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Chen guilty rescue, about 6000 words before I ran out of steam. 

(no minor variables added yet)


Why does this feel familiar? Stuck in a wheelchair, coming down from painkillers and struggling to keep hold of the thoughts around you? Look away, look away, look away or turn to stone. You don't care which, there's too many memories running adjacent to this experience. As the wheels roll you try to find a position that doesn't hurt. Find a way to breathe, even though you're nauseous with agony. You told Chen not to give you any more, you needed to be clear-headed when making your escape.

Right now you regret it.

You should be used to pain by now, but your body still reacts. You never knew how good you had it 'growing up', coddled by the pain-gate turning agony to discomfort. You doubt the Farm truly knows what power it gives to their Re-Genes. The pain-gate allowed you to exercise will over your body's involuntary functions, to let you destroy yourself in measured intervals rather than collapse in protective shock. Did it make things worse on occasion? Yes, of course. Pain is there to protect your body from breaking further, but broken bodies can be fixed. Death is permanent.

*if gate >= 4


Did the pain-gate break with you against the hard asphalt below that room full of nightmares that was the Heartbreak Incident? Perhaps. Was it taken out or sabotaged while the Farm was stitching your broken body together afterwards? Equally likely. All you're certain of is that after the fall, you had to go through every agonizing breath afterwards. Local anesthesia can only go so farm and the blissful darkness of sleep was denied you. Were they afraid to put you under?

*if gate >= 4

  They were. And rightly so.


You've blanked out most of those first months, there was nothing there worth remembering, even in your nightmares. A second birth, more traumatic and painful than your first decanting. The farm. Your creators.

Did they put you back together wrong, all those years ago?


  #They put me together wrong, this is their fault.

    *if motivation = "fate"

      They did something to you, of that you are sure. Put you together wrong. Set you on this path.


      It's only right they get to reap the whirlwind of ${villain_name}'s wrath.


      Did they put you back together wrong? Is this the Farm's fault? 


      Probably. $!{villain_name} is their creation, like it or not.  

  #No, they set me free, finally.

    *if motivation = "fate"

      They did something to you, alright. They set you free. Set you on this path. Birth is always painful, but you hold no gratitude for your cruel midwives.


      It's only right they get to reap the whirlwind of ${villain_name}'s wrath.


      The farm didn't do anything but set you free. Whatever bonds you had with your past were cut on that operating table, and what remained shriveled during the captivity afterwards. 


      The farm might have messed ${name} ${surname} up, but they set ${villain_name} free.  


  *selectable_if (motivation != "fate") #Maybe. I don't want to think about it.

    Maybe the Farm messed you up, but didn't they do that back when they decanted your mewling teenage form all those years ago? You try not to think about it. 

    What's the use? $!{villain_name} is here to stay.


  #The farm has nothing to do with this. This is all me.

    *if motivation = "fate"

      The Farm has nothing to do with this, this is fate. You were always meant to walk this path, you can feel the weight of inevitability with every step.


      ${!villain_name} was always your destiny.


      The Farm has nothing to do with this. They're a painful memory, an obstacle in your path. Nothing more. You've crafted ${villain_name} from past mistakes.


      Let nobody say you're not responsible where you go from here.   

"Anybody around?" Chen's voice is hushed as he tears you from your thoughts, leaning down close to your ear.

"No," you say after a moment's hesitation. You made your way out of the Rangers Headquarters safely, and this time of the night the streets are almost empty. "I don't think it was wise to fry the alarm system. That's going to make people come running fast."

"The emergency power came on faster than I planned to. I couldn't let the cameras catch us." He keeps wheeling you down an alley, towards a rusty white van parked at the edge of the street. "You said you could keep the guard from noticing." 

"Not forever." You look up at Chen as he opens the back doors. No ramp. This will suck. "I'm not at my best right now."

"I have every faith in you in that regard." Is that a smile on Chen's face. "You've been running circles around everybody so far, and right now your life and freedom is on the line."


  #"What a time to start trusting me," I groan.

