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Alrighty, later than normal, but real life be like that. Got over the sickness that's been haunting us, but my brain is still cheese so I might not be as eloquent as normal. Working on it though. And in other news, next demo will be Puppetstuck, I am finished plotting it now. Just need to regain the pretty words to write it proper and the right playlist. Thank you so much for all your support, it really helps when I am feeling a mess.


Does Chen like or connect to Julia or Ricardo more? He desires something deeper with Ricardo, but might he push him away because he knows he can't have it? Since his relationship with Julia is exactly as deep and meaningful as he wants it to be is it easier to be close to her? 

I think certainly Chen's relationship with Julia is easier for these reasons. There's less strain there, Chen can relax and be himself in different ways. He'd like to think he is long over Ricardo, but it's still there, bubbling under the surface, making things awkward.

From most to least worrisome how do the Rangers' issues rank in Chen's mind: Ortega's obsessions, Herald's inexperience, Argent's suspiciousness, Sidestep's... everything. How does he rank his own issues? 

Chen considers his own issues to be under control. Not an issue. I think that during Retribution, his two biggest issues are Argent and Sidestep. Ortega he feels he can keep under control, and Herald just needs more time.

In universes where Julia never had a queer relationship with Sidestep did that affect why Argent would brush off her flirting? 

No. The same reasons as for Ricardo. Argent didn't dare risk it with her nanovores.

When the Rat King does things like keeping Jake and Nocturne asleep are they doing that with their own power, or are they using Sidestep's power? 

They are mostly using their own power, it's not great at initiating things, but a good thing for keeping the ball rolling and being lookouts.

Is Sidestep breaking into their house the most danger HG has ever been in? 

No. But close. HG's gone sloppy.

Did Deadeye know the youngest sibling? 


Would anyone other than HG and Ortega have ever been able to recognize who Sidestep actually was? 

Yes, and they have.

Will there be a major difference in the confrontation with HG if Sidestep already knows who Ortega suspected they were? 

There will be different mentions variants, yeah. That scene will fill out as I write other things.

Were HG's sibling's stats more blue or orange? 

A mix. They were still growing. Probably more orange.

How does Jake rank compared to other threats Sidestep has faced? 

Competent, not a major danger. At least right now. Hand to hand fighters are always limited against a telepath, though the phasing throws everything off.

Was Argent actually in any danger from Shroud? 

I would say no.

Can Sidestep just continue to refer to Lord Ember as Emberfall?

Only if it pisses Lord Ember off.

I'm curious, how many new variables is revelations gonna add?

No idea! A lot. Not that many major ones though, but some hidden will become visible and more important and central.

Also, when do you plan to add an end of the book save for retribution?

That is not up to me, that is up to CoG. I think at this point they add saves when the book is submitted to them for testing/editing, but that might change in the future. I have no say in the matter.

Is a Regene the chip or the body? Could it be possible to take their AI chip out of their Regene body and place it into a new one without the tattoos? Would they survive the process and stay the same person or be “reset?” Would their powers come with them?

The Re-Gene is the body. The AI chip is like a starter engine, it is the catalyst for memories, skills and personality. But the body supplies the powers and growth. Transplanting AI chips would lead to different people. "Experienced memories" are not stored on them, they are stored in the brain. Only the training/core memories are on the chip.

Genetically, would regenes be considered another species of human or something else? If the boost drug weren't involved but everything else remained the same in the creation process, could a human and regene have viable offspring?

Genetically, Re-Genes are 100% human. They could have kids if not for the boost drugs.

If Step were to pull one of those classic "we could rule this city together" move with their RO, which them would be most likely to come around to the idea?

Ahahaha clever ask, but I will not tell you that. You have to take the risk yourself.

Will we learn what Vernon said at Step's/Anathema's funeral? And was he actually right?

Yes we will, and no he wasn't!

In the interest of find outing how catastrophic of an ending there could be... is a global extinction event in the cards?


Would you say any of the Hero ROs are more ruthless than the villain ROs?

Yes, I would.

Likely-hood of Ortega giving a romanced Step a petname based on spanish?

I mean the player will be the one to pick it, so it will be up to them.

Since we can see Step finding out that Ortega could still want them even if they're a regene, how quick could it be before Step starts feeling an even greater sense of attachment there?

Up to the player! But we'll see how I write it, everything is not easy sailing.

Complicated question, but for Steps who come to be considered HG's family, what would the trio's thoughts be on a Step who dislikes how Nocturne allows a telepath to meddle with her mind? In a lack of respect sort of sense, like "you would have made a good regene?"

None of them would get it. Look, if you have a broken leg you put on a cast. Anything else would be stupid. Nocturne would be like "projecting your own hangups much?"

If Sidestep was in someone else's body and HG tried to thread them, would the thread be in Step's mind or would it remain in the puppets?

Remain in puppet most likely.

Would Chen take the time to teach a fighter Sidestep how to play chess? Esp if they asked/are dating?

If they have the patience for it, sure.

would the Rangers find it unsettling if Sidestep kinda laughed/giggled when in high tense situations out of reflex? 

No, that's a pretty normal reaction.

would Dr Mortum appreciate it if puppet/step often came over to their lab just to feed them? home-cooked meals and other things. How do they feel when it stops due to revealing themselves? 

That would be very appreciated and cute. And oh wow, would the pain hit when it stopped. Never have leftover pizza felt that sad.

How does Ortega feel about a Step who's romancing/befriending Chen? Especially one with high suspicions. 

Sus. Very sus. Ortega would be very protective.

Should Mortum be worried about the Rangers after betraying Sidestep?

Not more than before.


If you tell HG you were Sidestep, does HG jump to the conclusion that Ortega was using Sidestep in some way? 

It is a very easy conclusion to jump to, isn't it? It would make sense.

In Mortum's betrayal/kidnapped route, will there be an option to be afraid of Mortum? How would Mortum take it? 

Probably, and how Mortum would take it depends on the relationship.

Does Chen enjoy being Sidestep's mattress? Very important questions being asked right here

Yeeeeah he does.

HG’s biggest challenge was the Void cult… if the cult had waged war against them back then, who would win? 

The Void. HG relies on subtlety, not open conflict.

The Rangers felt a bit nervous with a void eyes sidestep when they first turned green, then relaxed when it turned out to be just another scar. What would they have done if they started changing? Especially for the worse? How would Nazar have taken it? 

Taken measures. Void's powers were already weird. And oh boy, Nazar is spoilers as hell.

Is Dread Reactor capable of emotions? Does it ever get lonely? Does it have preferred pronouns? 

Dread Reactor uses it pronouns. I don't think it gets lonely, but it is capable of emotions. Specifically resentment and rage.

What do Skybright and Cavalier think of each other? Does the other get worried about their opponent coming back? 

They were always rivals. No love lost there, very much icy stares and cold shoulders. Skybright is worried that Cavalier is not dead.

If Sidestep’s mental instability started getting catastrophically worse, would animals be affected? Would Rat King be able to help? Or are they not at that level yet? 

Animals would be affected eventually, but not as a first step. The Rat King might be able to help, one might say they have already in some paths.

Can Sidestep take someone’s ‘mental body/soul’ and trap them in a body of an animal? 


If Sidestep were to try and imprison Jake’s ‘soul’ in their mind, separating him from his body, would he be able to escape? Would he have survived getting caught in Dr. Mortum’s gun?

I don't think Sidestep could do that. He would not have survived for long inside Dr. Mortum's gun, but [spoilers]

When we mindmeld with Argent to talk, it mentions "you're not sure why your subconscious has decided that the place where you faced down the nanovore swarm is the best arena for your talk," is this because our subconscious somehow recognized what Argent is?

Oh yes.

If Shroud consumes the mind of a boosted person, does that have any difference from a non-boosted person (in "taste", in the amount of strength she regains, or perhaps with any side effects)? 

Oh yes! It is much better, tastier, more vibrant. True nourishment.

If yes, is there any type of boost that would be dangerous/toxic/harmful to Shroud? As in, she could get hurt while consuming it?

