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My jaw is on the FLOOR.



I swear to God, this entire episode is just a pure unfiltered look into Bryan Fuller's id. Dude got his fucking art house torture porn aired on national television and I applaud him for that. Hannibal, Alana, and Margot using a cattle prod to harvest sperm from Mason so they can kill him and ensure Margot gets her inheritance should probably make me deeply uncomfortable, but I'm just sitting here like "squad goals tbh." The fact that Hannibal was originally supposed to carry Will over his shoulder when they escaped the Verger Estate, but Mads insisted on carrying Hugh bridal style instead and then totaled his fucking back while doing it😂 This man suffered to give us more Hannigram content, and I, for one, would like to thank him for being the patron saint of gay cannibals🙏🏼 Looking at that scene though—where Hannibal takes Will back home and apparently changes his clothes and gently tucks him into bed as well—makes me think about a line from the very first episode of the show describing Hobbs: "Sensitive psychopath risked getting caught just so he could tuck Elise Nichols into bed". It's just such a nice little parallel imo, bc it's something Hannibal would never have done at the beginning of the show, but he's fallen so deeply in love with Will at this point that he will do literally anything for him, including risking/giving up his freedom. I love how throughout the entire ordeal at the Verger Estate, Hannibal is just having the absolute time of his life. He's fucking delighted by Mason and Cordell planning to cook and eat him, his mood isn't even remotely dampened by being literally tortured. But then later, Will breaks up with him and Hannibal straight up looks like he's about to start crying and then immediately is like "This is unbearable. I can't live like this. Take me to jail" and then he gIVES HIMSELF UP TO THE FBI JUST SO WILL WILL ALWAYS KNOW WHERE TO FIND HIM. Can you believe the gay drama of that??? Ok but unironically, the fucking devotion of doing that, especially when we know how deeply Hannibal has always valued his freedom, I'm–🥺😭


And so in this episode we have the birth (of a pig baby 😂) of murder wives! that, unlike the murder husbands, they have emotional intelligence, they saw each other and decided to hookup, murder the psycho, take the sperm so they could inherit everything and have a child, good for them!!! Meanwhile the cannibal idiots saw each other, liked each other, tried to kill the other, kill their surrogate daughter, send the other to jail, deny their love to the end🤦🏻‍♀️ men... 😂😂. I loooooove your reactions, like really every time I saw your face trough the crazy scenes I was laughing my ass off! Oh and I think you could contact Bryan on twitter, he is a sun that interacts a lot with fannibals, and actually keeps up giving, in the last review of the show, on the last episode he posted a picture that Mads and Hugh sent him of them (M & H) together ❤, broke the internet obviously 😅. So excited for this last half!!!


So I was getting ready to type a huge long post, but, nope. You did it for me. This is everything I wanted to say. I don't know how anyone can watch this episode and still say that Hannibal doesn't love Will. It's mind boggling to me. That man will do ANYTHING for Will now. Devoted doesn't feel like a strong enough word.