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It's been over a year(?!?!) since I finished reacting to The Untamed. Since then, I've started a sideblog, done a rewatch, gotten The Wife to watch it, started reading the book, and am currently writing a modern day Wangxian fic. Now that the story, characters, and world has had a chance to sit with me, which opinions have changed? Which have stayed the same? What realizations and observations hit me on my second time through? 

Join me on a livestream May 10th, 3:00pm EST for an update on all things Untamed, and bring your questions!

*As usual with Patron Only streams, I'll post the link here on Patreon the day before the stream, and again thirty minutes before I go live. I'll also ping everyone on Discord the day of so all bases are covered. <3


Shands Amba

Looking forward to it, 8pm my time so i can settle in with a drink :)


just a question what city should I use to convert EST since most I've tried are on EDT Or what time is that in EDT? - daylight savings is confusing. thanks