    "What a time to start trusting me," you say with an annoyed groan. 


    "When should I have started?" Chen rolls you up to the van. "When you were pretending to not be ${villain_name}? When you beat Herald up?"


    "I meant that you shouldn't trust me now either," you snap. "It's better that you don't." 


    "Not even your sense of self-preservation?" He leans down and grabs hold of the wheelchair with both arms, trusting most of your weight to his artificial arm and shoulder.


    "Especially not that. How did you think I ended up in this mess?" You wrap your arms around Chen's neck, ignoring the pain as he makes a small jump, landing heavily in the back of the van. Your weight is nothing to his cybernetic legs, but you can see from the pained look on his face that the integration points in his flesh must hurt from the effort.


    "Point taken." He puts you down with a grunt of relief.

  #"My body is still telling me to faint and get it over with."

    "My body is still telling me to faint and get it over with." You have broken out into a sweat despite the cool evening air. This has to be over soon, you're doing your wounded body no favors by moving around. 


    "I hope you can hold on for a little longer." Chen rolls you up to the van. "We need to get further away before the alarm goes off."


    "I know. I'm doing my best." There was no time for a through reprogramming, just a sustained push to keep the guard from noticing the dead cameras. 


    "Let me know when you can't do it anymore." He leans down and grabs hold of the wheelchair with both arms, trusting most of your weight to his artificial arm and shoulder.


    "I will. Assuming I know and don't just pass out." You wrap your arms around Chen's neck, ignoring the pain as he makes a small jump, landing heavily in the back of the van. Your weight is nothing to his cybernetic legs, but you can see from the pained look on his face that the integration points in his flesh must hurt from the effort.


    "You've been through worse." He puts you down with a grunt of relief. "Please hold on for a while longer."


  #"Stop buttering me up," I sigh. "I'm not falling for that."

    "Stop buttering me up," you say with a deep sigh. "I'm not falling for that."


    "I'm not buttering anything." Chen rolls you up to the van. "I know what you can do when you're backed into a corner. In fact, I'm counting on it."


    "You shouldn't," you snap. "And stop with the Spoon voice. I'm not falling for that." 


    "Falling for what?" He leans down and grabs hold of the wheelchair with both arms, trusting most of your weight to his artificial arm and shoulder.


    "You're distracting me to keep me calm." You wrap your arms around Chen's neck, ignoring the pain as he makes a small jump, landing heavily in the back of the van. Your weight is nothing to his cybernetic legs, but you can see from the pained look on his face that the integration points in his flesh must hurt from the effort.

    "Maybe I am." He puts you down with a grunt of relief. "You have to suck it up for a while longer."


"There are no brakes on this thing." You search your wheelchair but find none accessible to you. Hospital issue, made to be handled by someone else, on flat floors.

"Roll up against the back." Chen climbs in after, putting a magnet lock against the back wall. A few straps to fasten your wheelchair to the anchoring point, and you're at least somewhat secured. "That will do."

"As long as you drive carefully." You tug at it, but it seems to hold. 

"I alway do." He climbs out, shutting the doors behind him. Darkness. A moment later he gets in the front, opening the mall window between you. "I'll drive us some distance, then you can tell me where you want to go."

"Okay. Hurry up." You don't trust your grip anymore, too many things have happened for you to keep focus. How long until the guard remembers to look right? Impossible to say.

"Hold on." The engine rumbles to life and you cling to the straps as the van starts rolling. True to his promise, Chen drives smoothly, avoiding sudden turns.  

Leaving you time to think.

You have a phone, if you dare to trust it.

*if tech_savvy

  A cursory check reveals nothing strange, but you know you can't be sure.

You could call 

*if boss


*elseif rosie




and ask for a pickup. That would the best option here. Chen broke you out, but you have no idea how far you can trust him. It would be risky to let him know too much, in case he disagrees with your future actions he will have more information to bring you in. On the other hand, if you ask him to drop you off somewhere and makes the call from a different phone, what will you do if 

*if boss


*elseif rosie




doesn't pick up? Waiting too long in the street has it's own risk.

