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I know if your trans in the game you can have some surgery to make your physical appearance more of what you want did you ever consider letting some of our characters not trans have some plastic surgery on there face to be more unrecognizable/ make some changes to make them more comfortable with there appearance?

I have thought about it, we'll see what happens in the future.

How would the RO react seeing the MC or the puppet, playing with kids.

I think all of the RO's would have the same "WTF?" reaction to the MC. It's not exactly something that's been known to happen. For the puppet it's more normal, I don't think there would be any particular reaction other than a find smile or two.

If we’re a ruthless MC, is it possible for us to choose an option of the MC legitimately not understanding the crueler implications to their actions and decisions? I like the idea that it could add another layer of horror when certain truths come to light, especially with the Rangers who knew that Sidestep used to be a genuinely good person in the past… 

(E.g. Legitimately not understanding what’s wrong with what they’re doing with the Puppet, and being confused as to why Mortum feels betrayed/angry/disgusted with them.) 

There are some paths that comes close to that, yeah. 

Like Damocles, is it possible for us to create our own telepathic weapons and techniques in the future? If so, is that development only restricted to reactive situations? (E.g. Someone tries to raid your memories = leads to Step making sure it doesn’t happen again.) Or can we create fail safes so it doesn’t happen in the first place? It feels a little out of character for my cautious MC to not have any fail safes beyond the one trump card.

There will be more exploration of telepathic flavors and tactics in book three especially. That's when we might encounter other telepaths. I think you can safely assume that Sidestep already does have rather spectacular psychic defenses and traps, it's just that there's been nobody around to test them... yet.

If we do lean towards that area… will we get to customize our own repertoire of telepathic techniques and how they work?? Focusing on healing? Defense? Offense? Support?? Balance across the spread?

As we start to explore more complex telepathic conflict, there will be new options other than Force/Subterfuge. I haven't pinned down exactly what yet, but I look forward to doing it. Right now, Sidestep has mostly fought against non-telepathic entities. That might change in the future...

Has Argent ever tried making whips with her body? (Possibly with her hair/arms?) To make up for distance, if she’s dealing with a long-range fighter who refuses to get close, for example. Or is she cautious of potentially whipping out some poor civilian’s eye?

Not whips exactly, she has range issues. However, she has played around with things more akin to flexible Chinese or Indian swords.

How would Ortega react if we took down HG and their organization by ourselves? Would they be impressed? Or would they feel anger and betrayal because they wanted to be the one to corner and finish them?

Oooh, tough question. I honestly don't know, it would depend very much on the circumstances. Quite likely it will be a mix of the two, though what Ortega will project to the world might not be what they really feel.

In addition to this, how would Ortega react if Sidestep stole access to HG’s bank account details/debit card/etc (or the illegal equivalent of them) and chose to max it out to pay off Ortega’s crushing debt? 

Now, that calls for a celebratory dinner (on HG's dime, of course).

Will we ever find a way to read Ortega’s mind?

There might be a possibility in the future, yeah. In a way...

Before, you said that telepathic sex would be an option in game, with the exception of Ortega due to their immunity. 

Once enough trust has been built, that might be an option with some RO's, yes. 

If they trust and love Step, how do the ROs feel about the idea? Apprehensive? Curious? Excited? If they’re not romancing Step, what do they think of the idea in general? It’d be incredibly intimate, and I think they can all agree on that front. Does Ortega feel like they’re missing out on something cool and sexy? Or are they not torn up about it?

Ortega might feel a little left out, because it's new and exciting and intimate and they can't do it. The last is something Ortega tends to take as a challenge...

Chen would initially be very hesitant, but if he trusts, he trusts.

Daniel will be the most open to it, he doesn't really get what the problems might be.

Argent will be the most reluctant. For good reasons.

If Step were to broadcast a message telepathically, how many people can they reach with one ‘shout’ at once? 

I don't know. It depends on how many that are in range. A lot. Probably in the thousands or more.

How would the Rangers + Mortum react to Rat King? For the former, would they regard them with the same affection they have for Spoon if we gave RK a translator to talk with them? Those little rat emojis won over my heart and I’m wondering if that’ll be the same for them. 

I don't think anybody can resist the Rat King. I mean how could you?

Is it possible for Step to imprison someone’s consciousness within Step’s own mind? Separating them from their body entirely? With their body-hopping generally regarding bodies as containers, with the consciousness being the ‘true self,’ I was wondering if it’d be possible to trap someone within Step’s own mindscape; or a specifically constructed mental prison for Steps who want to keep their privacy, leaving the detainee’s actual body prone to being arrested without a fight. 


