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Alright, I have just sent in a big bugfix update on Retribution (not sure when it goes live on various platforms) and I am working on the Rebirth update. Once that is done, the first Revelations content will pop out here.

Until then, please amuse yourself by asking me weird things about writing or Fallen Hero here!



I had a Steam update go through yesterday, so I am guessing they moved quickly. Retribution is amazing, and I hope you have been seeing the many plaudits among fans.


Hello, congratulations on the release of FH: Retribution. I have some questions, thank you. 1. Who was Riley? I saw a post answer about their reletionship with Ortega but maybe I missed a thing in there? Did their reletionship begin before Sidestep appears? Does Sidestep know about that? And what did they think? 2. Mods and Boosts have slightly infertility and that also applied to Re-Gene. If in the future, Step and the ROs start a family, will they have a chance to have children? 3. If Ortega retired from Ranger and so did the other ROs, what will they do to make money?


will there be consequences for the rangers down the line (from sources other than sidestep, like their higher ups/potentially hg)? e.g for things like argent killing the civilian/moonlighting, ortega’s own “off the record” escapades, or anything else they Might get up to in the future? has the pr team ever had to cover up a ranger-related disaster and Not been successful? what is chen most afraid of? why? in order of most to least how scared are the rangers of dying on the job? what does the future look like to the hg trio? a changed system? do they envision it together, staying the path of crime or perhaps something different entirely? what does regina’s mindscape look like? what does a typical day look like for her? does she spend much time outside of the farm?


How has the community response been to the release of Retribution? What are the rangers' favourite foods and how good are they each at cooking? Would Ortega ever participate in the equivalent of celebrity hero master chef? Did Ortega ever try cooking random food using their electricity powers? We know Herald likes art but does he have any creative hobbies himself? I want to pet the rat king. Can we make it a tiny little robot body to control so we can pet it?


Is there any content that you ever decided to cut from either rebirth or from retribution? And if so why


I'm new to this Patreon so I'm sorry if I'm repeating any questions!! This may be a silly question but has there been other people riding around in Sidestep's head without their knowledge? Is it possible for the original Ace to regain personhood? Is the Handyman/Leo going to become a more prominent character in the next book? How do all the love interests feel about kids? (like having their own or just in general.) If everyone didn't become heroes what else would they be doing? I was wondering if you had a timeline for the next book yet? No rush or anything like that, I'm just curious. How do you go about writing stories with so many branching paths?


Hiya, i am also new to the patreon, so i imagine there will be overlap in questions, however my main question was: Would you support or be interested in someone making a wiki for the fallen hero series? something people could find descriptions of characters and bits of lore that are involved/available in the free versions and pictures of characters that the community or you have made/commisioned?


will we get the mitchell’s guide to anathema now :p?


Do regenes grow and lose baby teeth? How common are facial injuries for the Rangers and other heroes? Has Ortega ever had to have surgery to repair their face or mouth?


Does Hollow Ground have a canon name? Can we learn it? Also not a question, sorry, but looking back at the past Q&As I saw there was some Book 3 HG snippet where they found out that Sidestep was related to them through a lab test? I looked through ficlets and snippets and couldn't find anything. thanks if anyone can help :)

Circuitdruid clj

Man I had so many questions untill Q&A opened XD but one I remembered is is how aware is sidestep of the 'Ai' part of his mind? Are they completely mentaly merged or quite seperate? Would another telepath sense it in his mindscape? Would it be weird? Alien? Is the ai part how he manages to 'telepath' the nanovores at all or could other telepaths potentialy do this?


How much HG know about The Farm ? Do they aware that their youngest sibling is part of The Farm's experiment ?


has heartbreak’s true identity been mentioned to us before? (either in game or in lore posts, discord etc)


Apologies if this has been asked before, but would the Special Directive be bold enough to use samples from well known boosted/heroes for their Re-Genes? We know they collected Sidestep post Heartbreak, so it got me thinking if they would have tried to take Anathema (or what was left of them) or anyone else of interest that has passed/disappeared.


how immediately recognizable are sidesteps tattoos as regene tattoos? to a civilian? to a hero who hasnt worked with regenes? to heros who have? how much of them would someone have to see to recognize them? could they be mistaken for something else?


at the moment, the game seems more geared towards the redemptive/reluctant villain sidestep route, will there be more in depth options geared towards those not interested in being an anti-villain/revel more in destruction and the villainous lifestyle? it would be fun to play a truly remorseless sidestep. will there be more fights in revelations, compared to retri?

