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Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/onyEF11mqRgqzC1x3sS9A8?

I can't believe I called it. I simply cannot believe.



Yes, my weekly WoH reaction !

Lea (JujuBug)

I was feeling like an absolute shit, thanks for making my day a bit better! 👀♥


I finally recognized the song Kexing plays on the flute


8:45 Brittany: "...but they are." Me: Yes, he's 100% that bitch. 😂


It's okay to not be okay, Brittany. Wen KeXing going full badass is officially A LOT.


Oh dear I'm sure the alcohol you will need for the emotional brutality from WOH is 100 times compared to the Untamed. Stay tuned.


Hate to Love 200K Slow Burn? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I waited for this all day~ (as I did for the previous ones and as I shall do for all the episodes to come~~)


you call them watermelon people but my sister and I call them "Cosmo and Wanda" bc that's who they reminded us of bc of their colour scheme.. 🤣

Amy Chang

oh boy, when you said if this is a show that requires your alcohol *sweats* this show is going to be emotionally brutal is all directions of the spectrum.

Erin Hartley

No kidding, but the puppy eyes were actually a casting requirement.

Marissa Cornett

lol when you said "oh the watermelon people", I was like OK, I should get some watermelon to eat.


confused on how the twice a week upload applies to patrons.


Oh, you want some alcohol sustaining sadness? It's coming, don't you worry. WoH just wants you to be 100% invested in all the characters' lives before hitting you with that bat.


YES!!! 2 PER WEEK! (And the perfect episodes to start doing so, I might add.) Wait... so when will the Patreons be, then? Two episodes on Sundays?


I'm sorry - did you just say WOH reactions were moving up... to TWO a week? Did I mis-hear that, before I start happy dancing? I'll listen again-


It's kinda weird, it seems like so much has happened up until now, but there are so many important characters that haven't even made an appearance yet. Hell, the rest of the forged family still won't show up for a minute.


I'm a simple woman. I see the notification, I stop everything and come here for the new episode. And 2 episodes a week?!?!?! Yeeeeeeeeeee


So much to comment on but it's late here so I'll come back tomorrow to comment some more. For now lets just leave it at: Brittany: "Right now it's fine." *worried brows*


If youre deep breathing over wen kexing, i worry how youre going to handle the eventual face reveal when youll have TWO beautiful faces on screen and flirting

Iwona Zych

I think it will happen since next week. This week we got The Untamed Interviews + WoH Episode. Next one it should be 2xWoH (please correct me if I'm wrong)

Anonym WLW

I feel like at the end of this we’re gonna need a compilation of all the times you got distracted by beautiful scenery/sets/interior design choices/clothing. Not to mention beautiful people (the puppy dog eyes are a danger to anyone) 🤣 Your reaction to the bad bitches was on point and also yes! Finally someone appreciates Pretty Arhat being pretty and having daggers! I feel like most of the fandom focuses more on Evil Bodhisattva (which, fair, my first reaction to her introduction shot was “fuck, I’m gay”) and seems to overlook Arhat a lot. But yes. Evil woman with daggers? Sign me up. Also love how disgusted you were by Lovelace. I legit forgot he gets introduced in this episode and went “oh no, that guy… 😒” And then there was you going “if he wakes up feeling so much better I’m gonna flatline” followed immediately by Zishu going “I feel so much better.” That got a cackle out of me. Like, there are so many times you (or anyone watching this show) can go: “Oh, in a fanfic they’d do *thing* next but this is a show from China, they gotta be careful about censorship, so - oh never mind, they did it.” “Tough women can’t resist clingy men” Remember that sentence! Oh, and I almost forgot: Wen Kexing going from cute and flirty to murder mode the second someone actually harms his A-Xu? Yeah that’s hot, not gonna lie. But also him, having just murdered a bunch of dudes, going “Ew, I got blood on my hand :(“ is the funniest shit ever. Okay, re: alcohol: Don’t be fooled, this series does hurt at times (it’s a Chinese drama, what else would you expect?) but in regards to starting to drink for gay reasons my money is on episode 6. Not spoiling anything but it gets gay. My personal speculations about how this show was able to air: Option 1: The censors really were oblivious to all the gay Option 2: They we’re on their lunch break/otherwise occupied/not in the building Option 3: They got invested in the romance themselves