Hmmm. I think eating Void or the Catastrofiend would make her throw up.

If yes, is Shroud aware of such a thing?


In another Q&A (I think the one before this) you mentioned that Anathema wouldn’t leave much at a crime scene. What does that mean? Why did you word it that way? panic

Look, acid is efficient is all I am saying. Sometimes you don't even need a bathtub and bleach. Also, no dead skin cells or accidentally dropped hairs...

Maybe it’s due to the conditions of my game. But at the end of Retribution: when an innocent and broken leg sidestep is deciding where to go Ortega seems “relieved”. Pretty much not matter what I choose. And this is with multiple sidesteps. Why is that?

Because Sidestep will be somewhere Ortega knows. Not underground. Not "I have friends elsewhere, drop be off and I'll go underground." No matter what, Sidestep is findable and trackable in each of the choices here. Which is the important part.

If you can reveal it, what was going through Ortega’s head when a friend sidestep randomly admits to being in love with them? They seem take it pretty well but I’d love to be a fly in their head at that moment.

Maybe I will write that one day, it is an interesting scene and Ortega going wtfwtf while cartwheeling inside their head is always entertaining.

You may not be able to answer this but: is the location of our base more than just fun moments (like the mob crew talking about the store employee) and flavor text or will there be consequences to that choice of base.

Might be for some.... not all.

hii! recent patron here, love your work!! :) bit of a simple question (that you mightve already answered) because i'm still catching up with the extensive amount of lore i missed in my playthroughs: what are the RO's general music tastes, assuming that our music carries over to the fallen hero world?

I am a metalhead at heart! I do not know much about other music styles, thus I have left that entirely to headcanons.

I was thinking on last month's Q&A question about Chen having access to retired military codes and contact with that mystery party to help launch the airstrike. It got me thinking two things:

1) What kind of security clearance did Chen even have since he was former Task Force Arc/Arc 4? There was a question many Q&As ago about what kind of info on regenes is available to a high security clearance, and I wonder if Chen, being an ex-Green Beret and on a super secret task force, had clearance high enough to know about things like Re-genes..

Chen knows many things, and I will not reveal then in a qna. Maybe he will trust Sidestep enough to share in this book.

2) It was answered in another Q&A that Chen has some friends in the military who, through their contacts, helped get him Sidestep's autopsy photos. Are some of these same friends Arc 4? 

No, these are different. Placed higher up.

I heard from somewhere that some telepaths often moved out into the countryside due to the city’s ‘noisiness’ amplified with their powers. Is that true? Or is it a convenient excuse to explain the missing telepaths?

It is true, to some extent. Telepaths that had issues with creating strong shields needed to do that to stay sane. Imagine never having silence!

When Ortega talks about a potential pre-Heartbreak Sidestep vs Lady Argent fight they say Sidestep could do a lot more than just keep away from Angie. How well do they think Sidestep would do in that fight, and how right are they about that estimate?

I think Ortega might be underestimating Argent, and overestimating Sidestep. But, on the other hand, remember that Ortega has seen Sidestep fight both the Catastrofiend and the Void, and Sidestep did have a gun in those days. So... who knows?

Between HG, Nocturne, and Jake which of them is most prone to impulse buying?


If mob boss Sidestep has luxury base and crew knows the base, has Savannah met the crew?

Yeah, I think so. They would be coming and going regularily.

What did HG and Nocturne think if instead of the villain it was the Puppet who arrived to the meeting?

It was a snub, intentional and annoying. Sending staff to a personal meeting was throwing the gauntlet for sure. No respect.

What is HG's, Nocturne's, and Jake's opinion on Hero Trainer?

They don't know it is different from Hunter, they just see someone who likes fighting heroes.


If Sidestep got red-threaded but saw the red thread in Jake's mind, would that possibly offer hints on their own red threads or what HG's powers are?

Clues might add up in the end, I do add tags for these things.

Could high force Sidestep destroy Nocturne's red threads if they knew what they were looking to tear apart?

It would be a monumental task,and she might not survive it intact.

If Sidestep lied to Argent during auction villain reveal that they did not possess her, did Argent actually believe them like Sidestep thinks or did she just opt to remain quiet about it for now?

Spoilers. Not gonna tell you.

If going by mob boss leadership stat, where would HG fall in terms of their leadership stat? And would it differ if they did not have their red threads?

Spoilers! Not giving you their power level, you need to work that out in game.

If Jake were to ingest poison and turn ghost, would it still course through his system?

Hmmm... Yes, but... weird. Would help survive.

How Eden(maybe ace)think of sidestep? What choice we made will change the ways of how puppet think of sidestep?

Oh there is a ton! I have access to all the tags in the game so far to play with... there are no single choice that sets everything.

I see there will be more details of how ratkings react to sidestep in their mind. Will sidestep see they as friends? Or even more as family?

As far as the Rat King is concerned, they are friend, and very close to family. One of Us.

What will other react when they know of how sidestep control ratkings and nanovores? Main Ros and the good doctor, it will be impressive.

I think everyone will be impressed, scared, and in some cases, kinda horny.

Will there a chance sidestep become the good doctor lover without using puppet in book 3?


Do you have a general idea of the amount of endings the series will have? I’m sure it changes as you write, just curious if you have a number in mind. 

No set number, minimum of three major I know, which has been there since the start. But it will probably grow.

And does it get overwhelming trying to keep track of all the branches in the story? I don’t think if read another IF that has anywhere near the amount of paths FH has!

It is overwhelming at times, but that is also the fun part. Once I finally resolves the puppet everything will be so much easier.

Do you have an estimate of how many more in-game years will be covered in the story? So far we're at one, going on two soon with Ortega's 2nd birthday after our comeback (?)

I don't know... there might be a timeskip after Revelations, but I am not sure yet.

What kind of mindscapes would Armadillo, Vera and Sky-Pirate have? 

You will have to find out yourself, but all of them will me familiar in some way...

Did Shroud escape first to Los Diablos or San Francisco? And depending on which one, what drove her to go to that city? 

San Francisco is the first city she fell in love with.

How did Arde end up Los Diablos? Were they aware of how many boosts were living there and that could help them blend in little bit better? 

Chance and a tipoff. The number of boosts there was the reason, easier to blend in in the weirdest of the cities.

Are the re-genes aware of where their tracker is in their body? Considering Arde has 4 arms it would take a while to find it.

I think most of them are.

Hi! I need some aid, what are gates? And has their importance been stated yet? Can they be closed?

Gates are a mystery! What they do is a mystery! But yes, they can be opened and closed.

Also, what are the scars? And how do those operate? Are there scars people haven't discussed yet, or can any of the ROs/other characters get them in the middle of the story?

Scars is how I choose to express in code the various traumas and losses that came with the Heartbreak incident. It is a coding term, "heartbreak scar" and it gives access to different flavor text. I have only used it to keep track of the Heartbreak stuff, so nobody new can get any. Only people who were present did. One might guess that they would be connected with the massive psychic sinkhole that was Heartbreak.

What's running through Chen's head if Sidestep doesn't forgive them after learning he went looking but didn't continue? 

Fair. Chen understands, but hope that time will change that.

While on the topic is the autopsy scar noticeable? 

Here is the interesting thing. Sidestep has no autopsy scar.

If you're trans, is Ortega still in the dark about this? Or is Sidestep's medical records strictly for them only (considering they technically have no rights) 

Ortega is in the dark unless Sidestep tells them.

Does Mortum know how to shoot if not is it possible for Sidestep to teach them?

Dr. Mortum can shoot, but is not very good under fire.

I think I read on here, somewhere, that HG is not really aware of the SD/Re-genes. They seem ready to pull out their own conspiracy board with a Sidestep they connect with and seem hopeful that their sibling is alive. How much would knowing Sidestep is a re-genes affect that desire to bond (if HG figures out/knows what that means), especially with an interested Sidestep? Are they just like “close enough”?

I would say spoilers to that! You will have to find out in game.

