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This has Yao's bullshit alllllllll over it





I always get so excited when I get a notification that you dropped another episode~ ❤️

Gweniver Call

Ah yes, one of my favourite episodes - not only do we get "Please protect this weak and feeble man!" but when that lady cultivator starts berating Hanguang Jun, we, the fandom, speak with one voice as we say: "Bitch, who the FUCK are you?" I know Su She is the favoured recipient for Wangxian's sick burns, but surely this lady deserved a "I don't even know who you are."


Su She both getting silenced by Lan Zhan and then roasted by Lan Jingyi is just everything to me. One thing that blew my mind on my first watch was the torch wielding villagers. I could not imagine hearing about a group of like what 50 people storming the burial mounds to fight the Yiling Patriarch and being like “yeah that sounds like it would be successful” 😆 this ep is so good


This is a top 5 ep for sure. Particularly when Wuxian and Wen Ning troll the juniors and Wangji just ... watches. Also, I headcanon that Lan Jingyi is Lan Quiren's (Wangji's uncle) mouthpiece in the same way Lan Sizhui is for Wangji, ie the juniors get to say what their seniors are thinking because the seniors either shouldn't (politics, clan rules, whatever) or just refuse to (spite *cough Wangji cough*).

Allison Jordan

Hi, Thank you again , i am always excited to see your reactions :) Not sure if its mentioned already (i wont add spoiler for the reveal of his original body ) but when Wei ying says to Lan zhan that this body has low spiritual power (when Lan Zhan gives him back his sword) , he literally means Mo's body he was reincarnated into has low spiritual power so he is no where near as stong physically and spiritually that his original body. Cultivators have to train since toddlers basically to build up and strengthen thier core so he cant even increase mo's bodys abiliiys much more via mo's core. Will you read the book? or there is the audio drama that i would love to see your reactions to or there is a youtuber who has read the book up until end of season two of the anime ? :)