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Do you have any questions you want answered once November happens? if so, just add them here in the comments. I've already got a bunch from the discord, but the more, the merrier.

This month's story focus will be on Marshal Steel since he came in second in the polls.

I am also polishing up some older story snippets and posting them for everyone, they might be considered canon adjacent. Genders and relationship specifics might vary, but they're as close as they're gonna get while not being in the actual game.


woah dude

About Steel: does he still harbor a lot of guilt about Heartbreak and how the rangers turned out, or has he put that behind him?


If it's non-spoilerish, how did Jake end up working for Hollow Ground?


What was consciousness Sidestep before realise herself/himself?


How did Ortega and Sidestep meet?


Does anyone, besides probably Nocturne, know about Hollow Ground's powers? How did Hollow Ground first find out about their powers? Does Nocturne's power have limit how many peoples sight she can take? Does Jake ever use his ability to go through walls just to scare people for laughs or only when he's working/fighting? How long can Shroud go without feeding before she starts to...wither? If Sidestep saved the Re-gene in Rebirth, are rest of the Re-genes in the Special Directive team aware someone saved him or in dark about it? If Hollow Ground and Shroud used their powers on each other, whose powers would work faster? Are Hollow Ground's rings and earrings just for aesthetic or do they serve some kind purpose? Is Shroud content working for Lord Ember or does she have her own hidden plans? Could Lady Argent reunite with her family if the Regenerator works for her? Does Regina have some kind of powers or mods? Does Sidestep only have enemies at the Farm or can they have people they care about still back there? Was Hollow Ground behind the explosion on Carter's place? Are there any blue-gray Re-genes runaways? If yes, how are they surviving? Are they lonely?


What drew Ortega to Sidestep when he/she first met them?


Was Hood's powers related to why Hollow Ground killed him?