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I got some questions about mods and boosts, and I decided to break them out and talk about them in more detail:

There's been talk about alpha level boosts, what does that mean? Are there any other classifications? Do modded people have classifications too? How many alpha-level boosts are there in Los Diablos?


There are four general categories of Boosts. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.

Delta: Boosts at this level have small extra-human powers, but not enough to be military or commercially viable. It can be things like generating enough heat/fire to light a cigarette, changing the color of their hair or other, essentially harmless tricks.

Gamma: These boosts have useful, but still limited powers. In general, they are utilitarian rather than dangerous. They are things like having sense of smell as good as a dog. Being able to hear radio waves. Seeing in the dark. They are enough to give the boost a legit advantage, and can, within certain contexts be commercially viable. Villains or Heroes that are gamma level boosts will still need to rely on mods or gadgets in order to make a career out of it.

Beta: This is what most people think of when they hear that someone is boosted. It is a strong, functional, but still somewhat limited power offensively. Most boosted heroes and villains in Los Diablos would fall into this category. 

Alpha: These are the most dangerous, offensive boosts.

???: There are rumors of a classification above alpha, but what it entails or who would be need to have a separate category is unclear.

As for mods, it's a slightly different system. 

They run from Type A to Type F. In general, Type A-C are combat related, while D-F are civilian/medical or aesthetic. Most Mods usually have several modifications done, they are classified according to the most powerful one. Type A-C are often called military grade mods for short.

Type F: Minor adjustments and corrections, mostly of the medical or aesthetic nature. Hearing aids would be a type F mod, as would light-up tattoos.

Type E: Minor enhancements, mostly utilitarian. Implants picking up or transmitting radio waves is an example.

Type D: Civilian enhancements of a larger nature. These can be eye replacements or modifications or limb replacements that offers no additional utility.

Type C: Physical enhancements of the passive or protective variety. This can include armor and skinweave and prosthetic limbs more powerful than normal flesh. It also includes neural interface systems to connect to external armor or weapons. The mods have no inherent offensive capabilities. Military mods are often Type C, as it provides more tactical flexibility and easier to repair on the battlefield.

Type B: A similar type of mods as in type C, but it also includes internal weaponry. Guns replacements for limbs, the ability to eject flames or gas or extendable blades are common picks. In general, type B is favored by villains, because the weapons are always within reach.

Type A: These are war machines seldom seen on civilian soil. It can be seen as the endpoint for mods, both villains and military, when they have gone through enough replacements that they have a hard time functioning in civilian life.

Some examples from the book of how various heroes and villains would be classified:

  • Marshal Steel: Type C mod, relies on external armor and weapons.
  • Charge: Type B mod. Electricity generation bumps it up from a Type C.
  • Herald: Beta boost, flight.
  • Lady Argent: Beta boost armor and adaptive weaponry.
  • Rosie: Gamma level boost, heightened strength and durability.
  • Boris: Type E mod, mostly of the sensory and connective variety.
  • Hollow Ground: Beta boost, powerful but has a range limitation.
  • Nocturne: Beta boost.
  • Jake: Beta boost, brushing up on Alpha.

Finally, there are about a dozen Alpha level boosts in Los Diablos, here are some examples:

  • The MC: Alpha level telepath and bodysnatcher.
  • Locus: Alpha level telepath.
  • Sentinel: Alpha level wind manipulation and control.
  • Catastrofiend: Alpha level boost and Type A mod. 


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