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Is going to be possible for Sidestep to go the distance and go all 4 books without anyone finding out their secret villain identity, special birth status, and their connection to the puppet?


Would you mind giving an in depth explanation on how Jake's powers work? Like what stops him from going through the floor, what makes him tougher when he can hit, how does his ability affect his mind. Stuff like that.


What do the Rangers and Mortum think of the different Villain occupations for Sidestep's that have shown that they mean business. ( Really high imfamy). How does this change when they figure who is under the mask?


Does Nocturne have a nickname for HG?


Will Lady Argent ever acknowledge that Sidestep saved her during the Nanosurge to Sidestep themself?


what was your favorite scene to write in rebirth? redemption if its not too spoilery?

Cleo June

If this is to spoilery ingnore it but I'm kinda curious as to what Ortega was thinking when Herald talked to him about the whole kissing the MC thing especially if the mc and herald did more then kiss.


I was literally going to ask that very same question


If this is spoiler territory, apologies. Will it be possible in a future book to redeem ourselves for what we did to the Rangers at the gala in Rebirth? Like, instead of wiping the floor with them, could we maybe this time save them? Or at the very least help them?


Does it ever happen that the hero's drug gives completely useless powers?


This question will be a heavy one, feel free to skip what was the purpose of growing the cockatoos with sexual characteristics if they have tattoos denoting what they are, making it hard, For them to go on a mission to honeypot someone. This leads me to the second part of the question in some of the bedroom lines, sidesteps alludes that they were sexually abused by the farm's handlers. Not that it sounds out of line for them since they are creating people as tools


I forgot to tie into my previous question if they do have fully working sexual characteristics, can they have children. If so, do they ever dream about having a child once they are free?


Hate it when I can turn invisible but it's only when people are not looking


1. What gift would make each RO melt from happiness? 2. What kind of valentine's date would each Ro enjoy? Or would some of them ignore the holiday completely? 3. Would Dr.Mortum ever date Sidestep if they revealed themselves to begin with? Would they even date their own client? 4. What is each RO's love language? 5. Most of us look back on our teenage years and thinks "damn, was I an edgy kid". Does Dr.Mortum look back at their life until their 30's same way? I think it was mentioned that they are a bit embarrassed about some things they did as a villain. 6. Would Dr.Mortum agree to adopt animals with their partner? What kind of animal would they want if at all? 7. Was it normal for Dr.Mortum to call someone they were hitting on "ma/mon cheri"? Or was Puppet special? 8. How many people does Dr.Mortum currently consider their friends?


what kind of adventures did anathema ever take a befriended sidestep on?


Bunch of questions again, apologies for that... 1. Do any of the mob boss henchmen have any family? 2. Since Lady Argent isn’t used to being on the losing side when it comes to fighting, how exactly did she feel if she lost against the new villain in a fair fight? 3. How did Sentinel and Sunstream get along with other Rangers? 4. What was Jake's first impression on Nocturne and HG? 5. Has Jake fought against Ortega much? If yes, how did those fights go? 6. What did Vernon say to Ortega that made them punch him? 7. If Sidestep left people behind when they escaped from the Farm is there maybe going to be a possibility of getting into the subject how Sidestep might feel about it? 8. If Lady Argent and Jake fought against each other which one of them would have the upper hand? Also considering their opponent’s powers (Jake being able to turn intangible and Lady Argent’s claws and armor) how would they feel about fighting each other? 9. Does Mia Ochoa have any particular opinion on the Rangers as a whole or any of the members? 10. What did Lady Argent think if during the bridge fight the new villain turned her down when it came to romantic interest, but admitted they wanted her as an ally and by their side? 11. What kind of relationship did HG have with their parents? Did HG see their mother before she died or had they cut ties with their past by then? 12. Bit morbid question, but how did HG’s siblings die? Were they part of HG’s criminal organization? Did any of them have powers or mods? 13. What does low Rangers reputation signify? 14. if Sidestep has people back in the Farm they care about, what kind of relationship does Sidestep have with them? Are they like teammates, friends or family? Or is the relationship not that clear-cut? 15. What is Psychopathor’s goal as a villain? 16. What would Mortum think if Sidestep/Puppet admitted they only chose the cape for the villain armor because Mortum likes capes? 17. Since HG likes aquariums, do they ever visit the aquarium Psychopthor's wife is in charge of? Or would that be too public for them? 18. What are the Rangers and Dr. Mortum most afraid of losing?


