingests it blood or does it affect their mind or anything else? Meaning if the Catastrofiend saw a Puppetstuck Step and the intruder in Step's body next to each other, which would it recognize as Sidestep?

Void blood breaks the blood-brain barrier. And well... the Catastrofiend was already plenty weird with the puppet, weren't it?

Did Chen lose his legs from the airstrike during Heartbreak or some else?

He dragged/carried Ortega away, intent of getting them out of the building before the airstrike. However, there was no time, so he shot them through the staircase into the cellar, where they both were trapped as the building collapsed. Chen shielded Ortega with his armor, locking it in position to let Ortega have enough space to breathe under him, but his legs got badly crushed under the rubble. If they had been saved, he'd never have regained full function and would have had to retire, so the decision was made to amputate and mod. 

Would you ever write about Dreamweaver? Hearing that Sentinel got taken over (?) and Step had to help him out of it is super interesting!


Was Heartbreak close to being labeled as Omega? Or was it not labeled at all because no one knew whether it was a mod or a boost?

Not officially labeled, but it is one of the "unofficial" Omega possibilities, especially if it had been allowed to continue. It was still expanding.

I know people have asked about giving Rat King their own body and stuff but will there be potential for more Rat King using the armor shenanigans in the future? Step being able to exit the armor and then surprise whoever they're fighting when their armor keeps fighting without them in it sounds awesome!

Rat King armor shenanigans is a gift, and I have so much fun writing that.

How exactly are mindscapes formed? By experiences, I.E Heartbreak; vibes, I.E Herald; or interests, I.E HG? Can it be all three? I know it's probably up to headcanon but would Steps mindscape be more likely to involve the Farm since they spent so long there or could it be something that they long for, like the old Ranger's HQ or Tia Elena's ranch?

Mindscapes is all of them. Like physical looks. You have your body, sure, but also your clothes, how you act, how you talk, makeup and other things. The mind is the same. Mood. Vibes. Memories. Preferences. Intentional training. It can vary a lot, and when we get into that, you'll get some choices.

I know this is a thread for FH but I saw in a previous QnA that you started writing dialogue because of Hawke from Dragon Age and as a HUGE Dragon Age fan I was wondering if you have played all the games and if Da2 was your favorite? And did you take any inspiration from DA and put it into FH?

DA2 was my favorite, no competition, followed by Orgins. I was so let down by Inquisition I lost interest once the Hawke act was done. I think the inspiration I took was how important it is to have a fun cast that can interact with each other, with strong personalities, and their own views and goals. Also, the strength of leaving the unknown in the story, I always felt the DA series glowed the most strongly for me when we were still wondering about red lyrium, the architect, the corruption of the golden city in the fade and everything else you just tough but never learn the truth about. What I loved about DA2 especially was that you were just a refugee in a strange city with your oddball friends trying to make a life in a world that was increasingly hostile to everything you stood for. It felt real. It felt wonderful. 

Oh, also the different Hawke personalities was a huge inspiration on how to craft characters.

Then finally, this isn't a question but I LOVE that you added the option of not being a known telepath into the game! Not only does it make Step less suspicious, I can only IMAGINE what the possibilities of doing the reveal could be in future, especially if they still think Step only has surface-level telepathy, so exciting!

Being sneaky is a legit career choice!

How weak would the Rangers+Mortum be to a Sidestep with really good puppy dog eyes? 

We all know none of them are immune by now...

In past Q&As and extra stories you’ve hinted that Ortega would be the most likely to turn villain and some characters are already concerned about this possibility. If Sidestep didn’t come back or they didn’t meet at the cafe what would have been the straw that broke the camels back?

Concrete proof of some of their suspicions. An ally with enough tech to keep their mods going. The latter is important, Ortega is no martyr. They know how complicated their mods are and the work that goes into maintaining them.

If any on the Rangers turned villain who would be the first to go after them and who would be the most conflicted about fighting a former teammate?

We all know Herald would be the first... and also the most conflicted.

If an anarchist Step and Nocturne had similar goals would there be a possibility of them working together without HG or Nocturne betraying HG (if threading wasn’t a factor anymore)?

Nocturne is unflinchingly loyal to HG, that has nothing to do with threading.

You’ve also said you are considering possibly allowing players to upgrade the villain suit in future, if you’ve got any ideas would these upgrades be the same options we had for the suit in Rebirth or would there be any new options?

Nothing specific yet, but it would rely on what I could realistically code in an interesting fight.

A lot of the Rat King bonding moments seem to occur when Sidestep fails or doing badly; will there be more opportunities to bond with the RK during less precarious or positive situations?

Yes, you already have some clues that the Rat King has prepared a surprise for you...

Did Ortega get gut punch moments from revisiting their memories of sidestep and realized just how they didn't value themself and were convinced that Ortega would hate them for "what" they are after the regene reveal? Especially if Ortega called them a fake and even more so if they realized sidestep wasn't a fake afterwards but sidestep was long gone. ("I had a funeral?" Or "I couldn't be what you wanted, so.." etc.  moments) Will Sidestep and Ortega get a chance to talk about it further? Will we have an opportunity to tell them about the Farm if we didn't in the second book?

Oh Ortega might have quick and loud reactions, but you get that they will replay past conversations in their head with the new information. And yes, you will have new opportunities to share.

in one epilogue Ortega says they trust their initial reactions more, but they have an initial reaction of thinking sidestep as a  fake in other paths. I suppose this was intentional. What they thought "i trust my initial reactions more" is a general thought they tend to have or is it more of a thing they say to deal with the info they're struggling with if the question makes sense? I assume the latter but...

Ortega is used to acting without hesitating. It's a legacy of being very good at dangerous/violent things where a moment of doubt or hesitation might kill you. This backfires in interactions at times, where Ortega assumes, and then has issues backtracking later. The "faker" path will be an interesting one for Ortega to deal with.

Has Shroud consumed any of the farm scientists and/or handlers? Fellow regenes? If they have, I imagine they have quite the info about the farm. If regenes know about sidestep, does that mean she does as well?

Shroud has nommed on a lot of people, but sadly, information is not retained unless it is reinforced and actively remembered. Most things she absorbed is forgotten soon afterwards, useless to her daily life.

Are any of the regenes who witnessed Sidestep's birth currently alive? 


