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How would Ortega react to a romanced!Step that loves them, but are neutral about their good looks? Like a ‘yeah, they exist’ mindset instead of a ‘they’re pretty attractive’ one. 

Part relief, part challenge. Because honestly, while Ortega would be happy to just be loved for who they are, I don't know if they'd really believe it. Not deep down. I think they might have been too hurt growing up knowing they look good and having people treat them accordingly. They might take it as a challenge to prove Sidestep wrong.

When did Sentinel propose? Was it heavily featured in the news, or was it downplayed since it was likely he did it after he retired?

It was heavily featured in the news. In fact, he did it the same day (and time) that he was announcing his official retirement, live on television. If there was one thing he had learned over the years in the (controversial) spotlight it was to take control of the situation (with some help from co-conspirator Ortega).

Is it possible for Step to become so powerful that a classification above Alpha could be created in-universe?


How would the public react if one of the Rangers was dating a (relatively wholesome) villain? What if it was Steel, who’s currently the Marshal? What would be the legal repercussions for said Ranger (or Marshal) for doing this?

Officially dating a villain as the Marshal/Ranger? Nope. Oh no. Never. Grounds for getting fired. Can't have the rule of law be compromised like that. Rumors about dating a wholesome villain? Cool speculation. Generating interest in the Rangers. But don't go too hard with it. The public would react in many different ways, it would depend on the circumstances.

If Steel and Argent were Boosted, what can you see them having for powers? 

Hmmmm. Steel might actually have ended up with something close to precognition or similarly mental powers (thought it would depend a bit when he took it, during some phases it might have been more volatile). Argent might have something connected with computers, she always liked tech. Or, maybe, water breathing or manipulation? This is the kind of thing that's hard to predict for anybody, nobody can for certain predict what might comeout. 

Is anyone on the Rangers aware of the fact that if Step hadn’t come with them, Steel would have died in Heartbreak? Can Step, Ortega, and Steel actually talk about the event themselves and confide in each other about what it was like? What Step tried to do to take HB down, or what they even sacrificed in their attempt to do it?

The talk is coming, trust me. It's long overdue. What people are aware of, I'm not telling yet, but it's a fair bet that at least Steel is very aware of that fact.

Can you list the levels of Boost classification system and give examples for them? As well as the individuals who were considered to be the ‘first’ to be applicable to each tier? (E.g. The first Alpha level, the first Delta level, etc.)

Part of this is reposted from the very first QnA, but I took the time to fill out some stuff. 

There are four generally accepted categories of Boosts. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.

Delta: Boosts at this level have small extra-human powers, but not enough to be military or commercially viable. It can be things like generating enough heat/fire to light a cigarette, changing the color of their hair or other, essentially harmless tricks. 

The first known Delta level boost was Jeanette Sneed, a pyrokinetic called "Miss Fire" going live on television 1971 (on the short-lived Loomis Family Variety Show. She died years later in a house fire, and people speculate her powers might have been to blame.

Gamma: These boosts have useful, but still limited powers. In general, they are utilitarian rather than dangerous. They are things like having sense of smell as good as a dog. Being able to hear radio waves. Seeing in the dark. They are enough to give the boost a legit advantage, and can, within certain contexts be commercially viable. Villains or Heroes that are gamma level boosts will still need to rely on mods or gadgets in order to make a career out of it.

The first known Gamma boost was Kirk Witt, also known as "Aquatic Man" in 1972, a young environmental activist who could breathe underwater and used his powers to bring awareness to the destruction of the ocean habitat. He's currently retired in the Florida Keys.

Beta: This is what most people think of when they hear that someone is boosted. It is a strong, functional, but still somewhat limited power offensively. Most boosted heroes and villains in Los Diablos would fall into this category. 

The first known Beta boost was also the cause for the nickname the "hero drug" in 1971 and the popularity despite the dangers. Her name was Joy Tatz, and she foiled a bank robbery thanks to her newly boosted strength and armor. She became a feminist icon due to her outspoken views on the subject, and became one of the first boosted crime fighters under the name "Bulletproof". She tragically lost her life in the Big One.