You sigh and finger the phone, you need to make a decision.

*temp chendrop false

*temp chencall false

*temp chenstay false


  #I'll ask Chen to drop me off and call on a safe phone later.

    You're hurt, but you're not helpless. Even though you're exhausted, your mental powers still works fine. Thanks to Chen, you've got clothes enough to look normal at a first glance. Lots of disabled and injured people in this town, won't be hard to divert attention.


    Even easier to borrow an uncompromised phone.


    "You can drive me down towards old Jefferson Park." You see Chen nod, and the car turns in the right direction. "I've got a place there you can drop me off at." Nowhere close to home, but there are things open at this hour, and all you need is an unprotected mind and a phone.


    "Alright." He nods and keeps driving, the faint vibration playing havoc with your nerves.


    That takes care of the contact, but what about your clothes and cast? Could they be bugged? Is that what he want, to find your base? It seems convoluted, but you'll ask for a scanner along with a pickup. That will spot anything untoward before you drag any bugs back home.


    You can't afford more mistakes.

    *set chendrop true


  #I'll call from here, if Chen tracks the call, so be it.

    You push the window to the front closed again, not that it will help with any bugs on the phone. It's a risk you're willing to take, if he wanted to track you he could have hidden a bug in your clothes. $!{swear}. What if he did?


    There's a faint ringing in your ears, and you remember that you need to breathe. No panic attacks. Not now. No use getting out of the clothes, the cast might be suspect as well. Better ask for a scanner along with a pickup. That way you can make sure you're not bugged.


    You can't afford more mistakes.

    *set chencall true    


  #I'll risk trusting Chen and ask him to wait with me for pickup.

    This is a calculated gamble. 

    *if thief

      Chen let you go, which is not that surprising. You're a thief, not exactly something which should be on the Rangers' radar. 

      *if knowkill

        Sure, some people have died, but it's a dangerous world.

      This could be an opportunity you can't afford to miss. 

    *elseif ((anarchist) or (prepare_them))

      If Chen is truly letting you go, that means he's thinking about what you are doing. Why. That might be the biggest opportunity you have had yet. 


      If Chen is truly letting you go, that means that on some level he is okay with what you are doing. Which is interesting.


    Could you gain an ally here?


    It's too early to know for sure, but letting Chen get closer to your operation might be worth the risk. See that things are not so different on the other side of the fence. Would he agree with staying? Seeing who you're working with? Risk getting recognized? 


    This could be interesting.

    *set chenstay true

*if ((chencall) or (chenstay))

  *gosub henchcall


  Pushing the window open again, you instruct Chen to head down towards old Jefferson Park. He nods in quiet assent, and starts heading that way.

*page_break This Feels Awkward

*if faker

  Should you be happy that Chen believes you're you? Ortega's reaction was not one you predicted. It hurt in ways you don't 


  You didn't expect Chen to break you out. Breaking the rules for your sake. Ortega might have done that, once upon a time. It hurts a bit that ${he} didn't. Hurts in ways you don't

want to think about right now. Focus on the present. On getting out of here.



  #I can't help it, I'll bring up Ortega with Chen.

    "So how are you going to deal with Ortega?" The words are out before your brain agreed with them, but that's not unusual when it comes to that ${ortega_gender}.


    *if faker

      "I'll talk to ${him}." Chen sighs deeply. "Once ${he}'s calmed down and can see reason."


      "You're assuming a lot if you think that will happen. Can't exactly forget what was said." Even if you want to.


      "I know. And I don't have a good answer. Not now."



      "I don't know yet." Chen sighs deeply. "It's going to be a mess."


    "Are you worried ${he}'s going to figure out you helped me escape?" Chen is an unlikely villain, but you have to admit Ortega can be more clever than you gave ${him} credit for.


    "No." The answer is confident. "But I'm worried what ${he}'ll do while looking for you."