Does Sidestep not being a great team player have anything to do with the fact that cuckoos were resented by other regenes in some cases? Especially because they were a telepath and the "pet project"? 

You bet.

Sky-raider was military. He probably worked with regenes as well. Does he have any prejudice or/and uneasiness similar to Chen and Ortega? I imagine him looking at this whole thing as a "damn what a mess" as he rescues sidestep.

Sky-Raider has worked with Re-Genes while in the military. There is a big bunch of spoilers there. No uneasiness though.

I always thought possession stuff was related to HB. But I'm wondering about another thing, since it's not affected by the dampeners does that mean Sidestep can possess Ortega? Or are they safe?

Interesting. Sidestep has never tried.

Does HG know about chargestep's romantic involvement? They now know Ortega knew Sidestep, who looked a lot like their sibling and I don't think they would really leave it alone.

If Charge and Sidestep are somewhat open with it, yes. HG likes being informed.

Has Ortega ever noticed Sidestep slipping to regene language pre and after hb and thought it as a nervous tick or something since they didn't have context? 

Heh. Yes, there are some gestures there that are definitely Re-Gene in nature, and Ortega doesn't pick up on and takes as ticks.

If tech shortcuts around Ortega, does this ever cause troubles for Argent like fire does?

No. The nanos are not hurt by low voltage currents or magnetic fields, they need more powerful things to be affected.

Has Argent seen the AI chip on the villain like she's seen it on sidestep? Did she get any clues because of that? I assume she can influence it... Wait. That means she saw it in Shroud's brain as well. I imagine it won't be hard for her to figure out Shroud is a regene if Sidestep's regene secret is revealed. 

Nope on the villain, the helmet confuses things. Could have seen it in Shroud though, but she needs context. Lots of various implants.

Does Ortega know how many languages sidestep knows? Will they have a "oh boy" moment once they realize the farm fitted a dozen languages into Sidestep's brain?

Nope, and yes they will be slightly envious.

The last one, I know I asked a lot. Do you have any advice for the writers who's stuck between languages? Being very estranged from writing in my mother language but not very comfortable with English either. 

That is a natural state to be, and one you will pass through once you've written enough English. It will take a lot of words, but that's the only thing that can cure it. I generally avoid mixing languages and find that helps. If I write in english, I only read books in english. Once I need to switch to swedish (which I need to do soon) I will start by reading a lot of swedish books. One thing at a time.

Hi! Just wondering what advice you would have for someone looking to start writing? I know it's best to start slow. How do you just accept what you have down and then revise it later? I never do rough drafts when writing papers and such but I feel you obviously need to plan more what you're doing when writing fiction.

Nah, you don't need to plan. Especially not at the start. Look at it this way, do you have the experience to even know how to plan a work of fiction? You don't. And then you'll only follow others advice and it will be weird. Just start writing and see what happens. You don't even have to start at the beginning, start at the fun part! The one you want to write! The killer of starting to write is having this conception that things needs to be a certain way, so you end up spending months writing boring stuff to get to the cool stuff, and explaining things and background so when you get to the cool stuff, you're already bored of it. Just go for it. In media res. 

As for making it into a finished work... well, if you're starting out, don't worry about it. Even if you write from the start to the end, by the tine you have reached the end, you will need to rewrite the beginning because you have learned a lot and the story has changed. The important thing to remember is: FINISH IT! That's all. Finish the short story. Finish the book. Don't plan for a massive series, if it happens it happens. But you need to learn how to finish things. To hell with grammar, structure or characterization, finishing things is the REAL superpower. Focus on that and the rest will come.

Also, read!! Everything! Different genres, authors, ages. Go to your local library and walk along the shelves and pull out books with cool names or spines. Open them in the middle and read a bit. See how they start. Play around with books. Which ones are boring? Why? Put them away and read new ones. Here you don't need to focus on finishing things. Do shit like pick five books and compare their first chapters. Their first sentence. Try to figure out why books do what they do. What you like. Experiment!

How did you become the awesome writer you are now? is what I suppose I want to know.

Read what I wrote above about reading books. That's where everything start. Read. Explore. Imitate. Have fun. Be weird. Don't care. And give it time! I'm old. I couldn't have written this at 22.

In case of Anathema who is trans, how does their invulnerability factor into their transition and as such thoughts on their body and identity? Since I assume they couldn't get surgery, couldn't do T shots etc.

Yeeeeeeeah, that is something Anathema had to deal with. No magic bullet. Stuck in this body, no matter what. But, there are a lot of people who have transitioned and have no interest in going on hormones, or having operations. The "perfect" transition doesn't have to be the goal for everyone, it might just be finding a way to live with yourself and your own body in a way that makes you moderately comfortable. Sometimes that's enough.

During the Regene reveal to Ortega, you can call them out for calling Regenes "blue-skinned freaks" in the past, to which they reply, uncertain, "Did I really say that? I mean, I guess I could have". Did they really say that and just don't remember, or was this a memory implanted in Step by the Farm after Heartbreak? To make Step feel even more alienated and abandoned?

Interesting to consider, isn't it? Both are likely. People rarely remember asshole things they said when they didn't consider they were being assholes (because the other party was assumed to agree), and the Farm also had an interest in fostering a split.

Why is it only possible, as Puppet, to sleep with Mortum but not with Ortega?

Because Ortega was using the puppet for information at that point, and while in some cases they have caught feelings, that was a line they were not willing to cross.

How long did it take you to write the entire Auction chapter and how the //hell// did you pull off //so many// different paths and variables?? I'm so incredibly impressed!

It was the single worst part of the entire book, and one I have cursed so many times, and the cause of 70% of the bugs. It was a nightmare, and I shudder to think how long it took.

Speaking of the auction, I've been code-diving and wondered - why is Zaber referred to with Mortum's pronouns? Just for variety, or is there a story reason...?

I have some red herring variables in the game, just to make sure that just because a variable is linked doesn't necessarily mean it is vital to the plot.

How do you balance writing Sidestep as a consistent, semi-established character, with giving players choices? What is your process, or, what do you try to keep in mind when deciding on what choices to make available (or not) for the player, be they of story consequence or just conversation flavor?

I have several Sidesteps living in my head, and try to write scenes that fit them. That can't always be done, but in the end I just go with what feels right to me. No rules, only vibes. Some things have to be cut because they would derail everything, though.