1) Just how close were Anathema and Sidestep? What did they like and/or dislike about each other? 2) (Pre-heartbreak) We know that Sunstream shied away from the media spotlight, Steel didn’t/doesn’t care for it and Ortega was a bit of a darling of the press. But how did Sentinel and Anathema feel about it? And just what personas did they all have to play up for the cameras? 3) What are the current Rangers’ (and Mortum’s) biggest fears and deepest desires?


Apologies if this has already been stated elsewhere, but was Herald the older or younger brother?


1. Why was it difficult for Mortum to focus on what they wanted to say during conversation about the disintegration ray? Was that because of the Puppet? Because they weren't sure how much they can reveal? Or was it just difficult to speak of their past? 2. Okay I'm having soft Mortum thoughts, you don't have to indulge me on this but would be appreciated if you did. Dr.Mortum seems like they forget to take care of their basic human needs like food, drinking, resting. Would they appreciate a partner who would take care of them? I know FH is a story with darker themes but idea of domestic life with our beloved genius makes me so happy 😭💗


Would you consider making Mortum romance playlist? I keep listening to their origin one but I would love to listen to their love/current day vibes 😊


If sidestep was to get a brain scan would the chip that the farm plants in regene brains be visible? There at all???


If choosing the option to try and get Herald to drop you, what does sidestep see / hear that makes them almost cry and pull back out of his mind instantly?


1.) If Hollow Ground used their power on the puppet would it still have an effect once the MC returns to their original body? 2.) Will we get a flashback to the decisive moment the MC decides to becomes a villain? 3.) Is a ruthless MC basically a misanthropist? 4.) Can we blackmail Argent with civilian lives to give back cape? 5.) What does "Individuality" mean?


1) How often does Ortega call his/her mom and what do they usually talk about? 2) Has mamma Ortega noticed a difference in Ortega (if there is any) after Sidestep showed up? 3) Is there any other route where we get to meet mamma Ortega or is breaking them legs a must? 4) The picture of Sidestep that Ortega has is it something funny like Step slobbering on his/her couch when sleeping? And how did Ortega get one? 5) Does Ortega know where Sidestep lives, if yes did Ortega follow Sidestep home and when did it happen? 6) If its not a secret what is the goats power? 7) What is the reason Blaze doesnt like Ortega, is it personal or job related ? 8) Daniels parents did they really disown him, or was it self inflicted ? 9) Did Daniels parents love him and his brother and what do they think of him now? 10) How did the rest of the active team (during Heartbreak incident) find out about it (in the news, someone called them e.c) and the deaths of Sidestep and Anathema? How did they react?


It looks like Chen has a chance with Ortega now, but what would have happened had he actually told Ortega how he felt back when those feelings first developed? Would it have triggered Ortega’s bi crisis earlier or simply have been super awkward?


Is there ever a scenario where Ortega would (romantically) pick someone else over Sidestep, or is it that as long as Sidestep is an option, no one else compares?


Is Ortega aware of the budding romance between Herald/Sidestep? Or do they think it’s just Herald having a crush?


How long had Ortega been practicing what they said to Sidestep in the apartment scene?


We can't really hope for a happy ending with our RO, can we? ;-; Like really, I'd like to know to be prepared for the pain.


Was a romanced Sidestep Ortega's first love or was there one before in their string of romances?