How do you figure out if a someone can handle mods? Is there a test? Since every combat use Regene is boosted are they all capable of being modded as well?

There are a few indicators, but not a simple test that can tell for certain. The two used by organizations doing voluntary modification are the Seiss Neural Compability Assessment, and the ImmunoActive Response Simulation. 

The SNCA entails connecting the subject's nervous system to an exterior object (a hand or arm is most often used) through non-surgical means and see how adept the brain is to control it. The subjects real arm is immobilized, and their field of vision limited while having to work a manual dexterity puzzle with the false and the real hand, both in gloves to help with the immersion. Another test includes applying visual sensations to the fake hand, like brushing it with a feather, or moving it close to a candle and see if the brain deduces sensation from visual clues only. These tests are done mainly for limb replacements.

The IARS is a series of tests to try to predict how the immune system will react to foreign bodies without massive immunosuppressive drugs. One of the tests include inserting a small probe for about a week, while charting the body's response to the intrusion.

What was Ortega's childhood like? 

Ortega would say that it was a good one. They were popular and had a lot of friends, and managed to keep their grades decent. It wasn't that they didn't understand what they were studying, it was rather that they didn't really have the patience or focus to get really good at it. Also, it didn't really fit their image. Sports were where they shone, and if they had been more of a team player, that would probably have been a great career option for them. As it was, they had problems dealing with authorities (coaches included) and preferred to do things their own way. Killeen, Texas wasn't exactly an exciting place to spend their childhood, but they made do. 

At the age of 14, their father got a new posting so the family moved to San Diego, and Ortega started to spend more time away from home hanging out with their new friends. Their father was home less, which meant more freedom, which was great. They got into extreme sports and parkour, and once they (barely) finished high school, they moved out immediately and spent the next years roaming the coast with their new group of friends filming stunts and the desolation, subsisting on sponsorships, selling shots, and odd jobs.

Can you explain a bit more about Ortega's debt?

Well, experimental surgery is a big investment. That is all I will currently say, there are things there you need to find out in game.

How are the creators of the Boost drug doing now? What’s the public opinion of them, if there’s any?

Oh they were sued out out of existence in the eighties, but their legacy remains. The team is mostly forgotten, and while the lead scientist, Marcus Eyre, claimed to his death that he was robbed of a nobel price, it is generally agreed that he has no idea how his drug did what it did.

Relating to a previous Q&A… How unsettling would Sidestep be to other telepaths? And how bad would their general vibes be? From ‘creepy’ to ‘on the verge of a panic attack if I don’t get away from this person *right now.*’ How would other telepaths perceive Step’s telepathy? Is it disturbing in any way? Or does it feel like your regular old telepathy? 

It would depends on Sidestep's shields (force). High shields would mean few vibes unless actively interacting telepathically. However, low shields would be very bad vibes. How bad would depend on what kind of telepath the other person was. It would be especially bad for empaths and other sensitives. Sidestep could definitely cause panic attacks just by walking into a room. 

Is it possible for Step to use their trauma as a weapon? Say, forcing their trauma onto someone who thought was a good idea to invade their mind? 

Hell yes.

What did Ortega’s father think about heroes and Boosts? On a more angsty note, did he genuinely love Ortega and Tia Elena? Sometimes I get bad vibes from him.

Ortega's father thought of heroes and boosts as a security risk, and something that might portent the collapse of social order. So no, he was not a fan. He saw them as theatrics for the media age. He did genuinely love Elena and Ortega, but love doesn't have to be uncomplicated. 

Are there any fundamental differences between the combat units and the infiltrator units besides the different training and skin colour? 


Were Re-Genes sold/rented to people who aren’t directly related to the Farm/military to gain more money for the Farm? Or were they strictly and exclusively trafficked by the two?

Re-Genes are an exclusive property.

We know that the hospitals Step/Puppet has been to have generally been top-notch, but what about mental hospitals? Are they well funded like them? Because if they aren’t, I’m gonna be nervous for Step, who isn’t in the greatest state of mental health right now…

Sadly, the mental health facilities have not benefited from the leaps in medical technology. Also, it might be good to remember that the hospitals visited in game so far has been for the high-end/paying patients. Not the common man. Yes, even the one where the puppet was found. Organ harvesting was always a thing for the wealthy...

