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So, getting close to the end of the month again, so here is a post to collect those burning questions you have about the game, background or my creative process.

Have fun!



If Hollow Ground had been at ground zero for Heartbreak's attack how would they have fared? Would they have been able to escape relatively unharmed or would they have been another causality?


Would you mind going in detail about some of the fallout of Sidestep succeeding in getting Harold to drop them? I can't imagine that would have been great for Harold or Ortega's mental health. Not to mention a ranger potentially causing an accident from a body falling out of the sky.


What is the in universe answer to the question of who's the most powerful ranger past or present in general terms? What would you say is the actual answer to that question?


Sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible for a telepath to possess an animal? I was just thinking about how cool it would be to spy on someone as a bird or something lol


Is there anything unexplained about the fallen hero verse? Stuff like actual magic or aliens.


How long does it take someone to go through the boost? What is the process like?


When are we going to make lady argent and mortum meet?


When we go show the doctor that we are a regene in her lab what would have happen if the puppet had woken up right at that time as we are talking to her?


What those the ranger and mortum they hate the most in the world and what their fav thing to do


I've noticed that when we're an art thief but also decide to take the contents of Carter's safe after grabbing the Rothko, we seem to leave without the painting and only the safe's contents. Is that meant to happen or is this simply an oversight? Will we be able to have a pet later, even if only for good endings? I've decided to track some values during a Rebirth playthrough and got a negative value for puppet_individuality. Would that be a valid value for Retribution after the release or would it be reset to 0 in the end? If Sidestep is suicidal and causes the crash, we can have a rather heartbreaking scene with Ortega after waking up again. Will it be possible for the other ROs to find out what exactly happened/caused the crash or will that stay between Sidestep and Ortega?


I recently tried a playthrough using sidestep as my villain’s name, and I thought the extra bits of dialogue were really interesting. Will there be more unique dialogue for when we officially get ousted? Like, disbelief someone would have the gall to shove the truth out like that for so long? I think that would be interesting to see, but I’m not sure how complicated that would be to implement.


Whats the most common power people who survive the boost drug have? What are some of the rarest? Do regenes have names, or designations? Is argents appetite due to the nanovores, or was she always like that? Will it be possible to reunite our suit nanovores with argent's nanovores? How did the catastrofiend get into mortums gun, or will that be explained in book 3? Similarly, who was the catastrofiend before it become the way it was? Will we be learning more about anathema later on? How many people does HG currently have threaded? What were the other rangers thoughts on Hood's death? were any of them hit as hard as Ortega? How did Hood die? If the regenerator worked for Argent, and she could return back to normal, would she continue being a ranger or go home?


resident chentega stan here to ask what tía elena would think of ricardo and chen getting together after all these years 🥺


What make mortum and the tanger blush


Kind of on the same vein as this question, since it made me wonder: are there any particularly outlandish conspiracy theories involving Boosts or heroes in general; is there any sort of cryptid lore like the laser dolphins that are actually real or just super out there and silly; and what does space travel look like in this timeline e.g. SpaceX style plans to put people on other planets? (Sorry if any of these questions have been answered previously).


What do the rangers’ think of Argent and Sidestep’s relationship provided Step is in good standing with all of them, and is relatively wholesome as a criminal?


Where were all the Rangers born? Did any of them grow up inside Los Diablos?


Who is/was the biggest in-universe source of inspiration in the life of each of the Rangers + Mortem? For you, were there any particular sources of inspiration for each character, whether from media or your personal life?


since herald celebrates hanukah, i was wondering if he had a bar mitzvah too? what was anathema doing before they became a ranger? and will we find out who rahim thinks the villain is working for in book 3? any hints? :)


Will it be possible for the book 2 poly routes be triggered in book 3? For example, if my endgame is a Chen/Sidestep/Ortega poly relationship, and I date Ortega in book 2 but show no romantic interest in Chen throughout Retribution, will I still be able to trigger the start of the poly route in book 3 or later? Same with the other poly routes; if I "friendzone" Herald in book 2, would it still be possible to start a poly with him and Ortega later?


