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Despite my overwhelming desire and curiosity, I haven't gone down the Wang-Yibo-does-kpop route yet. Basically, I wasn't ready? That's not as dramatic as it sounds, my brain just had a hard time accepting kpop choreo and Wangji existed in the same person. It's like Leonard Nimoy singing about Bilbo Baggins (except kpop choreo is, you know, sexier). 

Then I realized what a potentially great reaction video it would make...especially after I glimpsed a gif once or twice and flatlined from that alone. 

So! Send me the best/hottest videos of Wang Yibo dancing and I'll make a reaction video for January. I've got a Google doc for it and everything. <3



KyoKat (Kimberly)

I have a playlist in youtube that has been waiting for this :)


He kind of stopped doing 'kpop' in 2016 (?) so do you mean all his performances or just when he was performing with UNIQ? He's done so much great stuff since he went back to China and went solo.


YES it's not really kpop related but Yibo dancing in Street dance of China seasons 3 &amp; 4 is my favourite thing!


Yay! I’m so excited! Will you also be creating a folder for Xiao Zhan’s performances in the future?


Anything with Wang Yibo dancing, no matter the context! I'd prefer clips where he's the focus since he's the point of the reaction but honestly I'll watch anything and edit it down later if I need to &lt;3