Alpha: These are the most dangerous, offensive boosts. Most people changed this deeply do not survive the experience as the powers tear their body apart. However, there is a theory that Beta boosts can strengthen into Alpha during particularly intense brushes with death and trauma. It is certainly true for many of the currently known Alpha boosts.

The first known Alpha boost (and arguably the strongest one so far, as well as a possible double boost) was Patrick Fregoso, known as "Cavalier". He had massive explosive powers, as well as speed, strength and limited invulnerability. As he worked for the military he was mostly deployed overseas fighting the US enemies. However, he crossed the line in the year 2000 and became a villain. He is believed to have died 2002 as he attacked and partially blew up the Pentagon.

???: There are rumors of a classification above alpha, but what it entails or who would be need to have a separate category is unclear.

How would the Rangers react if they realised that Sidestep could be the next Heartbreak if they snapped/went insane? What precautions would they take in light of this information?

Hehe. Oh boy. NOT telling you that, or if someone already has started...

not asking for like a voice claim or anything, but what do imagine the rangers + mortum to sound like when they speak? things like pitch, cadence, word choice, syntax, etc? anything you really keep in mind while writing the character in that regard? or is it just sorta fully left up to reader interpretation?

This is entirely up to the reader. They have a text voice and that is what you can read. I have no further input.

Another question: does anyone ‘talk with their hands?’

Ortega! Gestures is like half their language. Also, Dr. Mortum is very vocal with their hands.

What languages do the Rangers, Mortum, Rosie, Bo, Mia Ochoa, and the HG trio speak? Ortega knows Spanish and a bit of Cantonese, Steel is fluent in both, and I feel like it’s safe to say Mia knows Filipino.

As always, I might be forgetting something. I feel like I might have answered this before.

Ortega: Spanish, English, bit of Cantonese. Can swear and insult in many more.

Steel: Cantonese, English, Spanish, a bit of Russian and Korean.

Argent: Spanish, English. (officially)

Herald: English, Spanish, a little French and Italian. Can order food in more.

Dr. Mortum: Kreyòl, French, English, Spanish, Arabic.

Rosie: English, Spanish.

Bo: English, Ukrainian, Russian, a little Arabic.

Mia Ochoa: Filipino, English, Spanish

Hollow Ground: English, Spanish

Nocturne: English, Spanish, a little Tagalog

Jake: Tagalog, Filipino, English, Spanish

This might be spoilery… but is it possible in the future to join the Rangers? Or would Sidestep be completely banned considering their ‘status’, their crimes, and what they’re capable of?

That is indeed spoilers.

What kind of criminal was Dynamate? What’s the public opinion of them now? What’re their powers?

As a villain, Dynamate was essentially in it for the cameras and kicks. They'd create situations to draw out the heroes so they could fight and show off for the cameras. They never really hurt civilians (though they often took them hostage), but they robbed a lot of money to fuel their expensive hobby. While Dynamate was a Beta level boost with some form of regenerative powers, they mainly serves as a means to acquire some of the more extensive mod-jobs seen outside the army. To all extents and purposes, most of their body is metal, and very variable. They are especially fond of extendable limbs and tentacles.

Are there any mandatory events that call for the Marshals to meet up? Or do they mostly just keep to themselves until a situation calls for it? 

Yes, there are a few.

Was pre!Heartbreak Ortega ever bothered by a sizeable amount of people genuinely not liking them despite their popularity? 

Outwardly, no, but inwardly it stung a bit. Part of Ortega really, truly thrives on being liked.

Was Herald ever tempted to take up the Sidestep mantle? Did he ever try?

No, he would consider that tacky.

What kind of hero would Mortum (or rather, Translocator) be?

One thing is sure, it would be the kind that monologues about how smart they are and how you should probably give up before you get hurt because you have already lost. Lots of bark. Not as much bite.