How might the Rangers have reacted to a villain using Sidestep's name if Ortega hadn't met Step in the diner? That is to say, if they all still thought Step was dead? Would it be similar? Different? 

It would have been very similar.

How are poly relationships treated and portrayed by modern media? If any of the Rangers were to get into one, how would the PR team handle it? Would there be an uproar if two Rangers were in the same one? If one of them was involved with a former villain like Mortum? How would Chen, Argent, Herald, Mortum, and Ortega handle any publicity that comes with it if their poly relationship status became public knowledge?

It would, without a doubt, be a source of massive interest and curiosity if it came out. There would be headlines, speculations, saucy articles and all of it would be very hard for the Rangers media team to handle. In a way, it would be a lot easier if it included Mortum, because they could just be ignored. It's rather unlikely that poly would be open news the same way as one with two Rangers involved would be. They'd probably deny everything until Ortega opened their mouth and made that impossible.

Ortega could handle the publicity (might actually thrive from it and brag a bit), Chen would hate it, he doesn't like having his personal affairs aired. Would be most likely to deny it in public if the others were cool with that. Daniel would be overwhelmed, and trying to explain things. Argent... would depend on the mood. She could be as bad as Ortega if she wanted to. Mortum... I don't know yet. It will be interesting. 

How common is it for Ortega to develop a crush? What about genuinely falling in love? We all know they flirt fairly regularly, but how often do they actually have casual relationships/flings? 

Ortega crushes often, but it passes just as quick. Falling in love is very rare, and in some playthroughs might never actually have happened. Love is real in a way that Ortega is not really prepared for. Also, they flirt a lot more than actually going through with it. While they have had some flings, there were feelings involved, even though they might have been fleeting. Ortega can flirt when they are stressed, bored, wanting to get something out of it and a myriad of other reasons that has nothing to do with wanting to sleep with someone. That being said, a lot of their normal interactions can also be taken as flirting, even though they didn't intend to.

How did Sidestep get their hero name? I remember you saying that they got it from a frustrated villain screaming the name at them- is the lore still the same? If so, who were they? 

I will probably never detail it in depth, but that's my personal headcanon. If you have another one, feel free. I have no idea who the villain was, it might just have been a random mugger early on.

If his brother survived, how differently would you imagine Daniel’s life would’ve been? 

Very, very different (and maybe not in a good way).

Do different machines have different ‘voices’ to Argent? Are certain machines completely ‘mute?’ Or just straight up impossible for her to converse with? 

Yes, they do. She is aware that she is anthromorphising things, but talking to them is the best way she can describe what she does. And some machines are too simple, or too complex to converse with.

Why did Ortega follow the puppet? It must be spoilery, sorry i'm just so curious.

It is. You will be able to learn why in certain Retribution paths.

You explained the differences between Julia and Ricardo, but how do you picture an NB!Ortega? Personality, relationships, how they were perceived in the media, etc.

They would probably have to fight the hard to not just be seen as their assigned gender regardless of what they do. Most people would see them as "eccentric" rather than non-binary. If they were in a "perceived non-hetero" relationship, people would attribute things to their sexuality rather than their gender. 

Are there any agencies/communities that provide specialized services for certain Boost types? In addition to this, are there any reputable handbooks/‘guides’ for certain Boost types that’s available to the public? Sort of like the ‘For Dummies’ series, except it’s for Boost powers? Including how to live with it/take care of it, how it generally works, etc. 

Probably just as many as there are books about how to get rich on the stock-market, or how to write a book. And about as helpful...

How would the ROs seek vengeance for Step if they were killed? What if they weren’t romancing them?

I don't know, the circumstances are too varied to speculate.

What happened in the interview with Ortega after Marcus mentioned the Heartbreak movie and Sidestep? 

A short power outage and some light threatening.

Following a question in the comments, the Rangers all have their own preferences about who they want to choose to join them. Sidestep, Verdant, Temerain, and Ashfall/Pyroclast. Excluding Sidestep, how well would each member get along with the rest of the team? 

Huh. I actually don't know enough about them to say for certain. Most of the time, characters personalities only come into play once I start to write their interactions. 

Why was Ortega so fascinated with/care so much about Sidestep, if we chose to not be as close to them in the past? 

Spoilers. Might learn in Retribution ;).

Hypothetic scenario. If Sidestep was to be in, say, an indefinite coma with very unlikely chances of recovery, which Ranger would be the first to resign themselves to suggesting they finally pull the plug on them? How would the rest of the team take it, depending on who suggested it?