Kind of in line with that, what kind of a Sidestep do you have in mind when writing? Are they more nebulous, or do you have a specific Sidestep or Sidesteps of your own that you craft the story and its possible paths around?

Oh there's a bunch of them. I often start with one in mind when I write a scene, and then adds choices and adjusts for the others. My OG Sidestep is literally the tiniest side path at this point, most people ain't that nasty.

You mentioned in the last Q&A that you will be writing full-time soon, what are you the most excited about and what worries you the most about that change? (Or, if you've already started, what has been the best and the worst so far about that change?)

So far I am just trying to get used to the fact that this is a change, and not a Temporary vacation. I am most worried about paperwork, insurances, missing anything and all the other things that comes with the freelance life that I had taken for granted as a worker with union protection. So there's a lot to arrange there. Other than that, I look forward to finally having time to do some of the other projects I have too, and push other things over the finishing line so they can be seen. Fallen Hero is just one of them. So I guess right now it is mostly happiness, stress and confusion. I need to get a schedule in place too and get an overview and a plan of things.

You've said before that you've added unplanned scenes or story branches that the characters surprised you with while writing. Have you ever ended up scrapping a planned plot point for the same reason—i.e., because it turned out not to work for the characters once you sat down to write it?

Hmmm Ortega dumping Sidestep for the puppet might count as that, the branching/repercussions just didn't work without a major rewrite not worth it for the few who would end up on the same path. I did also scrap the "simply not going to the HG meeting" path, because even though it would be in character, the branching was also overwhelming.

I love how Ricardo will change his appearance in response to literally a single joking comment from the MC. Obviously there's practical reasons why Julia can't do the same, but in a hypothetical world where hair length was as easy to change as facial hair, would she also grow her hair back out as soon as the MC admitted they missed it?

Maybe. There are hair extensions, but the short is also practical.

I've always found it funny to change my MC's hair color/style in Retribution so that they look identical to the puppet, even if they didn't previously. Do you think Ortega (or other characters who meet the puppet) would find that "mirror image" situation as strange/disconcerting as they do in Rebirth, or would it be easier to shrug off as a coincidence?

Easier to shrug off, a lot of people look similar in style to each other.

How easily can the Rat King distinguish between and remember individual humans, and has their ability to do so changed over the years? When they recognize the Rangers, is it solely because they remember them from previous encounters or partly because they're able to piggyback off of the MC's familiarity with them? (And in Ortega's case, maybe also the MC's ability to detect them at all?)

It has grown a LOT since interacting with Sidestep, because all of a sudden they have connection to people as more than targets. 

Are Shroud's hair and nails safe to touch, or would that be just as bad as touching her skin?


Does Sky-Raider celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Or would he resent the implication that he's not already, by definition, talking like a pirate just by being himself?

Oh boy. I am truly not sure about that. I really need to write him more to see how he leans into things.

Is there anyone with Methuselah style powers (lives super long time and/or just doesn't age) from history that's still around?

Not openly known.

If Thief Sidestep managed to steal the Regenerator before the auction started, what was Argent’s reaction when she realized it had been stolen already? 

Fury. And then starting to track down exactly what happened and where it might be kept...

Has Vera been gathering recordings of various villains/heroes to Mitchell? Or at least some of them?

Hehe. Now that is a very interesting source. Surely, Mitchell must have sources.

What kind of social life do HG, Nocturne, Jake, Sky-Raider, and Vera have?

HG and Nocturne are comfortable homebodies, avoiding a public social life except when blanketed by the armor of wealth. HG goes out more often, but rarely as themself. Jake is the one with a social life, and likes interacting with people. He's the one who goes to parties and has fun with friends, never really letting on exactly how high he technically is placed in the organization. It's useful to be just an enforcer (who happens to sleep with the boss and the boss's girlfriend). Sky-Raider is social, likes parties, likes to have fun. Vera is a bit more reserved, she prefers friends she already knows.

Does Mitchell have files on Vera and Sky-Raider as well?

Oh yes. One day I'll post them.

Did Vera or Sky-Raider enter the villain world with a splash like Sidestep did with their debut or were they more discreet? 

Vera has always been discreet. She's happy sowing a lot of reputations around herself, only half which is true. She likes it when people don't know what to expect, and she likes playing into expectations. Sky-Raider started with a bang, robbing the top floor of a corporate skyscraper where they were holding a reveal for a prototype mag-coil launcher.

What would the Rangers, Dr. Mortum’s, HG's, Nocturne’s, Jake’s, Vera’s and/or Sky-Raider’s d&d alignment be? 

DnD alignments is a very flawed thing. While the order-chaos axis is pretty clear, the definitions of good and evil are not something I am happy with. I see it as more of a selfishness scale, with good being more altruistic and evil being more self-centered. That being said, a lawful good character can cause just as much suffering in the world (and think they are right in doing so) as a chaotic evil one. So this read this more as: Good=altruistic and Evil=Selfish. Ortega: True neutral, Steel neutral good, Herald lawful good, Argent lawful neutral, Mortum chaotic neutral, Nocturne lawful evil, HG neutral evil, Jake lawful neutral, Vera chaotic neutral, Sky-Raider neutral evil. 

Does Ortega have any particular opinion or impressions on Jake and Nocturne? 

Jake is a bruiser who is fun to fight. Nocturne is hot but dangerous.

What made HG decide to trust Nocturne with their secrets?

It was the first time HG had met someone who understood their way of thinking, and they felt a strong enough kinship that it was worth risking everything in order to gain something more.

How do the Rangers like to style/decorate their office spaces? Do all of them have their own office spaces or only some of them?

Ortega's is rather cluttered, and filled with lots of gifts, clippings, little personal memento and the odd plant. Chen's is open and airy, with a dog bed and a crate for Spoon. It is wheelchair accessible for bad days, and he's keeping the chair in the room. Likes the reminder for certain visitors. Daniel's is neat and ordered, he tends to keep track of his things. Strangely enough it also looks the most neutral and representative, not much personality there. Argent's is homey, and includes a comfortable lounging chair with a massage function.

What is Vera’s opinion on HG, Nocturne, and Jake?

They pay good, and she suspects the relationship between them. She's always dealt with them professionally, and is keen on keeping that going. Lucrative.

