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Episodes 1-3:  https://share.vidyard.com/watch/oa7TtxsWrG4XqKpoRjn1Gg?

Basically, a long-running D&D livestream kickstarted enough money to make an entire animated series out of their first campaign. The people behind this stream range from excellent allies to actual queer people who are all very socially aware and dedicated to consistent representation in this fantasy world. 

This campaign in particular features canon mlm feelings (my OTP) as well as canon endgame wlw in the supporting cast (who are also fab).

I've been a big fan of these people and their stream for years now, and the first campaign happens to be my favorite. And, like, favorite as in 'this is one of the most important stories in my life.' That kind of favorite. 

Pleeeeease give this series a shot. It's fun and epic and adult and bloody and one of the most emotionally gut-punching things to ever exist, and there aren't words to describe how excited I am to see it adapted into a scripted narrative.


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