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My plan was to start fundraising for a new PC in June. I'd have a couple of Let's Plays done at that point, Star Trek would be finished, I'd be getting ready to watch Word of Honor, and everything would be neatly in place to start taking donations for a PC that doesn't run like it has ten barbells shackled to its motherboard. 

Last week, my computer stopped being able to boot up reliably. It takes several times (and twice as many hail marys) for it finally start up the way it's supposed to, and that's scary enough. But today my recording program crashed while I was filming Hannibal (just the intro, thankfully). I was used to it crashing while recording gameplay, but a regular reaction? Never happened before. And, of course, the thing about reactions is you can't have a first reaction twice. I already lost over an hour of Resident Evil 6 footage last week, I certainly don't want to lose an episode of Hannibal, Star Trek, or something Untamed related.

I took a chance and finished recording today's episode of Hannibal (I really shouldn't have), but until I have a better PC I can't take the risk on a regular basis--that's asking for trouble. (It's also getting more and more frustrating trying to work on a machine with such frequent and heavy lag. Everything takes 2-3x longer than it should, especially when you can only have one program open at a time.) So the fundraiser will officially kick off next Monday, six weeks ahead of schedule. 

You'll get Early/Extended Hannibal reactions this Saturday as per usual. I'm going to film the fundraiser announcement + details video this Friday, since all I stand to lose in the event of a crash will be some filming time and not an actual reaction, and that video will go up next Monday.* After that I'll have to hope donations come in quickly in order to get it all back up and running as soon as possible.* I've come up with some killer incentives to help make that happen, and I'm hoping they work wonders.

BUT, I don't want to be totally inactive during the fundraising period, since that wouldn't be fair to you guys who support me every month. I'm thinking for starters I'll host a Patrons Only livestream  next Wednesday, the 21st at 2:30pm EST, where we can chat about Untamed, Hannibal, have a little Q&A, just some chill time in good company. Livestreaming doesn't go through my recording software, meaning it shouldn't tax my PC to the point of the stream crashing. If it does crash, we'll all have a good laugh and I'll start the stream back up. 

So once again the channel is in a good news/bad news position. The good news is: once the amount is raised and the PC gets set up the channel gets to upgrade in some BIG and exciting ways. The bad news is: I can't release reaction content until that happens. I'm happy and frustrated all at once. 

If you have any ideas or things you'd like to see during this downtime, I'm open to suggestions! Maybe I'll finally get that Tier 2 Discord up and running...

EDIT: The goal is $2,000 and my Ko-fi is ready for donations. Any excess donations will either be used to further improve the PC's specs or fund accessories like keyboard/mouse/speakers (Though of course I don't expect Patrons to donate since you already give your support. <3)

EDIT EDIT: The PC is coming from Lyte, a company that lets you select the components and then assembles the computer for you. $2k worth of computer from them will let me stream any game I need to and operate all the video recording and photo editing software I could ever need. Full specs will be in Monday's video. (Forgive me for leaving all this out, it's been a Very Long Day.)

Until next time,


 P.S. - In the event that raising the amount takes longer than anticipated, all Patreon earnings will go towards the new PC, starting in May and lasting until the PC is funded. 

*EDIT EDIT EDIT: Direct address videos not involving a reaction will still be ultimately doable, like part 2 of the BL Series Recs and any others I can come up with. Between those and livestreams there should be a trickle of content until we can get back to the regularly scheduled flood. (Protip: Don't make big posts late at night, even if they're important. You'll just have to make edits several times over.)



Dear, how much do we (and I say ‘we’ as a community) need? We need a goal.


I was gonna wait to announce the amount tomorrow when the Community post goes up on Youtube...except I didn't realize how silly this Patreon post would sound without an amount. The goal is $2,000, I'll edit it into the post in just a sec. &lt;3

Leonardo Despacito

Can we donate now? Like I can’t live at this point without your loveliness during the week. So let’s do this!! 💪🏼


Yup! The Ko-fi link in the post is active and it's totally fine to donate now (and yes it will count towards the time-sensitive rewards as well). Love the energy, you're so awesome 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Alright! I'm excited for the live stream, and we got you girl. Let's build a comp!

Jill S

We’ve got you covered - consider it done! Can’t miss out on your reactions!

boldly hold

Won't be able to attend the live stream (darn work!) so I'll put my suggestion here- do a mini 'reaction' to all of the art recs on the gdoc! That would be so fun!

brittanydiamond (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-25 14:12:02 I totally thought of that then shot it down because it would require my recording software to share my screen, but you suggesting it made me realize that it's obvs not like music or video--making sure the program hasn't crashed will be much easier for still images. Long story short: added to the list! &lt;3
2021-04-16 01:24:12 I totally thought of that then shot it down because it would require my recording software to share my screen, but you suggesting it made me realize that it's obvs not like music or video--making sure the program hasn't crashed will be much easier for still images. Long story short: added to the list! <3

I totally thought of that then shot it down because it would require my recording software to share my screen, but you suggesting it made me realize that it's obvs not like music or video--making sure the program hasn't crashed will be much easier for still images. Long story short: added to the list! <3

boldly hold

Yay! Also- most (if not all) of the links are to tumblr posts, so if it don't work, you could always reblog and direct viewers to your blog as you talk about it. Or even, you could look them up on a phone and hold the screen up to the camera. I'm so excited!!