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Mitchell's Guide to Villains entry 172.

Subject: Rosie the Riveter.

Civilian identity: Rosie Rae Brown. 

Birthdate: 25th October 1997

Birthplace: El Paso, USA.

Height: 5'5" 165cm

Weight: 132lb/60kg

Classification: Strong Gamma level boost. Increased strength and durability, but not enough to be classified as Beta level. Immune to standard small arms fire, able to lift a car with some effort.

Status: Retired. Currently working as a bouncer at Joes Bar (see entry 121: Joe Average).

Notes: Might have to reclassify this one; see attached Joes surveillance tapes.


Transcript of surveillance tapes obtained from Joes Bar, the subject was not the center of the investigation, but the information was amended to this file for completeness.


[Joes Bar. Present: Joe Average, the owner, behind the bar. Rosie Rae Brown, the bouncer, currently off-shift and drinking.]

Rosie: So, I've got a job.

Joe: You already have a job, Rosie Rae. Don't tell me you're going to quit on me?

Rosie: Sorry, but we both know I wasn't going to stick around forever.

Joe: Sad to hear it, you were a good bouncer.

Rosie: We both know that's a lie. Not big enough and don't look scary enough. I was good at breaking up fights and breaking people, less good at staring them down so they don't start anything in the first place.

Joe: You smile too much.

Rosie: I'm 5'5! I'm not even modded enough to be scary and too tough to get scarred so I can be intimidating.

Joe: That truly is a problem.

Rosie: When you're a bouncer, it is. Sure, I can dress like a badass, color my hair, get some piercings and tattoos, and at the end of the day, I'm still that somewhat hot girl you want to make out with after half a bottle, not the one that you're gonna listen to that it's time to go the hell home after drinking a whole one.

Joe: Well, I am going to miss you. Is that better?

Rosie: That's sweet, but I'm still going to come here to get drunk, so I'll be your problem and not your solution.

Joe: Just don't slip back. You've been doing so well.

Rosie: Not going to. I'm getting too old for hangovers.

Joe: I've seen your ID; I know you're not old.

Rosie: Tell that to my gut.

Joe: So what's the new gig? Getting back in costume?

Rosie: Don't think so. The job description was a bit vague on that front, but I got the feeling that for now, I'm just a henchman. She needed some muscle to back her up. 

Joe: Can I ask for details, or is it one of those I'll have to kill you if I tell you deals?

Rosie: As if I could. But I can save myself the embarrassment of trying. I don't know many details myself. Safer that way. The first check didn't bounce, and that's good enough for me.

Joe: Wait a minute... is it that broad that's been in here for the past month? The hot one?

Rosie: Don't call my boss hot, asshole. But yeah, that's her. Think she's been scouting the place for crew, and she picked me.

Joe: Makes sense. She asked me about you, thought she had the hots.

Rosie: Don't make it weird.

Joe: Look, it's just that she has this feel, you know? Like she's hunting for something. Or someone.

Rosie: Or for someone. She's not running this show, but I haven't met her boss yet.

Joe: Still taking the job?

Rosie: The check was that big, and I need the money. You know that.

Joe: I know. And you're not getting back in costume?

Rosie: Couldn't fit in it if I tried. Rosie the Riveter is dead, and that mask smelled like old feet.

Joe: Shame.

Rosie: Too late for flattery, and you can't match her bid.

Joe: I know. It's just...

Rosie: What?

Joe: I just get a feeling I've seen her before.

Rosie: A good or bad feeling?

Joe: Neither. It's just nagging my brain; I hate when I can't remember things. 

Rosie: You shouldn't split so often then. You know things get lost in transit.

Joe: Couldn't run this bar without a few more hands. There's a lot of travel if you want to get the good shit cheaper than the prices they charge in this hellhole... wait, that's it!

Rosie: What?

Joe: San Francisco. That's where. 

Rosie: Don't hold me in suspense; give me the dirt. I know nothing except her name and the fact that she's got money.

Joe: Can't swear it's the same woman. Not like I know her. She stayed at the same hotel, there on business, same as I. Told me to stay away from the roulette table, 'cause it was rigged as hell. 

Rosie: Were you trying to pick her up? That sounds like weird first words for someone just making conversation.

Joe: I might have bought her a drink, but I don't think she remembers me. Hell, I didn't remember her until you brought her up. Don't think she even told me her name.

Rosie: So? Anything else? Should I drop out of this before I've spent the cash?

Joe: Not on account of anything I know. She was a bit of an ass, but it looks like she's calmed down and grown up. It's just...

Rosie: Just what? Come on, spill the beans.

Joe: She told me not to stay the night. At the hotel. Said it was a fire hazard.

Rosie: And?

Joe: Didn't listen. Of course. Woke up in the middle of the night with smoke everywhere. The whole place burned down. Lost my best suit, had to get out the window in my pajamas. Not my proudest moment.

Rosie: Could be worse; you could have slept in the nude. You think she set it?

Joe: Maybe. I thought so at the time. Certainly sounded capable of it.

Rosie: Well, I'll keep that in mind. Not like neither of us haven't done worse than a bit of light arson.

Joe: You ever regret it?

Rosie: Getting into this business? No. I've seen how life's been treating my sister; that's not for me. I'd rather be bad than have bad things done to me.

Joe: You should talk to Gemma.

Rosie: She told me she never wanted to see me again after I punched that asshole she married. She meant it. 

Joe: She's in a bad spot. She's going to need family to get her out of it.

Rosie: Mom already disowned me. Gemma pretty much did the same. Don't think I'm family to her anymore. 

Joe: You know best.

Rosie: You know that's a goddamn lie. But I can't just call her.

Joe: All she can do is hang up.

Rosie: Maybe. We'll see. 

Joe: Could send someone down there to check things out?

Rosie: That's what got me in trouble in the first place. No. They're better off without me.

Joe: Rosie Rae...

Rosie: Don't you Rosie Rae me, you know we're fucked, the whole lot of us. Can't go back. I'm a spawn of the devil now, not family. Not even human.

Joe: You know she doesn't mean that.

Rosie: She does. And she's not alone. We took the drugs, shot up the devil's juice, and now we're nothing but monsters. You know how that works.

Joe: I do. Sadly. I just thought Gemma...

Rosie: She doesn't buy it. But she lives there. She's married. She's got a kid. Tough or not, she knows which side to pick. And it's not going to be mine.

Joe: Shame, I liked her.

Rosie: So did I. But she went back to him. Couldn't stop her. If I called her, all I would do is to get her in trouble.

Joe: So what's your plan then?

Rosie: I don't have one. That's why I'm not a villain anymore. I suck at plans. 

Joe: So what's your plan?

Rosie: -sigh- Get enough money to get her and the kid out and far enough away. Get enough to get them a good life. Keep my head down and do my job until then. Stay out of jail.

Joe: Sounds like a good plan. You're too hard on yourself.

Rosie: Shut up and pour me another drink.



Ugh. Rosie feels. Obsessed w. Ace's backstory though... quick poll, is potential arson still badass or..?