If an RO confesses to Step, or if Step admits their longing to RO, can we have to option to choose to say we might be interested, but want to start out as friends first just to go slow and see if we might work? 

There are tons of variants, and I don't cut people out of content. I don't think I have that exact scenario, but similar ones. There are many ways to slide into and out of relationships in this game, I am trying to make it as fluid as I can.

How common is Anti-enhanced bias in the FHR universe?  Is discrimination common? How is it in LD compared to the rest of the FEZ and the USA? 

Los Diablos is the most open when it comes to the enhanced population. The rest of the FEZ is pretty open as well, it's generally seen as just another thing, and any bias is on an individual level and not a societal one. The rest of the USA is different, there they are often treated with suspicion and seen as volatile and dangerous.

Have the Rangers experienced any effect of Anti-enhanced bias?

Yeah, Herald in particular. He grew up and got boosted on the east coast, so he had to face the shock and dismay from both his parents and their friends. There is a reason he moved west as soon as he was able to do so. Chen saw some bits of it in the army, but mostly directed at boosts, so it wasn't at him personally. 

When Regenes are injured how are they typically repaired? If a regene had a crippling injury would they be more likely to be treated with Mods or clone flesh replacements?

Depends on which would be the most cost effective and result in the best outcome for the viability of the product. Most of the time, mods would be the first choice, but there are many ReGenes that has powers connected to their physical body where that might cause issues. Also, there's ongoing experimentation with cross-grafting of bother boosted bodyparts to see if anything carries over.

Rate the Rangers dancing skills for us. Who's good at dancing? Who likes to dance?

Ortega loves to dance and is good at dancing. As is Herald, though the floating can become an issue (for good and bad). Steel likes it, but is not good. Argent doesn't swing that way for many reasons.

How do corporations recruit heroes? 

Mostly by poaching promising vigilantes, but at times they do hold auditions or contract casting agencies to find suitable candidates.

How common is it for vigilantes to become heroes? How common is it for them to stay vigilantes? 

Most stay vigilantes for their entire career. Some by choice, because they like the freedom, while others never make it big enough, or are too morally questionable to be treated as a hero by the press and the public. The proportion of vigilantes to heroes is perhaps 75% vigilantes to 25% heroes, but this is slightly misleading since heroes tends to have longer careers. There is a lot more volatility in the vigilante community, people come and go at a much greater rate.

Does Chen wear his prosthesis to sleep? Does he ever take them off and do things without his hands and legs?

In general, Chen takes his prosthesis off whenever he can. While they are more advanced than what is available in our world, it is still a strain on the body to use them. His apartment is wheelchair adapted, and that's what he tends to use when he's at home. The legs are what he ditches most often, or at least switches into lighter, simpler versions (his civilian legs as he calls them). They are always removed for sleep.

His shoulder implant is permanent, he can't remove that, which means he keeps the arm on as well. He tends to remove the arm while sleeping, unless he's feeling particularly worried about security. Then he keeps it on. It tends to be a rougher sleep then, he can get back issues if he does it for too long. 

The hand on his flesh arm stays on 99% of the time. It is by far his most sofisticated piece of tech, he's been using them the longest, and he doesn't like how helpless he feels without it.

Does any of the heroes consider villain Sidestep as their nemesis?

That is set by relationships in the game.

Would Ortega have a heart attack if Hood and Tia Elena had started dating?

Yes. Or at least a minor(major) freakout.

Can Sidestep use their telepathy as a psychic block to Boosts so they can’t use their powers? In a similar vein, can they use their telepathy to ‘disconnect’ certain sensory organs, such as taking away eyesight? Or telepathically ‘curse’ people so they’ll have chronic pain? 

