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That time when Ghost Mask's identity wasn't even in the episode's top five revelations





I can understand your emotions regarding A-Yuan. I am still not over it, even after watching it for so many times, after reading the novel. Even today, I cried with you. After all the horrors and aftermath of war, after seeing the terrible things humans are capable of, to see Lan Yuan survive, thrive, and live a happy childhood is to see humanity and kindness again, to see hope again. It is also sad in a way. Lan Yuan is the only living Wen (apart from Wen Ning who is not technically alive) . But he cannot keep his surname, cannot honor his ancestors, his history, cannot acknowledge his heritage just to be alive. By the way, his courtesy name 'Sizhui' means 'to long for, to yearn for'. It is Lan Zhan's love letter to Wei Ying. And of course, now you know why I don't ship Lan Xichen and Yao, even in fanfics.


This episode is A Lot. I've been looking forwards to you finding out about A-Yuan for the longest time!!! I'm really glad that didn't get accidentally spoiled for you beforehand. But yeah the end of the ep is.... Extremely gross... and then has that annoying cutoff hgkjfshh. Although speaking of which - I was wondering if you might consider watching the last two episodes at the same time? Idk if you read patreon comments and you definitely shouldn't push yourself to do anything that would be overwhelming or a bad idea, but 49 has one of the Least Desireably Placed Cutoffs of the entire show and waiting a week sounds like Torture... idk I just wanted to suggest it in advance just in case!


HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ahhh just from the title alone, I knew you were gonna Lose Your Shit. WELCOME TO THE CLUB OF KNOWING JGY'S DASTARDLY DEEDS! And welcome to BEST BOY IS BEST BOY TOWN!! Backup emergency wine is a great idea, btw; these last five episodes are........... well they sure are, and that's all I can say to that! ALSO, did you notice that my man Jiang Cheng was wearing his best outfit of the series? It's amazing. Literally him in that outfit is what got me into The Untamed. But hoo golly. Yeah, I dunno how exactly it happened in the book, but you're right, they sure did cram a lot of revelations into this episode. And leaving off in the way they did... like, hello?? We need to talk about these crimes a little more?? Well of course you'll get the conclusion to that scene on Monday but even so, what a cliffhanger! Just a little more now :D


Oh gosh yeah. Brittany, I second your consideration of watching the last two episodes together.


I had to stop watching the video serval times to giggle with glee when Shizui was revealed to be a-Yuan 😄 I have been waiting for this reveal for soo long


jfc this episode is a lot, i was watching and trying very hard to channel 'hugs hugs hugs' in your direction. i love the juniors so much. a-yuan of course is best best boy, but also jingyi roasting su she last ep and then being all "i'll be bait too!!!", and ouyang zizhen being a wei wuxian fanboy and apologist in both eps (you can see wangji looking at him and being "you. i respect you."), but also!! its easy to forget than jin ling is younger that all the rest, sixteen in the show but thirteen in the book, and like that poor boy cant handle all these revelations at once :((((

Gweniver Call

That's the thing - now that Brittany knows all, I can finally give my official rant on the topic of "The timeline is all fucked up and it's all Jin Ling's fault". See, as Ro said, in the book JL is 13 because it's been thirteen years since WWX, Yanli and Zixuan died. Also, Sizhui is 18, because he, hem hem, joined the Lan clan when he was about 5. But for some reason, the webseries (producers? showrunners? censorship board?) were not comfortable with making Jin Ling a 13 year old, I guess, or the actor they eventually chose might convince as 16 but not as 13, whatever. But it makes no sense, because then you're saying that Sizhui is 21, which makes him not a junior anymore - besides, WWX has scripted lines where he says that Yuan would be 18 now, which is a nice bit of misdirection, but you're not fooling me, show! I just really want to know why they changed it from the book.

Gweniver Call

I hate that it gets lost in all the revelations, but one of my favourite reaction shots is WEi Wuxian stripping off his outermost layer and getting a supreme stinkeye glare from Lan Qiren, with the undertone of "iS wEI wUxIAN wEArInG mY nEphEW’S uNDeRwEAR?" Yes, YES, I know there's a Doylist reason for it: the blood wouldn't have shown up on a red/black undershirt, and while the spirits would have still been attracted by it, there wouldn't have been the satisfying EFF ALL Y'ALL to the gathered mob, I mean clan members. Still, Lan Qiren's outraged look is worth it.

Gweniver Call

Wait until she finds out what the name Sizhui means . . . though I don't think it's revealed in the series. OTOH, the first time Wei Wuxian teases MianMian kind of hinges on that meaning.