    "If ${he} thinks the Farm has got me..." you don't finish the sentence, because you don't like where this is going. Would Ortega do something stupid? Something even more stupid than the stunt that landed you here?


    "I'm going to try to distract ${him} from that line of thought. And I think ${he}'s more likely to think... Hollow Ground is to blame." There's an effort to the last words, as if they hurt to say. I


    "That would make sense." You lean your forehead against the glass as Chen slows down at a stoplight. You can feel his thoughts racing, tangling each other into a ball of unease. "Considering the crash."


    "I can..." a pause and an annoyed groan. "Hollow Ground is a myth but I can use that regardless. Ortega believes it, that's the important thing."


    "Just make sure ${he} doesn't do anything stupid." There's more to it than this, you can feel it. But you're too tired to deal with it now. Hollow Ground will have to wait.

    For now.      


  #I'll ask Chen why he broke me out.

    You're not in shape for any deeper conversation, but you need to know why. It's a stupid risk to take for the Marshal of the Los Diablos Rangers, you're not sure even Chen thinks he can get away with this forever.


    "Why did you do it?" It's not exactly a whisper, but you're prepared for him to ignore it.


    "Because I wanted to." An honest answer that says nothing.


    "Don't be an ass, I'm hurting too much for wordplay." His thoughts are muddled and on guard, you can't read them without expending energy you don't have.


    "You're hurting too much to have a serious discussion about it right now." Chen slows down at a red light, chancing a look back over his shoulder at you. "We can talk later."


    "What makes you think I won't just skip town?" It's only half a joke, you're not skipping anywhere right now. But unlike Ortega, he doesn't bite at your setup.


    "Because you're doing this for a reason. And I want to know more."


    *if thief

      "I'm a thief," you joke. "They're not paying you enough as Marshal?"


      "It's not about that, and you know it." You can feel a hard kernel of determination inside him, but he's not letting you have a peek. Bastard.

    *elseif ((anarchist) or (prepare_them))

      "I'd be happy to tell you," you say with a grimace. "When I can be sure I can trust you."


      "We both need time to think, there's no hurry. You need time to heal before anything can happen." You can feel a hard kernel of determination inside him, he's been thinking about this for a while.


      "And maybe want in?" Your smile is more of a grimace. "Can't blame you for being tempted."


      "I'm not sure if tempted is the right word. But I am curious." You can feel a hard kernel of determination inside him, but he's not letting you have a peek. Bastard.


    "We'll arrange a talk later then." Once you're healed. Once you can defend yourself and argue your case. 


    Or, once you've sobered up from this brainfog and decided that secrecy will serve you best in the end.


    *page_break Risk Versus Reward


  #I'll keep silent and try to read Chen's surface thoughts.

    You don't feel like talking, but you can't escape Chen's thoughts. Not this close. Not with your body full of adrenaline and painkillers. He's trying to guard them, but anxiety makes for loud brainwaves, and the small window between you can't filter them out.


    He's angry at you. He's worried about you. He's angry at himself for doing this. He's worried that he waited too long to do it. Are you followed?


    You can see him check the mirrors, driving in a lazy, relaxed manner but taking routes that no car would normally take. Every time he slows down at a stoplight he looks carefully in the mirrors, but so far there has been no cause for suspicion. Yet. He does a U-turn on an empty street and doubles back for a while, which is a good way to spot anybody following, but there's no need for that. He's forgotten you're a telepath it seems. If someone follows, you can make them turn away.


    Or worse.


    *if knownkiller

      He's worried about that. What you can do. What you will do. You've killed. If you kill again it will be on his shoulders. Should he ask you not to? Would you listen?


      He doesn't think you would. And he's already made this decision. It's a calculated risk. Acceptable damage. He doesn't like it, but he's decided to trust your judgment. Trust.



      He doesn't like that. What you have done. What you might do in the future. It is a risk setting you free, but he's made his decision. He's decided to trust you. Trust.




    You don't know what you expected, but it wasn't that. What are you supposed to make of this? 