Sort of. While they can't actually do any of those things, they can influence the mind to think that it happens. It's a similar thing to their "don't look at me" aura. While the people certainly see Sidestep, they don't consciously register them. Making people feel pain in the moment is easy, but so far they can't make it stick without an active hand in it. They fade quite quickly, as the mind is quite flexible protecting itself against trauma. The same goes for blocking active boost powers. They can trick the mind into thinking they are doing something they are not, or even forgetting that they can do it. However, that doesn't really affect passive abilities, or for very long. It's like making Argent forget to take a breath, it needs active and constant focus. For example, making Herald think he's lost his flying abilities is workable in the short run, but kick him off a roof and chances are the autonomous reflex would kick in and make him float before he hits the ground.

What’s the biggest telepathic range ever recorded? Is there a specific type of measurement (e.g. kg, N, ml, similar to them) to measure psychic power? 

There is no specific unit of measurement of psychic strength (yet), but the longest distance communicated telepathically has been from Seattle to New York (and no, it wasn't Sidestep).

From previous posts, it seems like Captain Blaze isn’t personally liked by many people. Is that the norm? Or is it just the occasional case? Does he care about it? If nothing else for how much of an ass he can be?

I dunno? I like to compare it to sport stars. Some are admired for their capabilities, while others are for being team players, while yet others are liked because they're great with fans and genuinely nice and generous people. Blaze is powerful and successful, and admired by many, but like he would say, he's not in this business to be liked.

In Rebirth, when you romance Ortega as step and you flirt/date them as the puppet, why did they not let Sidestep go with them to check on the puppet in the hospital? 

There are reasons. I am sure you can figure them out.

Would we have the opportunity for Step to ride Ortega's bike with them?

Oh yes.

If the ROs were each granted one and only one wish, what would that be? 

I can't answer that, it is spoilery as hell for most people!!

Did HG have any particular opinion on Hood before they chose to have him killed?

Oh yes. Not gonna tell you though.

What was Psychopathor’s opinion on HG when they met? 

Short little peacock, too confident, too arrogant, but good with words. useful.

What is Mitchell’s opinion on each of the HG trio (if he has any opinion)? 

Oh he keeps those VERY MUCH to himself. He prides himself of being objective.

Do Mia and Vernon have any particular opinion or thought if the Rangers reputation is suffering?

Mia is worried, since that's not good for the stability of the city (despite that she might have have a hand in it), Vernon is probably pleased. 

If the Rangers and Dr. Mortum had to describe their childhood, how would they describe it as like been?

Ortega: Wild. Fun. Made the best of a boring town.

Steel: Normal. Nice.

Argent: Wonderful, and that's none of your business.

Herald: Distant. A bit weird in hindsight.

Dr. Mortum: Childhood? Hard work more like it.

Are there any theories what affects what level of boost someone becomes (alpha, beta, etc)?

Nothing coherent. At this point, it seems likely that part of it is influenced by genetics. There is a slightly greater chance of relatives of strong boosts also becoming strong boosts. However, that doesn't influence survival much, since it is theorized that most of the stronger boosts self-destruct within weeks of taking the drug. It also seems likely that long-term survival with a boost will lead to it growing in power (within limits) with use and training. Another thing that has been observed is that traumatic life or death experiences can lead to another boost in power if the subject survives. Some boosts, due to the classification rules, can never become alpha or beta level due to how the boost works. Aggressive boosts are ranked higher than peaceful or utilitarian ones.

What kind of reputation did Vernon have before he was fired? What had been his focus as a journalist?

Crime, military and foreign policy. He was respected in his field.

Are there any other villains (or any heroes) that Mia would like to interview?

All of them! But the Catastrofiend is the holy grail.

If Re-Genes are AI, would they have reacted to any signal broadcasted that would deactivate other forms of AI? 

The only thing I can think of that would affect all AI instead of just being personal codes would be a massive EMP blast. And that would indeed fry the AI chip, most are not shielded to deal with that. However, some ReGenes deployed in front-line combat might be shielded.

Did Steel find out anything about Heartbreak, like he did with Sidestep? 

Yes. Not gonna tell you what yet. The thing is, he might not think it important since he doesn't have the rest of the information, everyone needs to put their pieces of the puzzle together.