In the preview where we are at the ranch, Sidestep notices that Ortega is staring at their tattoos. This may be addressed in the game, but I am curious what Ortega may have been thinking in that moment. Also, for romanced Ortegas who have a more physical relationship with Sidestep, how that might affect future situations (or at least the options we are given).

The tattoos will be a source of fascination for Ortega. They might be the RO who is the most curious about them, wants to interact with them.

If Sidestep ends up having a seizure in Chen's apartment, what was really the first reaction on Chen's part? Worry? Fear? "Aw fuck here we go again"? 

Fear. But at that point, he was also pretty out of it.

What would he have done if Sidestep didn't wake up soon after? Hospital? Herald route and start slapping to wake them up? 

Phone someone he trusted. This is private.

Is the reason Ortega is "coping" that Sidestep might not actually be a Re-Gene that they don't want Sidestep to be one, or is it just disbelief over such a shocking revelation?

Disbelief and shock. Ortega doesn't handle surprises calmly, they are prone to overreacting in all directions. Rather volatile.

I just got the Ranch ending where Chen is along for the drive and he talks about the scanner in his arm. I think there was a Q&A that said Step's AI chip has potentially already been picked up by a scanning device, was it by Chen's?? 


Would a metal detector detect the AI Chip?


Nocturne has no regrets? None? Not even failing to tell Jake the truth of the threads before they became romantically involved? Or any time afterwards she and HG kept lying to him? 

Alright. I will amend. Nocturne has ONE regret, and that is all about Jake.

On a similar note, can we threaten to tell Jake ourselves if they don’t? And/or possibly actually go through with the threat?

It is a very good source of blackmail, yeah.

If Sidestep or another telepath were to take talodine to suppress their telepathy, what would that feel like for them? Would there be a noticeable absence or empty head feeling?

Notable absence. Slight headache. Nausea. Tiredness. A hit of vertigo.

If you take into account that the stats are just to make the game easier to understand, then is a Sedestep with 80 of any of the telepathy stats in the 3rd or 4th book more powerful than a Sidestep with 80 in the first books?

Maybe. I don't know. It's not set against a scale, it's set against where other Sidesteps are in the story.

In a snippet you wrote previously, Julia drags Anathema to San Francisco, and she ends up in a bar fight. Anathema says it’s because Julia is feeling restless after an argument with Sidestep. Anathema implies those two are “bad for each other,” as if this happens often (arguing and then making out I am assuming). How often and what types of arguments trigger this restlessness in Ortega? Also, how often did Anathema basically feel like the third wheel to it? 

Those times would trigger when Ortega couldn't hash it out with Sidestep immediately through an argument, often because Sidestep left. Or because Ortega knew their feelings were unfair and didn't want to let it out on Sidestep, and picked other targets. Anathema was pretty much always the designated driver/Ortega sitter at that point. Sentinel escalated stuff, and Chen would not have been asked.

Not sure how I want to word this question or what I am trying to connect. What is going with the eye-clawing that people experience concerning HB? It can possibly happen again with a “Broken” Sidestep in the hospital. Any correlation with why HB shares an eye color with Sidestep? 

It does not have any correlation with the eye color, that is just a variable. The rest is spoilers.

I keep seeing little tidbits about the Re-gene language. Is there a specific post that details this (off the top of your head at least)? I’m curious about if the Farm employees know about the language, if they can interpret it, and if they do know about it/can interpret it, do they allow it. Also, do re-genes teach it to each other or just sort of pick It up?

The Farm does not know about the Re-Gene language. It is a very subtle and simple language mainly consisting of knocks, touches and gestures. I haven't detailed it in a particular post, it is spread through little bits and pieces in the QnA's. I'll probably do a lore post about Re-Gene culture in the future and fill everything out.

Can you explain the Sidestep Scar Ortega has? Another topic I sometimes see but haven’t come across a specific post yet. I know they gained one from the HB event, but how is it actually affecting Ortega? As in, what behaviors specifically or how is it acting as a catalyst to a previous behavior? Is it their hallucinations? Guess I am trying to source out what is regular grieving vs. what is being enhanced. I am assuming Chen also has a HB scar that is influencing him in some way…

It is what people have taken to calling Ortega's trauma after the Heartbreak incident. The "Sidestep shaped hole" in their life. There has been theories that this was caused by Sidestep being strong enough telepathically to connect to Ortega as they tumbled out the window. Maybe boosted by Heartbreak. In either case, it's taken the form of Ortega having occasional hallucinations of Sidestep, especially right after. It might also just be trauma, Chen has his own Heartbreak trauma to carry. There are no exact specifics of this, it is just people taking certain behaviors and actions and prescribing them to this Sidestep scar. I have not detailed anything, but people like to speculate.

In the demo we could choose which imposter is inside the puppet, but how would it work in the full book? Completely randomized or based on our choices? 

Based on your choices in Rebirth and Retribution!

Also, will we get more friendship moments with the rangers? (Sidestep's affectionate ribbing is my fav) 

Oh yeah, I am having a lot of fun with that.

What will Jake feel for HG since we cut the red string in demo 4.2?


HG protecting Step in the new demo has made me curious does that protective steak extend beyond Sibiling-Step? Like if in the new demo Step had broken Nocturne's or Jake's bones to get payback instead of hurting HG would that have upset them more? And in that same train of thought would Step using Nocturne or Jake as a hostage and threatening to or actually hurting them, have changed how much control over their emotions and composure HG had?

Going after Hollow Ground's loved ones is the worst thing you could do. HG can accept some shit, but go after Nocturne and the gloves are off. They could absolutely be hostage material. That's when HG starts to crack... unless they cheat.

So, I enjoy a hesitating Thiefstep that is looking for life, love, and liberty in all the wrong places. I know in certain routes, you can ask Mia to help you donate some money, quietly, to charity. Is that a one-off, or will we get to do some more Robin Hood-ese things in the future? Also, does anyone ever find out? I imagine its just a small touch for character, but never hurts to ask.  

You can absolutely do more Robin Hood stuff in the future, you might wanna have a closer chat with Vera once that becomes available...

Considering the Slasher almost took Blaze’s leg… how do they handle pyrokinetics in general? I heard that the loss of lower limbs can increase risk of heat illness. Does the Slasher focus on dismembering their fire boost victims to make them suffer from their own powers? Encourage significant blood loss to mess with thermoregulation? 

I think it was mostly to make sure Blaze didn't run away. But that is an interesting thought, I had not thought about that!

In an innocent step crash route, in which step lives with chen while recovering… how does chen feel about that? does he find comfort in the domesticity, or stress about it all? especially if he knows step is the villain?

Chen loves domesticity, but that doesn't mean he won't stress. He's probably one of the calmer ones about the whole thing though. At least his apartment is already adapted for wheelchair use.

How self-aware is Daniel about his dubious romantic taste? Like, did he go "oh no, they're a screwed-up asshole and why does that make them MORE attractive??" or "oh no, they're exactly MY TYPE of screwed-up asshole"?

I think everyone AROUND Daniel is very aware of his dubious romantic tastes, but Daniel himself doesn't see it that way. Not at all. He sees things on an individual basis, every person for their own merits, and the fact that they might share a common denominator is lost on him. He's blissfully unaware.

Will there be an ending where Sidestep rejoins the Rangers as an official team member? 

No. I can't say never, but at this point I don't see that happening.

How does the Boost drug affect microorganisms, if any effects occur at all?

As far as I am concerned, it doesn't affect them.

What is the "simplest" organism that could be Boosted? 

So far it seems to require a somewhat advanced brain. Mammals and birds, yes. Insects and fish, no. I would say octopus, but that would be an insult to the octopus, because they are pretty damn advanced.

If they weren’t involved in a fight, would Argent have been able to see the AI chip in step’s brain through the armor? Or would the armor/telepathic boosters (if applicable) make that too difficult to get a read on?

Argent would not be able to discern that, it would be lost in the complex systems.

Is there anyone from the old sidestep days (Pyroclast, owl, sunstream etc) who would have considered sidestep being returned to the farm post Heartbreak the best course of action?

Spoilers, not gonna tell you who your enemies are for certain.