I don't think any of them would do it.

Would you say Argent is in love with Ortega?

I would say in some paths Argent has a crush/deep admiration for Ortega. But in love? She wouldn't call it that. Not yet. Love takes time and work, it's not something that just happens.

What are the reasons beyond sentimentality that Ortega wants Sidestep back in action? What do they expect them to be able to bring to the table?

Tactical flexibility. Imaginative out of the box thinking. Even without (or with very limited) telepathy, Ortega knows exactly how valuable Sidestep can be for a team.

Could anyone have taken on The Void in a straight fight? If so, how?

That is a spoiler. I have my reasons not to get into it.

How was Anathema's acid able to get trough their body? Was there something special about it or could any similarly caustic substance have done the job?

A good question. Normally Anathema didn't seem to get hurt by their (or others) acid, though in retrospect one might wonder if the freckles/pockmarks/scars on parts of their body might not have been a result of that. It is theorized that abject fear made the acid strong enough to overcome even Anathema's inherent invulnerability, so in theory it might have been possible with outside substances, just that they hadn't been encountered yet.

Who would win in a fight, The Catastrofiend or Psychopathor? 

The Catastrofiend.

Who’s your favorite character? (If you can choose)

I don't, what I love are the interactions between them.

Do FEZ territories have legal ages?

In theory, no. In practice, businesses set age restrictions on certain things. For example. There is no legal age for driving, or need for a driver's license. However, you need traffic insurance to drive, and the insurance companies demands a driver's license, and the most permissive one has a minimum age of 14. In practice, the higher premiums at younger ages makes it hard for anybody not rich, or getting it through their job.

Are there any restriction on getting modded if one was trying to do it legally?

Not in the west. In the US proper, there are restrictions limiting weapons and surveillance mods.

A lot of the Rangers seem to choose Hawaii as a favoured vacation spot. Would they be open to a group vacation? Or would they rather go there individually and alone to enjoy themselves? 

A group vacation would be exhausting to Argent and Chen, but Daniel and Ortega might be up for it.

What were the most embarrassing/unflattering ways that the Rangers have been portrayed in movies? What about some of the best/generous ones? 

Charge: Bad: Horny, vain and quarrelsome. Good: Good leader. Worthy of following in Hood's footsteps.

Steel: Bad: Didn't even get to take the helmet off. Good: The voice of reason.

Herald: Bad: Bumbling newbie himbo. Good: Eager point of view character showing his worth.

Argent: Bad: Loose cannon bully. Good: The competent one.

Is Ortega as curious with the mysteries surrounding Argent like how they are with Sidestep? Or did Argent’s coverups do enough to thwart the bulk of it? 

Oh Ortega is always curious... they know something's up.

Did Steel ever draw inspiration from Tactician!Step’s plans and strategies? Did he ever sincerely compliment Step for them? I feel like it can be hard to imagine, given how suspicious Chen was in the glory days. 

Yes. Chen's respect of Tactical Sidestep's mind was one of the reason why he was suspicious. Too smart for their age. Too well trained.

Branching off of what the Rangers find attractive in someone else, what about the Guardians? 

I haven't written them enough to know!

Would Ortega be more flattered or insulted that a romanced!Step thinks they’re adorable and hilarious instead of hot and charming?

Mostly the former while pretending the latter. Ortega can laugh at themself. 

What are the rooms that the Re-Genes are living in like? Do they share rooms? Are they built like prison cells with a toilet and sink in the same room as their bed? 

Prison cell is an apt comparison, yeah. They don't share rooms in general. At times, a team can have a communal room, to help foster cooperation, but this is dependent on the Handler's view of what would work best.

Sort of random, but I'm curious if Step has ever run into other unnamed telepaths (civilian, henchmen, etc.) throughout Rebirth and/or Retribution and simply didn't notice them?

No. As you might guess from an earlier question, they might have done their best to avoid Sidestep in the first place...

How did Argent and Herald feel about the whole fake dating angle in the beginning versus toward the end? How did it affect their relationship?

They were both awkward and reluctant at the start, then it started going rather well until Argent pulled back and started to get annoyed. It did affect their teamwork and friendship for the worse.

Had IB been affiliated with HG’s organization or had Mitchell just been keeping an eye on IB?


Do any of the Rangers have particular opinion on any of the major villains like Psychopathor, Catastrofiend, or The Crack in terms of their actions, powers, and/or threat level?

