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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/uZF8iwDad893FAfWBG5sAf?




The double upload has made me happier than I've been in roughly 1 week and 6 days


I haven't watched the reaction yet and I'm already giggling like crazy 😆


The almighty link 🙌


with a link and everything! we're spoiled


ohh, this one! There's one particular scene I'm dying to see how you reacted to, since I personally feel both a dizzying amount of second-hand embarrassment AND like I'm intruding every time I see it edit: okay, after watching the episode and seeing how many things I'd forgotten were in it that I thought were in other episodes... boy. It wasn't a plot-heavy one, but it gave us so much insight and growth for so many characters that I'm not really surprised I didn't remember everything it contained. The lake scene, the drinking, Cheng Ling finally getting to unburden himself and truly breath for the first time after his family was murdered, A'Xiang and Wen Ning kinda maybe bonding a little... I'd honestly watch another 36 episodes just of them all hanging out and being a family.


shed some tears seeing that link :")


"I'll scream, You'll scream. I'll probably pass out. This is gonna be a good time." 🤣


My gawd WeiNing's eyes shine. It's like he's got polished marbles in his sockets.


Let's get ready to RUUUUMBLE


"If you want to know the origin of the Gazed Armor I can tell you." Brittany: ...WHAT!? Me: Literally blow matcha tea out my nose. Thanks for that.

Amy Chang



I love this episode so much :) Can't wait for the next ones.


Be honest. Show of hands if you squeed or squeeled when the drinking scene started. (I can't be the only one.)


I don't speak Mandarin, but I've got every word of that scene memorized.


Omg Brittney's crying!


Don't worry B, this is EVERYONE'S favourite scene. And that was the extended scene. The original, he only say s Ah Xu once. ZZH is the one who suggested the three times and such.


So when axu says to find axiang a trustworthy partner and then wlx face you said he likes her do you think he likes axiang romantically wkx


We all get emotional over our two boys calling eachothers names~ 🥰🥰 so you're not alone 😄


Yahoo answers: i saw a moment so gay i started crying?


I'm SO glad that Zhang Zhehan (Zhou Zishu's actor) thought of the 3 Ah Xus 3 Lao Wens addition to that scene and that we got to see it in the extended version, it really adds so much to that moment. There are behind the scenes clips and interviews about him suggesting it and explaining why he thought it was good for the characters.

Lisa Kleine

yeah, we do not question why this didn't make it into the original version of the episode... :DDD Love that you thought something blatant and gay would happen and then we all surprised you with the soft gay happenings. Haaahhh, my heart melts everytime. ♥


When Ah Xu says they need to find someone trustworthy to look after girly, look at WeiNing's hands.... My boy is LITERALLY vibrating, that they might be considering him.

Anonym WLW

The first scene and you’re already losing your mind, this is gonna be great! “Pure of heart, dumb of ass” Yes, that’s him, that’s Cao Weining. And we love him for it. Not gonna say anything for fear of spoilers but it’s fun watching you speculate about Kexing! Zishu hasn’t been Chengling’ Shifu for even a day and he’s already spitting wisdom like nobody’s business. “Nothing is more important than life. There is an end to life but never to learning. Live your own life.” Your FACE when Weining told everyone A-Xiang was with him! But yeah, honestly, how else was he supposed to cover for her? And then there’s the “dads dropping their kid off at school” vibes! The drinking in the sunshine scene! Even after watching it who knows how many times, that nearly makes my heart stop from pure gay. I think Zhan Zhehan (the guy who plays Zishu) came up with the “A-Xu, A-Xu, A-Xu” - “Lao Wen, Lao Wen, Lao Wen” bit on the day of shooting. And yes, if you were wondering, that was the extended part of the episode. I love how A-Xiang is all like “wtf is my master up to, why does he always follow that guy around now? Mysterious. Let me just, completely unrelatedly, think of the dumbass following me around.” Girl, we all know why. Cao Weining is still an overgrown puppy and Wenzhou flirting over dinner (with him and A-Xiang around) will never seize to amuse me.

Don't Water my Cactus

Good night everyone. Our watch has ended. Until next week. 🍹


I hope you can react to AvenueX's video on lip reading for the changed lines after you finish the show!


The name thing was why Netflix got flamed so hard by the fans. Yes they put the extended scenes, but the first couple of days, the were calling each other Zhou ZiShu and Wen KeXing in the subtitles. Fans. Went. Off. They changed it for the most part like, by the third day, but the names in general are still not great on Netflix.


The appropriate response to that is ugly sobbing 😭 and crying into your tea saying 'They looooove each other sooooo much!!!!' Like we know Kexing is in love, but this is really the first time, imo, A Xu let's himself be in love. The amount of heart eyes we get from ZZX this episode is off the charts.


Just casually coming up with probably the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen? Absurd. That man gave us so much 😭🥺

Lilah Kane

Cao Weining is such a softie and his eyes are a lethal weapon.

