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Welcome to The Tangent, a brand new podcast(ish) series where I use any current hyperfixation as an opportunity to reveal more of myself, tell a story, have a discussion, and sort out the eighteen chattering voices in my head. Not every topic will be queer and/or fandom related, but this one sure is.

If you don't know the full story of what happened to The Magicians fandom and Queliot shippers, you do now. In this episode, I take you through my firsthand experience of the build up and fall out around a ship that could have gone down in queer rep history instead of detonating in people's faces and slowly fading into obscurity. If you were there at the time and know what we're about to get into, I hope there's validation in hearing it all laid out by someone who gives a shit. We sure as hell weren't validated at the time.

I felt the song at the end encapsulated both the story and the ship quite well, and now I'm hoping to find equally fitting music moments for future episodes. <3

*Trigger Warnings: Discussion of suicide and suicidal ideation.

**First episode publicly available, subsequent episodes for Tiered Patrons only.



Stephanie Carroll

Not sure I can watch this one….. everything with The Magicians STILL…… 😑 me lmao (after what happened with Q I got ALOT triggered)… but you can be ABSOLUTELY sure I’ll be tuning in for every other episode, this is EXCITING 😍…. But also who knows, I may cave in a couple says and watch this one ❤️❤️


Masterfully done! "I'm sorry they hurt you. I understand." And then I died. I look forward to the next episode! <3