Lilah Kane

Two episodes a week, yay! (Also, first post! Well, deserved!) ;)

Iwona Zych

There is YT schedule pinned on Gaywatch tumblr: tumblr.com/blog/view/gaywatch I think Patreon upload schedule is : Mon/Wed videos - on Saturday Thurs/Fri - on Sunday (I edited it so nobody gets confused)


Ahh, yes, casting requirement puppy eyes and increasing gayness. Don't forget the special versions of episodes 6, 12, and 17. (Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, ZZH improvised the putting ZZS's leg up on the log thing and dared GJ to sit on his leg. They really don't hold back 😂)

Iwona Zych

Brittany, did you miss the "Haven't you heard that tough women can't resist clingy men?" - the very WKX advice? I think you blinked and it was quick (34:44).

Lea (JujuBug)

Wait, wait, wait, it was a casting requirement?! Wow, the more you know 😂


At first I thought that when the reveal happened that they'd done some extra glo-up on Ah-Xu, cause I didn't remember him being that gorgeous and really, what human could be? But no... it's him. That's just what he looks like. That's why he's LaoPo. ReDUNKulously beautiful. (Have you seen ZZH in pearls? 😳 Necklace, earrings, finger rings... doesn't matter. That man must always be wearing pearls! Look up the photos.)

O Fowler

I totally bailed on family get-togethering to hide and watch this. That beggar gang fight was... I was already hooked, but this was... This show does the fighting styles very well? Like, you see ZZS make many of the same moves, and different sects have distinct ways they fight? Plus, Kexing taking out dozens with his BARE HANDS and a fan? His little moue of distaste when one of them dared to bleed on him? Aaaaaaaaaah! (BTW, I've seen several subtitles for what he says to the gang after killing the first one, and apparently it's been translated as "Leave now if you want to live" or "Fuck off or die" by various people. But it's a huge shift on the politeness scale, and he *was* actually giving them a choice.) Then there's the puppy eyes! I literally had to wait fro the next episodes to be released and the anticipation was so real. Now I look forward to your reactions the same way! :)


Kinda foresaw the alcohol situation 😂 so joyful to rewatch this together with you - a joy shared is a joy doubled! And two ep’s every Sunday yay! I am over the moon!


Frankly, what I love about this show is that I sometimes genuinely forget that there's plot? I'll get caught up in all the main characters' hijinks and family vibes and just how much flirting and domesticity is happening!! And then they'll mention the glazed armor or they'll show the main plot happening and - oh, yeah. There's other stuff happening... And that still happens ALL THE TIME, even re-watching with you


On rewatch, I realize there was actually a plot. Totally spaced on that the first time what with all the eye fucking going on.


Girl, please remember to watch the "SPECIAL EDITION" of several episodes instead (you can find the special edition on youtube youku channel as well, it got more details/some cut scene and are slightly longer than the original version), I think episode 6 and 12 especially, episode 12th, the cut scene so GAY and I sooooo love i!!!! you would LOVE it!!!!!


Don't worry, you'll also need a drink for the usual reasons soon enough. :D


I'm about to watch this for a second time, cause I need to stop myself watching the next episodes! I also got distracted a lot when I first saw the ep. And two episodes next week? Yay! 5+6 is such a good combo!!


"I wonder who their master is. (The four scorpion assassins)" Me sitting here watching this reaction like 'Oh, just wait. Juuust...wait for it' *insert evil smile*


Just make sure to watch the extended version for episode 6, there's an extra scene that I guarantee you'll appreciate!


Are you saying you need a drink because you cannot handle the way Wen Ke Xing looks at A-Xu? How are you going to handle it, when A-Xu starts looking at Wen Ke Xing? Or the way they look at each other?