Hi! Here some questions! I apologize if some of them have already been asked 😅 1) I've read that if Ortega falls in love with MC in the present, but in the past, they were just friends he realizes now that he had a crush on MC so if in Rebirth we choose to have a secret crush on Ortega, she/he would have had a secret/not realized crush on MC too? 2)At the beginning did Argent reminded Ortega of Sidestep ? 3) What did Ortega think when he saw MC in the diner, in Rebirth, finding out they were alive? And what after Chen told him about the autopsy photos (something changes if the MC is believed innocent or guilty or is just being suspected being guilty)? 4) If MC goes with their body to the meeting with Hollow Ground, but then jumps in the puppet and rescues their body, do the Rangers (apart from steel that already know and supposing we didn't tell anyone) know that MC is a re-gene? And what the RO's think about MC being Retribution, it depends on the stats or in that moment, no one thinks about it, but only to find MC? 5)Was actually Sentinel/the flyer who shoot to the car with MC/the puppet and Ortega? 6) Would be possible to have a relationship with Steel with a F!MC or NB!MC? Or this will stay as a kinship relationship? 7)Between who are possible the Poly-routes? And there will be some jealousy or possible break up/one of the three to leave the relationship? 8)In every Mortum's ending in which the puppet is involved in the accident and MC is in their own body, Dr Mortum will think that MC lied to them and will take sides with the puppet? 9) Do the Rat King truly cares for MC? And they will be able to find/help the MC in the ending in which we have their POV and they are separated from MC? 10) Will Ortega realize/have realized to be bisexual if MC is of the opposite sex and romantically involved only with them (or Herald if MC is female and not in a poly)? 11) Will there be other POV during the new book other than the Epilogues? Or other Patreon snippets from RO's POV of Rebirth, Retribution, future books, scenes? 12) Super Spoiler Asks feel free to ignore them XD In some endings in which MC is inside the Puppet and in Dr Mortum lab MC's body wakes up, in others it's not shown if it wakes up or not. In both cases the impostor takes control of MC body? Is the same impostor that can take control of the puppet or the MC? Dr Mortum and MC will be able to keep MC body, in which inside there is the impostor, safe/contained, until they figure it out who is this mind controller?


First of all, I want to say thank you so much for creating Fallen Hero. this series means a lot to me as someone who was diagnosed with Dysthymia I can sympathize with Sidestep and seeing them find some happiness in the story makes me feel like I could find my own happiness just like them, so thank you so much for such a wonderful series and a bunch lovely characters. now about the question 1. In Herald/Ortega poly rout. is it possible to make them only attract to Sidestep but not at each other? I just experimenting with this poly route for fun but end up depressed for days when the epilogue state that Ortega has both Sidestep and Danny in his mind(yes I'm super jealous). Just imagine they share a kiss give me anxiety left alone having them interact with each other in the steaming scene in later books. seem like I just realize that I love Danny so much that I can't bear the thought of sharing him with anyone(don't mind sharing Ortega with Chen or Mortum though lol). this is really important to me cause I don't wanna hurt my own feeling when seeing them interacting in that way so knowing this makes it easier for me to choose if I want to go this route. 2. Will we ever have a chance to meet each RO family in the future? especially Danny's family. just noticed that his family seems like a well-known one and might have a big part to play in the future(at least in Herald's subplot) and we kinda know about Chen's and Ortega's family too so I'm just curious if we will ever meet them. 3. (spoiler question)In some ending depend on which body we stuck at the end, the other body will gain consciousness. how important will they be in the future? do we lose that body for the whole book 3 or we can take it back? if we stuck in Sidestep's body could we influence the puppet to start a romance with Mortum? just curious because having the other body controlled by someone else makes the possibilities become a lot bigger. 4. could we have more upgrades for our Armor in the future? 5. aside from our minions in the crime boss path does the path we choose affect the character we will meet in the future? will hero hunter path would make us meet more hero in the later book or it just affects the way we could interact with them like with Blaze. and again thank you so much for this series.


Why did Ortega end up coming back to the Rangers after Heartbreak? It feels more complex than the fact that they got bored + from what little the other characters have mentioned about those days.


Does Argent still surf?