Will we be able to find out who placed certain items in the auction/where some of the items were sourced from?

I have no plans for it, it's not important to the greater story, at least at this point in time.

Why does HG want to get Tina in a better mood? Are they friends or something?

I would not say friends, but they have overlapping spheres of influence, and Tina is VERY useful as she essentially controls the sea-routes in and out of town.

Which would bother Ortega more—the thought that Sidestep's death was their fault, or the thought that Sidestep's death was outside of their control and they couldn't have done anything?

The first, obviously.

Would an Ortega who knows about what happened actually give a flying fuck if Sidestep murdered Regina or some other asshole from the farm?

All signs point to no...

Can we do some research and pull some telepathic strings to get whoever legally owns the name Kestrel now to sign some documents to legally give it back to a beloved flyboy? He likes the name and he deserves a treat

Who knows? We'll see where Daniel's path takes him.

Would Argent participate in a hot dog eating contest? 

No, that's gross.

So I know there are gonna be options for Sidestep dying in horrible ways, but will there be any options for dying in their RO's arms?

It sounds dramatic as hell to write, so who knows?

Are there any universal factors used to determine where a hero or villain is on a "Top 10" chart?

Not any more than for "best books," "fastest racehorse ever," or "most influential under 30." Some base facts, but mostly vibes.

When it's stated that a hero or villain is "The Xth most popular", do you base that off of pure gut feeling or do you have a very brief synopsis as to why that hero/villain is where they're at on the list? (Or a mixture of both?)

Oh no it is just vibes. I really have no idea, and go with what I feel like at the time. These kinds of facts rarely bother me, and I have no notes keeping track of them.

Has anyone attempted microdosing the boost drug? if yes, what were the results of it?

Yes, and it seems to increase the chance of survival, but also the chance of getting less cool powers.

Does anyone in the main cast (rangers, hg trio, the villain ROs) know or suspect the identity of who was behind the nanosurge?

Yes. At least two people know for certain.

Will Step ever be asked by Argent about the chip in their head?

I have that scene written already.

What does Argent think the chip is?

Spoilers, you'll find out.

Will Sidestep's ability to flick small objects be instrumental in taking down 5P?

I don't know, but it's a funny thought for sure! And now it is in my head...

Have Sentinel and Ashfall/Pyroclast talked since breaking association with the LD Rangers?

Yes they have, on many occasions.

Will 5P immediately know if we put his pennies through the penny machine? 

I... think so. Probably.

Can step's nanovores eat the pennies?

Absolutely. If they can catch them.

Is the sample we get from Argent going to let us say "We know what you are" to Argent or at least burst her bubble during a reveal at some point in the future?

Oh I can see that being a thing for confrontation/extortion/sounding clever yeah.

Who was the victim that 5P killed on live television, which slapped him with the villain label? 

It was a random reporter, I have no more details than that.

Do public schools exist in the fez?

No. But community schools do, which is similar, but for an area.

If sidestep ends up crying while spending the night/having an intimate encounter with their RO, is there any psychic bleedover to other people in the apartment building? 

There might very well be, yes.

In the same line of thinking, does a sidestep with a sui tag have particularly dangerous bleedover?

Not at this point, but... well, some Sidesteps are growing very powerful and unhinged so that might change.

Does the regenerator have any effect on mental status? Does someone who uses it stand a risk of losing memories or undergoing personality changes?

No, it is purely physical.

If sidestep had called Ortega after they escaped, would Ortega think it was a hallucination?

Yes. Most likely.

What area(s) does Dr. Finch specialize in? If she knew the full details of the MC's history, then (putting aside the "holy shit" factor) would she feel qualified to treat them, or would she feel like some aspects were outside her area of expertise?

Dr. Finch would feel overwhelmed. She knows her limits. But on the other hand, who would be qualified? She has no names to offer there.

What are the typical demographics of Dr. Finch's clientele? Does the MC stand out as unusual to her, or do they seem similar to most of the people she sees?

Everybody is unusual in their own way. Dr. Finch has her theories, and she has been operating in hero-adjacent circles. That's why Ortega picked her.

Would Argent let Sidestep use her pool if she trusts Sidestep enough to let them into her apartment? Would she go swimming with them?

The pool is off limits. The pool is SECURELY SEALED even from the rest of the apartment. Nobody but Argent goes in the pool.

Will we be able to take over / move into HG's mansion, as HG-aligned or otherwise? 

Not sure, I am ambivalent on this. We'll see.

How concrete were Mortum's plans to sell out Step to help puppet?

Not concrete at all.

What did Steel think of Rosie busting Step out of the hospital upon reviewing footage of when we storm the operating room? 

Obviously someone hired her, the question is who.

Did Mortum begin flirting with the puppet because their boss was a telepath/psi-sensitive?

No, Mortum just likes being flirty with receptive people, they are, on occasion, very lonely. This is also why they organize things like the villain Halloween party and similar events.

How complex is the modding process? If you want a robot hand, for instance, what is actually added to ensure it works?

You first need a physical connection to the bone structure, the bones need reinforcement with titanium or similar to form a plug. This is the fused part, that can never be removed. It looks a little like a metal peg protruding from the surrounding muscle and skin. Then the flesh needs to heal so a connector can be placed over the stump (they are removable for cleaning) and several neural connectors needs to be installed and connected to the nervous system. That is the fiddliest part. If you just want a functional movement appendage, like Ward's claw, all you need is a simple hookup to muscles, but if you want pressure, heat or other sensations you need a lot more advanced neural surgery.

Has anyone ever tried replacing a full section of their brain with a Mod? If so, how successful were they? If not, is it a lack of funding that's stopping people or is it just seen as so dangerous it isn't worth it (or some other reason)? (Do re-genes technically have modded brains?)

I would not say replacing, but I would say attempts have been made on people with traumatic brain injuries, mostly military personnel injured in combat. It is dangerous, has rarely gone well, and it's not for lack of volunteers. Technically, the Re-Genes would count as having modded brains, yeah, but it is a comparatively small mod.

Is the reason that the Re-Genes have a high mortality rate due to the Special Directive using "purer" (or using more of) the boost drug?

(Or is it because the SD presumably uses dozens or hundreds of Re Genes at a time for boosting, creating a proportionally higher mortality rate?

I mean both of these adds into things, but the main reason is that the SD wants powerful boosts, and there is a correlation between dosage and power. And, while losing an early-growth clone body is expensive, it's not like they are people. It's just a monetary loss.

Can Mod Rejection develop after you've been modded for significant amounts of time (Months or Years later)?

In theory, IF a new mod has been added recently, OR the body has undergone a major viral infection or similar. Something that pushes the immune system over the edge. But most cases show fast.

Is Mod Rejection on a per Mod basis, or is it a universal thing? (If I got a successful eye Mod, could I get an arm Mod that is Rejected?)

(Could that Rejection "spread" to the Eye mod?)(Assuming that it is a per Mod basis, does adding more Mods change the chance of Rejection, increase or decrease?)

It tends to be a question of neural stress and will increase with the number of mods. And, once a mod has pushed it over the edge, older mods often needs to be removed as well as the body starts to protest. It is "contagious" in that way. More mods increases the chance of things going wrong, but it is not a direct increase. People who can accept a large neural lode and thus have many mods are more resistant to adding more. In others, just adding a second one can put you over the edge. However, smaller mods (like cochlear implants) are often still accepted even when a limb might be rejected.

Was there anything that stopped Anathema from going for a third Boost?

Yeah, the boost drugs didn't really work most of the time on them. The acid one was a fluke, Anathema doesn't know why it workd that time and not the others. Yes, Anathema has taken it several times.

Was Sidestep Omega level before the gates were put into place?

There is still no definition for what exactly IS an Omega level.

We know Daniel watched the heartbreak incident unfold on tv. Presumably this was the first major incident to hit LD since he moved there. What were his thoughts at the time? Was he afraid? Excited to see his heroes tackle a major incident for the first time? How did it hit him when he realised that things were potentially not going well for the Rangers?

