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Ooops, it slipped my mind, but here it is. Ask your questions now and I'll answer them the coming weekend!

Real life is incredibly complicated (but in a good way) right now, so things keep slipping my mind.



- Are there boosts that took the hero drug and gained notable powers from it, but didn't choose to become a hero? do they live their lives normally, but with added superpowers? - If telepathy is a relatively rare power, how rare is telekinesis? - Does the hero drug work on animals? - How much of a strain would it be on sidestep to connect to the mind of someone with an incredibly active mind, such as someone with OCD or Schizophrenia? sorry for all the questions lol. the world of fh fascinates me, i love it so much


Retribution spoilers!!! I'm sorry if this has been answered a million times before or is already explained in the story, I tend to replay the same route over and over, and the lore still feels very overwhelming at times to me, but: Why was it necessary for the MC to have all those tattoos at all? From my understanding, MC was specifically designed and trained not to raise suspicion and be able to blend in on stealth missions, so wouldn't it have been possible to give them just a subtle chip or barcode for ID purposes like the one Agent 47 has?


If you are mob boss can you control your crew like you controlled the wolfpack when they fought the Regenes?


What does Steel think of the possible armor combinations as both a user and something he is going against? As a part of this, are the telepathic boosters something that people can notice in general?


How big of a deal would it be if the entirely of The Guardians were wiped? Would this reflect poorly on the major? Can this come to pass if Sidestep plays their cards right?


Would the Ratking have tried to intervene if Argent had gone for the kill in the Auction? If not, what would the Ratking do in the event of Sidestep's death?


Hi! I'm new here so sorry if my questions have been answered but: 1. In Rebirth, when you meet Ortega again (and "had a thing" in the past) they say "But you were the one I was..." Could you finish that sentence please? & 2. Did Ortega find Sidestep by following the Puppet that early on? It was said that the Puppet had found the bland café first, but it better suited Sidestep, so they began to go there....


If it isn't too much of a spoiler, can you tell us a little bit about what Ortega's intentions are with Hollow Ground if they were to ever catch them? Do they plan to turn them over to the authorities?


How exactly did Sidestep escape from the Farm, especially the second time? Is this headcanon territory, or will there be any choices regarding this?


Would we be able to give ratking a body device that they can control? Can we add something more to our suit or it stay the same since the start.?


Why didn’t Elena get into the Olympics? Will we be able to speak personally to Vernon at some point about his theories? Was Ortega raised Catholic? If so, does that at all influence them in present time? When Sidestep says they have “an extensive education”, what does that entail? Is there anything you can tell us about Regina and her relationship to Sidestep? Just how much of a hand did she personally have in creating the mess that is our beloved protagonist? How old was Anathema at the time of their death? Did Ortega make the connection between Sidestep and Hollow Ground immediately after seeing Sidestep’s face or did it take a while (and other misinterpreted pieces of information) for them to reach that conclusion? Just how much do the Rangers + Mortum trust their intuition? Neither of them strike me as superstitious, but are they? How much do they believe in fate?


It's been mentioned a couple of times that Ricardo's relationship with his father and Julia's relationship with him differs somewhat. I was curious if there are also some nuances in their relationship with Elena? Or is that relationship essentially the same?