The Catastrofiend is the official team boogeyman. Dangerous, and nobody wants to fight it. Big threat level. Psychopator is deemed a threat, Steel is convinced he is up to something, but everyone else sees him as a powerful but normal villain out for power and money. The Crack mostly targeted the LDPD, and it was a matter of pride for the LDPD to keep the Rangers out of that business. Steel looked into it, but didn't see a reason to turn it into a team priority. 

What was Lady Argent’s and Herald’s first meeting with each other like? What were their initial impressions on each other and how much has it changed over the years? How do they feel about each other in present day? 

The first meeting was polite, pleasant. Herald thought she was imposing, dangerous and professional. Didn't want to shake hands for some reason, which was weird and slightly rude. Argent thought he was friendly and way too open and personal. Not going to say how they feel now, we'll investigate that as we go.

What topics do Argent and Ortega like to talk about between them? How do they like to spend time together?

Training, fashion, movies. Argent likes listening to Ortega's stories of the past, and Ortega is interested in Argent's perspective on people and events.

What would Argent, Chen, and/or HG think or feel if they saw their mindscapes the way Sidestep can see them? 

Fascinated. That's not usually a way you get to see yourself. 

What would Chen and Ortega have thought or how would they have reacted if they knew Herald went to Sidestep to ask about the Heartbreak Incident?

A mutual "oh no, that's not good." Neither of them wants to drag up bad memories, but of course Herald would have no such fears.

Did the HG trio or Mortum have any particular opinion on villains or heroes before they entered into that scene?

Not any I can think of right now. Jake thinks it's a bit too theatrical, that's it.

How aware is the Rangers team of each other’s priorities as a Ranger/hero? What would their opinion be on each other’s priorities?

I think it's one of those things where people working together tends to assume that everybody shares the same priorities until an event happens that makes the differences clear. That event might happen in the future, guess we'll see then.

Building off a question above, how would Chen and Ortega react to realising that Herald grabbed Step out of nowhere and flew them off the ground without warning? Considering Step’s averse to touch + new fear of heights, I don’t think they’ll take the news well… 

Facepalm first, anger second. Herald would get a stern talking to.

What kind of leader/commander would a fully realised Herald be? Personable with his team? Charismatic like Charge? Similar to Hood back when he was alive? How would you rank him as a tactician, especially compared with Steel and tactician!Step? 

Hmmmm I don't know yet, there are several directions he could go. It would depend a lot whether he'd keep his faith in humanity or go deeply cynical. He would be more on the charismatic side like Ortega, but more focused on the team like Hood. He's not a good enough tactician as ether Steel or Tactician Sidestep yet, but he's learning.

Would plastic surgery be able to get rid of the Re-Gene tattoos?

Not without effort. Would need to go down into the flesh for that.

Can Step and Rat King communicate while Step is possessing a different body?

Not so far.

If current Ortega and Lady Argent fought glory days Ortega and Sidestep which team would win? Assuming its a time magic friendly spar not a death battle.

Oh shit. That would be a close battle. Past Ortega is a better fighter than current Ortega, but Argent packs a harder punch than past Sidestep. It would depend a lot on luck and timing.

Who was your favourite character to write in Book 2? | Are there any characters you've wanted to write an interaction with but haven't had a chance to in this new book?

My favorite character to write is Ortega because it is such a balance between what I can say/must only imply, and their own particular mix of goofy jokes and deeply seriousness. I need to write on like three levels of knowledge with them, and it's a fun exercise for the brain. Also, I get to write the worst stuff... Ortega does suffer from foot in mouth disease at times.

I can't wait to write Ortega/Mortum and Argent/Mortum. That will be fun.

In the last Q&A you mentioned that Ortega isn't above hanging out in villain bars on occasion; any chance for them to show up at Joes and surprise/spook us?

How do you know they haven't?

Will we get to meet Mortum's hitherto unseen assistant? The one whose car we get to ride in during FH: Rebirth on the way to the doctor's secret base?

She got fired. We'll see.

At the end of the first game, Mortum might deduce that our puppet's "boss" may be trying to eliminate the puppet with the explosives they provided for the Gala. When this is suggested to us, Sidestep may react very strongly and become offended at the thought of being betrayed and killed off after outgrowing their usefulness, before remembering that they themselves are both the puppet and their "boss". Is this the first sign of some sort of personality split? Or maybe something else?

It is very much an intentional scene, and we'll see what comes of that.

You said before that Ortega punched Ashfall (for Step) and they fought with the intent of hurting each other. What was the exact reason for that fight?

