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This write-up is a continuation/response to the discussion in https://www.patreon.com/posts/76134591 where Thea Carver goes balls deep in an explanation to what makes her tick. I feel like this deserves its own post so people can comment on this topic in particular if they're interested in it.

I've thought very closely about doing pieces exactly like what you want (dickgirl bull inserting into a lesbian relationship) https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/1stgarden/before-their-date This piece here is depicts exactly that. Let's reference it as futa-bull-lesbian for simplicity's sake.

I've always been kinda hesitant about doing a futa-bull-lesbian because it felt... too easy I guess? It comingles all the things that I really like. Putting chocolate on ice cream on pizza on barbeque on hamburger etc... Everything you like on one plate doesn't necessarily create a better dish. My storytelling mindset is, even if the fantasy I'm portraying is a physically impossible, from a storytelling perspective the scenarios need to have a strong moral or thematic plausibility to it. It needs to make sense, and speak to a deep human need or yearning.

In the case of futa-bull-lesbian, I couldn't quite find a "plausibility" that I was satisfied with. I could always go with the "deprived lesbian needs real cock" scenario, but that feels too much like me just repurposing typical male-oriented submissive cuckoldry view onto what might be a different frame of reference entirely.

Upon reading the lengthy write-up, I've done some thinking about what approach I would take. One thing I've thought of is such:

Lesbian couple in a strong, faithful relationship, hears about a high-class escort service that recently set up shop. It's been all the rage lately, particularly their so-called "dickgirl" models and their popularity with lesbian couples.
The couple [for reasons I've yet to figure out] decide to try it out to spice things up. The wife is very skeptical and thinks this will be an unremarkable waste of time, that the futa-bull will be just some trashy and unrefined bimbo playing dress up.
Couldn't be further from the truth. The futa-bull is a tall, strong, beautiful , [I get excited just thinking about how I'd draw her] with a magnetic personality and gentleman-like disposition. Wife and bull hit it off really well, and bull absolutely rocks her world
So much so, that after some repeat patronage, the wife almost admits she might be developing feelings for the bull. Turns out, this a common scenario, and there's paid service that handles that exact need. 
Which starts them on journey of flirting the line between "it's just sex for hire" and "does she really love her? And if she does, where do I fit into this?"

For me, the appeal of the futa-bull-lesbian is that I get to draw a highly idealized, herculean female specimen who has all of my most favorite qualities in women and men alike. This interesting to point out, because in reading Thea's response describing the wife being a "force of nature", I would absolutely agree with her---- IF this were a male cuck scenario.

In the case of futa-bull-lesbian, however, it's the opposite. I'm more enchanted by the futa-bull being the force of nature instead of the wife. An irresistible sex machine who has both the tender and soothing feminine appeal, but at the same time an unstoppably powerful and dominant physical and vocal specimen. If you look back at several of my earlier pieces, you'll see this traces of this character played out quite a bit.

It's not a concrete idea I'm going to act upon by any means, but if anyone has ideas to add or change in this scenario, or completely different ideas or just general observations that tickle the futa-bull-lesbian fantasy in general I'm all ears.


