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These are spoilers if you haven't played the full alpha, thus they go in their own section. Enjoy.


Did Regina know Sidestep's powers had the potential to grow so strong?

She hoped.

Does hollow ground know/feel when their powers haven't worked properly/someone cut their strings (like it might happen with step, Jake, Chen)?

Not going into detail there because you will need to find out, but it didn't look like it so far. Or they've got a good poker face.

Will we get an explanation of what Ortega means when she says, "blood is thicker than water."

Yes, the big talk will be in book three, early on.

Why did Nocturne take the hero drug? Was she already a boost when she met HG? 

She was not a boost when she met HG; she took the drugs because she was tired of being who she was and wanted to reinvent herself.

How did Nocturne and HG first meet each other? 

She worked for the IRS in Chicago, and he was setting up a business there as a money laundering/safety measure. They were rivals by mail/internet/litigation for years before they finally met.

Does Sidestep know there are blue-gray runaway Re-genes, or do they think only cuckoos have managed to escape?

The notion that there might be other runaways is alien to Sidestep, it's hard for them to imagine anyone else escaping that net.

Since the farm regenes have their own version of community do the regenes give each other nicknames at all? 


Also do the cuckoos have real names or do they get assigned names depending on the mission?

They get assigned names depending on the mission.

Where did sidesteps with <25 presentability get the mystery outfit they can wear to meet HG? 

Good question.

How does it affect Hollow Ground when they have too many people red-threaded?

There's an upper limit; the bigger the net, the weaker it gets.

Not sure if this has been asked, but is there any significance to the red threads being, well, red?

It's from a Swedish expression. The red thread (den röda tråden) is the central point of an argument, the connective tissue that holds everything together. If you find it, everything makes sense.

How long ago did Chen and Blaze date? For how long?

About three years ago or so. It was about six months of on and off, never turned into a proper relationship for many reasons. Mostly hookups.


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