He was excited and horrified at the same time. I think it was a bit like loving volcanoes from a distance, but suddenly having them erupt in your neighborhood and seeing the human cost involved. If asked, he would say this is when he grew up and realized the risks involved. And why you needed people to take them anyway.

How did Herald feel when he realized he saw his favorite hero supposedly die on live television?


Was HB at or approaching Omega level?

Approaching way too fast...

Sentinel advised Daniel prior to his ranger psych screening to “find a version of the truth you’re comfortable sharing” about his boosting and why he did it. The events we can learn from Danny so far about his boosting, and about Josh in the epilogue, are they closer to the truth of the events, or closer to the version of the truth he’s comfortable sharing?

The truth he is comfortable sharing.

Who actually interviewed Daniel for the Rangers position? Is Chen actively involved in the recruitment process or is it all handled by a recruitment team?

It's a government team, I think Daniel was interviewed by several people, in several stages. The current Marshal gets involved towards the end, to see if there is compatibility, or if the candidate should maybe be sent to another team.

Did the Rangers lift that recording from the Kinetik suit of Daniel and Sentinel’s private conversation as part of vetting? Or was that transcript lifted by another party who would refer to him as a “prospect”? (Just double checking since it’s not labelled as a Mitchell file)

Oh that was lifted from the suit! Good guess. Someone in the company got very well paid for leaking that. It was indeed part of the Ranger's research effort.

Are any of the cast good at gardening? Who is the best at taking care of plants vs the worst?

I honestly think the only one who had any experience in that is Ortega, and not much. Never really got into that as a kid, despite regular rural visits. Daniel likes houseplants though, as does Argent.

do you get to see the player savefile metrics or do you have to go by steam/cog achievements and polls/reading reddit/other places to see what people get? 

I see nothing! Steam achievements and people talking are my only metrics. Indeed, a fair bit of the achievements are there for me to see how often certain paths/points are reached.

Has the perpetrator who trashed Ortega's apartment ever thought that they were hot at some point in time?

I mean statistically, yes.

Did you like the One Piece live action show?

I loved it! One of the few live action remakes that I like, though I never read the manga or watched the anime, so take that into consideration.

The Haunted lore post mentions Marek having several decades worth of research at their offices. Presumably west coast mysteries has not been running that long. How long has Marek been actively researching weird shit happening around LD/on the west coast? And why did he start?

Marek is a pack-rat. He hoards data, researches everything that catches his interest, especially things he can make money of. You never know when something is going to come in handy. He's been doing back since back when he was friends with ortega, this is nothing new.

Does the shadow on the Haunted tape that Marek suspects might be a boost have anything to do with the missing telepaths?

Hmmm. Good question. I would say... not directly.

How do Bennet’s powers work? Is it just places he picks up residual events etc from, or can it work with objects? People?

I would say mild psychometry and general readings of the vibes of a place. I haven't detailed it, just what is needed for the story.

If they had to pick a "normal" career/ profession/ life calling, like, say, if they were in a setting without heroes and villains— what would the ROs all be doing instead? Would any of them choose that over their current path if they got the opportunity?

I really have no idea, but let's see what happens if I just type: Ortega: Either sports or action movie star. Chen: Engineer. Argent: IT technician/hacker. Daniel: Businessman with artist dreams on the side. Mortum: Scientist. Duh. Skyrider: Paramedic. Vera: Grassroots organizer. But no, none would choose that, because they still ahve that opportunity and has not taken it.

In Dr. Mortum's opinion, what's the stupidest thing they've ever seen an IRB object to, whether in their research or someone else's?

Look. You should NOT EVER try to mess with antimatter. No matter how cool it sounds. It is NOT worth it. That's a Darwin award waiting to happen...

What's your process for getting game balance right—making sure that checks are the intended difficulty level, that different character types/armor specs/PTSD symptoms all get their chance to shine, and so forth? Do you have a systematic approach, or is it more "eyeball it and adjust based on playtesting"?

I go by vibes and playtesting. And by that, I mean I try to be fair when writing things, give everything some options, but I do not track things like number of tests made and so on. A lot of the time it's not the number of times, but the coolness/usefulness of those situations that people notice. I rely heavily on playtesters to tell me when I have shortchanged some builds.

Do Re-Genes AI chips make them more vulnerable to electricity powers than would be the norm?

No, their hearts would stop before the chips were hurt.

What kinds of boosts are chosen to be cuckoos? Is it just variations on telepathy, or are other boost types considered favorably?

Telepathy, sharp senses, and other information gathering boosts. In general they tend to be less useful for combat (someone with invisibility would be shunted there). The combat team always has first pick, the cuckoos are the useful rejects.

Does a version of the dark web exist in fhr? Is it comparable to our own?

It exists, and I have never been on the dark web so I can't compare.

Is there anyone in the Green Sky Cult who has consumed more Void blood than Sidestep has?

Oh yes.

Did any tabloids/journalists manage to catch Sidestep and Argent acting close / kissing at the beginning of their date in book 2, before they went to her apartment? 


Has Argent ever messed with newspapers that put up headlines she didn't like?

Oh she has complained, officially and loudly, and in person. She can be a Karen when she wants to be, but lets things go most of the time. She's less charitable when other people gets tarred than when she ends up in bad headlines.

Has Ortega?

I mean... it's Ortega.

Did Vernon or by extension Mia know Sidestep's civilian identity from back in the day? Did Vernon know Sidestep might've been a cuckoo? 

Vernon did. Mia does not. Vernon had no idea Sidestep was a cuckoo.

What was Vernon's most popular piece before he "retired"?

No idea. Probably some form of political corruption revelation, he liked tearing down the powerful.

I gotta know what did the headlines say about Argent kissing Step's helmet? (Both if Step is kill/nokill)

I am very bad at headlines! I never got the hang of that kind of writing, so I leave that up to headcanons.

What were the hopes of the fanclub when Argent kissed Sidestep?

Look, there are ship wars in the fanclub too, and Argent is one of the more popular ships.

Is there a preference among the fanclub for who should swap sides?

People would vote Argent.

Would Ortega have put the picture on the fridge if Sidestep hadn't resurfaced?

Oh yes. They are a little shit at times.

Would Steel tell anyone else besides Blaze about the villain helping him save civilians?

Daniel and Ortega would be the most likely ones.

Which of the ranger's going rogue would be the most damaging to their reputation? Why?

Steel or Herald. One is the Marshal, the other is the symbol of heroic justice.

Would it be possible for someone with epilepsy to develop telepathy? Would a telepath who developed epilepsy later lose all or some of their powers?

I don't think those two are compatible, no. A telepath would lose their powers.

Would hollow ground ever accidentally call sidestep by their baby siblings name?

Eventually, that might happen.

While Ortega wouldn't share the sui talk they had with Step unless it was an emergency, who else might've noticed the evidence of self-harm sui!Steps could have? Or might they have been too distracted at the time to notice?

Most were too distracted at the time. There will be discussions later.

Will Mortum be able to cotton onto the fact that Step was in fact puppet during their attempts to track down puppet without Step intervening and telling them? 


if argent sectioned off a bit of nanos and separated them from the horde to make a lil puppet does she still have rudimentary control over it or is that a sentient rogue mass of nanos now

Depends on the distance.

Did HG ever meet (or encounter at least) Ace while they were still Ace?

I don't think so.

Is the reason why Julia doesn't open up to a F!Sidestep about her abuse because she doesn't make the mental connection to her abuse, because she views F!Sidestep as less of a threat/more patronizing, or because she views the relationship differently?

Because the situation didn't trigger it in the same way. Gender did matter there. She will open up later, girl to girl.

Would the defected Rangers work with HG? What would it take for a defected Ortega to work with HG?

I know exactly what it would take, and I am not telling you.

Does Argent ever mess with people by subtly shifting her facial features over the course of a conversation?

Ahahaha no, she's not that much of a troll.

Are 5P's pennies any more durable than a normal penny?

Not in a physical sense.

How long is it gonna take Jake and Nocturne to find HG in the pantry? Who's gonna find them first? 

