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We're joined by fantastic standup comedian Martin Urbano (The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, This Fool) who reads to us from his favorite author...Bill Cosby.




Cash Grab Ep 25 with McKayla Riley!

Gregory Storkan

My favorite takeaway from Nick's resolution is that he has to judge you immediately in order to know whether he can improve upon it.


I didn’t know that anyone ever really made birthday wishes in real life. I just assumed that everyone does what I do: When people say, “Make a wish a blow out the candles”, I just close my eyes and blow out the candles and pretend I made a wish. Even as I child I didn’t take that seriously!


Never die or never grow up? Same thing?


The funniest thing about that is pretty much no one used their real names on youtube, or anything (rightly so) back then, which implies an extended dialogue

Brian Coari

I'm definitely in the top 10% of your fans, but there's some stiff competition out there!

Lauren R

We saw you guys on Tuesday at the Bourbon Room. I was bummed my fiancé didn't get to see your actual set but you know I really think you guys should have that Ron Weasley impersonator on soon. That kid's going places.


See you fools in SF. No need to remember my name.

Nikolaus Cox

My birthday and wishbone wish was always that I could turn into a snake at will. It was my way of testing if wishes were real, because there was ZERO ambiguity in what I wanted, and I knew it would be VERY obvious to myself, and others, if I attained this power. I would write more about whether it worked or not, but it's been hard-enough to type this much already without limbs.

Gavin Provost