There's mention of Chen's new shoulder joint bothering him in the demo, that's he's still adjusting to it. How recent was the replacement/how long did he look for Step?


Was space exploration ever a thing in this reality? If so, who got to the moon first & when?


Just how "big" are the Rangers in pop culture in FHR? Are pop culture, media, and the entertainment industry very different in FHR, or is it about the same?


To activate Chen and Ortega's poly route, do you NEED to hang out with Chen both of those times in order to lock it in? Or will there be opportunities in the next Book for people to lock in the poly route if they decided to eat dinner with Ortega during one of those times instead? (I ask bc you made me LOVE both of their scenes so much; I would love to know what the requirements for the poly route are)


How much, if anything, do the Rangers know about the farm and/or how Re-Genes are created? Did Sidestep ever tell anyone anything about their childhood/life at the farm in any context? If not what did they tell people, particularly Ortega with their unrelenting stubbornness when they want to know something, about their past?


Am I using the wrong link or is the scene at the beach where MC urges Ortega to choose between puppet and MC different? There used to be stat checks to determine whether they pick MC or puppet but now it seems like they automatically pick MC?


So Ortega just pretended to be surprised finding the mc alive? :o I was reading about him following the puppet early on in a previous post and now i'm confused. :s


Do Lady Argent, Herald, or Ortega have opinion on any of the possible armor combinations Sidestep’s armor can have in terms of having to fight against them? How does Jake feel about the part of his role that includes playing the muscle and having to remove people on HG’s bad side or making examples of them? Did Nocturne pick her current name after she got boosted or did she already go by the name Nocturne when she started her new life with HG?         If pursuing romance or friendship with any of the Rangers or Dr. Mortum, what is the possible main quality they find attractive/enjoyable about Sidestep? With Dr. Mortum, would the quality be different from Puppet? (and if it were, what is the main quality Dr. Mortum is attracted/likes about Puppet?) If the Rangers, Dr. Mortum, and HG trio had a psychological profile similar to Sidestep's (with exception of infamy/obscurity), where would they fall in the stat scales? How does it feel for Lady Argent when she loses cohesion? Does she remember what happened afterward or it just a blank spot? Does it depend on the situation? Is Lady Argent aware if the new villain got a sample from her? How would she feel if she knew about it? How did Ortega find out HG was the one who killed Marshal Hood? Do rest of the Rangers know about the different possible outcomes that occured between Argent and the new villain in the sewers? Like whether Argent almost caught the new villain, managed to scar them, lost due to telepathy or because villain was superior fighter? How old was HG when they took the boost drug? What was the motivation behind for choosing to take it? if they had not taken the boost drug, where would they be right now in life? How do the Rangers, Dr. Mortum and the HG trio feel about the system they are living under? Do they feel it's the best it could be under the circumstances, don't especially care, or do they wish it to change? How did the Big One affect Ortega's, Lady Argent's, and HG's families in terms of lives and livelihood? Were any of their families living in the Los Diablos at the time? I’ve understood the Rangers would have difficult time to find out anything real about Heartbreak disaster due to red tape, but was curious whether either HG or Dr. Mortum have ever considered or tried to dig deeper to find out what was behind the Heartbreak disaster? Could either of them find anything useful/interesting/suspicious if they wanted to or would it be futile endeavour? Do the telepathic boosters give better control over nanovores? If the Rangers and Dr. Mortum would have to choose armor similar to Sidestep’s current villain armor and specialties for it, what armor design and armor combination each of them would have chosen (minus telepathic boosters)? If HG liked to take care of things behind the scenes, how did HG's siblings like to take care of things? Did HG and their siblings work together as a team? If the Rangers, Mortum and HG trio were in Sidestep's role as the villain, what villain career, HB scar and motivation would they each have?


Why did the nanovores listen to argent, but no one else?