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How the Schedule Works

The schedule pictured above is how I operate each week both on and off stream. This is when things are recorded, not necessarily when they will be posted to Patreon, but I do my best to get my week's filming to you guys by the end of that weekend at the latest.

This schedule will only be interrupted when new shows drop and I determine they'd be good for a full Youtube reaction. The interruptions will come in one of two ways:

-When a show drops an entire season all at once, everything stops until I can get the season reacted to, edited, and posted to Youtube.

-When a show's season airs over a period of time, the day that it airs will interrupt that day's regular schedule until the season is finished. (Ex: 4 Minutes is about to air on Fridays, so my regular Friday schedule will go on hold until the series' eight episodes have been reacted to.)

The only exception are the Sweepstakes Winners. Those reactions happen regardless (barring outside life circumstances).

Programming Details

After Dark: Lowkey reactions to older or just missed shows, as voted on by Tiered Patrons. This is where anything that's not a good fit for Youtube gets to have it's moment.

Reading Streams: I read aloud my reaction to a queer/shippable novel or novel series, as voted on by the Youtube Community.

Sweepstakes: Once a month, Tiered Patrons submit a queer/shippable movie (or something movie-length) and the randomly selected winner gets a reaction available to Tiered Patrons and Free Members.

The Tangent: A once or twice a month podcast series where I unload my current hyperfixation, queer or otherwise. Storytime, rants, shipping, fandom, mental health, anything goes. First episode publicly available here.

Movie Night: A once or twice a month reaction to a movie of my choice, anything from recent releases to frequent Sweepstakes submissions that haven't won, to whatever I'm in the mood for. (This hasn't actually started yet, and thanks to 4 Minutes dropping on Fridays it's gonna be another couple of months, but it's very much a Thing that will Happen.)

Mulligan: If real life messes up filming during the week, Friday becomes my make up day.

How I Choose Youtube Reactions

Youtube caters heavily to a few factors, mainly trendiness and popularity. A series needs to be currently airing with a lot of hype behind it to warrant the time, energy, and stress it takes me to react/edit/post as fast as I possibly can. Smaller channels like mine need to act now while the maximum number of eyes are on something in order to get better results and stand the best chance of breaking out. (Bigger channels have the privilege of both showing up late and reacting to smaller things because their base is big enough to tap the algorithm and pull successful numbers no matter what. If a smaller channel tries that, they tank.)

However, the biggest factor is whether or not I'm interested. I don't react to things purely because they're popular and force myself to like them, I just take a pass. This costs me opportunities and a loooot of reactors/Youtubers would call me an idiot, but I'm not here to fake it. I'm here to love things.

Sometimes a show is poorly timed with my life and/or schedule. If I've already got 2-3 Youtube reactions happening back to back or all at once, I'll have to go with the best options for Youtube now and hope the show wins an After Dark vote later. Ditto if my mental health is dragging.

*I make a point to take time off when I need to for ADHD, anxiety, or general mental/physical health reasons. I can play this card whenever I want, the understanding being that I obviously care about making things for you but also need to prioritize my well being in order make things in the first place. <3




How can I request a show to the future After Dark polls? I have a few shows I'd love to see your reaction to if you haven't seen them already, but they're not new releases so if I understood correctly you wouldn't do them as youtube reactions. I'd still love to try to get them to the After Dark polls if possible so maybe one day they'd have a chance of winning :)


I'm always taking recs! Any given After Dark poll is a combo of what people tell me they want to see and what I think patrons would want to see judging by what they've liked in the past. (It's a show I'm interested in regardless.) So the more recs I get for a certain series, the better the odds that it winds up in a vote if it's up my alley. You can drop recs anywhere, especially this comment section now that I've seen it, but typically the best odds of me seeing recs are Patreon and Tumblr private messages. <3