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Well, it is time for your questions this month again! I am currently in the process of revamping the Patreon, though you won't see any changes until the feb/march update. Going to be some new stuff once Retribution is out, but until then, feel free to ask anything!


All Blue

What’s the HG trio’s love language? What about Zephyr and Blaze? Did Locus leave any family or friends behind when she became a hero? What was her childhood like? How did she meet Porphyry, and what did they bond over? When did HG and Lord Ember start to see each other as an actual threat and rival to their empire? Have they met face to face? Do they do correspondence with each other? Has Sentinel ever tried his hand at mastering lightning/thunder, or was his wind manipulation enough for him? Who were some of the Boosts that had future vision? Will Step get the chance to make public examples of HG and Lord Ember if they angered Step enough? On that note, can we kill either Jake or Nocturne (or both) in retaliation to HG if they did?


Will there be any new RO's in future books or are you sticking to the current amazing ones?


Has the Farm ever considered creating a standard regene? For example if a regene was created with enhanced strength and durability would they consider cloning that individual to serve as shock troops and grunt work for the SD?


Now that you've reached a sort of "halfway point" in the story (finished writing 2 books out of 4), have any of your characters developed in unexpected ways or are they more or less the same as you first envisioned them? Has any character had an impact on you as a writer? If so, how?


-What is Tina’s organization focused on? -If Sidestep in some cases lied about losing their powers to the Rangers, is Mortum aware of it? What would they think of the possibility of someone losing their powers? -Mortum mentioned to HG they researched them, where did Mortum get the information? Did Mitchell give it to Mortum or did Mortum get the information somehow else? -How did Nocturne come to notice Ortega’s potential danger? Was there any particular situation/reason or did she decide to take a deeper look due to maybe discussions with HG and/or Jake? -On the precious QnA mentioned HG feels like they messed up with their younger sibling because of the way they had been, what kind of shortcomings/flaws does HG consider themself to have had then? -What kind of narrative voice would Nocturne, HG, and Jake have? -What would HG's younger sibling's mindscape looked or felt like?

Tweedle Dee

What is the initial response once the ROs find out Sidestep has been kidnapped in that arc? Do you have an estimate on how many different branches there are fie endings right now? The rat king is putting in the work, do they have an initial reaction to sidesteps accident? Sorry If I asked a question that's been asked before! I'm going through all the q&as now. Thank you!


you've mentioned that the new flesh cannibalized boosted individuals in n attempt to gain powers - did this work? are there rumors, whether or not they're true?