Oh my god, thank you for the upgrade from 1 to 2 episodes of WOH. I'm trying not to lose it while you make your way to episode 6. You could easily charge top dollar for early access to this show. I'd pay. You're the best thing going. Thank you for letting us re-watch it with you all over again. :-)


AvenueX says that "flute playing" has the same sexual connotations in China as it does in America. Not an accident. LOL! You're totally on top of that.

Andreea C.

I relate to your reaction so much lmao 🤣 Understandably enough you are being tormented by the one and only son of a b*tch Wen KeXing... Honestly I can't put it into words how much I freaking love him. He's a whole lot of extra with a whole lot of queer and I am so here for it. This show is so damn good and it only gets better and better. Can't wait for future episodes. Thank you so much for this reaction! Lots of love and have a nice day! 💜❤💜❤💜❤💜


I have legit been wondering that for a while now. I mean, phallic symbols are largely universal......


I'm making sure to watch all the episodes on Youku's English channel, where the full version of eps 6, 12, etc are, no worries <3


I missed that apparently! And uh, apparently that's advice he lives by...regardless of sex/gender affiliation...ahem...


The Patreon upload schedule is: Mon-Wed videos are posted on Saturday Thurs/Fri videos are posted on Sunday <3


WoH is gonna move into the Tues/Thurs slot on Youtube, so Patreon will get the Tuesday episode on Saturday and the Thursday episode on Sunday. God I hope that made sense. It's late here. <3


I love how you're catching the sometimes glaringly obvious (but not always) games Wen Kexing and a-Xu keep playing. The yawning/stretching technique, the manspreading, the insults masquerading as compliments. Honestly, they're both little shits and I love them for it.


"Can I examine your... sword... more closely?" "No, but I'm going to fondle your flute..." So. Much. Gay. Also - Grumpy!Dad!a-Xu and Caring!Mom!KeXing and Baby!Duckling!ChengLing are The Best! (Not trying to invalidate the concept of two equal dads, here! But there's just so much "Mom energy" in KeXing's actions - until he turns homicidal Momma Bear... ;) ) I love seeing KeXing be all gentle and caring, holding Cheng Ling up when he threw up after the evil music attack, explaining that "Dad isn't really mad, he's just protective and worried and comes across as a bit grumpy". <3 And aXu rolling his eyes so hard they almost pop right out of his skull. :D Oh, and I was waiting to see your reaction to the line "Tough women can't resist clingy men", but I think you may have blinked and missed it (or you didn't do the same double take at it that I did :D ) - it was just such a KeXing thing to say! :D

alice lotusbuns

ahhh im always late but im here and ready for the queer and by god is there so much of it (ty kexing for single handedly pushing us all over the edge towards a drinking spree just as a-xu would love to do) . a-xiang is the best !! when you called her a princess ??? EXACTLY WHAT SHE DESERVES . kexing's actor (gong jun) has got THE BEST puppy dog eyes i have ever had the torture of witnessing, oh how a-xu didn't cave immediately is beyond me smh !! i always think that a-xu has a very tiger mom feel to him (not to perpetuate stereotypes, but its the best example i have off the top of my head) especially when it comes to teaching our resident Good Boy baby with the whole tough love bit. god, its so funny every time you look away bc of the gay, it truly only goes up from here !!! a little joke that may or may not be interpreted wrong, but when a-xu tells kexing "you're a good driver" its very likely that its a lil innuendo ! in chinese internet/general slang "driving" is a euphemism for sex and the driver is,,, well you know how it goes !

alice lotusbuns

ALSO !! will we still be doing watch party livestreams for the special episodes ? i know its coming up soon right ? no worries, if not of course !!! i'll be ready and waiting online for your reactions regardless ~


Weird Random Thought: between Hannibal, WOH and The Untamed the show about actual Serial killers has the Protagonists with the lowest KILL Count 🤣