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After having slept on it, I think that I have managed to work out a new Patreon structure that will give people content and give me some much-needed brain boost.

You see, I am in editing hell. It's exhausting, slow, and meticulous. It's necessary, but it is also not what drew me to writing in the first place. Since I am recovering from my burnout, my brain is already more spongy than normal, so focus is hard. 

I've missed just writing. Creating. Doing cool shit.

So, I will push forward a project I have planned because it actually fits very well into where Rebirth currently sits.

It's book time!

There are so many stories from the FH world that we won't ever get to in the game, and where a small lore post or some questions and answers only whets the appetite. I have long been tempted to write "origin stories", tales from other characters' viewpoints. I'm not sure what length they are going to be, novella or novel, but I do know that I really want to write them. It utilizes a different part of my brain so it won't take any energy from Retribution. In fact, it might get me pumped and back in shape again since it is creative. It also feels like it makes a difference, unlike fanfic. I've dipped my toe in that once or twice recently, but it doesn't feel the same once you've already created your own world.

So what will the first project be?

Marshal Hood's origin story. I picked this one because it will give me the opportunity to write the early aftermath of the disaster, something I've never got the chance to do before. It will give me the chance to deal with people taking boost drugs and how that change happens, how the Free Territories form, and the early days of Los Diablos. It will also feature Sentinel, and you'll be able to learn more about Psychopator before he was old, and I think there might be other surprise appearances.

What will my pace be?

I'm not sure yet. I think it will probably vary. At least one chapter per month, but there might be more in case I get inspired. I knew I did a chapter a week back when I did my DAII books, but I have editing to do as well so don't expect that.

Honestly, while it is disappointing and annoying that I can't keep providing what I did, this might have been the best thing that happened for my mental health. I had not realized how much I missed that first stage of creative writing until I woke up with this idea in the middle of the night. It's like something just relaxed in my brain.

It's going to be fun!

(I will be doing Patreon reformatting and rewriting the tiers over the coming days; I just wanted to inform you where I stood. You don't have to adjust anything to your pledge if you want to remain in the same tier, and nothing I add/remove should affect you tax-wise.)



Awesome. This is something I have really wanted to see. There is so much history out there between the main characters and even the background characters. I’ve always wanted more stories of them. Even if they aren’t what might be considered important. Old missions, old interactions, paths crossings, romances, fights, origins. So many I want! Can’t wait.


Love this idea!


Good to hear you're feeling better!


I love this#


That's an amazing project idea, and also, imho, a good thing to do separately from the game, and not "novelize" the gaming experience too much. I've seen this quite a lot in CYOA books and demos, and that's rarely successfully implemented. I always thought FH has just the right amount of exposition, lore, and non-MC stuff, and on the other hand, I'm hungry for more - and a separate book, that lets you focus on stories that do not fit FH current narration, seems like the best idea to me. And please take care of yourself, we're eager to see new content, but your well-being is more important! <3


oh this sounds interesting. I might have to change my tier up if this is vip only.


honestly, that sounds amazing! really softens the effect of losing access to the alpha build. even without this, i'd happily continue to support you at a VIP tier mostly because I really believe in your work, but this just makes it that much more exciting. looking forward to it! and as others have mentioned, always keep your health a priority :)