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Saw a sleep specialist today, and the process of official diagnosis + treatment has begun. The GREAT news is that the process is going to be much cheaper than I originally thought, which is an all out miracle, tbh. In this country you rarely hear that something is going to be *cheaper,* you know? It's still gonna take me a couple/few months to pay it off, which is only possible because of you guys, but I thought I was gonna be tangled up in medical debt (in addition to paying off the basic necessity house work we had done a couple years ago just to move in) for the rest of the year. 

It's going to take a few weeks to get tested and see the results, and then I imagine another few weeks to get treatment set up. Considering this appointment was originally slated for late MAY, the time frame could have been much worse if it wasn't for The Wife literally calling the clinic every morning at 8am to see if they had any cancellations. She is THE Wife, I don't make the rules. 

I see a regular GP next week for my other issues (cough/sleep apnea side effects/etc) and at this rate I could be exploring my options for getting a therapist and an ADD diagnosis this summer, something I didn't think would happen until next year at the earliest.

Literally none of this would be happening without you guys as patrons, and the second I've got some halfway decent/reliable sleep under me I'll spend the rest of the year making it up to y'all hard. I love you, your comments, your conversations, your excitement, your observations, just everything about you. I hate that I have to be on a light schedule right now, but that's the way life is--take care of yourself first and you can be there for others in ways you never imagined. See you soon with Man Suang, After Dark shenanigans, some gift opening, Young Royals, and more. <3 



I'm so happy for you. <3


Really proud of you for doing ALL THE THINGS to take care of your health. Keep it up, we’ll enjoy whatever you feel able to do, and be here to celebrate with you when you are feeling better! You’ve got this, and we’ve got your back ❤️