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I just had a long writing session for the caption of the upcoming piece "Practice" (the blowjob piece), and it was great because I went far beyond just outlining the scenario, it was a story about the character's personal growth. And I kinda had an epiphany.

Many of you got into my work for the stories that I've written, but something I've never really given much thought into is how the characters will grow, or respond to the events in the story. The stories I've written have mainly presented a moment in time, and the characters are caricatures for a particular fantasy, but I'm starting to think I can add more depth and eroticism to the art by not just presenting a scenario and its moral ramifications, but the feelings/wishes of the character and what will happen "as a result" of this scenario, or what lead into it.

I'm basically talking to myself at this point, but all I really wanted to say is the upcoming stories for my works are going to be a treat, and I'm actually wondering how I should format them. I'll share more thoughts tomorrow.


Thea Carver

... I bring up You Are Special To Me a lot. I know. I'm a big dork like that. But I'd completely forgotten that I'd wished there was more to it - that it had gone on, that I'd gotten to see how the relationship between the main characters developed, and part of that was because of the tantalizing little hints of the history the characters have together. So, once again, I say YAY! Because when you get right down to it, this is a deeply psychological kink, so what could be better than getting deep, deep into a character's mind and inner turmoil? :D