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Did Step have the same handler for both their stints at the Farm?

No. It was two different ones. 

If our Sidestep learned about it, will we have an option to investigate into the mass disappearance of telepaths, or to at least drop clues about it to the Rangers?


Say Sidestep goes to HG as themself, did not notice or prevent HG’s threading, then get puppetstuck. Did the red threads stick despite the mind transfer? Are they located in the body or the mind-transferred? Is the impostor-in-Sidestep’s body a red-threaded unhinged villain-suited telepath? 

And, secondly: if they have a good relationship with sidestep, would HG be willing to work with them (or them-in-the-puppet-body) in order to thread the impostor? Would it even work?

Hehehe oh I am NOT going to tell you that. Keep sweating.

What kind of technology is able to be influenced by a technopath? Does the tech have to be functioning independently? Does it have to be a full fledged machine all on its own, or can just parts of a machine be influenced? Argent can interfere with things like the hospital tech or security cameras, but could she make Chen or Ortega's mods glitch or stop working altogether? 

The limits of technopathy is, like the limits of telepathy, very blurry. It's a less researched field, and any research done is always suspect as the subjects could influence the results quite easily. Argent could most likely glitch mods, though for once hooked closely to the nervous system it would be a contest of will.

What powers would Shroud gain if she used her abilities on Catastrofiend?

The question is... could she? Or would it be another Argent disaster...

If MC doesn't get involved, what is the outcome of Shroud and Argent's fight? Where does the Regenerator end up?


We know Sidestep might be able to help with or steal the regenerator from Argent. Will there be a possibility to sabotage her and / or the regenerator too?

Most likely, haven't detail planned book three yet.

Why don't nocturne's powers affect locus? Is she too strong as a force telepath? Do nocturne's powers have like a telepathic angle for them to work? 

It is unknown. It might be easy to think that Nocturne's power might have a telepathic element to them, but given certain events with Sidestep, it seems unlikely. 

You mentioned before that Step incorporated something from the void in their villain persona, like they took rat king and vocal distortions from psychopathor and catastrofiend. Will we be finding out more about that in the future?

You will be learning more about this in the future. Void might be showing up soon...

if we don't talk about what happened at the Farm after Heartbreak at the end of book 2, are we gonna be able to bring it up in book 3 or 4?

Yes. It's never too late, and the subject will be brought up again.

What do the other squatters around the water treatment plant think of a Sidestep who dresses expensive and nice? Cuz clearly they got money but decide to live out here. Do they think they're just eccentric or something?

There are some eccentric squatters who maintain a good personal appearance, it's good for not being hassled by the LDPD, and for the temporarily inconvenienced it is important in order to get a job. But yeah, there are some rumors, which Sidestep squashes on a regular basis. It's not hard to change someone's impression of an expensive suit to a suit that just looks expensive but is a cheap copy.

What is going through Ortega's head when they focus very pointedly on the barcode during the voluntary regene reveal? 

They want to know what's on it.

Does the MC sleep walk? 

That's a trick question, ennit?

Would the regenerator be able to replace Step's eye if Argent claws it out, or are they shit outta luck because it only regenerates skin? If that's the case, will Argent be blind if she uses the regenerator, or would she keep the nanovore eyeballs?

It is very unlikely it's advanced enough to replace something as complicated as an eye. And what the effects of that is, you will have to see.

How far is argent's range with her technopathy?

Unknown, but not massive.

Ortega says to same gender steps that they've never kissed anyone like them during the dream, but it being a dream, is that actually true, or did they ever had any same gender flings/relationships/casual flirtation in their past, especially before their time as a Ranger? 

The closest thing would be casual flirtation growing up, but it wasn't recognized as such at the time. Looking back, Ortega could see that they had a crush, but not while being in the middle of it. You have to remember that they grew up in a military town in Texas, it was a lot easier to ignore that part. Better to stick with close friendships, even if they never made a conscious choice. Just adapting to their surroundings.

With societal gender bias coming into play, did that differ at all between Ric and Julia? 