Nessy Lovegood

Hai! I'm new here! I just started getting into the FH series and I love them! But I have like so many questions so I'll just ask a couple for now. Also there are a lot of names I do not recognize. Where they in books? Did I just misread them or is that content here on Patreon? Which kinda leads me to my second question, who is the void? I must have missed that. My last question is regarding m! Ortega . He seems to know a lot more than he lets on. But I don't quite understand why my SS and Ortega rather hate each other. Like my SS blames Ricardo to an extent of not I guess rescuing her. And Ricardo blames my SS for not telling him she was alive. I guess I don't get the hate. Even though they seem to be OTP. My Sidestep is romancing Ricardo. But does he actually love SS or is he just pretending to ? I have more questions but I'll save those for another time 😅


Is it possible to romance or befriend Ortega without having them know that Step is a villain at the end of Retribution if they meet HG in person and end up in the crash? So far I've only had luck with that if Step and Ortega are distant, or if they're friends but no one knows that the villain is a telepath. What choices and actions affects Ortega's suspicion level?


-What were the main points that wanted to focus on when developing Sidestep's main stats and the relationship variables and stats? -How would HG react if they were unable to help someone they care about? -What are HG, Nocturne’s, and Jake’s pet peeves? -What kind of reactions did Nocturne notice on HG during the meeting with Sidestep? -Around what age is the Crack? -Between the Crack and Deadeye, which of them is the better sniper? -What were HG's older brothers like? -In the aquarium memory there's a line: “It’s the best day of your life, you didn’t think…” how would that sentence have finished? -Sidestep can potentially read the emotions on HG and Nocturne if they turn down HG's offer but did Nocturne, Jake, or HG have any verbal thoughts going across their minds? -How much money did Nocturne and HG lose if Sidestep successfully robbed the auction? Did it vary depending on if Sidestep kept things quiet or went on to cause mayhem and havoc? -Did Tina cause the Nanosurge? -In one of the Q&A's there was a mention of possible new villain romance (or two) and if the characters are developed enough, is it possible to hear a what kind of characters they might be? Do they have any powers? Any descriptions on their personalities? Are they active or retired villains? Are they independent villains or affiliated with someone? Even if there isn't romance, are they potential allies or friends to Sidesteps who are more interested looking allies outside the law?


-what relationship between Dr . Mortum and Vitruvian ? Only business partnership or something more ? - What mean " partner " between Dr . Mortum and Sidestep If they are RO ? Is it different "partner" with Vitruvian ? - Does HG always put Red thread on their partnership ? Or have specific reason ? -the mysterious sniper have ralated with Imposter in Sidestep/Puppet body ? - Will have solution for deal with Imposter who stuck in our body in Book 3 ?


-Are we free to write fanfiction based off of FH to satiate yourselves in wait for the 3rd book? I have so many little ideas swirling -Will the readers get to see\interact with Ortega's mother? happy family reunion! -What kinds of weapons would be available to sidestep during his vigilante/hero era? -Will we get more 'flashbacks'?


Hi! I just wanted to ask a few questions. I’ve tried looking through the old q&as but I might have missed the answers. Are Regenes (normal and cuckoo variants) made the same way? And is it possible that cuckoos are made from human corpses? I thought there seemed to be a reactive feedback loop when Sidestep connected with HG, instead of a one-way memory. Is that possible? Thank you!


Sorry, I keep going over this, but IF Sidestep was the reanimated corpse/ actual body of HG’s sibling the age works out, doesn’t it? HG’s sibling is 15ish years younger and so is Sidestep. If the farm took a sample that would mean they aged them up to the exact age the sibling was when they died. It could be useful to have a teenage regene, or maybe you can’t age past the original age of a donor, but if you can wipe memories/add new ones/disappear powerful people, isn’t it just easier/less expensive to “wake up” someone you’ve removed? How sure is Sidestep that they are made the same way other regenes are?


Second character boosted?