If Sunstream was Alpha level, what could she be capable of? Could she see different spectrums of light? (UV, Infrared, Heat Detection, etc.) 

Yes, if she was Alpha level she might go beyond simply creating/controlling photons. She might have control over more parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and that could very easily propel her to power levels beyond Alpha if she could handle it. 

Is Pyroclast a tactician or a fighter? What’s his fighting style like? 

Ashfall started out as more of a fighter than a tactician. Like many vigilantes, what he needed to work at was teamwork. Since joining the Rangers as Pyroclast he has matured a lot, but still likes the personal touch. I have been thinking of what clip I'd show to give a feel for his fighting style (I did that for the other Rangers in a previous QnA) and this is the closest to what's in my head: 


How would the Rangers react if someone was trying to poach Sidestep for their hero group, knowing Ortega wants them on the team? How would Ortega react, knowing that they’re their first pick for the Rangers? 

Oh Ortega would go out of their way to sabotage that before it goes anywhere. And no, they wouldn't tell Sidestep...

Did Blaze ever try to flirt with Argent? If he did, how did she react? 

He did. She shut him down fast.

What kind of marriage proposals would each of the Rangers like? I’m guessing Chen wouldn’t like anything public + flashy and attention-drawing, and same with Argent. 

I am as bad with this as I am with music or children. I have no idea.

How much do the Rangers know of telepathy in general? (E.g. Ljungstrand’s classification system, telepathy needs carbs, how hard it can be to live with, strange forms of telepathy like Sidestep/Shroud/HG and the like, etc.) 

Not very much at all. Ortega and Steel has researched it a bit, but it's not as if they are experts in the field. Much published in the area is not easily accessible.

In Alpha Retribution, Argent said she didn’t think Step was ‘that sort of brains’ when they say they’re assembling it themselves. What ‘sort of brains’ was she expecting?? Streetwise? Something else? 

Yeah. Her preconceptions based on Ortega's stories were very much of a fighty/streetwise Sidestep, and was quite surprised if things turned out to be different.

Are there any heroes who admire/begrudgingly respect a ‘better than them’ hero hunter? Or are they all wary and hostile towards them? Is it possible a Hunter!Step could get invitations to fight from heroes/villains who want to be the one to defeat them in-game? 

There might be respect AND hostility. And I think there is definitely heroes/vigilantes who'd try to draw out the hero hunter villain to fight them. Maybe even in game, that is a cool idea!

What would Chen have done if he was never offered the invitation to join the Rangers?

Probably remained in the military, rising in the ranks.

Did Anathema's invulnerability protect them from internal ailments? Like for example if Anathema had Appendicitis or the like, would they have been screwed? Or did their invulnerability cover that? If so, then how far did this go?

As far as anybody knew, it also protected against internal ailments like infections. As for whether it would work against things like cancer where the very body cells were the culprit is a different story. It never happened, so it is hard to say.  

Most boosts are unable to have children, for the ones that are, do the powers become inherentible? Like would that eventually make it so it's common for people to have powers? Like over thousands of years?

It is hard to say, but over that long a time I do think that there would be "natural born" boosts, even with boosted parents further down the line, and that humanity would have been permanently changed. Powers are not inherited directly, but something has changed, enough to perhaps activate in a personal way if given the nudge.

Does being modded affect fertility and ability to give birth? 

Not unless the mods themselves affect those areas. For example, Steel would not be affected, Ricardo might be slightly, and Julia would be a lot.

How well known was Sidestep when they first met Charge? Would they have recognized each other? Or is this headcannon territory?


I know Themmy was open about their transition & talked with Step about it, but did it go both ways? Was (trans) Step out to them? If so, were they out to anyone else as well? Sentinel maybe?

I will leave that to headcanon for now. But both are certainly possible, and you might get the option to specify it in the future.

For Steps that are kind of trying to get better, will we start to have opportunities to cut back on their vices? Dealing withdrawal, nicotine patches, etc...

Maybe in the future.

