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If you want to be a part of it, here is the link to the discord server where you can find the link to the game and all the information about playtesting:

Copy and paste this link: https://discord.gg/AWDTMKZzx9

It is preferable if you report your bugs in the server as well, but if you want to, you can also DM me to me directly on Patreon. There is no need to interact on the server at all, but I do require people to join it mainly because it is easier to keep all the information in one place rather than send it everywhere. This way you are guaranteed not to miss updates or new info.

All the information should be in the "Read this first" section of the forum, the links to the game will be in the "Links to the Game" section.

Thank  you so much for your support, I can't believe we're finally at this point. It won't be long now until I start to plan/plot book three, then the VIP section will really be busy....




Maybe it is patreon changing the link somehow.


If nothing else, just DM me your discord name and I will invite you directly that day as a last resort. I have no idea what's going on.