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if you have any questions for next month's QnA, please add them here.



what were sunstream and ashfall like? how did they come off to the rest of the rangers/sidestep? I really like those two even though we don't really know much about them!


kind of a silly question but how much of the 'science' in fallen hero is actually rooted in genuine science? obviously some parts are 100% fiction but as someone who knows very little about science the descriptions of tech sound so believable!


I don't know if the question has been asked before, but can Re-Genes reproduce? I assumed not, but then you know what they say about making assumptions.


Before Fallen Hero bacame what it is today, it was to be a normal book with a more set main character. What was Og Sidestep like in the original book? Did they do anything in the books that Sidestep can't do now? How would Og Sidestep's stat sheet have looked by the end of book two?


Would you mind giving clarification on Argent's body and how it should be looked at? Like are their certain parts of her body that are more sensitive like a normal humans? Or since enough trauma to the head can knock Argent out, could someone potentially cause cardiac arrest by hitting over her heart with enough force? Essentially, would it be more accurate to consider Argent's body human but made out of metal or should it be considered more like metallic playdoh with squishy bits inside?


If we refuse to see a shrink in both Rebirth and Retribution, will there be another chance to go later, or will those be the only chances?


What makes Telepaths so feared? Like Sidestep can definitely do alot of damage with it. But generally speaking Sidestep is someone who could be given any ability, and barring how this would have effected their childhood, be someone to fear given enough time and practice. So What makes it so than even a Beta Telepath by itself is enough to make people tread lightly?


During their hero days, did people speculate much about Sidestep? Like who they were, were they came from, what their powers were if they had any, etc


It’s possible for Argent to chase you into the sewers naked. Did the people/media above ground see this and if so how did they react? (If they saw and kept it under wraps out of respect they’re the real MVPs) Have any other heroes or villains of prominence been in a similarly compromising position?


This has been stuck in my mind for a bit. Regarding boundaries, how was Ortega pre-hb with a pursued sidestep? Considering how fast things can speed up now (which makes sense haha), I'm curious how Ortega was less 'skin touchy' if that makes sense?


What's the consensus on who the strongest single boost is / was in America? Are they still alive? Are / were they an active hero or villain? What would Hood have thought about Sidestep? If it's not left to headcannons, what were Sidestep's missions at the farm like? Could Anathema have kept taking the boost drug repeatedly, or would something have eventually gone wrong?


Taking trophy from Lady Argent in Rebirth made me wonder how does she cut her hair? If it's so durable that we can't take a sample without strengh upgrade I assume regular scissors would be useless. Does her hair even grow? Can she somehow control it's length?


Are there other free territories besides Los Diablos? If so what are they and how do they operate?


In Argent’s Valentine’s Day snippet, there’s a reference to A Shocking Valentine, an apparently controversial Charge-inspired film that was pulled from the markets. What’s the story behind it? Like when was it made and what it’s about? And how did Julia personally feel about/react to that? Did Ricardo also inspire similar, um… fan works?


How did the hero rankings look when Sidestep was still an active hero, especially considering their different reputaiton levels? How do the current villain rankings look during Retribution, especially for a Sidestep with a high fanclub value?


-There's a mention of the tattoos feeling textured to Step, did you know that tattoos can become raised as a reaction to stress? -Are the tattoos actually texturized or is it Step's imagination? -Why is the option to discuss Chen's shoulder sometimes greyed out in the demo? -Will there be a softer option to kiss Ortega at the start or will Step always be a bit of a shit when it comes to accepting affection? -Will there ever be the option for Step say 'This was fun, but I really wanted X & not you' in a poly relationship? -Or the option to choose to not be in a poly relationship if/when you're presented with the choice between one or both but not the other? (Sorry if I am being too vague- I don't want to spoil things for the patrons that don't have access to the demo)


