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I expect #20 Spiral to be done by Wednesday evening. Take that with a grain of salt as usual, but that's what I'm aiming for.

Meanwhile, I just found the perfect inspiration for the greater antagonist of the Dystopian Devices setting: 

GLaDOS, from Portal. If we're gonna have a futuristic hentai setting, we've gotta have an omnipotent computer AI with femdom tendencies. I'm gonna have her tie up the resistance girls and insult them with bitingly witty remarks while she ruins them.

Hell, I want her to tie me up and insult me while she does terrible things to me.

And, of course, every antagonist needs a protagonist to fight against. I'm open to suggestions. Female, of course.



Are you after video game protagonists, OC...? How much leeway do we get in suggesting?


OC. GLaDOS is just where I got the inspiration for villain. Not gonna copy her exactly. Dystopian series stuff is my original creation. I have no attachments to any designs or ideas atm, so fire away.


Here I go. My suggestion is an infamous criminal, a hacker, who has previously stolen (something) from "not-GLaDOS"in the service of the rebels, thus earning the AI's wrath. I do not have a lot of ideas when it comes to physical appearance, but the girl in question makes heavy use of implants (cerebral, ocular?) which aids her in hacking things and I would expect that to be apparent somehow. Implants also enable the AI greater flexibility when it comes to "manipulating" the captive. Idea inspired by Shadowrun.


Not familiar with Shadowrun. Is it a game? This is a good starting point. I'm inclined to make her less of a "criminal" and more of a "mercenary" hacker, so that she gets the opportunity to explore both sides of the conflict. I'm a bit reluctant to give her cerebral implants, as I fear it may make her harder to relate to as a human. It makes her more of a badass main character of a Marvel comic with a kryptonite weakness rather than the talented but vulnerable main character of a sci-fi hentai. Still, I might change my mind on this later. However, the cerebral implants as a universe concept is a great idea because it opens the avenue for "sexual subversion through hacking" rather than "through drugs/therapy". Imagine a "sexual contagion computer virus".


That's exactly the vibe I was going for, especially with the irony of being brain-hacked by the AI. I actually considered the mercenary angle, but but thought the criminal history might make it a greater accomplishment for her capture. *shrug* Glad you liked it.