It had been brewing for a long time, they were always destined to clash. But the triggering incident was over Sidestep.

Will we get to witness any of the ROs crying in-game? As much as it would hurt seeing Ortega who is intent on not showing any vulnerability cry is smth i'm kinda looking forward to.


How much does the reality of being a Ranger differ from what Herald imagined it would be?

Much more what amounts to desk jobs than actual heroing. He didn't anticipate so many meetings and press briefings, he thought that was just a company hero thing.

Does Herald still feel he’s making more of a difference in his own role within the Rangers than he did as a vigilante? 

Oh yes.

After Ortega's apartment was bombed, where did they end up staying until it was repaired? Bunk with Chen/Tia Elena, or did they just get stubborn about it and decided to stay put?

Started staying with their mother, moved out and in with Chen after three days, then went back as soon as the hole in the wall was plugged and just lived through the renovation.

So Ortega's getting a 40th birthday party~ Does a revealed Step get to come or are we gonna be stuck crashing it?

Depends on the circumstances. In some cases Ortega would invite, in others, it's crashing time. Or both.

Does Mitchell perhaps have a guide to Pyroclast? 👀


There will be an hero edition of Mitchell's guide (maybe when/if It will not be too spoilery?) 


Since there seems to be several dimensional planes in the FHR world, what's the situation in terms of the occult, esotericism, spirits? Does anything akin to that actually exist or is suspected to exist (beyond superstition)? If yes, are there boosts that can access / communicate with / unlock paranormal planes? 

It's pretty similar to this one, but with more "mainstream" acceptance and research since the Boost drugs have made people more open to things they can't explain. The current scientific discussion is about trying to work out exactly what physical laws we are missing/misunderstanding, because it's clear that there must be something central we have missed. And, some of the occult/psi/spirit research connects to that, because people theorize that might also utilize the same unknown means.

So far, no traditional occult things (like reincarnation, demons, vampires, ghosts) have been proven, but there is ongoing work.

Chen's from the east coast, did/does he have an accent?

He speaks pretty neutral American English by now, too long in the armed forces, and then the west coast.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but when did Ortega get equipped with the plasmacore generator?

Post Heartbreak.

Anathema had a rough, dark past. Any link to the Green Sky?

No comments.

What happens to a Regene if their handler is killed during a mission? Are they punished for not being able to keep them safe or just handed off to another?

Depends on the circumstances, if it was their fault, they will be evaluated before being handed over to another handler. And yes, that evaluation might be seen as punishment...

Did the Void and the Catastrofiend ever fight each other, or work together?

They avoided each other like the plague.

Does Julia pronounce her name with the English or Spanish "J" sound? 

She uses the Spanish "J", but will answer to either. 

Which "version" do different people/organisations in her life use? Does she have a preference, especially from those closest to her? 

In English speaking media, the English "J" is more common. In Spanish speaking media, it is the other way around. Both Chen, Argent and Sidestep use the Spanish version, Herald sometimes slips and used the English one. She says she's fine with either, but secretly prefers the Spanish.

If the Rangers were villains and Mortum was a hero, what names would they choose?

Charge - No change, wouldn't give up the puns.

Herald - Harbinger.

Steel - Cataclysm.

Lady Argent - Piranha.

Dr. Mortum - Translocator. 

Has Sidestep ever felt the presence of non-physical entities with their telepathy?


How much experience did ortega have with the void prior to the final showdown with step?  Did ortega ever assist hood with some void operations? If yes, how did they usually go?

Brief experiences. Ortega did assist Hood on several occasions, and they didn't end well. 

What would happen if two telepaths tried to read each others minds at the same time?

House of mirrors.

I know this won't come up for a while still, but do you have clearcut regene characters set up to appear down the line? If yes, can you drop a few hints about them?

Yes. But I won't drop hints.

Who's at the top of HG's wish-kill list, as of Retribution at least?

Lord Ember.

What would the Rangers, Mortum and the HG trios vices be?

Ortega: Alcohol.

Steel: Smoking (he quit a long time ago, the urge is still there)

Herald: Don't know.

Argent: Sweets.

Mortum: Junk Food.

HG: Alcohol.

Nocturne: Don't know.

Jake: Gambling.

Out of all the Heroes and Villains Mitchell has done research on, who did/does he find the most interesting? 

The Catastrofiend.

Did any of Herald’s family call him Danny?

Sort of, his nanny called him Dani.


Has he been in touch with them at all since leaving home?

By letter and the occasional phonecall.


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