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Went to the GP for two issues that have been plaguing me for anywhere from a couple/few months to actual years: ankle swelling, and The Cough That Never Left. We likely know what the cause of the swelling is but I need a chest x-ray to make sure, which I'll be getting this Saturday. I'm prescription Flonase for the throat issue, but to be honest I wouldn't surprised if I wind up at an ear/nose/throat specialist in the near future.

I also asked about an ADD* diagnosis, and should be getting a call soon to set up an assessment with a psychiatrist.

I also applied for their financial assistance, which is apparently an all or nothing deal. If I'm approved, my visits will be free. If not, full cost. Not exactly the sliding scale I've experienced in the past. Also, the application process for this help is ridiculous and the bureaucratic stuff of my anxious nightmares. What's more, it's on a time limit! And even if I apply and get accepted, I have to do it all again every six months! I might have to pay the mental health tax** but I'm going to do my best not to and get it all submitted because the financial concern has crept back in a little bit from xrays, specialists, etc.

I'm doing my best to breathe deep and reassure myself that, despite the year not starting with the productive bang the way I wanted it to, that my health is a perfectly valid reason for the delay. No guilt or shame required, health and mental health comes first. Without those you can't do anything else anyway. And there's the bonus that if I didn't take care myself I'd be a massive hypocrite, lol.

Still doing what I can to get what reactions out to you that I can. Young Royals will take priority since Mary and George doesn't premiere in the US until early April. Next up on the After Dark list is the season four finale of Merlin, since that'll put us between seasons on Merlin and MDZS and I feel out which one I'll pick up next.

This month's sweepstakes winner will be announced tonight!

*Lumping it all into the ADHD label was a stupid decision and I've elected to ignore it.

**Mental health tax: Forego an opportunity that would offer help or a benefit because the process of accessing the help/benefit costs more anxiety than the help is worth. Best used when it comes down to choosing between money or panic attacks.



I am in a wheelchair (I have Cerebral Palsy and use an electric chair to get around) and the amount of hoops I have to jump through and the paperwork I have to fill out just to get insurance to pay for the mobility aids I need is stupid (even though the CP was a birth thing and I've literally had it the entire time I've been alive and it's never changing, so everyone has all my records of procedures and chairs etc I have gotten) and triggers anxiety every time, so I feel you there. The only thing I can tell you is to TRY to stay calm. I tell myself that and it never works. Hopefully, you'll have better luck than I do. Good luck!! <3


I was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism after I reached a burnout during my first year at uni and had to interrupt my course because I wasn't sleeping or eating properly, not looking after myself. For so long I felt like something was wrong with me. I was lazy, weird, different, unapproachable and I hated myself so so much for it. I was initially referred to the psychiatrist since they thought I was bipolar or depressed (BpD and Schizophrenia run in both sides of my family) At the time I felt like I had lost my dream (to be a veterinarian) and couldn't even imagine taking a year off. I cannot tell you just how much getting a diagnosis and being on the right medication and therapy has helped me. Everything didn't magically become perfect, but knowing there's not somthing wrong with you, and finally understanding why it is you struggle with things others find so easy is liberating. Having the means to get a proper diagnosis and the medical treatment you deserve is so precious and I'm glad you are on your way there. I'm glad you've been able to take those steps for yourself. Taking the first step and going to the doctor is so difficult! So massive kudos to you. I can imagine this period is incredibly busy and stressful. I'm a new patreon, I've only been here two days, but I binged all your SENSE8 reactions in that time and found myself laughing and crying along with you. I think its beautiful how in touch with your emotions you are. It's something I would love to be. I don't know at which stage this became an essay, but I just want to say thank you. The past week has been rough for me and seeing somebody so thoroughly enjoy my favourite series absolutely made my day. And good luck. I hope all your appointments go well and you can get the right help to live more comfortably. Lots of Love, Lisa :)