What song did everyone sing at karaoke? If not a specific song, a genre?

I am so bad about normal music, I am leaving that to headcanon because I don't know enough.

In a past Q&A, it was mentioned that sometimes the Ranger's friends & family would be targeted by villains… Did Sidestep ever go along with Ortega to rescue one of their kidnapped dates? If they had a secret crush on Charge, exactly how sulky would they have been about it?

Oh yes. Probably more than once. And Sidestep could probably be very caustic about it regardless of secret crush. 

I always struggle over which potential henchman to pick in FH: Rebirth as I really like both Rosie and Boris. Will it be possible to still meet the one who doesn't get picked later down the line? Might we get a scene where they meet and interact? Do the two even know the other exists?

I do have plans for the other that doesn't get picked down they line. They do exist in the world, and they have interacted more than once. 

Ortega's epilepsy is a closely guarded secret which not many people know about (for good reason) but do the same people also know this renders Ortega virtually immune to all forms of telepathic manipulation? If not, which characters are in on it?

Yes, they ones that knows the secret knows that as well.

Several characters in the story are boosts with superhuman durability/toughness; how would you rate them from least to most invulnerable? What's their upper limit in terms of durability (if not too spoilery)?

Like everything else, it depends on what I need for the story. I have no internal rating, just a vague scale which might change if they ever encounter each other in a fight in game. That goes for all powers, I never specify, because then I will only hinder myself in the future.

If we refuse to see a shrink and Sidestep's mental health is visibly declining, would Ortega ever try something drastic like an intervention to sit down and plead with us to seek help? Who else might join in on this?

Oh Ortega certainly would, and drag Chen and Danny if he's involved enough along for the ride. Maybe certain others too (spoilers).

What are some of the weirdest recorded superpowers in the Fallen Hero universe ? What other types of mental powers exists, besides telepathy?  Has anyone ever gained the ability to perceive the future?

Oh boy. I really have no idea? There once was a TTRPG supplement called "The ultimate powers book" for the old Marvel RPG. I used to roll up tons of random characters from that. I will say that the weirdest ones that Sidestep encountered was probably either Mucous Creation/Manipulation (gross and sticky) or Mathematical Hypnosis (forcing people to freeze until they have solved a mathematical problem). 

There is a lore post from way back about all the various psychic powers and telepathy classifications.

And yes, people have gained the ability to see the future. It's not a benign power, few have survived it for long. 

Wait, I’m not sure if we ever got a physical description of Blaze in game? If we did and I just somehow missed it, what does he look like? What’s his ethnicity? 

I tend to be very vague with my physical descriptions. This is what you get in some paths: "Captain Blaze is half a head taller than most people here, with the careless confidence of the popular. Brown hair slicked back in a fashionable wave, the olive skin smooth and photogenic. And he certainly looks good in a suit…"

He's Italian-American.

Do the Rangers suits focus more on depicting the powers of the individual? Or do they include other things too? What sort of practical uses are they outfitted with?

They are more focused on giving a team look than depicting the powers, though that has certainly influenced the design. Apart from offering protection with a state of the art skin-suit and added light armor, they also include communication devices as standard. While they get different equipment depending on the circumstances, there are some things that tends to be standard:

Ortega's suit helps protect, direct and project their electrical powers. Probably the one after Chen that gets the biggest power-up from being in suit. 

Steel's suit is very plain, just for comfortable wearing under the armor. No extra frills apart from the standard skinsuit protection. He gets most from the various armor configurations (which has been described in earlier QnA's)

Argent's suit leaves her hands/lower arms/feet/lower legs uncovered. She wears gloves and boots most of the times, but strips them quickly for serious fights. She sometimes wears a narrow visor to assist with fighting in low-light conditions and for other visual aids.

Herald's suit comes with goggles for eye protection/visual enhancement when he's flying high. Great zoom capabilities and low-light enhancements. The one most likely to carry the first aid pack.

