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My queer cup runneth over


D E C L A R A T I O N S | The Untamed Ep. 43



pretty boy!!

Sophie biasland x

For real the director really said fuck it we’re gonna get as gay as we can without being banned.. and sneak stuff in that they would normally ban😂

boldly hold

This is totally my ‘comfort; the one I’ve watched 10x more than most of the others. Now we know why LXN made that face when LWJ said “I want to bring a man to Cloud Recesses. Bring him back and hide him there.” The whole conversation is great, but an interpretations I read recently was when LXN asked WWX if their father did the right thing, LXN was himself thinking of taking JGY and hiding him as future possibility.


god askdjfgk your reaction was Great Content it was brilliant to see the joy on your face and the way that brittany.exe VISIBLY CRASHED asdkjfdkjg (both when wangji held up the alcohol and like from 14:40 onward when wuxian turned around with that fuck-me look LMAO) i cant remember if anyone said anything before, but in the show they dont explain the brand on wangji's chest (they barely explain the lashes), and they dont explain the gay bunnies (its like they were always there but surprise! there's a gay ass reason in the book!) also the "what is right and what is wrong" made me cry because that is wangji straight up quoting wuxian word for word like mannnnnn please stop admiring each other's moral compasses its too! much!!! "you know what this show was missing? gay" right??? this ep seems like it more than filled the quota but NOPE also!!!!!!!!!!!! M I A N M I A N !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love that she's defending wuxian like husband baby i love you but i defected from my whole ass sect for this man's sense of justice and her hearing noise and going "who's there?", wuxian answering "nobody", and the look on wangji's face is absolutely HILARIOUS like "i am in love with a fucking idiot and i have no ragrets" again, this show is a blessing


“Okay it runs in the family, apparently..” then less than 5 minutes later, "Damn it really does run in the fucking family doesn't it"


I was laughing so hard omfg---- This is one of my all time favorite episodes (honestly this pair of episodes is so so good, and your reaction was SO on point


Gay, gay, gay and more gay! I freaking looove~ this episode.

Gweniver Call

I don't know what's funnier: Lan Xichen going PAUSE: FLUTE SOLO in the middle of the tragic backstory or you going through Qi Deviation when LWJ held up the bottles o' booze. I've often said this, but LanWangji now is wearing clothes with much softer contours compared to 16 years ago - it was expecially obvious in these two episodes, where Lan Wangji has fully relaxed into the casual Friday look (complete with hair down) while Lan Xichen is still as sharp-edged as he's always been. Lan Wangji has learned to surrender to love, while Xichen thinks he trusts Jin Guangyao but deep inside knows he can't, so he still has his armour up. Finally: LanWangji's version of the roasted meme (to Su She): "You are not qualified to talk to me."


Wangjis hair was down, he was pretty much naked. Then the song played. Symbolic love making....


ok... ok... please, Brittany, if you ever have the time, watch this episode on a different platform!! Because the subtitles are so sooooooo weird sometimes!! I watched the series on Netflix and then on Youtube (and Viki), and I must say, the YT subs are pretty well done. Nothing beats the Spanish version, though. I just want you to read the moment when Wei Ying says "Having one soulmate/partner in this life, that is enough" Ok, now I'm going to cry again. I love this episode so much. And your reaction to it was as golden and perfect as I expected it to be. You make me so happy!! Thank you!!


Although there is nothing romantic about the relationship between Xichen and Yao (not in the cannon, anyway), it would not hurt any less. All three of them were sworn brothers. One brother indirectly and through betrayal became the tool for the second brother to murder the third one. Xichen lost two brothers at once; one to murder and one to betrayal. It would still hurt. His kindness was taken advantage of. A lot of things which Yao did and his rise towards power happened (to large extent) because of Xichen's support and sworn brotherhood. Otherwise, in a society who is not kind and is so hung up on status, birth, power etc, it would have been very difficult for Yao to move up in the ladder, because he was not a powerful cultivator compared to others. Xichen stood with him throughout, regardless of his background. And Yao trampled on all of Xichen's kindness. I actually do not like romantic pairing between Yao and Xichen, Yao, Xichen, and Mingue in fanfictions.


Also, regarding Yao's undercover work. I always felt that he maintained enough credibility with Wen leader. In case the Wen clan actually won the war, he already has a position within the Wen clan. He always knew that Jin clan leader and Wen leader were kind of allies behind everyone's back. That is the reason why Jins did not participate in the war completely. It was mainly the peacock who did. If the Wen clan won, Yao had a good position in the wen court. If the Wen clan lost, Yao played a huge role. In both cases, his father has to acknowledge him now, isn't it? Yao is a brilliantly written character, no doubt about it. LZ, WY, and little apple. It is always a full circle. Remember the one memory WY has of his parents? Him sitting on a donkey and his parents walking along side with him.


I don't know what to say anymore at this point. Just premium quality gay and premium quality reaction from Brittany. Can't believe that we've got only 7 episodes left...

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

cant believe i have to wait ANOTHER week to feed my untamed addiction now :C


Aww, Pretty Boy is such a pretty boy.


How is snow this gay?


Also, your "friend" when we all know what Wangji actually wants is to suck all the liquor off his skin. OK, that needs a fic.


Your reactions are truly a joy to watch. This is one of my top fave episodes, so I was really looking forward to it here. And yeah ... I imagine the conversation between the show producers and the censors went something along the lines of: Censor: But they're just bros, right? Producers: Yep. Totally just bros. *cough*


I cry during this episode every time. The gayness, 'nuff said!


I know that the MDZS author said no one but wangxian and Mo Xuanyu were gay, but in The Untamed canon it seems very apparent to me that the actors are playing Xichen and Meng Yao as a romance. Their first meeting where their eyes meet and Xichen's lips part and he strokes Meng Yao's fingers as he takes the box, that reads as romantic love at first sight to me. Meng Yao's actor has also referred to them as soulmates in interviews. Not that you have to ship them or anything! But I don't think it's fair to say that their relationship in cql is Officially Unromantic