I don't know yet, whichever is funniest.

So: HG can apparently make themselves not feel pain! Would there be any medical drawback to using that as their all-purpose painkiller of choice (as opposed to just in critical moments where they can't let pain impede them), or did they pretty much just win the superpower lottery for pain management?

Pain has many uses, and it is a good signal that something is wrong. But yes, HG could be a very good therapist for so many things, yeah. Any long term effects are unknown, but like with long term adrenaline overload, it might mess up the body's normal responses.

What do HG's powers "count" as touching themself? Do they have to put a hand on another part of their body, or would any skin-to-skin contact (kneeling while bare-legged, making a fist, closing an eye) do the trick? (Or is the deciding factor whether the audience can see it?)

I mean let's be fair, the deciding factor for me is making sure the audience can see it, and thus add up clues that something is going on. But I think HG's main interface is their hands, not limited by it, but by training, focus and habit.

What did Sidestep look like to the Void as Sidestep was killing them?


What does everyone like to eat for breakfast?

Ortega's breakfast is pretty much coffee and nothing, or a full brunch. No half measures. Argent needs meat, cooked is secondary. Just a big foundation of protein to quiet down her friends. Daniel likes bread, pancakes and carbs. Chen likes congee or maybe porridge. Mortum doesn't mind leftovers and coffee.

Boosts are said to be unable to have children as a result of the drug, but there's text in Retribution suggesting that Re-Genes are sterilized. Are ReGenes sterilized despite being boosted and thus already unlikely to be able to have children?

Yeah, while boosts generally are unable to have children, they are not unable to get pregnant. Just that miscarriages and fetal abnormalities means child survival is near impossible. And that can be risky to the mother, so sterilizing Re-Genes ensures that no operational time is lost to things like that.

Who's more likely to muster up the courage to pass a comment at Argent for flirting with the villain and dating Step, Herald or Ortega? Would Chen be likely to pull Argent aside for a chat about it the way he does for with Step for Herald or is Step all grown up?

I think Herald would be first, followed by Ortega. Chen wouldn't get involved unless him and Sidesteps are very close and he has no idea that Sidestep is the villain.

Has Ortega infiltrated the villain fanclub if they have enough sus that Sidestep is the villain? Do any other members of the cast join the fanclub for epsionage purposes?


Has Sky-Raider ever accidentally flown into one of Vera’s pigeons? 


How come there's only one way you can break Herald's knee even with a strength mod/exoskeleton suit, but the mod always guarantees the ortega_hurt variable? Just something I thought was interesting, given the ways you can total Danny in the gala fight. Is it because the fight was over fairly quickly and there wasn't as much time to do more damage as opposed to the more prolonged fight with ortega, or a difference in fighting styles between the two? 

More prolonged fight with Ortega, and Ortega's very risky fighting style. Doesn't go well without an armor, Danny has more ways of limiting damage.

Additionally, why is it that only going out of your way to way to kill people during the gala means fatalities, but the middle ground of #Whatever happens, happens doesn't result in any deaths?

Because people have a sense of self-preservation and ran for it.

further to this - the #I want maximum damage choice for galaboom doesn't result in fatalities either - i'm genuinely just curious why it's not equivalent to the #I want to see blood choice that sets kill to true + what your thought process was for coding stats here (although it's pushing 6 years since rebirth was published, so I'll acknowledge the fact you might not remember what past malin's logic was XD) 

I always saw maximum damage as meaning to the building. The blood designates it as making sure people also gets killed. I wanted killing people to be an active choice, not an oversight. This was mainly because I wanted to lessen the risk that people accidentally killed, especially at the end of the book as this.

If Chen doesn't bring up that he went looking for you at the HQ in chapter 14, why does he wait until the apartment hangout after the crash if you've hung out with him prior like when you ask to walk spoon, or at the post-auction bar meetup?

Because I didn't think of connecting even more tangled coding paths in other scenes, but I needed it said in the apartment hangout so I added it there too.

How often does Ortega and/or Chen visit Sidestep's/Anathema's graves? What stats increase/decrease the frequency of these visits? 

I have no idea! I think it depends on how busy they are.

What does the Sidestep and Anathema graves look like? Are they giant statues? (Are they even separate?)

I don't know yet!

It's been mentioned that the first real-life "superheroes" and "supervillains" were Vietnam veterans. Are there any we know or have heard of?

I haven't come up with any.

Does the "psychic wound" on the HB site change in response to Sidestep's scar?

Oh.... Hmmm.... I would say no.

How would Ortega react to learning about their Sidestep scar?

I mean Ortega knew they were messed up.

What would I have to boost and how many times do I need to boost it in order to make a proper building-sized kaiju?

If you're unlucky, it would be once.

What were Elyise's powers, if any? Was she a boost?

She was a boost, I never decided on her powers.

Does Mortum know Ortega has epilepsy? If not, what did they think the little flashing light that Sidestep insisted be added to their armor was for?

Mortum knows now, they can add up the dots.

How many of Charge's cars have been destroyed at least partially due to Dr. Mortum? Could that number change by the end of the series?

I would say less than a handful, but more than one. And yes, it can grow.

Has the discovery of the Boost drug and its ubiquitous usage stifled research into other scifi methods of creating super soldiers(like gene/chermical therapy for Halo's Spartans or Captain America's super soldier serum)? 

I would definitely say so.

How did Ben and Mortum meet? How did Ben pay for his armor?

Oh Ben stole the base of his armor, Mortum just modded it. Ben pays those parts off by doing jobs for Mortum when needed, just like when rescuing the puppet or Sidestep. I think they probably met at one of the villain parties.

questions about the latest lore post “lover's triptych”:

did charge know who they were racing with? do they know now? will they still invite the good doctor for a dinner?

was the race a one time thing or did it happen more or less regularly? how many charge’s cars did end up in the ocean after these races with dr mortum?

who is the person over forty with a successful career but nobody to share it with sky-raider thought about? is it chen?

Charge does not know Dr. Mortum's identity. But the dinner invitation would still stand if they knew. They have raced on occasions, often in connection with car shows and the like, often using borrowed cars. As for the last one, you'll see. It might be.


Can Mortum's car change colors or is it always bright orange?

It can change colors.

Does extraterrestrial life exist on the FHRverse? 

Somewhere out there yes.

Did the Void still need to eat/sleep/other biological processes or were they like Anathema and no longer needed that?

They still were human in that regard.

Does Ortega have a custom car guy (gn), or a secret friend who’s very good with mechanic work?

Ortega has that, yeah. Owl's husband.

Would natural occurring technopathy like Argent's be possible in a pre-industrial/pre-digital era? Or has humanity's capacity for weird shit TM grown alongside their level of advancement?

The latter. Though, also consider that if you never fall into the water you have no idea you might be able to breathe water.

Does Sky-Raider have any sort of accent/affection either in or out of his villain persona?

I don't know yet, I don't think so.

Has BeeGee (Benjamin) ever been to Margaritaville?


Of the current rangers, who is most likely to organize an April Fool’s Prank? Are there any known villains who like causing mischief (or violence) on April Fool’s Day?

I mean there are always villains who liked doing things like that, but I don't think any of the Rangers do.

How's Chen's HB scar doing after steelsnap/triggering the shaken relationship tag?

We'll see, we'll see...

Did OG Step ever got reveled as the villan? 

Not until the very end.

How long has Sky Raider been active?

Hmm... maybe eight to ten years or so?

Will it be possible to have a good relationship with Sky Raider while having a bad one with Mortum? Is that going to cause problems for our best bro Ben?

Yes you can, and he'll deal. He's the mellow one.

Will there be poly dates in book 3?

If I find them fun to write.

How dirty are 5p's pennies? Are they grimy like one of the nasty pennies you find in the street or does he polish/clean them given the chance

They're nice.

How do sidestep's powers affect infants?

Same as adults, but it is a lot weirder and harder.

Based on vibes, what percentage of shirts that Sky Raider owns are Hawaiian shirts?

About a fifth.