What is HG's, Jake's, and Nocturne's opinion on Vera?

A reliable mercenary and occasional assassin. She has been trusted to meet HG and shake their hand, and has done nothing to make them rethink the relationship. She's a pit picky with assignments though, and is isually not the one they pick to get someone killed. Too much of a chance she'd say no.

How does HG like to style/decorate their office?

Nocturne decorates it all. It is to give the right impression, so it's dark, rich and opulent.

Did HG's oldest brother create a codename for himself or did he go by his real name? 

He went by Hollow Ground, our current HG took that over after his death.

I recall in one Q&A it was stated Herald is one of the characters who can be most influenced/changed by Sidesteps actions/character, which characters can be from most to least influenced/changed by Sidestep’s actions/character (if it can be evaluated)?

The least is Argent, followed by Chen.

What are Vera's and Sky-Raider's pet peeves?

Vera's is the lack of a city planning, and Sky-Raider really miss good ice cream.

If Ortega's unromanced by both Step and the Puppet, have they dated anyone since Rebirth?

Yeah, probably. But not to a serious extent.

Any chances of Ortega becoming Marshal again in-game if... say, the current one happened to be permanently put out of business?

There is always a possibility, especially as an interim Marshal.

Have Mortum and Ortega slept together?

Nope. And they both laughed at that question. Preposterous.

Did OG chargestep end up together?


Lastly a non-FHR related question I hope it's ok to ask: is your partner still working on Remnants? I liked the demo!

It is in the works, and more has been written that is not in the demo! But there's been other work too, we are both busy people. Some other projects needs finishing first.

Herald's powers seem to reflexively protect him from hitting the ground hard, as the MC observes during training. Would the same thing happen if you, say, threw him hard against the ceiling or shot him out of a cannon, or is it only gravity *reduction* that comes naturally?

Gravity reduction is what comes natural. Stopping a fall is reflexive, but being hit into a car is not.

Apologies if this has been asked before. But What goes through Ortegai's head if Sidestep freaks out and starts having a panic attack after making out in the allay? 

I mean at this point Ortega knows Sidestep, and has probably seen a lot of panic attacks. Mostly chiding themself for pushing too hard. They should have known.

The dream you have when you say no to going to therapy, is it just a coincidence or does a LOT of the dream sound very similar to things that happened to Ortega? The falling and wondering why your suit didn't protect you (the jump that paralyzed them), the holding your guts in your hands (the Catastrofiend injury) "It feels like a bad channel on the radio, bleeding static into your life," (obvious), the fly buzzing at the window but not be able to move and swat it (in the safehouse during the Void thing). The whole thing talks about how these are memories but they feel alien soooooo.... Am I overthinking this? Or is this one of those times where you accidently managed to get into Ortega's head?

I mean words are words and they are rarely accidental. And that is sure a lot of words strung together in a sentence. May I just add that I love how people are analyzing and thinking about things! Not gonna say yes or no, but hehehe.

What *are* #3 and #4 on Steel's list of what bothers him about the MC, anyway? The extremely suspicious training? The dishonesty? We know #1 and #2 are the telepathy and the resistance to background checks, and #5 is that he doesn't understand them, but he never went into the rest.

#3 is the suspicious military training, and #4 is the suspicion that Sidestep was/is a habitual liar.

You mentioned Regina was a scientist. What is she now (director of what), exactly? 

That is spoilers.

Post heartbreak, has Ortega ever crossed paths with the "old man" without knowing it?


Can shroud only eat the minds/memories of a victim that has an uninterrupted neural pathway between the point of contact and the brain?

Yep! That is needed.

Did Sidestep lose access to their own body/puppet after losing consciousness because someone else already took over and was actively blocking their access? (instead of being a side-effect by painkillers / shaken up as they thought?)

Oh that is biiiig spoilers.

Was the intruder previously unable to take over because Sidestep was conscious, or was the intruder just not strong enough at that point of time?

Or was the crash just that traumatic an incident?

Where would argent fall on the enhanced scale? Since she's not boosted at all, and not modded in the traditional sense?

Argent is special. I honestly don't know how to rate her, since she's a composite. High.

Has there been just one regene AI chip design during FHR, or has it undergone development during the years? If the latter, what types of improvements have been made? 

The design has remained the same, but it has become smaller and more efficient over the years. 

Does a regene's AI chip get recycled when a regene expires with the AI chip intact?

No, it is discarded. There has been attempt at reuse, both after wiping, and in the raw state, but it has not ended well.

To what extent are Nocturne and Jake aware of HG's past life, family history etc? What about their entourage? Like, do ppl in their circle have some ideas about who they were before they became a mob boss or at least how they got there?

Nocturne and Jake knows pretty much everything. HG is very open with them. As for other people in the inner circle, it varies. They know the sanitized story, not the dark secrets.

What (telepathic) precautions and measures did the SD take for the HB mission? Also, where they waiting for the Rangers to do the job for them and then claim HB after? 

Dampeners in the ambulance, full dose of numbers for the staff, who was already well trained and evaluated for resistance. Also, the option of shutting people down via remote control in case of contamination. The ambulance was fully operable remotely. The ideal would be to claim the boyd after.

Does Argent ever (mentally) refer to herself with plural referrals (we/us, etc) because of the nanovores? I’m curious because sometimes their emotions influence her, too.

Not often. She works hard on keeping boundaries, but at times they slip.

What triggered Sentinel's and Ashfall's/Pyroclast's TBR?

I haven't detailed that, so I have no idea yet!

When Ace tells Shroud "you will kill me but that will be the end of you," and that killing them "will be the biggest mistake of (her) life." - 

What did Ace see?

Is Shroud's downfall set in stone, as hinted as by Ace?

That is a big spoiler, exactly what Ace saw might be found out in game. 


Before Heartbreak, were that any weird incidents - documented or undocumented - that went down in the Heartbreak apartment building/complex?

Yes. Quite a few.

May we have a basic rundown of Charge’s fully-kitted suit? 

Ahahaha good try. Nope. You'll have to face that in game.

Or if I could just get like, a General Idea that’d be fine too, I can run with that.

Nope! None. Sidestep has to do research for that...