Thea Carver

Oh, wow. You replied to the thing I wrote. Yeah, I remember this feeling from high school. This is called "stage fright." This is also pretty exciting. Okay, I don't want to monopolize the conversation, but I *also* have some thoughts on all that amazing stuff you just wrote, so *you* please just tell me if I'm talking too much and *I'll* tell my anxiety disorder to shut up. :) (And, once again, please don't take this as me asking you to abandon your vision. I'm here to see *your* work. I just want to help in the one small way that I can.) > futa-bull-lesbian This term works! Yay, at least *some* kind of descriptive term that isn't a full sentence! > I'm more enchanted by the futa-bull being the force of nature instead of the wife. I hadn't thought of it that way, but *yeah.* That *works.* Like... Something I didn't emphasize in my writeup is that, yes, the bull (futa or not) is generally going to be a fine specimen of sexuality. I don't go in for the quote-unquote "ugly bastard" concept. The scenario is more plausible (and thus more powerful, yes!) if the bull is someone attractive, confident, physically powerful, and all that good stuff. Now, here's where I would actually encourage you to reexamine your assumptions just a bit. (After all, just because an idea combines all of your favorite things doesn't mean it's a bad idea. :P) So, the bull and the hotwife/cuckoldress/whatever - I'm just going to use "wife," "bull," and "cuck" for the purposes of brevity - the bull and the wife are both ideally going to be innately powerful figures in various ways in *most* scenarios (though I can imagine a scenario where the wife lacks the confidence to be a truly powerful figure, and that has its own appeal). The question, then, becomes who is *exerting* power, and that could be the bull, the wife, or both. You seem to be thinking (correct me if I'm wrong) of a scenario where it's primarily the futa-bull who is exerting power - the futa-bull comes in like a hurricane and blasts apart the existing structure of the relationship with the storm surge of her raw charm and sexuality. The wife is, well, swept away by this tide, and the cuck has to deal with that. This is absolutely a great scenario, and I hadn't thought much about it before, of the bull being the "prime mover," if you will. *However,* I would encourage you to consider that, even in this scenario, there is still the question of how much power the wife is herself exerting. Is she primarily passive (note that "passion" and "passive" have the same root word), helplessly swept away by the futa-bull? This has the potential to be delightfully heartbreaking - the wife might even be *apologetic* about her infidelity, even as she is unable to stop herself or her futa-bull, or the cuck might even mostly experience the relationship via the medium of the futa-bull lording it over her. Great scenarios, love them. The question of where the cuck fits in, of how the relationship will progress... so dark, so beautiful, so... *nngh.* On the other hand, is the wife an *active* participant? Is she *choosing* the futa-bull over her cuck - capable of breaking it off, but deciding not to? In that case, she is doing something incredibly powerful, and that "force of nature" aspect comes back in full force. She might not be the one actively seeking a lover, but she *is* actively choosing her futa-bull over her poor little cuck, and there is something unutterably powerful about that simple fact. This is rather similar to the You Are Special To Me comic - there is *such* power in the mere choice that the girl in that comic makes, even as she is being slightly overwhelmed by her desire for her cool, powerful, sexy senpai. So, in short, the wife and the futa-bull *can* easily *both* be forces of nature, or not, as the story demands, and both scenarios can be incredibly powerful and entirely realistic. There's an entire gradient of power here to play with, from total passivity to something very, very active, and every point along it has the potential to be absolutely *delightful.* I'd encourage you to explore these varying dynamics as you see fit, because there's so much you can do here without just making it a male-oriented scenario with a coat of paint. It doesn't *at all* have to be "deprived lesbian needs dick." In fact, it can and does work just as well if the cuck *has* one. The deep human need or yearning can just as easily be for a confident, powerful lover who is *dominant* in the bedroom (rather than merely having a dick). Now I'm going to get into the scenario you described, because I love it and I have things to say and/or keysmash about it. > The couple [for reasons I've yet to figure out] decide to try it out to spice things up. The wife is very skeptical and thinks this will be an unremarkable waste of time, that the futa-bull will be just some trashy and unrefined bimbo playing dress up. This is a ticklish business, yes, especially if you want the wife to be skeptical from the outset. When I'm writing this kind of thing, I usually like to make the cuck reluctant or outright unwilling, because that's usually (not always) more fun. After all, most people are hesitant to let their wives get fucked by someone else, and watching that resistance get crushed is *so* sweet. Thus, it usually falls to the wife to be the driving factor, *but* (as I'm sure you're aware) there are also external factors one can use to make this happen. She could be a reporter on assignment to review the service, she could be encouraged by a friend who swears by the service (and may be in a position of power over the wife and/or cuck - a boss?) and won't let the matter drop until she tries it, etc etc. Force majeure is a *delightful* little nudge off the cuckoldry cliff. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, of course, but I thought I'd just throw in my two cents there in the hope that it offered some encouragement, because, well, I like your work and I want to encourage it. And, of course, if you decide that cucky really does just want to get her wife taken for a ride, then that's your business and I'm sure I'll love it. > So much so, that after some repeat patronage, the wife almost admits she might be developing feelings for the bull. Turns out, this a common scenario, and there's paid service that handles that exact need. OH. MY. GOD. FUCK. YES. I especially appreciate how this is not only something the agency knows happens, it's common enough that they have a *pricing package* for it. And the cuck was still fool enough to let this happen. And has to deal with the fact that her wife now wants the Fall In Love Package. *Fffffffuuuuuuck.* > Which starts them on journey of flirting the line between "it's just sex for hire" and "does she really love her? And if she does, where do I fit into this?" dfhdggjbjhblbhdz ... Yeah, this is amazing. > For me, the appeal of the futa-bull-lesbian is that I get to draw a highly idealized, herculean female specimen who has all of my most favorite qualities in women and men alike. I'm interested to see what you come up with! > An irresistible sex machine who has both the tender and soothing feminine appeal, but at the same time an unstoppably powerful and dominant physical and vocal specimen. *Nnnngh.* Yeah. > It's not a concrete idea I'm going to act upon by any means, Awwwww! *pout* > but if anyone has ideas to add or change in this scenario, or completely different ideas or just general observations that tickle the futa-bull-lesbian fantasy in general I'm all ears. Me too! :D


> You seem to be thinking (correct me if I'm wrong) of a scenario where it's primarily the futa-bull who is exerting power... Oh don't worry you misunderstood my stance. It's not that the wife is being a pushover or lacking in agency, it's that at first she's a little skeptical this will manifest as anything more than just "paid sex we tried for fun one time". Once she meets the bull, and learns there's a lot more depth to this arrangement than her preconceived stereotypes, she begins to take a much more active, constructive role in this arrangement. The way I conceived of it is, at first the power differential is 1-1-1, equal roles for all parties. But as cuck develops a more submissive kink, and wife feels much more empowered as she overcomes her initial inhibitions, the power dynamic between bull-wife-cuck starts to become more 1-2-1, with her calling more and more of the shots. As she starts to develop feelings for the bull, it starts to become more 2-2-1, with cuck being the weakest and most submissive on the power scale. For reference, the extreme end end game of this could be 2-3-0, where cuck has no power and is a completely obedient to first the wife, and second to the bull. Regardless of how it plays out, my point is the wife is always in control. Personal taste: I'm not a big fan of scenarios where wife is just a doormat and just goes along with whatever the most dominant player says. I can certainly see the appeal, but scenarios like this tend to be more about the cuck's insecurities and weaknesses, than about the wife's empowerment, which I'm much more interested in. To me, it's much more exciting (from the cuck's perspective) to be dominated by the wife, than by the bull, and most of my cuck related scenarios tend to reflect that.