Wait, is Hawaii still around? Did it get hit by any tsunamis caused by the Big One?(Google says the islands aren't near any faults so aftershocks probably didn't hit it) 

They got hit by waves, yes, which did a lot of damage. But they are still there, a lot more independent now.

How do Vera, Arde, and Ben feel about telepathy/telepaths?

Vera thinks herself immune, Arde is wary, and Ben haven't really thought about it. Like he'd put it, "can't go around worrying about people with x-ray vision peeking through your pants either. That's their problem, not mine."

Did Arde accompany Vera to her meeting with villain!Step? 

No, it was just a scouting meeting, and Vera was confident with her ability to get away if needed.

What was the Waffle House Index rating of the Big One(assuming there were Waffle Houses in the area, turns out there's no Waffle Houses on the west coast states)? I'd assume it would be a total Red level disaster, but I also want to know if there was a single Waffle House holding the West Coast together with its limited menu options.

Total Red Level disaster. It was BAD.

Will the timeline for Revelations include more information in the same way Retribution was relative to Rebirth's timeline?

Yeah, I keep updating it.

How often does Charge break into and enter apartments? Since they're presumably fine with breaking into the puppets.

I mean that's on a professional basis, so it's hard to estimate. Maybe once a month?

Has anyone(maybe the Void cult) tried to conduct an ecoterrorism attack by polluting water sources with the Boost drug? 

Yes. But it is spoilers as to who and when.

What are HG, Nocturne and Jakes favorite colors?

Nocturne likes gold, but also bright primary colors in general. HG likes reds, rusts and browns. Warm colors. Jake's only reply is "huh? Uh... blue maybe?"

Would any of the ROs (rangers And villains) know what Project Stripes is? and which of them if so?

I would say Chen has a clue, but not the details or scope.

How did the Void get boosted anyhow?

Injected boost drugs.

What were the Void like as a person before they got boosted?

Kinda creepy. Intense. Big smile.

Does anyone remember them from before boosting and what do they themselves think of their past self?

Yes. And they think that they should have ended it right then and there.

Since Daniel and Josh took the boost drug the same year the Nanosurge happened, was this before or after the events of it?


Is there a chance Sidestep and Herald could've attended the same events while Sidestep was at the Farm, since they've canonically been deployed to Boston? Has Sidestep been to Brookline?

Possibly, I leave that to headcanon. It's certainly not impossible.

is the AI chip connected to the pain gate? are they one and the same?

No, they are separate.

Do ReGene tats ever incorporate structural color?

I would say no, not in general. But i think theoretically it should be possible.

Does the Gorbachev Pizza Hut commerical exist in this time line?


With the exception of Daniel how would you rate the other Ranger's art skills?

I honestly don't think they have any.

Are any animals more likely to survive the boost drugs than humans?

I would say any animals with good immune systems, so let's be fair, don't feed it to naked mole rats unless you want a real problem on your hands.

Is Vera's mind slippery/familiar in a similar way as Argent's? 

Hmmm. Yes and no.

does HG ever see an end for themself as the mob boss? do they ever think about life after business, retiring and living their life peacefully with a nice replacement lined up or do they see themself never retiring?

You don't retire as a mob boss. You die.

additionally, do HG, Jake, or Nocturne ever think about adopting or is it not really their thing? Especially with HG being so family oriented 

I honestly think it has come up. But also, work.

Is Mia modded/boosted in any way?

No, I don't think so.

What's Chen referring to in the Truths short story when he says he overreacted, but that he was right and had nothing to apologize for? Was it when he was outed by his sister? Or something during his army days? 

When he was outed by his sister.

Not sure if you answered this one, but do hollow ground's red threads work on people using numbers? Does numbers have any effect on already placed threads?

I have not answered that, and it is currently unknown!

Would Argent be willing to kill Sidestep if the regenerator was fixed, but seemed to only be intact enough for one person's worth of healing? Does this change based on her respect for Sidestep or if Sidestep is a killer? Does it change based on romance?

I honestly don't know. And that's very disturbing to me, because that means she might consider it.

How would she react if Sidestep was adamant in getting to use it? How would she react if Sidestep was willing to step aside and let her use it? 

We will see. Things like this should be revealed in game, not through questions.

Seeing as Sidestep is a recluse, has Ortega ever been asked to endorse Sidestep Merch?


Would they have accepted, if only to give the money (or buy stuff for Sidestep with it) to Sidestep later?

They wouldn't have.

If Ortega had received a phone call from Step following their second breakout, just to let them know Step was alive but couldn't meet, how would Ortega have taken it? Would they have torn across the countryside to try and find them or think they were a ghost?

Would think it another hallucination most likely. They would look, but not find anything.

Is the machinery that enhances Sidesteps telepathy upgrade cutting edge? Or is there tech that Dr. Mortum couldn't get their hands on out there? Is someone out there trying to build something like cerebro from x-men? (For those who don't know Cerebro is this machine in x-men that allows telepaths to sense others on a global level) 

It is cutting edge, Mortum made it. Few works with telepathic tech like that...

What would happen if you put 2 people in the regenerator at once? 

Hm... If they could fit, I think technically that should work fine.

Has Sidestep willingly and intentionally taken Talodine or other telepathic suppressor drugs?

Yes, once or twice.

Who's the current British Monarch? 

The Eternal Queen.

Are there any prominent boosted politicians? (Foreign or domestic—leaders/dictators/rulers?)

Not that people know of.

Are any of the domestic Enhanced popular overseas? Any foreign Enhanced that are popular domestically?

I haven't thought about that, but I expect there is some overlap. Just like there is with movie stars.

.... has HG ever said the word "fishies" as an adult?

I don't think so. Unless very drunk.

Is a friendly Mortum hiding a crush on the puppet?

No. They're not Ortega.

If HG had been more receptive to Sidestep sending in the puppet, what would have happened once the puppet had left the meeting? What would Ortega's reaction have been to the whole thing?

Alternative world, I have no idea!

Chen mentions the original Mortum's villain suit had tentacles when reviewing the footage of Sky-Raider's more heavy duty versions to his suit while he abducts/rescues the Puppet. Is it fair to say Mortum's suit tentacles take inspiration from Doc Ock? And are they prehensile in the same way the ITSV iteration's (Liz Octavius) are, given that you've cited Spider-Man as inspiration for a few things in Fallen Hero, like the Spider-Gwen's costume and Sidestep suit, or Prowler inspo for the speed mod?

I would say that doc Ock was the original inspiration, yeah. But Mortum's suit tentacles were much more delicate, more cuttlefish than kraken.

Actually, any influence from SPoP Entrapta's prehensile hair too? 

No, but I love Entrapta and I can see it as a subconscious inspiration.

Who is more of a conspiracy theorist than Ortega?

Marek. But he's more cool about it. Doesn't get emotionally invested.

Which Ranger would you be most willing to have as a coworker?

And would the answer be different if they were your boss or employee rather than your peer?

Daniel as coworker, Chen as boss.

Does Regene language include honorifics in the relational sense when talking to someone, or about someone similar to other languages for example like Cantonese and Japanese? If so, is this similar to or would use the signs/words for 'teammate', 'heartmate', 'batchmate' etc.? 

No honorifics. Though one could see the signs you mentioned above as such.

Do the laser dolphins look any different from regular dolphins? Or is it by the time you realize it's a laser dolphin it's too late?

Yes, their faces are quite changed and warped. But from a distance, they look and move the same.

How did Sidestep used to get around in their vigilante era days? Did they have a grappling hook?

A grappling gun sounds really cool. But it's mostly headcanon, I can see Sidestep having a motorcycle.

Chen can meet Rosie in a guilty ending breakout - does a Rosie that's on friendly terms with her boss remind him of Themmy? 


Did Step know how long they were at the Farm the second time or did they only find out how much time had passed after they escaped?

After they escaped.

If Argent bit Sidestep post auction, do the nanovores think Herald or Sidestep tastes better?


Would one ranger breaking out a guilty step another ranger has nemesis status with have the potential to cause a rift?

