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Submit them here! This month's lore will focus on Boris.



Given how their past encounters played out, what was going through Ortega head while Jakestep started to give them a run for their money?


Depending on the relationship between Sidestep and Argent, Argent can potentially meet up with Sidestep in a Sidestep Hoodie and a message in mind. What message was Argent trying to convey?


How would Hollow Ground's operation change if instead of a Mental Manipulation power they actually were a boost with geokinesis on a scale they claim?


Will we ever get to get sexy with Ortega as the puppet or is that too fucked up even for this game 😅


My friend while playing the alpha for book 2 said that it’s possible for Sidestep to notice HG’s telepathic powers. I was just wondering what mechanic is this based on? Does HG always use their power on you, and thus noticing is a matter of skill, or is their usage dependent upon how your villain persona has behaved?


Will we get to introduce ourselves as our actual MC to Bo?


Will Sidestep/Puppet ever get close enough to Mortum to be able to call them by their name (Merle/Mirlene) or is Mortum averse to that? And if Puppet is close with Mortum at the end of Retribution, do they even know their name? Does being called by their name (Julia/Ricardo) come off as more intimate or more formal to Ortega? Since some people find the use of their nickname to mean familiarity while others use their nickname for so many contexts that it’s the use of their actual name that means such. Do they actually prefer to go by Ortega? Is Ortega the name they identify with the most or is it a bit of a persona, like Charge is? Do they even perceive Ortega and Charge as all that different? And how much? What’s the dynamic between Herald and Ortega like? If the relationship between Ortega and the villain is sympathetic, will it be possible to convince them to join the dark side? 👀 Or is Ortega unlikely to cross that line? In fact, which of the Rangers is most to least likely to cross that line? What’s Locus like in personality? What’s her public reputation?


What do the Rangers and Dr. Mortum regret the most? Do Nocturne, Jake, or HG have any particular regrets?


Will there be more opportunities to change our rival in the future? Concerning poly relationships, would one with Steel and Julia be possible, with Sidestep in the middle and both attracted only to them of course? Or would Steel feel too uncomfortable with that? During the scene with Steel and Spoon in the dog park, we can choose to be wary of dogs. Will that be reflected in future interactions with them? Does a suspicious Ortega actually mean it when they say they'd do anything they can to save Sidestep even when Step already caused a massacre at that time? Where do the Rangers draw the line when it comes to redemption and forgiveness?


what kind of facial hair styles has ricardo tried before? if he hasnt tried any, did he just like the thought of the moustache or did he base it off some external factor?