Even though we only really “commit” to a villain path in Retri, the options for the gala in Rebirth already give us a taste of what Step’s career could be in the future. I’m curious about your writing process here; did you already know which careers you would write in Retri, or did those come from what was already in Rebirth? As in, which came first when you were planning the story?

Originally I had not planned on having any career variation, adding those paths came when Rebirth became popular, and I felt the courage to expand the scope a bit. It's not intentionally modeled, but I think it comes from the same core of basic villain variants that might work for Sidestep in this story.

Can objects or places be telepathically charged? Like with a strong enough telepathic signal, could the "vibe" be invested into the object or place such that it reproduces or emits the original signal? Like the heartbreak site? 

That's a close enough description, yeah. Places can be changed.

From whatever you can tell us without spoilers or character writing yet--do you have much idea of what Tia Elena thought of the relationship between Ortega and their father? Did she tw abuse ever try to get in between them when Ortega's father was being abusive, or was she silently resigned about it? Or did she also have a bit of an... outdated mindset on child-rearing in that regard? Bonus, do you have much idea of what Elena’s parenting style was like?  

Elena was a deeply ambitious child of an ambitious family, and trained to be an olympic gymnast. If you know anything about the kind of training gymnasts go through at a young age, it will tell you a lot about her. I suppose outdated might be one description, as would be disciplined and driven with no room for failure, and suffering for a good end cause. And, combining those experiences and mindsets with a hyperactive and challenging child was not easy. Not always ended well.

That being said, she didn't know the depth of resentment/abuse between her husband and her child, most likely because part of her didn't want to see it. Also, Ortega was always very good at hiding things, and probably felt like they were protecting their mother that way. It was a complicated relationship, yes there was real love there, but also many ways it strained. If Ortega's father hadn't died, they would be divorced now. Elena has many regrets.

this might have been asked before, sorry in advance but! will step be able to quite/manage their vices?

I dunno, we'll see what happens!

Do thief Steps have a consistent fence or are they constantly switching up who they're fencing their wares to for resell? Or are they actually selling their stolen goods themselves?

Depends on your level of arrogance/anonymity, it can vary.

There's a fairly large age gap between HG and the youngest sib. How did HG feel about the new baby after being The Baby so long themself? What kind of big sibling were they?

Oh HG adored the new kiddo, they were a bit overprotective and spoiled them.

A couple things about Shroud. 1) Could she hypothetically pass the memories of minds she 'eats' on to someone else, or could they otherwise be... taken from her mind and stored elsewhere?, and 2) if so... did this have anything to do with her function at the Farm before she escaped?

1) A telepath could possibly do that. 2)And yes.

What languages can Argent understand through her technopathy?

No human ones.

Could you tell us more about the science behind the boost drug? What does it do, exactly?

Ahaha I have no idea. It's pseudoscience. I know some things about certain functions, but those are spoilers.

Less generally, what do boost drugs elicit for the Catastrofiend? Why does it "snack" on them? Does it need boost drugs or something triggering similar effects in order to survive as it is now?

I would say it is more for pleasure than for need. A bit like scratching a mosquito bite.

Building on that - How would eating a boost drug affect Catastrofiend vs Anathema?

Huh. Like trying to set fire to a an already burning bonfire, vs trying to set fire to a stone.

If each of the rangers were asked to give their definition of a hero, what would they say?

Ortega: Someone popular with the people who writes the headlines. Herald: Someone that can and does save people. Steel: A licensed powered individual working to protect the city. Argent: Someone doing what needs to be done for the good of the many.

And what about “villain”? Also can you answer for Hollow Ground and Dr. Mortum?

Hollow Ground: Whoever is in the way of the city council. Mortum: A title worn by people who have stopped giving a fuck.

And for Vera and Skyraider?

Vera: Just another color of the team jersey. Sky-Raider: There's heroes and villains in every war, just depends on what side you stand.

Would there be, perhaps, any way in which Sidestep could steal HG’s identity after disposing of them? To keep things under wraps or cause a smoother power transition.

Complicated but interesting.

You've mentioned some things in passing but just to have it all in one place: what does Sentinel think of the  Ranger's team members currently? Does he have opinions about how things are done / run?

He tries not to. He sees it as promising and powerful, but essentially a paper tiger. There for show, not to make real change.

When Hollow Ground threads someone, especially someone with stronger resistance, does that make it easier to build more threads in their mind or do the layers add complications?

It depends. A strong mind can be securely threaded if you can find the right angle of attack, because then the mind will help you uphold the delusion.

The text where it's mentioned that Owl punched Sidestep in the past notes that "She never landed another punch on you." Were there other situations in which she tried to?

I don't know specific situations, but there was probably some low-level beef for a while.

How did Hollow Ground feel when the former mayor was assassinated? How do they feel about Alvarez?

It was an annoyance and added to the uncertainty of city politics. Alvarez is alright, but a lot less easy to mold.

Have the current mayor and the Crack ever interacted?

Not openly.

Have Hollow Ground and the Crack ever interacted?

Oh hell no.

Both Carter and Devereux seem to have their hands in some shady business. Why do some steps want Devereux dead but not Carter?

You could see it as Carter being more "base", there's a lot of money involved and easy to manipulate. Devereux is a lot more political and drives plans.

It's been said that Hollow Ground used to hire The Catastrofiend before it really started going crazy, and Psychopathor remembers when it only had two arms. What was The Catastrofiend like in those days? Could/Did it actually talk to people at any length? Was it still seen as pretty much a monster, or just someone really dangerous? 

Oh yeah, it could talk to people. Was fully coherent, and some would even call it funny. It was playing a lot with the monster archetype, and was seen as dangerous and slightly unpredictable.

Is the Themmy we meet in those near death visions really Themmy, or the Themmy step remembers them to be?

Spoilers. Also, what are memories?

Is the part of the villain suit’s gauntlet/glove that houses the nanovores removable [by Sidestep]? Or is it completely built into the suit and inextricable? Curious if we’d be able to use it outside of and independently of the suit while Rat King is piloting separately.

The void-cage housing is removable from the gauntlet, but not easily. It takes some work.

What’s every main cast members favorite drink (alcoholic)?

Ortega likes whiskey, smoke and tar. Chen had a secret fondness for tropical drinks like Mai Tai (rarely these days). Daniel is a wine drinker, especially white and dry. Argent doesn't drink. Dr. Mortum likes rum, preferably sweet, sometimes spiced.

