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Episode 10: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/yyiHQB7zL1eAN41BQDDuEq?

Episode 11: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7NahRX1kBYMZQQcdPkXhpa?

This is a stress-free reaction to a stress-free show.


Shands Amba

Okay, Just watched your ep10 reaction, and yes, you were as emotionally compromised as I was the first time (and every single time) I have watched this episode. And now I am about to watch the rest in ep11... I am not ready for more of everything on your behalf.


I love Rajan so much. I just … You know what it is about this show, and I’ve been thinking about this, it doesn’t follow the script. We’re getting these new shows that don’t follow the “dead white guy” script and suddenly you can’t predict what’s going to happen. For so many years everyone wrote the same thing. Even if you weren’t a “dead white guy” you had to write from the same playbook or you wouldn’t be respected because you weren’t doing it right. Wachowski’s be like fuck that playbook.