What would the Rangers, Dr. Mortum, or HG trio consider their core value? If Ortega doesn't suspect Sidestep being a villain, do they still have theories who the villain could be? What is the significance when Sidestep's HB scar weakens or strengthens? What would Ortega and Dr. Mortum have thought of Puppet before they ended up comatose? How would HG, Nocturne, and Jake managed themselves if they would have had to take the more traditional villain route (put on an armor and play the role of a villain lot more publicly)? Does HG consider themself to be in control over the system now or is that still "work in progress" in their mind? What would the Rangers, Dr. Mortum, or HG trio consider their current motivations/goals to be? how did HG experience the aquarium memory? Did their consciousness remain in the "real world" or did they also end up too deep into the memory, like Sidestep seemed to? Did they manage to catch glimpses of Sidestep's own memories or were they too hazy for HG to understand? How did that whole event look like to Nocturne and Jake, considering how much it seemed to affect HG? If rest of the Rangers, Dr. Mortum, or HG trio would have had the power of telepathy similar to Sidestep's current level, how would they feel about it or use the power? How much had HG's mother been aware of HG's plan to get Marshal Hood killed? If she was aware, what did she think of the plan? Was she worried it might bring more trouble down on the line to HG or did she have confidence HG could handle it? How much age difference did Herald, Chen, or HG have with their siblings? Would the Rangers/Dr. Mortum or HG trio have any particular opinion on any of the motivations Sidestep can have? Does Lady Argent have any siblings or is she an only child? What would Lady Argent have done with her life if she had lived a normal civilian life? If Sidestep has the sui_tag and develops a close relationship with HG, would it maybe be possible to eventually ask HG to thread Sidestep similar to the way they threaded Nocturne to help her? Would Nocturne's powers work on someone like Lady Argent? What do Nocturne's and HG's normal work days look like? What duties do they have? What do the villains like HG trio, Psychopathor, or Dr. Mortum (when they were still an active villain) think of their status as villains? For example, which of them embrace their villainy, see it as a means to an end only, don't especially care etc? If Sidestep refused to work with HG, is it possible for Sidestep to rethink and maybe end up working with HG in the future? Or vice versa if HG’s little trick didn’t work on Sidestep and they agreed to work with the kingpin, can they end up betraying HG? Are there any songs you associate with Nocturne or Jake? How comfortable are the Rangers, Dr. Mortum, or HG trio when it comes to getting to know other people? Which of them have easier or harder time forming friendships or opening up to people? If Sidestep forms a friendly relationship with HG, would it also mean possibility to get to know Jake and Nocturne? Would friendship be a possibility or would it be more of a allies?


Is there possibly a bug should you decide to accept Herald's coffee invitation while training him to destroy his confidence? The dialogue during the coffee date didn't really seem to reflect that I actually tried to weaken him during my last playthrough, rather the opposite in fact.


Are process questions okay? (Sorry if these are repeats!) 1) Are there any ending variants that surprised you (even if only because there's so many variables involved!), or were especially fun to write/plan out? 2) There are a few moments (especially toward the end of Retribution) where Sidestep suspects the Rangers of setting a trap (notably not the case when Argent and Handyman actually *are* setting a trap early on). Since there are (I think) a few ways to end the game with suspicious Rangers but without getting officially unmasked, is that something that might actually materialize in the future?


1. Which team does Ashfall like more his old team or his current team? 2. Ashfall, is he keeping tabs/communicating with Diablo rangers, is he aware Sidestep is alive? 3. When Ashfall left the team, how did his fans react to it, was there any backlash and how did the team take it? 4. Is there anyone in this universe who can shift into a dragon, is it possible? 5. Is there some friendly rivalry between henchmen, do they think BosStep has a favorite? 6. If BossStep has revealed their face to the team, do they find it attractive/have they any opinions on BossSteps looks? 7. Henchmen play: marry, fuck and kill. Would someone include BossStep, will their answer change according to BossSteps reputation (friendly, leader or terrifying)?


Since it’s Summer if the ROs were packing their suitcases to go on holiday what unique item would each of them pack? Bonus question where would each RO want to go on holiday? (since their world is somewhat different from our’s this can be generic destinations like a snowy mountain resort or a tropical beach etc.)


How old is Elena?


What did the Rangers, Dr. Mortum, or HG trio personally think of the Heroic Heritage Museum and reopening of it? How did they feel about its destruction? How do the Rangers or Dr. Mortum feel about going to fancy events (such as the gala) and interacting with the people there? Have the HG trio ever been forced to attend such fancy events (and how would they feel about visiting such events or interacting with the people there?)


1. Would Sidestep and Charge have gotten as close back in the day as they can be in certain paths if Sidestep could read their mind? Also, would Ortega be open and project like Herald or try to lock down their mind when Sidestep was around like Steel does? 2. Sidestep said that the people at the Farm 'raided their mind' when they were taken back after Heartbreak. Was this done via another telepath or with some kind of technology? 3. How long does a telepaths mental imprint or impression last after they use their abilities on someone? (Like how Argent remembers Steps conflicting feelings on possessing her that even they were apparently unaware of) 4. What happened to the old Hollywood sign? Was it destroyed during the Big One or is it still there?