Oh yeah.

some of the early rangers (los diablos at least) were sort of drawn into being a ranger right after their boost/modding (chen and ortega). Argent and herald were both independent heroes for a while before becoming rangers. Is it becoming more common over time to "debut" as a hero before you join the rangers/superhero groups, or were chen and ortega the actual outliers?

Chen and Ortega were more outliers I think. Not uncommon for mods, but certainly not the norm.

Ortega investigated Chen's would-be murderer with Argent and has a long history with Chen. We see Ortega use Herald as an aerial lookout during the hospital breakout but does Ortega work with Herald in a capacity beyond that? Or would Ortega rather keep our boy Danny out of harm's way because he doesn't have the experience? If this is the case, is this causing a feedback loop of keeping Herald from getting experience that would make Ortega more comfotable trusting Herald in risky situations?

Very astutely analyzed. And Herald is very aware of it. Luckily he's working with other people.

Is part of the reason Herald getting training from Step to get a green light from Step that will convince the other Ranger's that he's ready?

I wouldn't say so, but might be a nice effect.

if ricardo and julia were twins and grew up together what would their relationship be like?


Is there still major nautical activities like cargo or cruises operating out of the west coast now that most cities are recovering? Or is the ocean still too messed up to traverse?

There are no major nautical activities on the ocean. Any larger ship is at risk being destroyed, between the laser dolphins, dread reactor and other things... the ocean is only home to small crafts and smugglers now.

Is there anything you have to consciously avoid doing in your writing? Like that one word/phrase you overuse, things you always want to try even though they never work, chronically over/underestimating how much space [X] will take up, etc…?

SO MANY THINGS. I think the first one I was aware of was my complete overuse of "after all." There were more. There's always more in each book, but they are easy to find with a search once proofreaders points them out. Also, everything bloats. But that's not just me, that's IF writing in general.

Is there any chance we'll be able to tell Danny that we tried to undermine his confidence in training but failed? (I know the game itself can't tell whether that happened, but having the option to say it did sounds fun.)

I don't think so.

What's the most powerful Mod the US currently has developed, regardless of whether or not it's installed on someone?

I don't know! Or... well... Hmmm...not the most powerful probably, but pretty powerful. But that's spoilers.

We can express a desire to take Mortum clubbing. But has Mortum ever wanted to take the puppet street racing?

Ooooh that's a thought. Maybe.

Has HG ever been near the Heartbreak site?

Don't think so.

Does Argent have a shelf for really cheesy knock-off Ranger films/series?

Of course!

Which of the other crew members do you imagine Rosie gets along best with? What about Bo?

Rosie and Ward are cool. Bo and Nehal are strangely nice to each other respite their rivalry.

When will we be able to hire the second henchman(Bo/Rosie)?

No idea.

Did the puppet's gender affect any of the crew members' initial impressions of them?

Gender always does.

What were Argent's impressions of Steel and Charge when she first joined the Rangers? How have those opinions changed in her time working with them?

Stuckup and loose cannon. She still kind of stands by them, but she now sees more layers.

If not too spoilery, who was Dr Vedard?

Haven't detailed him, it's a name mentioned, nothing more right now. Might be more in the future, but that would be spoilers.

Has Sidestep ever channeled Regina's persona when they want to intimidate/frighten people as their villainsona, given they tend to emulate or borrow the mannerisms of villains they've encountered (especially Catfiend as a terrifying armor villain)?

I'll leave that up to headcanons.

Did the other party in the crash witness sidestep's tattoos?


When Sidestep goes into Ortega's private office, is Hollow Ground's picture one of the images they've removed from their conspiracy board?


Do the Rangers or HG trio do holiday group photos?

I think they do.

Would getting captured by the Farm and/or the resultant torture open the gates? Or has the Farm learned enough to not trigger them?

Oh the Farm has NO IDEA of the Gates...

Which one of the Rangers would last longest in Farm custody either mentally or physically?


Re: Chen's 'reason' for distrusting Sidestep in the old days being that they were suspicious in a plant/ double agent kind of way: was that actually his beef with them pre-HB, or did that opinion form after he learned they were a Regene?

Oh that was from the start.

Also on that subject: Was the info about Step being a Regene fed to him by someone who knew that that specific fact would get him to back off the issue? And if so (although I'm probably pushing my luck here), could him actually backing off have anything to do with following orders on the matter, or generally... Regenes being something he's more aware of than he lets on and less qualified to ask questions about than he'd like?


Does Sunstream have a civilian name?

Yeah, but I don't know it!

In the old days, did Steel ever use any of his military contacts(like how he got the autopsy photos) to try and get Sidestep's background?

He certainly did some gentle digging but found nothing.

Did Sidestep's skinsuit and mask (the one that they got from Ortega, not their homemade one) let them tan underneath the suit or were they just super pale from wearing it all the time?

Depends on the skin tone, but pale as a ghost.

Does HIPAA exist?

EDIT: With more information now I would say that it depends on the hospital. There is a general idea that health information should be anonymous, but in practice, most hospitals have you sign waivers for research, and many insurance policies through companies requires uou to let the company have access to those data as well.

Will we hear about some more additions to Chen's list in Revelations and Revolution?

Maybe! I don't know yet.

Did Chen ever try to convince Ortega about his suspicion that Sidestep might be a spy, or did he keep that to himself?

He kept that to himself. No proof. Just keep an eye open.

How bad is Ortega during horror movies? Was Argent blowing it out of proportion or is Ortega a total scaredy-cat?

Argent is exaggerating a little, but... she has some points.

Speaking of movies—how do Dove and Sky-Raider rate on the "able to watch movies about their areas of expertise" scale? Do they enjoy them despite (or because of) the inaccuracies, or does it distract them too much?

Oh I think they can enjoy them, but Sky-Raider is probably SO annoying about pointing out all the military shit done wrong.

Are there any hero/villain documentaries or commentaries that are super popular? What about them does the public love so much? Are there any iconic quotes from specific heroes/villains that the internet has memed on?

I imagine there is. It is a big part of life, so of course there would be documentaries and commentaries. Like movie stars and sport stars, coupled with secret agents. That's just cool. I have no idea about quotes though. I don't really think of things that are not in game, and right now my brain is tired and recovering. Sorry.

Does Dove ever wear a mask/helmet? Or does she usually just rely on her pigeon form for disguise?

She wears a mask occasionally, and a helmet when needed. But she's not paranoid about her secret identity.

Can non-telepaths feel dampeners at all? Do dampeners make an actual audible sound?

No and no. I can imagine someone with very good senses might pick up a whine or similar, but that's mod or boost territory.

Post-apartment, if Ortega and sidestep enter a relationship after being "just friends/friend with secret crush" relationship, do the rest of the rangers know that they're together? Does Ortega tell them that they're with sidestep the day after, or is everyone unaware until (or even through) post-crash, especially with a guilty reveal? Sorry if this is hard to understand I'll try wording it better

I don't know the exact timetable of things, but Ortega is not the type to hide it. At all. Even if it was a guilty reveal.

During the pre heartbreak days was sidestep ever targeted by Ortega's rivals as a way to get the marshals attention?

I can imagine that, it rarely ended well for them.

when did sidestep become regina's 'prize project'? was sidestep that valuable to the farm before the heartbreak incident, or only only afterwards?

Only afterwards.

Does chen actually take tech-savvy Step's advice to turn down the dynamic feedback on his new arm? Or does he decide he has to get used to it as is and just plough through?

Chen followed Sidestep's advice, no use being prideful.

Who did OG Step went to HG as?

In the book, Sidestep went as the puppt.



Thank you for always answering our questions, and very glad to hear you are feeling better! Hope you continue to recover well! :) Also, HIPAA is the US law on protected health information (PHI). It's a bit like UK's/EU's GDPR, except it doesn't cover/include personally identifiable information (PII).


HIPAA EDIT: With more information now I would say that it depends on the hospital. There is a general idea that health information should be anonymous, but in practice, most hospitals have you sign waivers for research, and many insurance policies through companies requires uou to let the company have access to those data as well.