Specialized: Night-fighting gear, underwater re-breathers, coats, pants and jackets for colder weather. Pocketed jackets, vests, bandoliers and packs to keep other equipment, especially when operating outside the city limits.

What put Dr Mortum on the map as a villain back in the day? Were they a well known villain to the general public? Can you give us some details of what they got up to back when they were an active villain? Thank youuu

No matter how much it pains them to admit it, Dr. Mortum was a painfully mediocre villain. They weren't famous or well-known, and what reputation they had were mostly as Vitruvian's partner. They were just another science/weapon villain who robbed stuff and weren't very interested good at cinematic fights. Dr. Mortum has become a lot more flamboyant and outgoing after deciding to stick to their path as a scientist, they never had that confidence as a villain.

How did Ortega get into parkour and filming their stunts? How did they develop their skill set? Did they pursue any sports at a high level when they were a kid / tween? Did they have any sport career ambitions? What did their parents think / encourage?

Ortega got into parkour after seeing it on the television and in movies in the early nineties. They were already climbing everything, and it was a natural progression from the military obstacle course type of challenge they were so familiar with. But with this, you could look cool while doing it. They were into many sports as a kid, but tended not to stick with them too long. Too much restless energy, and they clashed with the trainers trying to channel their energy into professional results. Their mother Elena in particular did have professional sports ambitions for them growing up since she quit gymnastics before making it to the Olympics, but she eventually realized that their child was too much of a restless spirit to focus on one thing. Repetition was always Ortega's worst enemy.

If things had turned out differently and they connected with the right trainer/team the way they did to Hood, Ortega would have been able to have a professional career in basketball, the high jump, pole vaulting, decathlon or motorcycle road racing.

Ortega got into extreme sports/stunts when they met Marek, who was already filming local skateboarders, BMX riders, and rollerbladers doing stunts. Ortega joined the "team" and quickly became one of the stars. They already had the grounding, and took to free climbing and basejumping as if they were born to it.

Sidestep is convinced that Anathema’s invulnerability could sustain everything BUT Anathema’s own acid powers. Is that true? Did Sidestep ever see Anathema burn themself inadvertently before HB?

Yeah, Sidestep is convinced that is the case. Looking back, they can see several occasions where skin blemishes might be connected to acid use. And, Anathema often scratched, picked at their skin as if it itched.

When we meet HB in the HB sequence… is that their real body? Or rather: does the mind we feel belong to the body we see, or is there something amiss between the two?

Hard to say at this point, Sidestep don't like thinking about it. It certainly felt real, and in some cases disgustingly solid to the touch, but with powerful telepaths that might not be saying much.

The rangers have celebrity status, but the headlines probably aren't always positive. What's the main thing Steel, Argent, Herald and Ortega are most often mocked for? What kind of headlines or taunts sting the most for each of them? 

Ortega: Are they flirting with the villain AGAIN?

Steel: Boring and generic. Could be replaced by any competent soldier.

Argent: Everyone just thinks she's cool because she's pretty, she never really does anything. Kept around for looks.

Herald: Ineffective. Why isn't he using a weapon?

Warning Desperate question I have no hope of getting an answer to how would Ortega describe HB? As in, what did HB look like to their eyes?

Good try. Spoilers. Maybe they'll tell you one day.

Did ortega ever try to involve other rangers in helping with their vendetta against HG back in the day or keep it close to their chest?  If yes, who? Or step? If yes for step, much did ortega try to involve them? 

Yes, Sentinel. Ortega were general in getting the team involved, but only in the most general terms. The shady stuff they planned with Sentinel.

Would locus be able to unravel memory alterations sidestep has committed or are their versions of telepathy (locus being more verbal and sidestep being more emotional) so distant that they wouldn't be able to detect anything amiss that the other did?

It would be an interesting challenge, that's for sure.

Do you have any (horror or otherwise) media inspirations for the Catastrofiend or the Void? If so, can you give us a little detail on what aspects of the media you drew on for your villains 👀

Thank you SO MUCH for this question.

