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Gaywatch will undergo a couple of ultimately small but important changes in 2023, all geared towards a 'quality over quantity' approach. The goal is to free up my  schedule so that I can (finally) deliver some more involved, in-depth content alongside reactions. (Don't panic, the changes have little to no effect on patrons. It actually introduces a couple of new perks!)

I'm considering which special projects to produce first, and as always your input is a major factor in my decisions. So: which topic piques your interest the most?  

(The fics for The Untamed and The Devil Judge are not options because they will be written regardless, progressing in the background alongside the special videos.)



I'm not sure you can explain the appeal of dark ships to those of us who just don't get it. We all have different fantasies, favourite pairings, characters etc - different things just resonate with different people, and I'm sure everyone finds a different appeal in any ship. It's a parallel course - my squick is your pleasure. And the flip side to the many complaints I hear that good guys and decent characters are just too boring to bother with. I guess it's like the fact I cannot understand people who enjoy spicy food because my mouth just burns and everything tastes like painful cardboard.


That is definitely a fundamental part of it--different people simply like different things. But there's a great conversation to be had about the specifics of the appeal for those who encounter the many judgemental people online who insist that enjoying dark content, particularly ships, means you're some kind of immoral monster. And there's a good handful of related issues that bleeds into the whole dark ship thing that I've been gathering thoughts on for a long while.

boldly hold

If/when you do the KP sex scene analysis, I hope you can include a mini reaction to Mile & Apo reacting to watching the pool scene. It’s only a few minutes, but it’s an Experience™ and since you already reacted to their comments on episode 4 and 7…. and to complete the set… rule of 3? (I just really want your rxn of their rxns)