How much did HG keep an eye on the Nanosurge and Heartbreak incidents? What did they think of the disasters? Did they make any plans in case things went from bad to worse? Were Nocturne and Jake already in the picture when the Nanosurge or HB happened? If they were, what thoughts did they have? What happens to Sidestep’s body when they go to another person’s mind? (like they can do if they agree to “help” Lady Argent). Does their body go comatose/unconscious like it does if Sidestep takes possession of other people? How would it affect Sidestep to know there are other Re-gene runaways? (especially if they are non-telepaths or fighter Re-genes). How old was Marshal Hood when he took the boost drug? Why did he take the drug? Do any of the Rangers or Dr. Mortum have any recurring dreams? What kind of morning routine do Dr. Mortum and the Rangers have? How did villain days Mortum feel about their monologues and their act as a villain? Do Jake, Nocturne, or HG have any recurring dreams? How do Nocturne, Jake, and HG like to spend their mornings? Friendship wise, how different is Ortega’s dynamic with Chen and Lady Argent? If the mob boss crew already know Sidestep’s face, how did they first react (or felt) when they heard their boss would introduce themself out of their armor? What were their initial impressions on Sidestep? Is there specific reason why Sidestep became a hero? What kind of dynamic do HG and Dr. Mortum have these days? Dr. Mortum doesn’t seem to trust HG, but what does the kingpin think of the good doctor? What were HG, Nocturne, and Jake like as kids? How does it feel for Re-genes when they are in the tanks? Is it like dreaming? Did it feel different for Sidestep due to their telepathy (or did their powers awaken only after they were decanted)? How does HG feel about using their powers on someone they share a personal connection with, without the other person knowing anything? Still unrepentant or more complicated than that? What was HB trying to convey to Sidestep if they made Sidestep see the vision of the experiment? Do any of the mob boss henchmen have any thoughts on the Rangers? Do any of them know Dr. Mortum personally or through reputation? How was Sidestep doing money-wise back in their hero days? How did Vernon and Mia first meet? What happened to the apartment building where the Heartbreak occurred? Is it still in use? What kind of mask/persona do Dr. Mortum and the Rangers prefer to show in public? Do any of them act lot differently with people they don’t know well compared to people they are close with? What was the main quality that HG and Nocturne found attractive in each other? How long have they been together? Which one of them said “I love you” first? How did the other one react? What kind of mask/persona do Nocturne, Jake, and HG prefer to show in public? How does Nehal feel about being the youngest in the team? Is she confident in her place in the team or slightly worried how useful she is? What do Jake, HG, and Nocturne fear losing? If Sidestep would have been forced to meet Dr. Mortum from the very beginning how different would Mortum have been toward them compared to Puppet? Would Mortum have dared to accept their job offer (let alone deepen the relationship from mere business to friendship or romance) or would they have been too wary? Would Sidestep even dared to approach the good doctor? What did Nocturne, HG, and Jake thought of Sidestep who had a hero reputation? Were they aware of Sidestep who had a vigilante or sidekick reputation? What do Herald and Lady Argent think of Ortega’s lonely crusade against HG? Considering Dr. Mortum’s curiosity on the strange and unknown, what did the good doctor think if Sidestep managed acquire a sample from Lady Argent? what is a memory (or memories) the Rangers and Dr. Mortum like to think/remember when life around them feels too difficult or complicated? Would any of them rather distract themselves by doing something rather than dwelling on memories? Do HG, Nocturne, or Jake have any memories they like to remember during difficult/complicated times or would any of them rather focus on the present and do something? If Sidestep and Lady Argent end up becoming friends or romantic partners, would Argent be comfortable with letting Sidestep call her by her name or would she prefer if Sidestep used her nickname Angie? If the Puppet exhibits their own emotions beyond Sidestep’s control are the mob boss henchmen aware or noticed Puppet’s fear toward their boss? Do they have any thoughts on it? Do any of the Rangers or Dr. Mortum have a memory they would consider their “happiest”? At what point of Re-genes development is the boost drug given to them? If Puppet is friends with Ortega, is Dr. Mortum aware of it? If yes, is Mortum aware whether the friendship is genuine or just trying to get information? Were Anathema, Sentinel, or Sunstream aware of Ortega’s crusade against HG? Did they have any thoughts on it? Where would fighter Sidestep, tactician Sidestep, Ortega, Chen, and Lady Argent fall in the terms of fighting skills if there were no powers involved, just pure skill? Also, would any of the mentioned characters be aware of their ranking or would any of them think they are actually better or worse? How serious did Lady Argent think the new villain was being if they said to her they wanted her by their side as an ally? Have rest of the Rangers met Spoon much? What differences and similarities do infiltration Re-genes and fighter Re-genes training have? Are infiltration and fighter Re-genes allowed to interact with each other or are they kept separate due to their different purposes? Are Nocturne, HG, or Jake in a habit of making New Year promises? What kind of promises would they make? Dr. Mortum seems to be very protective over their friends/romantic partners and wondered would they appreciate of Sidestep/Puppet was equally protective of them?


wait for question 3 i just remembered the rat king exists oops


1) I couldn't help but notice Lady Argent doesn't make an appearance in the Villain AU.  This suprised me a bit because Dr. Mortum and even Ace are briefly mentioned. So I was wondering, what's she up to in that AU? 2) What would happen if you were to put a virus on a Re-genes chip? 3) What happens if for some reason they can't tattoo a Re-gene? Like if their boost were to give them skin similar to Argents. 4) Does Hollow Ground have an armored suit? Or has he never really needed one before? 5) Are any of the Rangers or Dr. Mortum going to watch that Heartbreak movie? 6) Would Ortega have reacted differently to a Puppet that looks like Sidestep if he had never run into Sidestep at the diner?


Okay, silly question, but how are the Rangers as drivers, ranked from best to worst?