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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ccF6fnPcJUnuXBVXZK1SoD?





^In that order


Lea (JujuBug)

The description is just.... *chef's kiss*


Oh wow, your timing! I felt like watching something while I was having dinner, and I'm literally 7 minutes into rewatching your reaction to the episode 1 of CQL xD. I feel that this one is definitely going to be a good one!


You have such a way with....words? :)

nina host

Aaaah, finally this ep!! We now have more scorpion king. He's actually one of my fave characters because of how interesting he is


Notice Chief Gao wasn't actually killing anyone. He's just knocking them back... which is why Kexing is confused.


Gao gave the other guy the real armor and brought the fake with him. He didn't intend to be framed, but he knew too much sketchy shite was going on.


I hate the Mr Wen. Please go back to the YouTube ones/subs where Little Idiot calls him Uncle Wen. And the subs call each other Zhou Xu and Wen Kexing when you can clearly hear them saying Ah Xu and Lao Wen. 🤬


And going forward please know that Scorpian King calls Zhao Jing "Yifu". That means he is adopted. And I agree. YouTube subs are way better.


The series is about "don't trust the obvious", so, that's a good tip, also I have a massive crush on Ye Baiyi


Lao Wen and Ye BaiYi sniping at each other gives me life. 🥰


So the "Good uncle" isn't all that good~~ 😱😆😆 it's always funny when people first find out about that. Oh and i always melt when Wen KeXing calls the little idiot "his child" 🥰🥰 also, the Scorpion King is soooo pretty~~ He rivals our main boys easily


I believe the Scorpion actor originally auditioned for the Wen KeXing role, but they thought he'd be better here. Good call.

Anonym WLW

You have NO IDEA how hard it was not to comment on Zhao Jing. But I’m glad we all managed not to spoil it! Remember that time the three five lakes leaders were talking to Chengling and you were like “I like two people in this room”? Yeah, I’m glad we’re not there with you and are able to think before commenting, because I would NOT have been able to hold my tongue at comments like that. Even though I thought the same way back then! Rest In Peace, Gao Chong. We never knew what a great guy you were until after you were dead. Your FACE at the reveal though! The guy who plays Zhao Jing is such a good actor, the way his whole demeanor changes when the facade drops is just. *chef’s kiss*. Side note that what Scorpion King calls him is “yifu” which means adoptive father. The Netflix subs kind of suck in that regard (like with basically all forms of address) Also, it is mentioned several times that the Gentle Wind sect and Gao Chong are quite close, so it stands to reason that he would have given them the Glazed Armor for safekeeping, and taken copies with him to the conference. The bickering between Wen Kexing and Ye Baiyi is truly great. Both of them are very accomplished martial artists, one of them is who knows how old, but put them in a room together and they revert to being three year olds. Poor A-Xu has to wrangle not one, but three children. With the actual child being the most obedient one. Next episode is one of the really gay ones! Looking forward to that!


*in the middle of an intense battle* Brittney: "There goes the wine." Spoken like a true Slytherin aka Wei Ying's Kindred Spirit


Never trust people with dimples in Chinese dramas


I can't imagine what my weekends are gonna be like without your WOH reactions!

nina host

Ah, I think someone already mentioned it but zhao jing isn't scorpion king's biological father. He calls zhao jing "yifu" which is like foster father if I'm not mistaken. Just pointing that out cause their interactions are a bit unique


The subtitles urgh


Video screenplay INTERIOR HOME - THE FILMING LAIR - DAY BRITTANY stares, almost spits ALCOHOL BRITTANY What? WHAT? WHAT????!??? Scene repeats for 42 glorious minutes.


Me waiting for Brittney to recognize "300 year old kid" ..... ...... OH!! (I died)


I am so sorry I have to agree; the subtitles make a significant difference to the viewing experience. If it's possible for you to switch over to youtube or viki, I highly recommend it.


Loved this one!!! The Xie'er & Zhao Jing reveal is one of my favorite moments in ANY show.


I've been waiting for this reaction! Everytime you say something positive  about Zhao Jing I get more excited for this reveal. This ep has too much going on I felt so many emotions while watching it for the first time. I've always suspected Zhao, thanks to the untamed I have trust issues. But I did not expect any connection to scorpion king Scorpion king is something else. I thought he was ☠🧟‍♂️⚔ , but now they introduced us to this completely different side of him  👼💓🦄 Realizing that Gao was not a bad guy right after his death is painful. My heart also aches for Deng Kuan

Lilah Kane

"MIND BLOWNNNNNNN", oh girl you have no idea. 😁

Mel C.

Brittany, when you said "wow he's suddenly very boyish" i Screamed. You have no idea... Honestly aside from Wenzhou I cannot wait to see your reactions to Xie'er (Scorpion King) and Zhao Jing, really really looking forward to those 🤠

Mel C.

Li Daikun himself chose to portrait Xie'er actually, he thought he was better suited for him.

Lilah Kane

Yeah, I flinched when the subtitles called him "father". Just no. I think it was God father or foster father on the youtube? Main point is. He is not his blood son. 🙂

Mel C.

I mean, calling him "father" wouldn't be wrong because despite not being blood related he still raised him as his own but the word "yifu" does have a different meaning so translating it just as father is incorrect. But I honestly don't mind 😊

Sophisticated Lady

You know you're Bi when you can't decide who is more beautiful Scorpion King or Tragicomic Ghost. I'm so in love with both of them.


