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"Don't you think we oughta try something new for once?"

"It'll be fun. Trust me."

It took me repeating these lines for weeks before I finally convinced my girlfriend to agree to a threesome with an orc. When asked why I wanted to do this so bad, I told her I really wanted us to try and spice up our sex lives; that scissoring and chewing while tied up has gotten stale. But in fact, what I really wanted was to see her tied up, humiliated, manhandled, and screaming in orgasmic submission, sucking my cunt while I taunted her in the forest, in broad daylight, for everyone to see.

Why would I want to do that to my girlfriend, whom I love dearly? Little known fact is, she's kind of a stuck-up bitch. She thinks she's better than everyone, carries herself like she walks on water, and expects me to never call her out on it. This attitude, like our fluffy yuri romance, gets old after a while, and just once I'd like to see her put in her place. 

And so, after we met the handsome, well-groomed orc I found on a dating registry, for drinks and exchanged contact information, I sent secret messages to him, plotting how I wanted our encounter in the enchanted forest to play out.

Things didn't go exactly as planned.


I gave her a lot of shit for it, but the truth is I welcomed the change of pace. Tying her up and mounting her face every day, amusing and pleasurable as it may be, was getting stale. Introducing a third partner to our sex life, especially after meeting the handsome man at the tavern, shaped up to be a very exciting proposition.

There is absolutely no doubt I wear the pants in our relationship. Our romance may seem fluffy and innocent to outsiders, but the reality is she's definitely the one who agreed to do all the housework, while paying equal rent. I enjoy it, and wouldn't trade this role for the world, but at the end of the day I'm still a woman. Stereotypical and self-derogatory it may be, I do feel the urge to be dominated and sexually imposed upon every once in a while. Sadly any attempt to coax her into fulfilling that role has failed to bear fruit.

And so after exchanging contact information with the handsome orc, I hatched a plan to show her what a real fuck looks like: the kind she doesn't have the spine, nor the balls, to give me. Besides, I've always thought she'd look cute locked in a pillory.

Things didn't go exactly as planned. For one thing, I didn't think he'd tie me up as well. I guess this is my fault since I granted him a bit of latitude to invent the scenario for himself, but it's not like this deviates from the desired result. If anything, this is actually better.

Finally. After years of boring fluffy yuri touching and fingering, I'm getting bred by big, fat, juicy orc dick. It's been so fucking long since my heart pounded in erotic ferver like this. 

And would you look at that. That's the face of a girl who just realized she got played. Hard. 

I've never seen a more pathetic sight. Beautiful elf girl locked in a pillory, her wet clitoris smacked around by fat orc balls while she watches an orc stud fuck her girlfriend in a way she wishes she could.

The best part is, if you look very closely at that frown of hers, you can tell she's fighting really hard to contain her smile.

I refuse to make eye contact with her, because I know if I do, the devious, satisfied grin hiding in me would burst forth. This is one of the few opportunities I've had where I legitimately feel like I'm being pushed around and invaded upon like the bruised, cock-hungry slut that I sometimes am, and I'm not gonna break character for even a second.




I'll be in my bunk.


Very hot, 1st! I think your storytelling ability is getting better every time you make an update. :D