Jessica Ley

The extended part is where they say each other’s names three times. In the original I think it was only twice. (And it was ZZH’s idea)


As commenters had pointed out, the “calling each other 3 times” was not in the original script, it was Zhang Zhehan’s (Ah Xu’s actor) idea and he requested the Director’s permission to do it that way. And thus the iconic scene. Not many can get thru this scene without tearing. What Ah Xu said redeemed not just WKX, but viewers as well. There was feedback from Chinese viewers how Ah Xu’s statement - that it doesn’t make sense for good pple to be sent to hell for doing something wrong - touched them/gave them hope, and even pulled one from the brink of suicide. And many wished that Ah Xu, who is generous and forgiving towards those he cares about, could be less critical of himself.


In the original script it was only once. And yup, it was ZZH’s idea.


I love that ChengLing actually answers to "Little Idiot" now. He knows it comes from love.


And I love the hug. "Uncle Wen, will you come with us after? I want to stay with you forever. And sister Xiang..." While WKX is hugging him back. 😍


I loved that moment! It made me melt into a puddle of warmth the first time I watched it! If I'm not mistaken, it was a moment adjusted with the input of Zhou Zishu's actor Zhang Zhehan, though I'm not 100% sure. And I so wonder how you'll react to the tropes they will be incorporating to the main pair's relationship in the future episodes. It's just such an interesting development full of twists!

Lisa Wilson

There’s official bts showing Zhang Zhehan asking if he can. https://www.reddit.com/r/wordofhonor/comments/oxnydy/rwoh_exclusive_bts_footage_of_the_sun_bathing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. Here a Reddit url to watch it.


I KNOW they're two gay dads, but in my head and heart it's Dad!Zhou Zishu and Mom!Wen Kexing - it's just A Xu plays off that whole gruff dad energy with the soft and squishy centre, while Kexing has that go-between explanatory vibe that a lot of mom's do - "he's NOT angry with you, he just sounds like that when he's worried for you" and "I think dad really needs a hug, he's having a tough time right now", while still being Totally F*ing Deadly if anyone even LOOKS at their family crosswise. <3 And I LOVE how stern and aloof ZZS went devil-may-care and trying to stay all separate from the world as he just drifted through what was left of his life - until now. Now, he's finally given in and allowed himself to FEEL, and opened his heart for probably the first time since he lost his junior, the one he dreams about - and it's just so touching and beautiful. He's so openly affectionate and honest, just casually baring his heart and his soul with no shame, hesitation or caveats. "So I get this is hard, so I thought I'd take the first step in our new open and honest communication: You are my soulmate." No joking, flirting or takebacks, just admitting it out loud. <3 (I'm guessing the "You're the one I know" is on par with the whole soulmate thing meaning "the one who sees/knows me", i.e. the one who sees through me and understand who I really am, what my abilities and my worth and my loyalty is. ) Just. Hnnnnnngh.


So.many.things. happened!!! Growth, gayness, and A-Xiang’s FACE when A-Xu is basically giving her hand in marriage to Weining.


It's funny that A'xu basically calls Kexing a worried Mom because A'xu is the Mom in my mind. Kexing is more of a Soft Dad that tries not to get Mom angry.


The scene where Lao Wen and A-Xu call each other lives in my head rent free and i sometimes have war flashbacks of it during my daily life but i wouldn’t want it any other way ☺️


This episode man... How did it pass censorship? That scene when they call eachothers name is one of my fave. But don't worry there are still a lot of gay great moments coming!


Well worth the wait! This has got to be one of my favourite episodes! The WenZhou reunion, Chengling being the bestest boy not wanting his other dad and his big sis to leave him, the ICONIC scene in the sun (I still can't believe they called each others' names right after Wen Kexing's comment about how good life is with the sun shining in his face and someone's name for him to call holy crap), and then the super hilarious scene at the end with Weining and A-Xiang... like A-Xu literally just became her dad and he's already marrying her off! It has everything I wanted and we're only at episode 12!! Ugh


I think the thing that makes viewers (including me) love this episode so much is not so much as big gay moments but because this marks the episode that A-Xu lets himself unabashedly, wholeheartedly care about people he actually cares about - whether that be Cheng Ling, Wen Ke Xing, and even Gu Xiang. Fuck what other people think, he’s going to spend the whole day with his Lao Wen and call his name and smile at him. And come on, that calling each other’s name under the sun? Easily the GAYEST shit, especially since this is China (and once again HOW did this pass censorship). Also I think we’re completely glossing over the fact that ZZS JUST CALLED WKX HIS SOULMATE DIRECTLY TO WKX’S FACE. Like straight up that was some “I want to spend the rest of my life with you” kind of vow. So yeah, I really love this episode, if you haven’t already guessed from my ramblings 😂 Excellent reaction as always and I hope you’re feeling better. We’ll wait patiently for the next episodes ☺️

Anonym WLW

Who is ready for the arrival of an icon next episode?


