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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/5oJ6ijJseakBX6iYTk6K1V?

Do I know when to incorporate alcohol into a reaction series or do I know when to incorporate alcohol into a reaction series



All hail our crazy Cheaf of Ghost Valley~~!! 🙌🙌😆


I can only say, don’t be too hard on Ah Xu. Cant reveal much cos don’t wanna include spoilers (tho you’d find out in the next ep some details), but he did his best to protect the pple that he cared about and was responsible for, and his intention of joining Prince Jin was good (can’t whitewash everything that he had done for sure, but…). Han Ying remains loyal to him (and not just HY as you’ll see later on), that says something. And WKX, you really direct stabbed Ah Xu in the heart and mine as well… T_T


The important takeaway I got from this was that Wen KeXing did not order the murder of Cheng Ling's family.


Tyk/woh: the story of two villain final bosses falling in love (altho poor ah-xu is just trying to retire)


Both our boys are a freaking mess... So much emotional baggage it's not even funny. Oh boy~~~


WOH has one of the best relationship developments I've ever encountered in fiction. Their relationship and dynamics have such a particular flow that if even one thing changed in canon, it wouldn't be the same and their entropy would completely change. One of the few fictional stories that I'm satisfied with and fanfiction divergences do not draw me in. You'll see it yourself in the upcoming episodes! All the revelations involved in their relationship have to happen the way they happen in canon and at the canon timing to fully satisfy us!!!


Another takeaway... the guy who "won" the hunger games was allowed to go on his way with minor injuries, but he showed up back at Gao's place half dead. (And that he was intended to marry Gao's daughter before Little Idiot came along.) So what happened to him between the two locations? 🤔


Ghost Valley Chief is here!


cant wait for you to check the next two epsidoes!! especially 12th special edtion!

Lisa Kleine

I love how everytime the ghosts are on screen, the screen shifts to abnormal angles, it's so uncanny and I love the cinematography of it! ♥♥♥ Also: Unhinged Kexing is unfairly attractive, who gave him the right?! Also, also: Devastated Kexing made an appearance in the beginning of this episode and yes, that will always break my heart. (My poor baby! It's fine! It isn't your fault all of the people are horrible, greedy a**holes! Even though you poked the ants nest, it was their decision to make.) A-Xu, trying to drink himself to death... gosh, our boys need soooo muuuuuch THERAPY!!!

Anonym WLW

Love how both of our guys‘ responses to the breakup is “drinking until you pass out” And the transition from you going “is there anyone who’s happy in this episode?” to the caoxiang date and Cao Weining being infatuated was great. “Wait, did Shen Shen just say something I agree with?” is a very common reaction which I also had. Our little idiot is developing a brain cell! He might be a little too harsh toward Gao Xiaolian but I think it’s completely within his rights to go “no thank you, I didn’t ask for a marriage and I didn’t ask to be a pawn in some stupid political games, I’d rather be with my dads and learn martial arts from them” I was looking forward to your reaction to Unhinged Ghost Valley Master Wen Kexing and I was not disappointed. He is crazy, he is evil, all these people we’ve seen being badass are completely terrified of him, we love him. (Also someone correct me on this but I think I read somewhere that the white and black dudes from ghost valley were a couple? Which, if true, also gives you some nice subtext with Kexing going through a breakup and promptly killing one of them…) A-Xiang’s and Kexing’s conversation is very endearing in a kind of fucked up way, but the hypocrisy! Kexing is scolding A-Xiang for taking pity on Chengling because “she’s becoming too human and forgetting she’s a ghost” as if he didn’t see a beggar on the street and proceed to follow and flirt with him until he caved! And is now (badly) dealing with a full-ass break-up! Like many others, I’m really looking forward to episode 12, especially that extended scene… but also episode 14 will be delicious in other ways! And it’s not too long until you meet another fan-favorite character!


I was really, really looking forward to you seeing the Ghost Chief Himself. and your reaction was everything I hoped for and more. Apart from WKQ being the hottest brand of crazy ever, I loved the cinematography in that scene. The tilted camera angle, eerie music, etc, made me so hyped the first time I watched it that I even forgot to worry about the breakup for a second there lmao

Andreea C.

Omg crazy Kexing is a whole other level of hotness...like damn 😳. These episodes finna get so good (idek how that possible cuz they're already amazing) it's actually such a great choice to bring in the booze lol 😆. You definitely know when it's time for something stronger. Thank you so much for this video! Lots of love and have a nice day! 💜❤💜❤💜❤💜


I love how this schedule worked out. Certain episodes need to be seen together, 11 and 12 are one of these sets. 19 and 20 as well.


Am I wrong in sayin that the extended scene in episode 12 is pretty much everyone's favourite single moment? Even in the concert, people were losing their sh*t.

Esti Y

Something to notes after wkx killed white grim reaper, he said "You are right, ghost valley is in need of manpower, the martial arts world is filled with rotten people... " The literal translation for that line is "...the martial arts world is filled with *scorpions*, turtle, various fish, and rotten shrimp, I want to use them too, but I am the chief of the ghost valley, ghosts are the only one I can use." In the later scene, changing ghost was shifting the blame (that one incident where scorpions and changing ghost worked together, remember the pipa guy when wenzhou went on a date watching the show) to the now-dead white grim reaper.

