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I get the feeling that comic panels aren't doing my lengthy writing any favors, so I'ma do a little more research on the best way to publish this. Meanwhile, here's the full story:

"It's, uh, Thursday, January 21st, 2023, and I'm recording my, uh, daily warming cock sleeve extended hypertrophy training. I've just finished the third of five sets. Taking a three minute break..."

One part of my daily workout routine as a sissy cuckold consists of sucking a dildo with the same length and hardness level of my wife's bull's erect cock. The eventual goal is for me to be a "warming cock sleeve", fluffing him and keeping his entire shaft primed and lubricated while she gets ready for sex. This is no easy feat, as a wet cock will absorb the cold of the environment much quicker. To overcome this, I have to be able to hold him in the warmth of my mouth for as long and as frequently as possible.

I've got the silently-obediently-holding-my-breath-for-extended-periods part down pat. Getting all the way, balls deep, on the other hand, has proven very daunting. When she found out I had been skipping this part of the workout while she was on her dates with her stud, she instituted a policy where I had to record every session, and verbally announce to the camera the date, time, and progression. Why? To punish me for my failure and cowardice, and to prevent me from cheating with video editing wizardry.

Or at least, that's what I thought...

Rewatching these recordings, beyond the obviously humiliating nature of this routine, the worst part is having to listen to my shivering, gagging self re-announce my progress on every single set. It felt really degrading in a way I wasn't used to. Infantilizing. I felt less like a trusted obedient sissy cuckold husband, but more like I was a child in detention writing standards. One day I lost my cool and confronted her about this. 

Her response changed everything I thought I knew about myself. 

She insisted that "humiliation" and "punishment" had nothing to do with it. She completely understood how intimidating it was to take on a cock that size. Even today, having been lovers for more than two years, she still occasionally finds herself struggling with his size and prowess.

"When all I want to do is please him, it's a huge blow to my confidence when I have to tell him I don't think I can handle anal today. Or I have to tell him to slow down and not go so deep. That usually leads to me avoiding doing those uncomfortable things."

What she said really resonated. My biggest fault as a human being--outside of my complete lack of sexual ability--has always been my lack of confidence. I was always scared of doing things that I wasn't already good at, because I was accustomed to seeing myself fail at every new thing I tried.

When she proposed this "warming cock sleeve" concept to me, I was terrified of it, not because I didn't want to serve my wife and her handsome, powerful lover, but because I knew I couldn't perform. The shame of only being able to take one inch in my mouth before gagging uncontrollably haunted me.

"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step," she explained, "the point of the recordings isn't to punish you, it's to have an objective record of your progress. When he and I were first fucking, I couldn't handle his size. For that reason alone, I felt like we weren't compatible lovers. But he was patient, and willing to work with me until I adjusted and could fully enjoy sex with him."

"And now I can. So let's take a look at where you started. And where you are now."

I couldn't believe my eyes. Although I still fell short of the goal, I went from barely being able to get past the tip of her lover's monster cock in the first recording, to going all the way past the half way point in today's recording. From gagging within seconds, to being able to easily hold an entire minute. The progress was astounding, and completely changed how I saw myself.

"It's easy to lose sight of how far you come, when you're only thinking about how much more you have to go. But looking at how far you've come, is proof that you can go further than you thought you ever could."

"So, sweetie, don't think of this as punishment. I never intended for you to feel like you were being infantilized, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way--even if sometimes your tiny little dick and petulant attitude suggests you deserve it--I wanted to encourage you to be the best version of yourself. The version I know you really want to be."

She smiled at me.

"My perfect, chaste, limp-dick, dress-up-doll warming cock sleeve little husband. Keep it up, sweetie. I'm rooting for you!"



Thea Carver

It really shouldn't be possible to be simultaneously sweet and kinky, but sometimes it really works. :)