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Exactly how many people has Ortega punched over Sidestep?

Oh boy. More than they'd like to admit. Ortega is quick to punch people. If I should hazard a guess... seven, not counting Sidestep themselves.

Does Ortega have any "dead" spots in their body where they don't have any feeling, even post mods?

Yes, but they are caused by scarring, not the mods. The spinal nerves are working as intended. The biggest area is on the arm the nanovores attacked, there are patches there where the skin feels numb and have issues registering temperature especially.

Has anyone (public figures or groups/ movements) raised a fuss over the ethics of creating/ ‘utilizing’ regenes before?

Yes, but there's never been a huge movement, Re-Genes are too rare for their plight to really register with the public. Mostly it's a fringe thing, often picked up by religious groups looking to score points about men playing gods rather than concern over the subjects.

What was Marshal Hood like?

Calm. Patient. Slow to anger, some would call him slow to act. Like many tattooed big guys, his looks tended to let him avoid trouble. More clever than he let on. Ace, wasn't really interested in relationships. Easy to make friends though. Had a nasty streak he was not fond of, liked scaring people he didn't like to force them to show respect. Mellowed out a lot with age. Liked bikes, was a good mechanic.

When diving through Argent's memories in rebirth, there was a line where she implied Ortega was a liability while glancing at their mods. Was there already something wrong with Ortega's mods? (And if so, what?)

Not something wrong exactly. Let's put it this way, the potential for something to go wrong however, is way too high for her liking. As for what... hehehe maybe you'll learn.

Do regenes all have a certain blood type or are they all different?

They vary.

You mentioned that Steel went a different direction than you originally intended him when you started Fallen Hero; what's the difference between his original concept and how he turned out?

The biggest difference? Spoon. Making him a dog dad just made everything escalate. I didn't really see his softer sides before the dog showed up.

Does Sidestep know Anathema's real name? And a follow up, will the players ever learn it?

Sidestep doesn't. The players might.

Will we get more of interacting with Shroud in book 3?

It is very likely, yes.

Would the regenerator be able to reverse the regene blue skin?

Technically, yes.

What's the cons for using the regenerator? (As in the bad stuff that might happen)

Well, baby soft fresh skin is super sensitive, don't go out in the sun any time soon.

What’s Herald’s favorite art movement?

Expressionism or Modernism, it's a tie.

Will regenerator (working/not working) be in book 3 or 4? and will there be the possibility of regenerator not working at all?

Book 3. And yes, you can mess it up (or just avoid that tangent entirely, not everyone is interested)

How fast can Herald fly? Asking cuz I don't think we've seen him wear goggles. So if it's v fast are his eyes just... Idk better than average peoples

Herald's max speed is slightly over 300 km/h (200 mph or so). And yes, his eyes rarely tears up, and he doesn't have any problems breathing at those speeds. However, he tends to wear goggles and headgear when flying higher or faster, because bugs can really hurt. It's just not something he tends to use around the city, the media team think it covers his best features.

Does Regenes have belly buttons?

Yes. That's where they are connected to the artificial placenta.

What is the effect of having the initials CB for step?

I will not tell you, but there are some things that will come into play later.

Does hollow ground have a limit to how many people they can web?

Yes, every single one is an increasing load.

What gifts would all the RO's want/appreciate most for their birthdays? (if all of them is too much you can just choose one!)

Oh I am the worst at imagining presents for myself, let alone other people. It's one of my failings, I really don't get it. What makes you want something in particular? My aspie brain just short circuits, how could you just name a thing? There's so much variation there? That being said, I will make an attempt:

Ortega always likes rare alcohol, Chen would be happy about stuff for Spoon, Argent weird movies, Daniel artbooks or art and Mortum books (fiction).

If the rangers had to dress up for Halloween. How would they dress?

Ortega would dress as anything, as long as it is preceded by the word 'sexy' (sexy pirate is a classic), Chen would take the chance to look cool and suave (like James Bond, or Dracula), Argent would go full Heidi Klum (ambitious as hell) and Daniel would be conceptual and take advantage of his powers (Angie made him dress as an Angel once because she had the coolest devil costume). 

If you had to describe each ranger  as a cookie flavor, what would they each be?

Oh cookies, not as international as you might think. So be prepared to google swedish cookies (småkakor).

Ortega - Pepparkaka, Chen - Hallongrotta, Argent - Brysselkex, Daniel - Drömmar

Which one of the rangers is most likely to regift something on Christmas?

Daniel, hands down. If he doesn't need it, someone else might have better use of it.

About Steel: does he still harbor a lot of guilt about Heartbreak and how the rangers turned out, or has he put that behind him?

Steel has a lot of guilt, yes. But he doesn't dwell. It does however inform his current choices, he does not want to go through that again.

If it's non-spoilerish, how did Jake end up working for Hollow Ground?

Jake was working for an affiliate of Hollow Ground's in the Philippines when he was a kid, did minor crimes, drug running and the like. He ended up in trouble enough with his boss to use some of the Boost drugs they were making, lucked out with his powers and snuck aboard a ship headed for Los Diablos. There he started doing grunt work for Hollow Ground's organization since he had some names and contacts, and worked his way up.

How did Ortega and Sidestep meet?

I will not say a canon way, I leave that for the reader.

What drew Ortega to Sidestep when he/she first met them?

Ortega had never met anyone like them. Refreshingly weird, weren't impressed by Ortega, or wanted to sleep with them. The mystery was also a draw.

Does anyone, besides probably Nocturne, know about Hollow Ground's powers?


How did Hollow Ground first find out about their powers? 

It took a while, it's a subtle thing. For the longest time things were just easier.

Does Nocturne's power have limit how many peoples sight she can take? 

Probably, but she hasn't found one yet. 

Does Jake ever use his ability to go through walls just to scare people for laughs or only when he's working/fighting? 

Only when working/fighting, he tries to keep it from being common knowledge.

How long can Shroud go without feeding before she starts to...wither?

Depends on the strength of her last victim, boosts are juicier, can last her a couple of weeks or more, normal people a week tops.

If Sidestep saved the Re-gene in Rebirth, are rest of the Re-genes in the Special Directive team aware someone saved him or in dark about it? 

It is a variable that is tracked, what I do with it are spoilers.

If Hollow Ground and Shroud used their powers on each other, whose powers would work faster? 

Oh that's an interesting quickdraw. Hollow Ground would be faster.

Are Hollow Ground's rings and earrings just for aesthetic or do they serve some kind purpose?

There is a purpose.

Is Shroud content working for Lord Ember or does she have her own hidden plans?

Shroud is too powerful not to have her own agenda.

Does Regina have some kind of powers or mods?

Nothing major.

Does Sidestep only have enemies at the Farm or can they have people they care about still back there?

There will be an option to have that once it comes up in the story, yes. It will be a choice for the reader.

Was Hollow Ground behind the explosion on Carter's place?

You might find out in book three.

Are there any blue-gray Re-genes runaways? If yes, how are they surviving? Are they lonely? 

Yes there are. They survive by keeping off the radar, some of them have powers to help with that. There's a lot of deserted land still, it is possible to lay low. But yes, they would be lonely.



The mental image of Ortega potentially punching Sidestep for bad-mouthing...Sidestep is a h i l i a r i o u s one. I love these Q & A's and the insight they provide :).


I love that Halloween question, my heart is now full


I want to give all the lonely re-genes a hug :(


Shame about the Sidestep and Ortega's first meeting, I was really hoping we would get that story in game or sth ┐(‘~`;)┌