    *if steeldoubt >= 40

      Of the fact that he's fed up enough with everything that he's not even worried about his career if he gets found out?

        *if steeldoubt >= 60

          Worse, part of him would actually cherish it. An outside force pushing him to make decisions he wouldn't have made on his own.


    It looks like you might want to have a longer talk with the Marshal once your legs have healed and your brain recovered some amount of subterfuge. You wouldn't dare to have it now, not when you're hurting like this. Pain makes you too honest.


    You can't afford that. Not even with Chen.

    *page_break Not now    


  #I'll keep silent and scan the surroundings for enemies.

    You can't allow yourself to let your guard down now. If you get away safely you can talk about whatever you want. Right now, a distraction can be deadly.


    So you banish all questions and drift outward, pushing back the headache to feel for intent and curiosity.


    It hurts. Hurts more than it should. The drugs are robbing you off precision, you're a broken bull in a china shop, searching through the shards for clues. You miss the Rat King, they could have helped you with this. Have you gotten lazy? They've had your back for long enough that you feel naked without their warm presence curled up around your brain-stem.


    *if auctioncaptured

      *if ((hg_relationship = "nuisance") or (hg_relationship = "danger"))

        They saved your life. You would never have got out of that basement if it wasn't for them.

      *if animatedarmor

        You had no idea they could actually control your armor. That can come in useful in the future. Maybe you should

        *if tech_savvy




        then their own body when you're not wearing the armor? Something that can move? You'll have to ask them what they'd like.

      *if rangersarmor

        The Rangers have your armor now. Which means they have the Rat King. You would have been more worried about it if it wasn't Chen that broke you out. Even if you can't ask him to get you your armor back, you can certainly explain the Rat King's plight. He'll understand.


        "Chen?" Your words are distracted, you're still keeping half a mind on your surroundings. "What are you planning to do with my armor?"


        "Keep it for now. You certainly can't use it for a while." For now. You didn't miss that little nugget.


        "There's something I'd want from it though. Or at least have you taking care of." You force yourself to focus on him fully, this is important. "There's a small module at the back of the neck that contains a friend of mine. the Rat King."


        "The what now?" The surprise is not faked, looks like Chen is not in the know about everything. Good to know.


        "It's a cluster of linked rat brains. They help me control the armor. And they're my friends."


        "Shit. How long can they last without maintenance?"


        "Preferably once a week, their nutrient pack lasts longer, but the fluid needs to be filtered regularily."


        "I'll take care of it. You don't need to worry, they'll be safe." You can feel that he means it, as safe as Spoon would be with you. Some creatures don't need to be involved in whatever war you're fighting.

        *fake_choice They Are Lucky That Way


    Chen slows down as the van approaches a red light, there are people waiting at the crossing. Drunk thoughts. Easy thoughts. You abandon them and range wider, fearing an ambush. Sleeping people. An angry man watching a movie makes you frown, but the anger has nothing to do with you. The light flashes green and you take off, on the move again.


    You don't think anybody's following.


    You think you're safe.

    *page_break For Now


*if chendrop

  *goto prechendropoff

*if chenstay

  *goto chenstaymeet


  *goto chendropoff

*label henchcall

Time to call

*if boss


*elseif rosie




The phone feels clumsy in your hand, cheap plastic, easily disposable. Your fingers are swollen and sore, you twisted one hand on the crash, so you type in the number with the other.


*if boss

  [i]"Don't tell me you've lost your phone again Nehal, I told you not to call me from an unsecured one..."[/i] Pelayo sounds tired and annoyed, it's too early in the morning to be awake unless you're out partying.


  "It's not Nehal, It's ${villain_name}." You try to to mimic how you usually speak. "I need a pickup."


