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Tread carefully, this has spoilers for the full alpha demo:


It looks like Ortega might have an informant within HG's circle. Is Deadeye their mole, by any chance?

Not going to tell you that, might be something to uncover if you ally yourself with HG.

Will Steps who didn't get injured get to move in with their RO'S in the foreseeable future? Asking for a friend.

It will be possible eventually, yes. At least to the point of staying over for periods, having your stuff there. 

When you go to therapy, Ortega seems to be listening in. If you wipe Dr. Finch's memory, they seem to notice it in the code. How do they notice it? and does Dr. Finch know that Sidestep is a telepath?  

Dr. Finch does not know that Sidestep is a telepath, and the rest is spoilers. However, it's well worth thinking about what kind of explanations there could be.

Does Ortega have regrets about what they did to Vernon? If they had a redo of that moment, would they handle it differently, especially knowing the treatment Vernon ended up facing in prison?

Does Ortega deal in regret? It will be interesting to see, Vernon's story is not over.

Between the imposter perhaps riding shotgun in Step's mind and the scar from heartbreak, what kind of vibes would a receiving telepath get from step's mind pre-retri-wreck?  Would they run for the hills?

Oh Sidestep is all filled with bad vibes, nothing there any telepath wants to get close to. Running for the hills is the smart choice.

What happened between Herald and Deadeye? Did Deadeye cause his bullet scar you can see on his date? Was it a hit authorized by HG? When in hos career did this happen (vigilante/corp/ranger)?

Deadeye is indeed the cause for the bullet scar, and it happened during his stint as a corporate hero. The details you might learn in the future.

If/when it comes up, will step have a canon designation from the Farm or will that be left up to the player?

It will be a variable canon designation based on your initials among other things.

You've mentioned before that combat regenes communicate secretly at the farm. If you've already come up with some details about it, is there some kind of... secret regene subculture? A coded language? Things they share or celebrate? is it different from facility to facility, or are there things that have traveled and become more global? 

There is a secret Re-Gene subculture indeed, with it's own coded language and traditions. It is very much based around the facility where they are deployed, but since they are all grown and trained at the Farm, the core remains similar. 

When you follow Ortega to their secret office, Sidestep mentions Ortega having a faint "limp" they don't remember causing or reading about. How did they injure themself? 

Good question.

Closed alpha spoilers will subtle steps who are exposed to HG's threading attempt and sidestep it be able to sense the threads in others now that they're aware of what it looks like?

If they delve deeply enough into their mind, they might.

Related to ^ question,  will we get the opportunity to cut the threads in Mortum's mind? Or at least inform them of the threads if we don't?

Confident that you will get access to Dr. Mortum's mind, I see....

Did HB wear skirts when they were seven?

Hehe, good try.

Did sidestep have visceral dreams of anathema before their near death experiences in retri or are these a relatively new phenomenon for them?

This is new, at least in such a detailed form.

Post crash step mentions difficulty breathing and sharp chest pain, alluding to broken or cracked ribs... Was that the crash, or cpr?

Both. The seatbelt and impact didn't help, but it was the CPR that did the major damage. Ortega was desperate.

To what extent are Argent's nanovores aware of the world around her? Do they have a 360 field of "vision," or is her visual input strictly to her eyes? Do they increase her senses at all (better eye-sight, smell, etc.) or are those sensations kind of dulled? Just how much are they helping her fight, beyond the bulletproof skin and strength/speed? 

Good spotting. Argent does indeed have what amounts to a 360 field of "vision", but it's not detailed. It's sensitive to movement and light, more as if she was a combination of prey animal and predator. They don't enhance her senses much, but they have changed them slightly. Dulled might be a good descriptor, not what she remembers from before. They help her fight my forming weapons, and is able to take over in case things go badly.

Could we have an estimate of how many regenes have successfully escaped from the Farm? Is Sidestep an anomaly, or are escapes more common than they think?

A handful or two, can't be more exact than that. Most escaped abroad, during battle, and are believed to be dead.

How much of what Argent sees in Ortega's mods and electronics/circuitry in general is her brain interpreting her technopathy and how much is the nanovore eyes?  

Mostly her technopathy.

What's the favor Sky-Raider owned Mortum?

Armor related, he's had some work done.

Is argent able to see the re-gene chip in sidestep's head? Could she affect it? 

She should be able to see it, yes. Not going to answer the other part.

Could argent theoretically use her nanos to like form and use bullet projectiles or would they revert back to nomming the city if they lost physical connection with her?

They'd lose shape. At this point they have bonded quite thoroughly with her, if they detach, they turn smoky and hungry, as can be seen in certain confrontations.

How useful were Shroud’s powers seen as before she went her own way?


How did Jake’s fight against Poryphyry and Locus went? 

He won, though it wasn't a decisive victory since they got away.

Would Dr. Mortum have the tech required to be able to read what is hidden in the barcode?


What was HG’s and Nocturne’s first meeting face to face like? 

Awkward as hell. Nervous. 

Did Nocturne’s eyes change color after she boosted or after the first time she used her powers? 

After she used her power for the first time.

What do the HG trio think of Deadeye? How much do they trust her? Has Hollow Ground used their powers on her just in case?

She's one of the team, they trust her as they do the others. Hollow Ground has made sure she wouldn't betray them. 

How much of a priority was it for Farm to capture Sidestep after their first escape? How much of a priority has Sidestep become after their second escape? 

It was a priority after the first one, but other things were more important. Things have changed since then... more than Sidestep might know.

MC can drop several bombs on Mortum during the reveal which one was the most shocking for them, the re-gene part, the ability to possess someone, falling in love with them, their identity?

Not going to say, you might find out eventually. 

Did Thunderhead choose her name the same reason Sidestep chose theirs? To make people think their powers aren't telepathy related?

Well, in part, but in her view it was also a reference to it. It all depends how people see it. 


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