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Lisa Kleine

Ah, yeah. The episode where we are directly confronted with the notion that Hannibal feels lonely and that he might hope to find a companion in Will. Even if he himself hasn't quite made a conscious decision about that yet. I don't know, he sometimes seems to just play to see the result and sometimes actively tries to turn people/Will into desired directions. Ach, I'll have to get my DVD's out don't I? :D Wonderful reaction!


I love the Franklyn/Hannibal parallels in this episode, bc we see Franklyn as so pathetic in his loneliness and his desperation for friendship and genuine connection, while Hannibal seems above it all. But the reality is that Hannibal wants those things just as badly, he's just better at not showing it. He might not even be aware of the extent of his own loneliness yet tbh. I think Will was kind of a rude awakening for him in that sense. Meeting him made Hannibal realize that he desires to be seen and understood, that he longs for that kind of genuine companionship. "Being alone comes with a dull ache, doesn't it?" *Cue Hannibal being a dramatic lonely gay bitch and driving two hours just to see Will bc Will didn't show up at their appointment* I cannot believe this man. He pretends to be so cool and casual, but in reality he is actually a Disaster Gay™ The mini flashback with the rude doctor is interesting to me, bc I'm pretty sure what happened was that he clocked Hannibal as queer and was passive aggressively accusing him of lying about not having hiv/aids, and generally being a homophobic asshole. I can't really think of any other scenario in which their convo makes sense, especially the lines "A disease is an infection. An infection isn't always a disease." and "You should just tell me now, because I'm going to find out and it will affect your insurance if you lie." So yeah, that's why he's food now lmao I think the scene towards the end of the episode where Will is staring intensely at Hannibal as he is wrist deep in a man's chest is definitely Will having some realizations about how well Hannibal fits the profile of the ripper, but then he immediately discards those thoughts bc Hannibal is his friend and there's no way he'd do something like that. I think there might also be a little bit of jealousy/admiration on Will's part for the unambiguously good and uncomplicated way Hannibal can save a life. The way Will saves lives is so dark and twisted and it leaves him with a head full of murder and nightmares and various serial killers' dark urges, while Hannibal gets to save this man's life in a physically tangible way that doesn't require being mired in darkness the way Will always is. (The scene is also filled to the brim with sexual tension so thick you could cut it with a fucking knife, but I'm trying not to focus too much on that right now cause hooo boy) Sorry about the rambles, I love this show to death and can never stop myself from talking about it😅


"Oohh, PEOPLE wine!" *Takes a sip from the wineglass* This made me laugh so hard 😂


I wonder if you noticed. During Will's and Hannibal talk in the kitchen (by the end of ep.) it looks mostly as if they were alone in the whole world. Only later we see there are other people around. I love this scene and I don't know why.


I'm extremely taken by the fact that, when it's Will's turn to have his 'session' with Hannibal, Hannibal breaks out the expensive wine. Therapy my ass, this is a date. A scheduled date.