  [i]"I'll rescind my lecture then, good to hear from you."[/i] Pelayo sounds relieved, you suppose not hearing from you after the meeting would have worried him. [i]"Was afraid something had happened."[/i]


  "It did," you admit. "But I'll handle it. Get a car down to..." you ponder a moment getting your bearings before you tell him the address. "Make it a big one. And bring a scanner for bugs"


  [i]"Understood. I'll get the van and let Nehal sleep."[/i] In the background you hear a muffled voice you think might be Ward go [i]"Is that the boss?"[/i]


  "Bring Ward just in case." You don't want to take any risks, you might need backup. Not to mention help into the van. "I'll be there soon, if you get there before I do, wait for me."


  [i]"Sure. Give me a call if plans change."[/i]

*elseif rosie

  [i]"Who the hell is this?"[/i] Rosie sounds like you woke her up, and she's not happy about it. It's too early in the morning to be awake unless you're out partying.


  "It's ${villain_name}," you say, trying to mimic how you usually speak. "I need a pickup."


  [i]"Ah, that explains it. Good to hear from you, boss."[/i] Rosie yawns, sounding relieved. You suppose not hearing from you after the meeting would have worried her. [i]"Was afraid something had happened."[/i]


  "It did," you admit. "But I'll handle it. Get a car down to..." you ponder a moment getting your bearings before you tell him the address. "Make it a big one, and bring the scanner in case I have picked up some bugs."


  [i]"A big one? I can borrow a van, is that enough?"[/i]


  "That would be perfect." You don't want to take any risks revealing you are hurt. Not in advance. "I'll be there soon, if you get there before I do, wait for me."


  [i]"Alrighty, stay safe, boss. See you soon."[/i]


  [i]"What?"[/i] Bo sounds sleepy, it's too early in the morning to be awake unless you're out partying. [i]"Who is it?"[/i]


  "It's ${villain_name}," you say, trying to mimic how you usually speak. "I need a pickup."


  [i]"Boss!"[/i] Bo sounds relieved, you suppose not hearing from you after the meeting would have worried him. [i]"Was afraid something had happened, been hearing some troubling shit."[/i]


  "It did," you admit. You don't ask what rumors, you can easily guess what that would be. Your crash was in a public place, and Ortega is recognizable. "Don't worry, I'll handle it. Get a car down to..." you ponder a moment getting your bearings before you tell him the address. "Make it a big one, and bring the scanner. I might have picked up some bugs."


  [i]"Understood. Is a van alright?"[/i]


   "That would be perfect." You don't want to take any risks revealing you are hurt. Not in advance. "I'll be there soon, if you get there before, wait for me."


  [i]"Of course. See you soon."[/i]


You hang up, breathing a sigh of relief.

*if boss_secret

  It's going to be awkward meeting face to face, but at this point you need to trust someone while you heal. You can't wait for your head to recover enough to jump into your puppet, that would be even more dangerous. Leaving your broken body undefended.


  One potential disaster averted.


*label prechendropoff

"We're getting close." Chen slows down as you approach old Jefferson Park. "Where do you want me to drop you off?"


"Drive slow, I'll let you know." You close your eyes and feel for suitable minds. Some bars are still open, people fresh off the night shift dropping in for a drink. "There,that alley ahead, turn right."


"Alright." Chen turns, the alley narrow enough that the van almost scrapes some empty bins. You know it's empty of squatters, but he doesn't, and slows down to a crawl. "What now?"


"Stop and let me out. It's clear straight ahead, right? You can drive out of here?"


"I can, but..." you can feel his concern as a visceral thing, a sour taste at the back of his tongue. "Are you sure I should leave you here alone?"


"Yes," you say, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "You need to let me out now. I have people coming. I can handle this."


"Fine." Chen get out of the van, and a moment later, the doors swing open. "I don't like it, but I will trust you." Unlike you not trusting him. He doesn't need to say the unspoken part out loud for you to get it.


"Thank you." You let out a sigh of relief, you had worried he'd be more stubborn about this. "I mean it."


"Just take care of yourself," he mumbles as he removes the straps securing your wheelchair. "I don't want anything worse to happen before we..." he doesn't finish the sentence. Too many things it could be.


"Just get out of here safely and don't hang around to peek." You clench your jaw as he rolls you over to the edge. "I would know."