What do the mob boss crew or Bo/Rosie like to do on their free time? There’s a strange shark memory/dream Sidestep can have if they visit the gala alone in Rebirth and wondered if that memory or dream was Sidestep’s or someone else’s? How did Ortega's and Sidestep's final fight against Void went? Is Void still alive? If Sidestep doesn’t to bother to hide the fact they possibly have lot of money right now and Ortega doesn’t suspect them being the villain, how or from where does Ortega think Sidestep gets the money? How did Anathema and Sunstream end up as Rangers? How did Lady Argent enjoy spending her birthdays when she was still living a normal civilian life? What kind of person was HG's mother? Was she aware HG had taken the boost drug? The Special Directive Re-gene Sidestep possibly saved in Rebirth, how are they doing? How old was Marshal Hood when he died? After reading Sidestep's reaction to zoos, wondered how would places like wildlife parks or aquariums make them feel? Did anyone else hear or find out what Vernon said to Ortega before they punched him? Would Chen or Sentinel know since they were also present? How did each Ranger (and Dr. Mortum during their villain career) feel during their first day as vigilante, hero, or villain? How did their first mission go? Before getting to work on nanovores and Sidestep’s villain armor, what had been Dr. Mortum’s favorite project before that? Or their last big project? Did Dr. Mortum have any particular thoughts on the Rangers of the past like Sentinel, Sunstream or Anathema? How long had HB been traveling before they got to the apartment 412? Also how aware or conscious they were at the beginning of their journey compared to when Sidestep entered into the apartment? What do the Rangers and Dr. Mortum would like to tell their younger selves? What were the Rangers and Dr. Mortum like when they were kids? Do Nocturne, HG, and Jake have any thoughts on the different villain careers Sidestep can have? Like which career they find most or least interesting or useful? What kind of business have Dr. Mortum and HG done? Has Dr. Mortum build or invented anything interesting for HG or have HG's job offers been more standard/mundane, like better security or something along those lines? How did HG enter into the criminal underworld? Did they start off as henchmen or did they already have their powers they could use to get ahead faster? When did they start making plans to become the kingpin in Los Diablos? What does each Ranger think if the new villain has a name like Heartbreak, Anathema or Sidestep? Does Dr. Mortum have any thoughts on any of the names? How old are Nocturne and HG? Did Dr. Mortum follow the events or news on Nanosurge and Heartbreak at all? Did they have any thoughts on the incidents? What was Lady Argent thinking if new villain turned her down romantically because they were already "spoken for"? Have Nocturne and HG ever thought about telling the whole truth to Jake or no? Who was HB before they were taken and used as experiment? Did they have any friends or family who looked for them after their disappeared? If Sidestep admitted lying about losing their powers after meeting rest of the Rangers in Rebirth, what did the Rangers think of that? Not sure if it is planned yet, but if it is possible to answer, what kind of relationships Sidestep could have with Sentinel in the past? How satisfied is Deadeye still with HG or her place in the organization after losing her former position? What mistake did she do that made her lose her position and be replaced? What's her job in the organization now? Music related, but wondered if there are any song recommendations that would fit for any of the Rangers, Puppet, or HG? What was Jake's reaction when he heard he would be taking over Deadeye's former position? On the mob boss route ZaZa is mentioned to be "tall and lanky", but wondered what height are rest of the mob boss henchmen around? How do Jake, HG, and Nocturne like to spend their birthdays? How did the Nanosurge affect Sidestep’s powers? And how long did it take for Sidestep’s powers to recover? Did their powers manage to fully recover before the Heartbreak incident happened? How did HG react to their siblings deaths? What are the Rangers and Dr. Mortum's favorite animal, if they have any? Do any of the Rangers or Dr. Mortum like to cook? Would any of the Rangers and Dr. Mortum want to live together with a friend(s) or romantic partner(s)? Or do they prefer to live alone and have a space for themselves? Does Jake live alone or with someone? Also since he seems to be the social butterfly of the group, does he live more in the central part of the city than Nocturne and HG or does he also live more remote part of the city? From the mob boss route there is a quick comment on ZaZa's housing situation that seems to imply he's used to abandoning whatever place he's staying, but how is rest of the crew's housing situation? What are the chances Sidestep can try and manipulate HG in the future? Can Sidestep's motivation change in book 3 as well?


Can Lady Argent shed tears?


I remember you saying after Rebirth came out that you ended it earlier than you originally planned; now that we've seen most of Retribution, could you tell us what that original endpoint was?


If Sidestep saw the memory in HG's mind, how much can it affect Sidestep's opinion or thoughts on HG? Is there maybe going to be an option to choose how it affects Sidestep?


What’s some (spoiler free) things you can tell us about Ace before they...died


How does the MC feel about the public's willful ignorance and detachment towards the treatment of Re-gene's? Since Vernon is aware that the MC can control the media, I'm also assuming that the "Conspiracy nonsense" that he told Ortega at the funeral has some merit?


1. If the goal is to create Re-Genes who are docile and unquestioningly loyal then why does the Special Directive project manager lady still consider Sidestep to be her 'prize project''? Going off that it seems she'd consider them a failure on her end.


what do the rangers think of sides training daniel?


also, with a sides who had/has a thing w ortega, did tía elena ever make comments and such to sides? I love this lady we have’t yet met haha