There is so much going on in this show it is difficult to really internalize everything happening from all the characters the first time around. But the way Zhang Zhe Han transitions ZZS through his character arcs is just phenomenal. It's can be quite subtle but after several rewatches it becomes much more obvious... (Gong Jun's portrayal of WKX is of course also brilliant in his integrating of the multiple angles of his persona and personality) THERE'S JUST SO MUCH GOING ON IN THIS SHOW


...I uh... actually think there are gayer moments than these down the line. But this one, I think jumped at the audience because it was just so ballzy


This show: does a gay thing Brittany.ext cannot be found Also just love how Cao Wenning knows exactly which dad to get on his side, Ah Xu starts marriage negotiations for his new daughter and no one stops him. Pure gold

Lilah Kane

And Lao Wen is like: "Wait wut? When did we? How? Did I pass out of all the drinking or something? Ah-Xu, we talked about this. No using your influence on me! Oh, alright. I give up for you. I can't say no. But I refuse in SILENCE!


Yeah, I definitely saw Wen KeXing as 'mom' in this family dynamic from this point on. Future family scenes go towards reinforcing that feeling. (I mean, Ah Xu can't even cook a fish...)

have noclue

That tavern scene is the most romantic scene... EVER!!! <3 <3 <3

Anonym WLW

I completely forgot to address the glazed armor situation earlier: from what you know so far, right now, Gao Chong has three pieces (his own, Shen Shen’s, and the one Chengling gave him), Prince Jin has one (that was stolen from Zhao Jing and passed around a lot, Zishu gave it to Han Ying, the Window of Heaven guy), and the one that belonged to the third brother is unclear. Ao Laizi (cool old guy with the stripy skirt) had it last, but he was killed. Allegedly by Happy Ghost, but Happy Ghost denied doing it, so 🤷🏻 who knows?


In Asia, there are strict and exacting mums who are soft inside, called “tiger mums”. Ah Xu is just like a tiger mum lol.

Eve Swayze

I loved your reaction to them saying their names, it was the best! This scene always makes my heart melt

alice lotusbuns

oh my heart during That scene !! my little meow meows i- aside from the gay we have more found family immaculate vibes !!! cao weining is truly one of the softest characters and his character arc is just getting started oh i cant wait !!!!!


I hate the netflix subtitles, they move around on the screen and my eyesite sucks and it messes me up, also everyone is Mr or Miss and not the lovely kinship webs of Shushu and Shifu and Da ge etc. Uncle Bi became Mr. Bi and we wonder why Zishu cares about this guy and why Mr Bi cares that Zishu, who is about to kill him , is sick. /'subtitle netflix rant


Actually someone else has Zhao Jing's piece, it got stolen the night chengling came to sanbai manor and left two bodies on the road to the coffin house. The one that got found by ZZS and aggressively counterfeited by WKX was Ao Laizi's that was stolen by longtounged ghost (the guy WKX killed in the coffin house, the one with the nifty bell and was hidden in the soul winding box) Apparently Prince Jin has it now and some copies and how do they tell them apart? It's been driving me crazy since I first watched the show.


I know, right? But WKX is this mercurial trickster type from the start, switching from flamboyantly flirtatious to quietly menacing to all out murder psycho like flipping a switch, while ZZS is slightly more consistent within each segment - and that makes the change from ice cold head spymaster/assassin to carefree but standoffish drunk to sweet, smiling, openly affectionate and vulnerable lover so very, very real and kind of subtle and punch-to-the-face obvious at the same time? :D Sometimes you have to go back to the earlier episodes just to remind yourself what he was like, and how much he's changed. :D


"Wanna go f*ck sh*t up?" "You know me - always wanna f*ck people's sh*t up!" :D


I get that a lot of people read them like that - in my head Kexing has the Protective!Mom-energy and A-Xu has the gruff-but-softhearted dad-vibes. :D Different perspectives/cultural norms, I think. :)


Oh, by the way - did anyone else see the scene with Gay Dads WKX and ZZS giving away A-Xiang's hand in marriage as ZZS being just a liiiittle bit manipulative step-dad-to-be looking for a kiddie-free honeymoon? Because WKX is like "It's OK if we bring my darling daughter on our romantic wanderings, right?" and ZZS is just like "Sure, we can bring the beautiful young maiden with us, I don't mind having something pretty to look at" and WKX just *.......* and so when the opportunity of handing her off to the upstanding young gentleman mooning over her comes up it doesn't seem like such a bad idea after all... :p Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but it feels like ZZS is setting up for a parent/child separation with just the right touch to let WKX let go without going into full blown overprotective/paranoid Dad-mode - because face it, three CAN be a crowd when you're planning that romantic getaway. ;)


I love Ye Baiyi and I'm looking forward to seeing you discover how much of a troll he is!