"I promise." Chen grips the chair, heaving you out and down with one swift, painful move.


"$!{swear}!" You try not to hyperventilate from pain. "Now go, hurry!"


"Be safe." There's a moment of hesitation as your eyes meet, then Chen climbs back in the seat, and starts the engine. The Van rolls out at the other end, leaving you alone in the shadows.




You don't wait, instead you will one of the patrons leaving the bar down the street to head this way. An irresistible lure, and maybe you tugged too hard, because he's almost running as he turns the corner. Doesn't matter, people might think he's desperate for a piss. You make sure to plant that thought as you force him to give you his phone.


*gosub henchcall

You let out a sigh of relief, putting the phone back in the man's pocket. The pain in your head is bad, but you place a blurry memory of having relieved himself here in his head, and send him on his way.

Good. Now all you have to do is wait.

*goto fusedpickup

*label chendropoff

"We're getting close." Chen slows down as you approach old Jefferson Park. "Where do you want me to drop you off?"


"You heard me talk, don't pretend you don't remember the adress."

"I didn't mean to listen in." He doesn't sound particularly sorry either. 

"If I had been worried about that I wouldn't have called in the car." You sigh and look out through the window ahead. You're getting close, so you close your eyes and scan the surroundings. There's nobody around, looks like you're first on the scene. Good, that simplifies things. "There, that alley ahead, turn right."


"Alright." Chen turns, the alley narrow enough that the van almost scrapes some empty bins. You know it's empty of squatters, but he doesn't, and slows down to a crawl. "What now?"


"Stop and let me out. It's clear straight ahead, right? You can drive out of here?"


"I can, but..." you can feel his concern as a visceral thing, a sour taste at the back of his tongue. "Are you sure I should leave you here alone?"


"Yes," you say, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "You need to let me out now. I have people coming. I can handle this."


"Fine." Chen get out of the van, and a moment later, the doors swing open. "I don't like it, but I will trust you." Unlike you not trusting him. He doesn't need to say the unspoken part out loud for you to get it.


"Thank you." You let out a sigh of relief, you had worried he'd be more stubborn about this. "I mean it."


"Just take care of yourself," he mumbles as he removes the straps securing your wheelchair. "I don't want anything worse to happen before we..." he doesn't finish the sentence. Too many things it could be.


"Just get out of here safely and don't hang around to peek." You clench your jaw as he rolls you over to the edge. "I would know."


"I promise." Chen grips the chair, heaving you out and down with one swift, painful move.


"$!{swear}!" You try not to hyperventilate from pain. "Now go, hurry!"


"Be safe." There's a moment of hesitation as your eyes meet, then Chen climbs back in the seat, and starts the engine. The Van rolls out at the other end, leaving you alone in the shadows.



*goto fusedpickup

*label chenstaymeet

"We're getting close." Chen slows down as you approach old Jefferson Park. "Where do you want me to drop you off?"


"You heard me talk, don't pretend you don't remember the adress." He was always nosy, maybe that's why you're going to trust him with this. Give him enough rope to tangle himself to your cause.

"I didn't mean to listen in." He doesn't sound particularly sorry either. 

"If I had been worried about that I wouldn't have called in the car." You sigh and look out through the window ahead. You're getting close, so you close your eyes and scan the surroundings. There's nobody around, looks like you're first on the scene. "There, that alley ahead, turn right."


"Alright." Chen turns, the alley narrow enough that the van almost scrapes some empty bins. You know it's empty of squatters, but he doesn't, and slows down to a crawl. "What now?"


"Stop and open the doors. No need to get me out yet, if we do this smart we can roll me from one van to the other."


"Are you sure you want me to stay?" You can feel his concern as a visceral thing, a sour taste at the back of his tongue. "I'm the Marshal, your people might not apprechiate that."

-continue later, just need to figure out how everyone reacts first.



Chen 🥺💗


Wait, there no talk about the rat king in other route. I hope someone else remember to feed them other than Chen...