Is HG gonna refuse to acknowledging us as their sibling if we are too lame? 

No. Sigh. Family is like that sometimes.

Does Danny have fingerprints? Or the same from before the boosting incident with Josh?

Yeah, they have grown back.

^ Adding to this, how have Daniel's nerve endings fared after the Josh Incident? Or I guess in general, how has his physiology been affected by what was presumably a pretty intense / large amount of burns?

Daniel was luckily smart enough to grab the bed comforter before tackling Joshua through the window. That protected his face and chest, the hands and lower arms took the most damage. But even so, it was a short flight to the pool, so the amount of third degree burns on him was small. Mostly second degree. The best medical specialists fixed his hands, there was a lot of artificial skin grown to transplant, and the nerve damage was minimal. There are still numb spots where things feel different, but the psychological damage was worse. Seeing Josh. Having the water evaporate around them as he dragged him out, and having to push Josh back as he started burning again out of the pool. It took years before Danny could visit a barbecue without being nauseous. He still doesn't like open flames.

Accounting only for the "key events" of heartbreak, and what actually happened to themmy - how much would you say, in percentages, has Step's memories changed from before to after they were sent to the core?

Huh. Hmm. Maybe 30%? But things were fucky even before.

What are Danny’s parents current feelings about/attitudes towards Daniel and his Herald shenanigans?

A cold, controlled dislike.

How much in percentages does the catastrofiend's original personality still remain?

Not much at this point.

Can the Rat King and Argent’s vores work together? 👀 Not specifically under anyone’s control: but as teammates?

Oh that will be interesting.

What does Argent do with overflow nanos? Does she decommission them? Turn them into more hairstrands for later use? Put them in a jar for when she's lost too many of them?

The old ones are recycled into hair, or other inert material. She has so far avoided any swarming behavior.

On that note, could Argent’s nanos manipulate the "dead" nanos that form her hair in case of emergency?

No, they are linked in that shape.

What are Argent's siblings up to now? 

Living normal lives, working jobs, raising kids.

Additionally, were any of Argent's siblings "sensitive" in any way, the way she was to technopathy? (not specifically technopathy either, just in general--would they have a proclivity for boosting if they were boosted, or sensitivity for powers?) 

In general, genetics doesn't do much for boosting, at least according to research. However, since there are families with several boosts, there must be something going on. Many competing theories.

Pontypool talk made me remember my Pontypool conspiracy board era, so: you mentioned once that a recording of the HB incident existed. Where is that recording now? Has any of the main cast seen / heard / read / analysed it? 

Chen's armor had recording capabilities, yes. The big question is what happened to it. None of the main cast has seen it, it is possible it was destroyed when the armor was wrecked.

Building on that - who made the recording?

Chen. It was a dangerous enough mission that he wanted a record for analysis.

Talking about recording, are there any recordings or more pictures about the experiments that were inflicted on sidestep by The Farm post HB?

Of course there is.

Is sidestep the sleepwalker mentioned in the heartbreak flashback? If not them, may we know who?

Nope, you may not know.

What does HG do to train?

Just a general workout. Some swimming. Not big on training.

Whose idea was it for Ortega to upgrade their generator to plasma? If it was Ortega, was it motivated by their experience with the Void?

It was a prototype that was offered to Ortega as a possible candidate that might be able to handle it. It came through the Rangers' tech team. It was motivated more by Heartbreak than Void...

If we get Blaze as an ally, the media seems unsure on who actually won the fight and it's overall considered a draw. In this particular scenario, what does he think? Does he believe he could have taken the villain down if it had come to that?

Depends on how the fight went.

Building on this question, what about if he was defeated in a fight/successfully escaped from him? Does he still think he can take on and win against the villain?

Blaze's confidence is not broken, he just made a mistake.

Given how perceptive Herald is, did he ever suspect or pick up on Steel’s crush on Ricardo? 

Haha oh irresistible force vs immovable object... Probably has an inkling.

Is the folding that step mentions in void lore the same kind of folding that ljungstrand talked about in his notes?

Close enough!

Are hero grade nanomesh skinsuits densely woven enough to keep nanovores out?

Nope. There are edges and openings and zippers and things where they can get in. Unless it is hermetically sealed, it can just be bypassed and eat from the inside.

Has Sidestep ever "touched" Sentinel's mind? How does he feel like? Could Sidestep control/possess him in a pinch or is he difficult to shake like Steel? Has his experience with Thunderhead helped him develop any telepathic defenses?

Yes. Kinda hard not to. Feels very controlled and calm, Sentinel has a good grip of himself because his power requires that. Sidestep could probably possess him, but controlling the powers would be HARD. And yes, dealing with Thunderhead helped him a lot.

Sidestep kept the current Rangers in mind when they designed their armor, but... How does that armor hold up against Sentinel? What kind of armor variation would hold up better and why? 

Armor would be better against Sentinel, would add more weight and durability against shock and debris. Speed would be the worst, any jump would be an invitation to get airborn.

What about Five Pennies? Say, if Five Pennies made a come back in Book 3... would the helmet be enough to counteract the Pennies' effect? Do they have to latch onto skin? 

The pennies needed skin for the best effect, but had others in contact with armor or concrete. 

Could Hollow Ground's threads in someone's mind protect them from Sidestep's body-hopping or possession, or are they 1. too weak; 2. in an entirely different realm of telepathy and thus not applicable? 

If they were intentionally placed for that purpose, oh yes they could.

What's the current maximum number of pigeons that Vera can control at once and how many would she need to control to be considered alpha class?

Oh it is not the number that would make her alpha class... but the current one is about fifty or so.

Where is Thunderhead? Her status is unknown, but is she unknown of her own volition or is she part of the disappeared telepaths?

That is unknown.

Is there any tiny little info you can give us on what cool fights we might get next book? Like, maybe Zephyr? Shroud? The Catfiend???

All three are planned.

What would Porphyry, Locus, Zephyr, and Blaze’s villain names be? 👀 What about the HG trio if they were heroes?

I truly think they would have the same names!

What's the deal with Teresa Alvarez and Nocturne? What's their relationship like, at least on the surface? Does Nocturne want to see Teresa gone, or puppeteered? 


Speaking of Nocturne, what would her life be like if she never met HG or Jake?