The Catastrofiend: 

Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Impeccable vibes and main inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFPdN2GgJJI 

Also: Death Machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKBK1Hv8QX8 

with honorable mentions to Hardware, Videodrome and battle Angel Alita for flesh/metal synthesis horrors.

The Void collected vibes, only snippets and moments: 

The Prince of Darkness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGsv0pJemTY 

Blair Witch project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmYsRcLMvO8 

Neon Genesis Evangelion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r43Z2bRsFwo 

Jacob's Inferno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOD0DZRdQ9w 

Does Tia Elena still wear her wedding ring?

Yes, she does.

Be honest... Has Ortega ever done one of those tacky dramatic full of sexy metaphors perfume commercials?

Oh definitely. Complete with the sultry/sexy french voice over.

If the rangers (and Mortum) had to wear masks / helmets as part of their hero/villain suit, what kind of design (or effects) would they go for?

Ortega: Sleek and form-fitting, reinforced over skull but with parts of the mouth bared.

Argent: Blank slate, with loose hair.

Herald: Practical. Not too intimidating.

Dr. Mortum: Impressive. Many lenses. Probably light-up.

Who was Mortum's assistant and why'd they quit?


What's up with Marek? What does he do exactly? Is Ortega aware that Marek is in Los Diablos / are they still in contact?

Marek is still an independent filmmaker, focusing on whatever gets him paid for the moment. Currently, is various weird documentaries. Ortega knows Marek is in town, but they are not in close contact. They had a falling out after Ortega joined the Rangers, and Marek sold the footage of their accident for a LOT of money.

Has Mitchell met any of the heroes and villains he's researched in person? If yes—which ones? If no—why?

No, in general he prefers to research from afar. He's not a hands on type of person. Besides, these people are dangerous.

And… obligatory Ortega question of the month. Does psychological stress put any extra strain on their mods (both new and old), or just physical stress, like fighting? (including of course physical  effects of stress etc etc) 

Mostly physical stress, but like we all know, mental stress can make the body tense up and hurt as it is. It doesn't get better with mods.

What was going through the other Rangers minds when Argent went on her "rampage" when Step was puppeting her in Book 1?

Oh shit, oh shit, how would we even stop her?

Jumping off that question: did they all believe it was telepathic stuff going on, or was there maybe something else going on there

Ortega was convinced there was something else involved, Herald and Chen firmly believed she was mind controlled.

What was it about the Void that made HG see them as “a massive threat that needed to be removed at any cost”?

The way they could influence and bind their followers to them. One villain can be killed whenever, a fanatical organization needs to be rooted out fast.

You’ve said that Arsenaux was the lieutenant of the Void and she took over their empire after they died. Does she just control the criminal landscape that was the Void’s turf or has she continued the work of the Green Sky? 

She was a member of the Green Sky, and continues their work as best as she's able without Void.

Was she actually a believer or did she just work for them?  Did she join during the green sky or was she part of the new flesh before the void splintered off?

She joined during the Green Sky era, and she's a fervent believer.

Do boosts often come along with changes to physical appearance? Like, is there precedent for something like Lady Argent as the public probably assumes, having silver skin as a result of her boost? Or like Catastrofiend, do people assume its appearance is at least in part due to the boost drug? 

Well, physical changes are common but he public thinks it's even more common than it actually is. They don't notice those who doesn't change. In general, boosts are often seen and depicted as monstrous regardless of the truth.

Or is this relatively unheard of, and has anyone picked up on there being something extra weird about these two because boosts don't usually alter the physical body that much?

No, there are a lot weirder boosts out there.

Knowingly or not, has Dr. Finch ever come in close proximity to Hollow Ground?


How would Dr. Finch react to discovering Step is a villain? Would she still want to help them?


Does Francis know Argent's real name?


After sidestep "died," did ortega continue keeping their powers/identity secret or was Ortega more open about it to other people/press/etc? 

Ortega kept their secret, would have taken it to the grave.


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