This is my favorite reaction vid so far! I thought you yelling at Sizhui when he ran back to the Burial Mounds would be the highlight of my day until I saw your response to the Sizhui = a-Yuan reveal. Also, poor Jin Ling keeps getting his world turned upside-down and he's having trouble dealing with it. He needs a hug and lots of therapy. Finally, the juniors as a whole are The Best and I will fight anyone about that. 😁

alice lotusbuns

to answer your book questions, frankly yes these two bombshells were roughly at the same time ! i think it's because theyre separated by a few chapters that its not as overwhelming all at once but technically yes thats just how it goes LOL

alice lotusbuns

im so excited for the last 5 episodes !!! almost there Brittany !!


the timeline is all screwed up in the drama anyway - first we jump back 16 years to the past events, and then when we jump back to the future it jumps ahead 16 years - so did everything that happened in the past happen in no time at all - a study year, a war, a marriage, a pregnancy and a baby? I think it's supposed to be a 16 year jump back, then a 13 year jump forward - which allows a 3-ish year old Sizhui to now be about 16. But it's a very careless oversight


I'll keep this bulletpointed bc if I dont I'll write a novel lolol. -Wei Wuxian stripping down to Lan Wangji's underwear in front of everyfuckingone and Lan Wangji's stonefaced "I dare you to say a fuckn word about it" glance around is one of the BEST moments ever, fight me. -Wei Wuxian IN Lan Wangji's underwear (aka The Boyfriend Shirt), covered in blood talismans, is one of the hottest fucking looks for him (fight me) and I die a thousand deaths every time I see it. -Su She is a little punk and he is not Qualified to Talk to Anyone. -Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen give me LIIIFE. -Battle👏🏻Husbands👏🏻 (Also Unf as F U C K.) -Best Boy. If you do a rewatch (which everyone would prob love but no pressure lol), you'll see it, the moments between LWJ and A-Yaun are so perfect, so utterly perfect. He is Best Boy. -You are Right, Wen Ning is also Best Boy and is Never to Blame, and ty for saying so. -"No Misbehavior" ffffuck, and that "Oh my goddd" you mouthed at the camera was AWESOME. -SOMEONE GIVE THAT BOY A FUCKING HUG IS GODDAMNED RIGHT, I've seen it a million times and I STILL hope someone will come out and rescue him w tenderness, guy in lower right, whoever, idec. -NHS just snickering to himself over OZ arguing w his dad lives in my head rent free lolol -Imma not comment on JGY bc what can I say but -Necrophilia and Incest. Didnt see those coming, didja? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ooh 46 is a doozy......can't wait


The show needs to wrap everything up in 5 more episodes! So yes, there is A LOT coming in the remaining eps! (Cannot wait!)


Jiang Cheng's robe in this episode is absolutely gorgeous! It's Yunmeng clan leader mode now!

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

still in the midle of the reaction but yes!!!!!! A-Yuan!!! theyyre DADS!!! Also Lwj nees to learn how to communicate XD

Gweniver Call

Another subtle moment I love in this episode is this: At a certain point, just before Jin Ling melts down, Wen Ning, trying to calm him down says "Young Master RuLan" and OMG - Jin Ling starts proceeding to lose his shit: "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" It's when I really started to understand Jin Ling's unenviable situation - that was the name WWX thought up for him, and which was probably never used. See, he never knew his parents, and he's been told, over and over, that WWX and Wen Ning are resposible for their deaths, but be consoled, they died years ago. But now, the guy who killed his dad? He's here. The guy responsible for everything? Whoops, he's back too. Hey, what about my parents? NOPE. Sorry, kid. And so everyone's making nice with these two who should be dead, in his eyes, but aren't. And he'll never meet his parents. I don't often say this, but poor Jin Ling.


Poor baby boy. He's been raised by JC whose past time is hunting down demonic cultivators trying to find his dead brother and cursing his name to hell and back on one side, then on the other side by the Jins' whose version of the history of the Sunshot Campaign is not factual and WWX/Ghost General are always the villains who killed his father for no reason. And, you hit the nail on the head, he only has that sword, his parents won't ever be resurrected, the Yiling Patriarch and Ghost General are not like what people painted them to be, and LSZ gets to find out that he's related to the Wen Clan. JL must feel so lost and like an abandoned child. It's all too much for him. But he's found another uncle who remembers his parents and can tell him tales and teach him how to take care of himself.