Routine. Never leaving her apartment. Working remotely as an IRS investigator.

During regene boosting, given it can happen at very early stages in the life cycle, how do the boosts present?  We’ve seen when in teen/adult they seem to trigger an immediate active flare up of the power (for example like josh and the fire).  Does this happen with very early boosting too?  Or is the mutation adapted less hmm explosively into the body?

Early boosting happens a lot more benign, the survivability is higher. So it is less explosive, and would trigger softer, with an easier chance to control it.

Are Tina's plans in one way or another motivated by what happened to Psychopathor?

Somewhat, yes.

is she aware of where he is now and what exactly happened to him?

She suspects. No proof yet.

Do you see F!HG and M!HG as similar as F!Mortum and M!Mortum or slightly different like Julia and Ricardo?

They feel a lot more similar to me. 

What does the Farm do to bring in the funds they need? What do Re-Genes do to get it?

Works with the government and the military.

Are/were the following people aware of the existence of the farm? Alvarez, The previous mayor, Devereux, Carter.

No, yes, yes, no.


Did Nazar and Luis ever look deeper into HB or other LD events? Or was that a bit too involved for them?


Where did the name "Numbers" come from? Is it because they're numb-ers, or because telepathy's classifications are in numbers and they block those, or something else?

Would Numbers protect against Shroud's powers?

Numb, as in numbing things. And yes, they would, but less effectively.

We've gotten a look into how Dr. Mortum feels about being trans, but what about being bi? Is it something they've always been at peace with? Did they know they were bi before they knew they were trans?

They knew they were bi long before they knew they were trans. A lot of the gender and presentation feelings got wrapped up in that, being non-conforming in general. It was always easier to deal with, because it was easier to not act on having a relationship than it was getting dressed in the morning.

How large would heartbreak's radius have expanded if they had been left alone once they got to LD? Would they have eventually burned themself out? 

Hopefully, yes. But LD might be gone, perhaps more.

Do you have any specific characters in mind who are part of the Rangers PR team, or are they just a vaguely hateable presence? Will we meet or deal with any of them at any point (I just wanna talk 🔫)?

No details yet, we'll see when one of them pops up.

Was the person who orchestrated the Nanosurge aware of, right at that moment, when they lost control/when step took control of the nanovores?


If Sentinel & Pyroclast both had doubt stats like the other Rangers, what would the current values be?

Sentinels would be high, Pyroclast's at 0.

Inspired by the recent Chen snippet: If Step had gone to the Rangers (including Sentinel + Pyroclast) for help after the second escape, what kind of help/advice would each of them have given Step, if any?

I don't know. That's a big thought. Maybe it will come up in game.

A couple Pyroclast questions because it's been ages since I last asked about my favourite dusty lad:

• How does he handle Rangers PR? Is his approach more like Argent or Daniel's?

More like Daniel. He's good at it.

• How does he feel about being famous?

Not bad. A bit uncomfortable at times.

• What is his main role within the SF Rangers? Is he the vanguard, support, etc.

A combination of scout, second in command/tactician and last resort.

• Has he given any thought to the end of Resolution 32?

Yes, he has.

Do you have any details on who were Praetor and Mad Machine?

Nope, just cool names for now.

What is the recruitment process for the Rangers?

Have a successful career, reliable background, a useful power and being able to work in a team.

Does HG have a family scar from losing everyone they loved around them?

No. Or. Well. Yes. It makes them do stupid things at times.

With a found family step, would they get worried about losing them (as they did with their baby sibling) if step is a thief/the farm is on their heels/they become very reckless? Would HG do something about it?


Sidestep tells us Joes has  good dampeners and security tech in place to avoid boost cheating, since they run some games; how does that work with Ace's precog? How can Sidestep still "feel" the red twelve? 

Ace's precog works differently, and is not affected my any of the things in there.

Is the extra sexualization aimed at sapphic women and potentially their partners one of the things that's kept Julia from publicly coming out or is it not a concern for her?

One of them. She's seen what happens to others.

If we were to put each of the Rangers' fanclub "stat" in rough numbers, like Sidestep has in the game, what would you say they'd be?

Hmm from 1-100. Ortega 70, Steel 20, Argent 50, Herald 70.

Mortum sometimes shows themself to be "stronger than [they] appea[r]". Do they train regularly, are they modded for strength, do they wear some kind of suit under their clothes that would enhance their strength? 

Other. ;)

can friendly/sibling!hg steps expect a new source of income through their relationship with HG? For steps who aren't recruited, are there different things that HG might offer them to coax them to work together, and would we be able to decide that?

If they ask for it, it is possible.

Mortum mentions fate and lack of choice quite a bit when you have a good relationship with them. How do they feel about fate and responsibility themself? Are they superstitious, spiritual? Why did they feel trapped into turning villain?

Mortum has very complicated feelings about religion and fate, and has taken steps to cut those ties as throughly as possible.

Does Themmy age at all?  Are they capable of building/breaking down fat cells for energy storage?  Can they build muscle?

Themmy didn't appear to age much, bit it's hard to tell. The body could change, so could break down fat, and training would affect it.

Would Five Pennie’s (Gerard’s… Gerry’s?) pennies work on Sidestep’s armor? In any armor, really? And do they just force action, or do they mess with your head too? 

Spoilers. You might find out.

“You remember the smell, even if your armor is filling in the blanks since your armor would never have let you get that close”—this feels like one of those sentences that have a different weight when you have more information down the line. Memory filling in the blanks… is Sidestep filling in the blanks when:

they feel HB’s fingers in their mouth, though they would have had their mask on?

smell burning hair and oil?

see the rusted tubes leaking out of HB’s body?

dream of HB’s face? Was it a different face altogether?

dream of HB themself? Was HB’s real body in the room with them?

Memory is memory. You're pointing out some interesting scenes.


Was step filling in the blanks for "feeling HB's fingers in their mouth" from void, and

"rusted tubes leaking out of HB's body" from what Void was doing to Ortega?

Similar scenes, surely.


Since Step turned out to be alive, have Ortega or Chen had any doubts about Themmy's true fate?

Yes. Impossible not to.

How did Ljungstrand “escape” after his military disciplinary hearing?

Just walked out. He's a powerful telepath.

