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Welp, whether or not I get any sleep from one night to the next is literally a coin toss, which means my energy levels are extremely hard to predict. And to be honest, after two years of worsening sleep issues this current snag has forced me to be more realistic about my current capabilities. I started off January with a very willing spirit and an aggressive new schedule, but until I can get to that doctor (the appointment for which should be set up sometime this week) I need to give my weak flesh a break. I simply cannot do all that I want to do and be this sleep deprived.


So here's the vibe for the next few weeks:

-I'm gonna work on getting what's already been filmed out to you guys when my energy is up. 

-Once that's done, I'm gonna film more Merlin/MDZS/TGCF/MLC on my own, when I can, and post them for you as I go. After Dark streams will stop for the time being, but I will still record.

-No reading streams this week, to help save my throat. When they return next week, sessions will be 90 minutes instead of 2 hours for both voice and energy reasons. These sessions will be the only fixed points in my schedule.

-Patrons who have been here a while may find this more spontaneous schedule familiar. This was more or less my approach to Patreon before Discord. 

It may not seem like much of a difference, but being able to go at my own pace instead of a set schedule's is huge. This is how I can keep reactions etc coming to you and take it easy on myself at the same time. Things might stay this way for a few weeks to a couple months (or more), it depends on how quickly I get to the doctor, how well they listen to me (I know what's wrong, I know the treatment I need), and how quickly the treatment starts doing its job.  

I'm honestly proud of the pace I was able to keep all last year--in hindsight I've proven to myself that I've got quite the drive even when the circumstances get worse and worse. The irony is that as my drive and ability to work finally fell into place after decades of deep internal struggle, my body started to drag. 

It's frustrating because I had so many plans for really crushing 2024 right from the get go, and now I've had to put some of that on hold. However, I'm terribly excited to find out what I'm capable of when my mind and body are on the same page for the very first time. 

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and the unbelievable patience. You guys have my back every single time, and that takes a phenomenal amount of stress of my shoulders. Thank you thank you thank you. <3



Rest up and take care. Your health is more important than streaming. We’ll enjoy the content you want to share with us whenever it’s released. 🫂🫂


I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Rest up and take care of yourself; we'll still be here when you're ready.


I am rather chaotic and spontaneous myself, so much respect for doing a schedule that fits you. I enjoy the ride however you feel like driving! Fun side quests and unexpected detours are all a part of what make the journey memorable <3 Hope you feel better. Try to get sleep; that is so important!