Zhao Jing and Xie'er have a "unique" relationship to say the least. Looking forward to seeing you react to it!


I think in the comments of episode 15 Brittany said she'd be back to old school good subtitles starting episode 17. Yay! And things that aren't actually spoilers (because they are mentioned really really briefly in earlier episodes) Gao Chong and Mo Huaiyang are Zhiji according to Weining when he's showing off to A-Xiang at one of their dinners. Which is why Gao Chong gave him the glazed armor and kept copies for himself in case the Hero's conference went to hell.

Jessica Ley

I love how Xie’er just asks “can I kill them?” as a solution to every problem. Also YBY being grumpy grandpa is amazing, especially with the ‘in-law’ dynamic it creates with WKX over the next few episodes. And yes, the five minute breakup was the shortest in history, and thankfully, I think it was the last.

Jessica Anderson

'Who's in there?' 'Who do you want to be in there' 'You' 'Its definitely not who you're hoping for then' LOL best exchange in the whole show


Love watching ppl witness the Xie'er and Yifu dynamic for the first time LOL


Her mind will continue to be blown episode by episode from now on


Will you react to AvenueX's videos on lip reading and poetry and cultural references?


I live how Brittany and WKX both had the same expression for the entire last part of the heroes conference 😂😂


also- MY KING IS BACK! Ye bai Yi is back on his shit-stirring agenda, flying in like Mary poppins to bring chaos and complaints and a weird old child in a bag! 😂🙏❤️


Does anyone else feel that Gao Chong was able to see Zhao Jing's true colors before his death? I mean he knows that shen is an idiot but he specifically asked him to take care of his daughter. He did not say a single farewell word to the second brother and next leader did he? I might be missing something or over analysing. I am trying to sleep but my brain decided to my come up with this idea

Zheng Lin

Im very excited episode 17🥰🥰


"Jesus, Shen Shen!" is kind of a whole ass mood, really.


That said, Shen Shen couldn't die with Gao Chong because he promised to take care of Gao Xiaolian. If nothing else, the man is loyal. Also, Mama Bear Kexing sounds like the beginnings of a meme and now I want to see the rest of it!


I wouldn't say "incorrect". There's just no term like "yifu" in English, so the translators have to decide on what to use. I feel like "Father" is the most accurate of the possible options, but YMMV.


Riiiiight I figured I was just missing something about Shen Shen, there was ton happening (in all the best ways)


Your words, "I love getting clobbered over the head with shit." As it applies to plot, that's the most s&m statement of the year. I love it when fans can just fking admit they like it, and go one step more beyond being horrified by evil plots or "bad" characters. Admit it, it feels good to be stunned into paying attention. It feels good to feel so much emotion, even if it makes you cry. One a scale of 1 to 10, 1 is numb after doing your taxes. 10 is all the extreme moments of The Untamed and Word of Honor put together. We put our emotions through the wringer, and beg for more. Thank God for fiction. :-) Also, finally! You get to see more of Scorpion King and appreciate his beautiful wickedness. Those eyebrows aren’t fking around. They’re meaner than he is. He does his own make-up. Every time you call him or ZZS pretty, I get delicious chills of agreement. (Same thing happened every time Youtuber, Noah and Co. referred to Wei Wuxian’s “Bisexual Energy” in any scene he showed up in. It totally got me hooked on The Untamed). And listen to Bai Yi’s and Wen’s back and forth carefully. Some gems are coming up that just complete the family dynamics. Love you, girl! <3 :-)


Ooooh the episode when the found family was confirmed by the characters themselves. ¨No matter how dumb my child is-¨ ¨Your child? Are you also from Four Seasons Manor?¨ AND THEN THE GAY DADS FUCKING LOOKED AT EACH OTHER. And no one said ¨no¨. Yes, they’re married. Yes, that’s their child. It has been confirmed.


The thing is, Gao Chong has always trusted Zhao Jing less than all his other ¨brothers¨. Remember when he asked Shen Shen to hand over his piece of the glazed armor to keep him safe and he subconsciously hid it when Zhao Jing strode into the room? Also, SPOILER FOR ANYONE NOT YET CAUGHT UP WITH THE SHOW . . . . . But Zhao Jing even had a whole monologue later on to Gao Chong´s memorial tablet on how Gao Chong always favored Shen Shen more over Zhao Jing himself. This is probably because Zhao Jing wasn´t really on the same level as the other brothers when he was younger thus, the connection between the other four would have been greater than with Zhao Jing who wouldn´t have had the chance to mingle with them before he became the adopted son of the Zhao family.

Hicchan - una plebea

I'm so sorry but I laughed so hard at your face during the scenes with Zhao Jing and Xie'er, I love watching people react to their vibe

Sophisticated Lady

Yes! Scorpion = beautiful wickedness, the same for Tragicomic Ghost. When beauty and wicked are put together it's like intoxicating.


I love watching reactions to everything Scorpion King heh. And fun fact: The actor who plays him, Li Daikun, is one of the only actors who in the show actually voiced their character, and can I just say that I love his voice. And I agree, he is pretty as heck.


ZJ over plaid his hand for me. He has this Meng Yao feel to me, then he turns out to be a mix of Meng Yao and JGS. Only more subtle about it when it comes down to his 'sons'.