Only slightly. I think Julia had insulting slurs slung after her more often since she was tall and athletic, and that might have been one of the reasons she went into her feminine, sexy style once puberty hit. Ric on the other hand felt more pressure from his father, but he never had issues finding girlfriends so it was more of an unspoken 'don't be like that'.

Has there been a person in either of their lives that they wish they would have pursued before Sidestep, but chose not to at the time because of that fear of being outed? 

No, not really. Ortega is easy to get along with, but hard to get close to.

How did their feelings towards being out change from before being a Ranger to after? Assuming they never dated a same gender step, or that sidestep doesn't fall into that category to begin with, how did things change after Heartbreak and what was the internal process that got them there?

I will go more into that in the books, but I think in short that Ortega started to realize that life was short and you couldn't take anything for granted. Their reputation was already shit, so a lot of the unspoken social pressure fell away as well.

If the combat style taught at the Farm is distinctive enough for Step to identify it on sight, couldn't someone (i.e. a Farm agent) watch the Villain fight and draw a connection between the Villain and the Farm? 

Sidestep made VERY sure to adapt other fighting styles back when they were a vigilante. It comes up now and then in the game, Sidestep switching from one person's style to another. Also, Sidestep wasn't taught much fighting as an operative at the farm, that was not their role. They learned by observing and imitating.

Was ortega being so driven to befriend sidestep in the past the same as their method/reasoning for befriending the puppet? And they just eventually came to the conclusion that sidestep was mostly harmless (to them at least) and allowed themself to catch feels for reals? 

Nope. That was entirely real feelings, Steel was the suspicious one, Ortega only saw a cool vigilante they had fun with.

Why does the Catastrofiend immediately attack Sidestep while the puppet only aroused his interest?

Many reasons. One of them was that Sidestep is a threat, while the puppet was not. The others I won't say.

Has Dr. Siepen ever been apart of any other dubious projects of notoriety that the public is aware of?


How well Sidestep can control telepathy during bed scenes and if the control is lost, what do RO feel?

I will leave that up to the reader, I won't get into detail.

What level of Boost would Puppetstep at the best possible for book 2 be? How would Ace have been rated? Could you say why?

It's still too early in book two to tell, you'll see in book three. And Ace is spoilers.

Is there anything the HG trio would like to tell their younger selves if they could?

Hmm. I don't think so, at least nothing that comes to mind right now. HG might say a few things, but those are spoilers.

What was Psychopathor’s and his wife’s first impressions on each other? How did the relationship between them develop?

I honestly don't know! Maybe I'll get into that eventually, right now it is undecided.

How accurate were HG trio’s opinion on their best/worst qualities to their actual best/worst qualities?

I mean that lies in the eye of the beholder, doesn't it?

Could Catastrofiend have gotten away from HB or would HB’s telepathic powers affected them as well?

Heartbreak's powers would affect it, but whether it would result in death is a very different question.

Would the red-threads have worked on HB or would HB’s telepathy have been able to tear through them?

Depends on what stage in the journey and the situation surrounding it. It's an interesting question, I can see it could go either way.

What was HG’s father like?

Charismatic. Larger than life. Born in LA, and stayed and survived during the disaster. Took good care of his allies, and made sure his enemies met a swift end. A lot more forceful than HG is, which has let to them feeling a bit inadequate at times.

Before Sidestep debuted as vigilante in 2008, about how long had they been on the run from the Farm by then? 

I don't think I've set a clear date yet, a year or two at most.

How much did the boost drug change Ace’s life? 

Quite a bit for the better. 

What was Nocturne’s first impression on Los Diablos? How does she like living there?

Warmer than Chicago. Better weather. Less people. More freedom. She likes it a lot.

How did Herald, Nocturne, or Locus first discover their powers? 

All spoilers that will be dealt with in game.

How long has Deadeye been part of HG’s organization? How did she find her way there? How well does she know the HG trio?

Deadeye has been a part of HG's organization since very early on. She was actually recruited by HG's oldest brother back when he ran the organization. She was very young then, but once she opted to take the boost drugs, she advanced quickly. She would say that she knows HG well, but Nocturne remains a mystery. There's a bit of rivalry with Jake, since he's taken over some of the positions she considers her due to seniority.


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