How are regenes trained in using their boosts?  Are there specific trainers for different types of boost?

They are trained like in everything else. The farm is experienced with broad types, and there are specific trainers for various types. 

Has Dr Jansen heard from Ljungstrand since refusing his offer to move to a Nevada military base?

Yes. Once.

When/under what circumstances was Ljungstrand boosted?


Is Porthole at all related to project Methusulem?


can all boosts hypothetically become alpha class through traumatic boost response? or are there powers (i’m thinking of whoever’s got shrimp vision) that no matter how you heighten them will never reach the necessary ceiling in combat capability?

Yeah, some pathways are just power capped. Though shrimp vision might not be...

In 1978 Ljungstrand’s own telepathy qualification was T23567.  Has his control range across the classification system grown since then?  If you assigned him rough force/subtle values, what would they be?

Around the time he disappeared they would be Force 75 Subtlety 80.

Does Ortega and Chen's memory of Themmy's death match Sidestep's?

Neither of them saw it happen.

Has any further research/experimentation been done into Project Methuselem (or research with similar goals) since the 90s?

Yeah, but on a much reduced scale.

Does ljungstrand, at present, possess the mental capacity to make sound decisions of his own volition?

Sound.... hehe no.

In the rebirth oooops epilogue, why does the farm suspect the sighting is specifically a cuckoo?  One of the cuckoos, in fact.  How many cuckoos are there who’ve escaped their cage?

More than three.

If Herald’s knee wasn’t damaged in the Gala fight, why was he in rehab/off active duty for 3 months?  What other injuries did he sustain during the fight?

Were there reasons other than physical fitness that he was kept on press duty etc during those 3 months?

You’ve said before that he moonlights, did he do any moonlighting while he was signed off?

There are a few spoilers there, and it will come up in game. Injuries can be useful for many things.

Does Sky-Raider have any mods?

Yeah, mostly connected to power armor use.

How much was Sidestep told about their own powers after being decanted? The Void Lore says they were never told a lot about... hmm, being human, I suppose. So what did the training for telepathy look like? How much did Sidestep actually know about what telepathy was during training, how was it explained to them, if at all? 

No explanations other than the bare bones, that wasn't needed. You explain things to a person, you only instruct how to act to a dog.

Can you give us a hint on what Mortum's "private project" entails (the one they tease to the puppet during the post-therapy scene), and what kind of issues they ran into? Is it at all related to the villain or the puppet, or is something for the work they're doing... on the side? 

That is big spoilers, you'll find out in this book!

What does Mortum think of Chen? They seem more enthusiastic about him being taken down than Ortega; why?

Chen is military, focused and dangerous. Ortega can be distracted with shiny objects.

Prior to knowing the truth about Sidestep, did Dr. Mortum suspect regenes were sentient?

Oh yes.

How long has Regina been interested in Dr Mortum? 

It is a recent thing.

How long ago is this too, relative to the time Mortum began their secret project? 

Strangely, around the same time.

When Sidestep’s pain gate was functional did it help with severe headaches or any other pain above the neck? Was it beneficial while recovering after the nanosurge?

Yes and yes.

I’m sorry if these are obvious questions are or too heavily tied to spoilers, but what are gates. How do they impact sidesteps abilities, and why is it necessary to close them?

I would say look at gates like doors in a corridor. You are on one end, something bad is on the other. The more doors that are opened, the closer you get to the bad thing. It is a Sidestep defense mechanism. 

Who’s the old man? It can’t be marshal hood, right? 

That is a big spoiler, and people theories that it can be a few people. Marshal Hood and Vernon Browne are two of the ones I have heard, but there are more. Sentinel comes up too.

And could the regeneration machine be used to restore fertility to boosts? And if it could, could that contribute to its value/appeal to other boosts or inversely to its repression.

Nope, it would not affect that. The fertility issues is due to degraded/changed DNA.

And I’m sorry to ask but is there a specific post where you can find all of the telepath classes and the general range of boost/mod levels and so on?

Oh boy, not a specific one. I should probably make a summary at one point.

How many and which languages does Mortum speak?

A few, haven't decided. But French, English, Haitian Creole and Spanish are among them.

What was the Rangers plan for heartbreak?  Were they going into that building with the intention to capture?  Or was the plan to put an end to heartbreak?

Depended on the person, but the latter was definitely on the table.

It's known that several of hg's competitors have suffered localized seismic events, soldifying their rumored Boost being geo/petrokinesis, right? Do we know when those events take place relative to hood's assassination?

Has been both before and after.

How many times since heartbreak has the same experiment - in terms of the end goal they were planning to achieve - been carried out?

They must be up to a dozen or more by now.

Can you tell us more about Porphyry? What is he doing in Seattle? Where does he think Locus is? Will we meet him in the book? 

He's working, trying to focus on the present. He's a bit burned on his former friends, but he is worried about Locus. However, he thinks she's staying away because she doesn't want to talk.

How many times have people (in FH canon) misspelled Porphyry's name? Is he like the Benedict Cumberbatch of the FH verse?

A few times, but far less than Psychopathor. The amount of variants I see of his name on the forum is so funny. Psychoraptor is my favorite.

Actually sorry, I'd like to expand a little on my own question if that's okay - what about the fanclub for Blaze, Zephyr, Psychopathor and the Catfiend?

Zephyr 10, Psychopathor 50, Catastrofiend 90.

Given that in the video Shroud's arms weren't covered well enough to hide the tattoos, can we assume she's a particularly carefree cuckoo or is Step an especially paranoid one compared to the rest?

Sidestep is the Spiders George of paranoid carefulness at this point.

What is our telepathic tracker's ljungstrand code?

Ehehehe not telling.

what is the range of their 'detection'?

Not far, luckily.


All Blue

(Forgot Blaze;;) I can’t believe Zephyr has a lower fanclub value than Steel- I would’ve thought their love for fame and popularity would make them try to aim higher.


Lots of thought but shortly saying 1. I think i am really going to like Vera! 2. All the info about re-genes is going to keep me going until book 4 3. HG has BIG blind spot for family so that's something some sidesteps can use 👀 4. Aww sad to hear Nocturne isn't too close with their mother but aww glad that her mother can live more relaxed life 5. Excited to explore sidestep's feelings toward other re-genes!!! 6. HG taking their brother's villain name 🥺