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Subject: Daniel Sullivan

Registration ID: Herald

Defunct RID entries: Kestrel, Kinetik

Birthdate: 11th July 1996

Blood type: O+

Height: 5'9" 175cm

Weight: 150lb/68kg

Classification: Class Beta boost.

Power: Non-assisted flight, full aerial capabilities. Maximum speed; 200 mph (320 km/h). Maximum lifting weight; 38 000 lbs (17200 kg) under optimum (not reliably repeatable) circumstances. Limited resistance to physical damage.


Transcript of a private conversation - prospect Daniel Sullivan

27th February 2018, Rooftop in Bunker Hill, Los Diablos.

Other party: Luis Adames y Pasamonte, RID Sentinel.

Procured from KNTK Ltd. Internal suit recording.


Adames: So you finally did it, kid. Or should I call you Kinetik? 

[Kinetik removes his helmet, sits down next to Sentinel on the rooftop]

Sullivan: Please don't. Daniel is still fine, Luis. Or kid, if you must. Though I'm almost 22...

Adames: Still self-conscious about it?

Sullivan: What? My age or being Kinetik?

Adames: Being Kinetik, you'll always be a kid to me.

Sullivan: Thanks a lot. But I guess I am. It's hard not to be with the ads running. I'm named for a car, Luis; being a corporate hero is not exactly how I pictured it.

Adames: You're doing better than the last Kinetik, though the helmet doesn't really suit you.

Sullivan: I think it's because they want to evoke the lines of the car.

Adames: And because whoever is in the suit is replaceable.

Sullivan: Yeah, that too. And since you asked, I did apply. If the Rangers will have me. I wouldn't have tried if you hadn't been encouraging me. Thank you for that.

Adames: Well, you pulling off that stunt with the bus convinced me you were ready for the big leagues. You're wasted in corporate.

Sullivan: I couldn't just let them die.

Adames: I know. It was just surprising. I had no idea you could lift that much.

Sullivan: Honestly? Me neither. Luckily I didn't stop to think. Haven't been able to since; I think I sprained something.

[Sentinel hands Kinetik a bottle. Likely soda.]

Adames: That's how we boosts work. Can't know until we try. You've got good instincts, kid. 

Sullivan: Do you really think I have a shot?

Adames: Yeah. And not just because we've been shorthanded since Heartbreak. You're exactly what we need right now.

Sullivan: Thank you?

Adames: As long as you pass the vetting process and nothing spooks security.

Sullivan: Hopefully, that won't be an issue. I don't think I've done anything illegal. My family is reputable.

Adames: It's not just that. The psychological profiling is the hardest part. Which is why I asked you to come here.

Sullivan: Oh.

Adames: Disappointed that I had an ulterior motive?

Sullivan: No, just a little confused.

Adames: You're a boost.

Sullivan: Yes?

Adames: Nobody becomes a boost without some heavy baggage in their past.

Sullivan: Are you suggesting I will have to bring that up?

Adames: They'll ask. Trust me, they had dug up shit about me I had spent a long time repressing.

Sullivan: But you passed.

Adames: Yeah. But that was back when the team was first founded. They were more interested in power than stability. Think they changed their mind when people started cracking under pressure.

Sullivan: I won't crack.

Adames: Not in a fight, you've proven that enough, but you still freeze up every time you talk about your family.

Sullivan: I told you about my brother.

Adames: And you nearly had a breakdown. Can't afford one in there.

Sullivan: It's hard.

Adames: They're going to ask. You should be prepared for that. And they're going to ask why.

Sullivan: I don't...

Adames: I know you don't want to talk about ut. I didn't either. But you are going to have to come up with an answer you can stomach.

Sullivan: You mean, lie?

Adames: I mean, find a version of the truth you're comfortable sharing.

Sullivan: While keeping some things private...

Adames: You're going to have to be smart about your privacy if you go through with this. You won't have much of it once you're accepted.

Sullivan: I don't have many secrets.

Adames: We both know that's a lie, kid.

Sullivan: What do you want me to say, Luis?

Adames: I don't want you to say anything. I want you to figure out how to feel.

Sullivan: I don't get it.

Adames: Your brother is dead. No changing that.

Sullivan: Believe me, I know.

Adames: But it's up to you how you remember him. You're going to carry his ghost no matter what; you don't have to bring the worst parts with you.

Sullivan: They are easier to remember.

Adames: I know. But also easier to forget in time.

Sullivan: Sounds like you've made this speech before. Charge?

Adames: Yeah.

Sullivan: Did it work?

Adames: Punched me for it.

Sullivan: Why would...?

Adames: Some people don't want to heal. The pain is just too comfortable. Familiar.

Sullivan: And you don't want me to end up the same.

Adames: You're young. Hopefully less stubborn. Try to forgive yourself.

Sullivan: For what? For not blaming myself enough? I think I dealt with that part of myself years ago at his funeral.

Adames: Well, I'm not going to ask you to forgive him. You told me what happened.

Sullivan: I know I should. I know he's my brother. He's dead. I'm just not sure I can.

Adames: Then learn to pretend. That will go a long way. You went west, didn't you? That's where people go to reinvent themselves.

Sullivan: I've been doing my best. Maybe you're right. Perhaps this is another step.

Adames: Joining the Rangers?

Sullivan: I meant what I said, Luis. I want to be better. I want to do better. I know I can't do that if I stay corporate. I learned that I can't do it in the LDPD; I saw too much of what they did back when I was Kestrel. And going back to being a vigilante... I guess I could, but I don't really matter there—just another person on the streets. I want to be more. Do more.

Adames: See, that's the speech you should give in your interview. Be the person they should beg to be on the team.

Sullivan: Stop it...

Adames: What? Am I embarrassing you? I mean it. You've got the spirit. Just don't let it break you.

Sullivan: I won't. I'm not as fragile as I look.

Adames: Oh, I know you're not, kid. Come on, let's do a lap of the city, and you can try out your best lines on me.

[Sentinel rises, Kinetik puts on his helmet. Quality of recording decreased due to wind interference.]

Sullivan: You make it sound ... sordid. It's not...

Adames: I'm ... married in a month... Don't worry, ... best smile ... affect me.

[Transcript ended due to sound issues. Original audio unavailable, possibly destroyed.]



this mentorship is sweet