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Letting my hands rest a bit before finishing #29. Wrists felt really strained yesterday and much better today. I should be fresh to go tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. I think a big part of the strain was caused by my new keyboard.

***boring nerdy shit incoming*** I bought a 60 percent mechanical keyboard (KBP V60) and decided to try out Cherry MX Clear switches, instead of my usual brown. The keys are a lot meatier than my hands are used to, which is fine for normal typing (even though I don't really like it), but for digital painting, it's AWFUL. This is because you're constantly holding down keyboard shortcuts and shit (I'm a keyboard shortcut MONSTER), and more often than not, you're using your weak fingers to hold down CTRL and SHIFT constantly, and they're not used to having to press down that hard. I figure my fingers will get used to the Clears eventually, but I don't like typing on them either. It feels too mushy and fussy, especially since I use CTRL+arrow navigation a lot while typing. I don't feel relaxed when I'm typing on Clears. I'm going to return this keyboard, and try out Reds next, since I don't always like how scratchy the Browns feel and sound, and since I stress my pinky and ring finger a lot by holding down, a lighter linear switch seems like a good idea. Might even add O-rings to them down the line if they work out.

Anyway, I put up a new header image, featuring one of the best quotes in PMVs (porn music videos). I LOVE it. Honestly though I really wish Patreon would let us upload higher resolution banners.


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