O Fowler

I love the red eyeliner/crazy fucked up staff meeting. I'm so glad you did too! I had this huge wash of fellow feeling when you were all, 'crazy wkx is kinda hot' because SAME, girl. Same

Jessica Anderson

My main take away from this episode is when WKX 'loses' A-Zu he does lose some of that humanity.


i saw someone say that kexing is like xue yang if xingchen loved him back and i’ve never stopped thinking about it since


Hey wait, ***foreshadowing I only noticed while re-watching this during the reaction video, so possible spoiler???*** that poetry WKX was quoting, wasn’t that awfully similar to the four seasons manor motto?


I don’t think it’s a spoiler? wkx already proved from ep 2 that he knows 4 seasons manor enough to recognize the swift moving steps. The motto is childplay compared to that.


My understanding of the conversation between Kexing and Xiang is that he is trying to protect her. Since he started to have feelings for someone from the living world, but it didn’t go well. From his point of view, he made a mistake and Zhou confronted him and left. There was no pity or understanding. So he is trying to warn Xiang – in his own ‘lack of empathy’ kind of way. What he says is as much about him, as it is about her. And I am also so looking forward to episode 12 reaction. That scene made me a pile of mush.


I'm so excited for you to get to episode 12~ It's actually one of my favorite episodes, can't wait for you to react to it! Also it'll be interesting to know your thoughts about the real lines that was dubbed over and the Word of Honor Concert! :)


You’re not wrong. And to know that ZZH orchestrated that whole extended part (I swear 90% of the queerness of the scenes throughout the show is because of him) just sealed that as THE scene.


I love how you think Ghost Valley Chief WKX is hot because SAME. It’s so wrong but just IMAGINE the power of THAT wkx and window of heaven leader zzs. Not that I don’t love soft dorks version of wkx and zzs. I do. But wkx’s commanding voice just does things to me hahahaha

alice lotusbuns

wooo welcome to the wenzhou divorcee era !!!


That first scene was a bit brutal – but I like they have breakup because of real differences, rather than some random misunderstanding (I hate those kinds of things in stories). It is funny how they both deal with it by getting drunk, Kexing even spending the last of Zhous money (he never got his own purse back, did he? And that one looks exactly like Zhous). And I wonder, did Kexing go out and get the copies back? Why does he have so many, if he wanted chaos before, he would have let them all lose in the city. So maybe he is learning? (it is never explained) Also, the way they go back to who they were before they met is interesting. Kexing the cold and crazy Ghost Valley master and Zhou the depressed leader of the rather evil Window of Heaven. Even with Han Ying here to remind him how people had blind loyalty to him – and how it ended for all of them (the 81 people from 4-season manor). Your reaction to Shen Shen saying something you agreed with made me laugh. (I know, I know, I’m one of the few who rooted for him at this point – I’d love to explain why, but I might spoil some plot/ theme.) And such nice gifts you got! That blanket looks so awesome. Looking forward to the next reaction.


Nah. I gotta disagree with that. XueYang was completely crazy all the way through. His view of the world was skewed. WKX has actual reasons for doing what he does. If XingChen Loved XY back, he'd still be out there killing people for wearing the wrong colour or whatever.


Ah, and a fun fact about the nuts. Word of honor was from the beginning a low, low budget production, but when 2020 hit, things got really bad. They lost all their main cast (except the actress who plays Gu Xiang, kudos to her!) and all their sponsors – except for Wolong nuts. That company contributed around 20-30% of their total budget. I dare not imagine how this series would have been with even fewer episodes. Now the fun part is that in their woh themed promotions – they ship them. Quite hard too. They made ‘chibi’ cartoon versions of them, with them hugging and kissing and blushing. I saw a few on twitter a few months back, wish I had saved them. They were not that well done, but they were oh so very gay. (AvenueX talks about it in one of her livestreams too).

Anastasia -

But does the mask come off, or does it go on instead?


That's true, but as someone said, the destruction of the Mirror Lake Sect was just a stepping stone on his path to burn them all down, and he clearly wasn't really that cut up about it when he was at the Sect in Episode 2. This is not me trying to knock Kexing, this is me being realistic about his character - he wants to wipe out these Clans and he doesn't give a shit if children die because the 5 Lake Alliance isn't just soldiers, it's servants, it's children, it's wives etc. He's fine with killing the innocent, and so was past Zhou.

Zheng Lin

Wen Kexing evil type is so handsome 😊🥰


Yes, Batshit Crazy WKX is incredibly hot. My favorite FMV's all have that version of him as their focus. I mean, I also love Soft!WKX and Shamelessly Flirty!WKX, but there's just something about the absolute ruthlessness of Ghost Valley Chief!WKX that's just like ... damn. Also, I love that you used Turducken as a verb!


Not sure if anyone mentioned it but a funfact is that Wen Ke Xing is still using a-Xu's money when he is drinking with the ladies XD. Yep it is the same pouch he got from A Xu...


Coming to the comment section just to point out the pure irony of Lan Zhan being the mug you choose to put the alcohol in. Great reaction as always even though I haven't really been commenting this last while! <3


Pffffffff didn't even realize the irony of Lan Zhan being the first one to get alcohol <333